Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,403

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Ooh. Looks kind of bad.

Kind of bad? Kind of? [starts crying] Oh, it's hopeless! Poor little Tinker Bell! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey! Put a cork in it.

Return to Never Land  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[listening to Tinker Bell] Uh-huh. Uh-huh. What?

What'd she say, Peter?

If we don't get Jane to believe in fairies, Tink's light's going to go out.

Well, let's just go and make her believe!

Return to Never Land  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

All right, I give up. What's your problem?

Captain Hook:
All I've ever wanted was to get away from this dreadful place and home to my dear, sweet mother. But blast it all! Peter stole my treasure and my men would mutiny if I so much as tried to leave without it. So here I am, stuck in this absurd place. My sources tell me you wish to return home as well.

Huh. You got that right. I guess we're in the same boat.

Captain Hook:
The... the same boat? That's it!

What's it?

Captain Hook:
I'll give passage home on my ship and you can help me recover my treasure. [Pause] Don't you see? The treasure is useless to Peter. He's not sensible like you and I. He's just a boy who never grows up.

Huh. Tell me about it.

Return to Never Land  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[The Jolly Roger is sinking with Captain Hook still on board.]

Captain Hook:
Help me, please! Help!

You know the rules, Hook. A good captain always goes down with his ship.


Captain Hook:
I don't want to be a good captain!

Return to Never Land  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[hugging Wendy] You were right! He IS most remarkable!

Who, dear?

Oh, Mother, I'm so sorry. If only I'd listened to you.

Return to Never Land  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Peter sees Wendy for the first time in years.]


Hello, Peter.

[disappointed] You changed.

Not really. Not ever.

Return to Never Land  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm gonna keep this forever.

What's that?

My prize. The white bead. I think... It looks nice in my hair. Do you?

I don't care what you do with it, or how you wear it. You can hang it from your nose for all I care.

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The first time, he almost got me. But I was too fast for him. This time, he was lying in wait, so I dive in! And I can see down his mouth, there's about five hundred teeth with stripy little fish all around his gills, and he comes at me! He misses me, stupid sea slug!

Seems silly to me.

Silly?! It's not silly, it's dangerous.

Exactly, that's why it's silly. I don't understand why you have to do it.

I like the way it makes me feel.

What do you mean?

[points to his stomach] Inside here. It feels all alive, when I'm know I'm the master of the reef!

[mockingly] The master of the reef. The master of the reef!

[peevish] Hey, don't you ever make fun of me!

[not convincing] I'm sorry.

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I feel like crying.

So do I.

I want us to be husband and wife.

Yes. Always.

[They kiss passionately]

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

With this ring, I thee wed, Lilli.

With this ring, I thee wed, Richard. [they exchange rings] And now we're...

One. Forever.

[They kiss passionately]

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Look over there!

Lilli, hurry! The signal fire!

Richard, what if they're heathens? I'm frightened!

Well, maybe we shouldn't light the signal fire! Let's see who they are first! There's eight people. The one in the light covering may be a woman.

[excited] There's a woman?

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Hilliard:
Keep them in your sights. They may not be civilized.

Civilized. C-I-V-I-L-I-Z-I-D.

Remember what mother said about a good, firm handshake.

My name is Richard. We've been waiting for you for a long time.

I'm Lilli, and I'm ready for you to take us back to civilization.

Captain Hillard:
[confused] I'm Captain Jacob Hilliard, master of the Tradewind, and... Is this your land?

Yes, my house is there.

Captain Hillard:
Well, we're in need of fresh water. Our casks are fouled. [slowly] Will you grant us permission to come ashore?

[slowly] Yes, you are welcome here.

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Hilliard:
We appreciate your hospitality and hope that you'll offer us the opportunity to repay you.

You can. You can take us with you back to civilization.

I should think it must be ever so boring here.

What is the meaning of boring?

Well boring's when... You have nothing whatever to do. So you're bored, like you must be here.

[suggestively] No. We're never bored!

[Richard and Lilli grin at each other]

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lilli Hargrave:
Mother died six years ago.

Captain Jacob Hilliard:
How do you follow the years?

Richard Lestrange:
She taught us. We count the moons, we know that twelve full moons are one year.

Lilli Hargrave:
We have Christmas and Thanksgiving, and Easter, although we're not exactly sure we celebrate them on the right days.

Captain Jacob Hilliard:
It's utterly amazing, the two of you all these years on this remote, Godforsaken place.

Lilli Hargrave:
Not Godforsaken, Captain Hilliard. Not Godforsaken at all.

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You lied to me.

When did I lie to you?

You promised me, that you'd never hurt me.

[concerned] And when did I hurt you?

Everytime you look at her, you hurt me.

Well, I'm sorry. It's just that she's so different.

In what way?

Well, look at her. The way she's all covered up.

[harshly] But you said you found all those clothes stupid and unnecessary!

I do. It's just that... I wonder what she looks like underneath all of them.

You mean, you want to look at her, because you can't see her?

Yes. You remember when I wanted to go to the north side of the island, just because I couldn't?

[glaring at him] Yes I do. [harshly] And I also remember what almost happened to you when you did go!

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

It's no time to be thinking about Lilli!

I told her I'd never hurt her.

Don't feel sorry for her, Richard. She's had you all to herself. But she doesn't own you. You're not married.

We are married!

But not really. A lot of made up words in the middle of the jungle doesn't count.

It does to me.

Why don't you just... Follow your heart?

Lilli is my heart.

[Sylvia glares at Richard and slaps him]

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I always weather a storm well. I get that from mother.

Yes, you do. Captain Hilliard says he wants to set sail at dawn.

[sadly] I guess that means Captain Hilliard's daughter wants to set sail at dawn.

I don't care what she wants. I don't care about her at all. I know that now, Lilli. Do you understand? You're the most important thing to me in the whole world.

Well, you can set sail at dawn... but we're not going.

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[last lines]

There's a baby growing inside me.

How do you know?

[smiling] A woman knows these kinds of things, that's how.

[excited] Lilli!

I won't let it be born in civilization. I want it to be born right here. Where there's no evil, and no lies, and no guns.

You're right. We'll stay here. Just the three of us. I love you, Lilli.

[Lilli smiles happily and breezily at him]

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Been so long eating this damn beaver meat, I'm actually starting to miss my wife's cooking.

Stubby Bill:
Shit, I'm actually startin' to miss your wife.

Would you shut the hell

The Revenant  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alan Dershowitz:
We've got two big problems here. The case against him is very strong but more importantly is the absolute certainty that Claus is guilty, finding grounds for reversal won't be enough here. Judges on the Rhode Island Supreme Court will have to go home to their wives and explain to them why they reversed. To do that we have to totally obliterate the States case so that they have no other reason to affirm. Total victory or we are dead in the water. Now, I assumed you've all had a chance to go over the transcripts and materials, first impressions?

[Minnie raises her hand]

Alan Dershowitz:
Yeah, Minnie.

I think this whole case stinks! I think von Bülow stinks! He's obviously guilty of something pretty despicable and if we free him we become his accessories, accomplices after the fact. I'm really shocked with your reputation for defending the poor and oppressed that you've taken this case. [Stands up] I won't have anything to do with it, and I hope my fellow students won't either.

Alan Dershowitz:
Can I exercise my First Amendment right to free speech? If lawyers only defended innocent clients there would only be 12 defense attorneys and none of you would be able to find a job.

Why help guilty people get off?

Alan Dershowitz:
Oh you're sure he's guilty, 100% sure?

He had a lawyer. He had a trial. He was convicted.

Alan Dershowitz:
Are you sure he had a fair trial?

Come on!

Alan Dershowitz:
It's the basis of the whole legal system! Everyone gets a defense. So the system is there for the innocent person falsely accused. OK, say it's you OK? You decide you're gonna get a divorce, you're gonna divorce your husband. A week later you're accused of child abuse. [Minnie smiles in disbelief] Oh, no don't give me that people do it all the time. Suddenly you're alone it's a disaster. Everyone thinks that you are guilty. Even the mailman is looking at you a little funny. There's only one person who can help you. There's only one person who you can trust, your lawyer.

Yeah, okay, so, someone's got to defend Claus. But why you, why us?

Alan Dershowitz:
Look, you're my student, you, you have a choice. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do; that is your choice. The reason I take cases -- and here I'm unlike most other lawyers, who are not professors and therefore have to make a living -- I take cases because I get pissed off. And I am pissed off here. The family hired a private prosecutor: unacceptable! They conducted a private search! Now if we let them get away with that, rich people won't go to the cops any more. You know what they're going to do? They're going to get their own lawyers to collect evidence -- and then they are going to choose which evidence they feel like passing on to the DA. And the next victim isn't going to be rich, like von Bülow -- but it's going to be some poor schnook in Detroit who can't afford, or who can't find, a decent lawyer. I think it's a little more complicated than your simple moral superiority, hmm?

Reversal of Fortune  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Taylor:
Dr. Hathaway, I saw your program on radioactive isotopes last night, and I've got a question.

Jerry Hathaway:

Mrs. Taylor:
Is that your real hair?

Jerry Hathaway:
Tell me something. Is Mitch by any chance adopted?

Mrs. Taylor:
Why, no!

Jerry Hathaway:

Mrs. Taylor:
Isn't it?

Real Genius  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Chris Knight and the recruiter enter a building. Chris is wearing springy antennas on his head.]

Chris, this is my assistant, Sherry Nugil, and this is Mike Dodd, designer of our new telcom satellite.

Chris Knight:
[as if honored] Doctor Dodd! [Casually] Telcom...Isn't that the satellite that's raining debris all over Europe?

Dr. Dodd:
[sharply] Why is that toy on your head?

Chris Knight:
[matter-of-factly] Because, if I wear it anywhere else, it chafes.

[The recruiter and Dr. Dodd look uncertainly at one another]

Chris Knight:
I'm sorry. It's just that I didn't want you guys to think I was stuffy. You know, no fun. [Looking at Sherry Nugil] All brain no penis. [Sherry laughs, Dodd and the recruiter look uncomfortable] I'm sorry, it was just an infantile response to authority.

Yes. You are Chris Knight, aren't you? [examines Chris' "visitor" tag]

Chris Knight:
[reflectively] I hope so...I'm wearing his underwear.

Real Genius  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jerry Hathaway:
I want five megawatts by mid-May. Look, I don't care if you're arrogant. I don't care if you're disrespectful. But your attitude's distracting Mitch, and that I won't have. The rules have changed. I want it by mid-May.

Chris Knight:
I think that you're just forgetting about one little detail, and that's that I am out of here. I'm gone, I'm history, I'm Casper, I'm graduating.

Jerry Hathaway:
To graduate, you need my course, dear boy. So it seems I have something to say about what you do and where you go. So from now on you and Mitch are going to spend every waking moment in the lab. You will solve my power problem, and you will solve it by my deadline.

Chris Knight:
OK, if you think that by threatening me, you can get me to be your slave, well... that's where you're right, but - and I'm only saying this because I care - there are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market today that are just as tasty as the real thing.

Jerry Hathaway:
I'm not kidding, Chris.

Chris Knight:
Neither am I, Jerry.

Real Genius  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Nice save, Lelaina.

I'm not a valedictorian but I play one on tv.

We all know you slept your way to the podium.

Reality Bites  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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A Poul Anderson
B Isaac Asimov
C Kurt Vonnegut
D Robert A. Heinlein