Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,403

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

It's no time to be thinking about Lilli!

I told her I'd never hurt her.

Don't feel sorry for her, Richard. She's had you all to herself. But she doesn't own you. You're not married.

We are married!

But not really. A lot of made up words in the middle of the jungle doesn't count.

It does to me.

Why don't you just... Follow your heart?

Lilli is my heart.

[Sylvia glares at Richard and slaps him]

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I always weather a storm well. I get that from mother.

Yes, you do. Captain Hilliard says he wants to set sail at dawn.

[sadly] I guess that means Captain Hilliard's daughter wants to set sail at dawn.

I don't care what she wants. I don't care about her at all. I know that now, Lilli. Do you understand? You're the most important thing to me in the whole world.

Well, you can set sail at dawn... but we're not going.

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[last lines]

There's a baby growing inside me.

How do you know?

[smiling] A woman knows these kinds of things, that's how.

[excited] Lilli!

I won't let it be born in civilization. I want it to be born right here. Where there's no evil, and no lies, and no guns.

You're right. We'll stay here. Just the three of us. I love you, Lilli.

[Lilli smiles happily and breezily at him]

Return to the Blue Lagoon  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Been so long eating this damn beaver meat, I'm actually starting to miss my wife's cooking.

Stubby Bill:
Shit, I'm actually startin' to miss your wife.

Would you shut the hell

The Revenant  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alan Dershowitz:
We've got two big problems here. The case against him is very strong but more importantly is the absolute certainty that Claus is guilty, finding grounds for reversal won't be enough here. Judges on the Rhode Island Supreme Court will have to go home to their wives and explain to them why they reversed. To do that we have to totally obliterate the States case so that they have no other reason to affirm. Total victory or we are dead in the water. Now, I assumed you've all had a chance to go over the transcripts and materials, first impressions?

[Minnie raises her hand]

Alan Dershowitz:
Yeah, Minnie.

I think this whole case stinks! I think von Bülow stinks! He's obviously guilty of something pretty despicable and if we free him we become his accessories, accomplices after the fact. I'm really shocked with your reputation for defending the poor and oppressed that you've taken this case. [Stands up] I won't have anything to do with it, and I hope my fellow students won't either.

Alan Dershowitz:
Can I exercise my First Amendment right to free speech? If lawyers only defended innocent clients there would only be 12 defense attorneys and none of you would be able to find a job.

Why help guilty people get off?

Alan Dershowitz:
Oh you're sure he's guilty, 100% sure?

He had a lawyer. He had a trial. He was convicted.

Alan Dershowitz:
Are you sure he had a fair trial?

Come on!

Alan Dershowitz:
It's the basis of the whole legal system! Everyone gets a defense. So the system is there for the innocent person falsely accused. OK, say it's you OK? You decide you're gonna get a divorce, you're gonna divorce your husband. A week later you're accused of child abuse. [Minnie smiles in disbelief] Oh, no don't give me that people do it all the time. Suddenly you're alone it's a disaster. Everyone thinks that you are guilty. Even the mailman is looking at you a little funny. There's only one person who can help you. There's only one person who you can trust, your lawyer.

Yeah, okay, so, someone's got to defend Claus. But why you, why us?

Alan Dershowitz:
Look, you're my student, you, you have a choice. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do; that is your choice. The reason I take cases -- and here I'm unlike most other lawyers, who are not professors and therefore have to make a living -- I take cases because I get pissed off. And I am pissed off here. The family hired a private prosecutor: unacceptable! They conducted a private search! Now if we let them get away with that, rich people won't go to the cops any more. You know what they're going to do? They're going to get their own lawyers to collect evidence -- and then they are going to choose which evidence they feel like passing on to the DA. And the next victim isn't going to be rich, like von Bülow -- but it's going to be some poor schnook in Detroit who can't afford, or who can't find, a decent lawyer. I think it's a little more complicated than your simple moral superiority, hmm?

Reversal of Fortune  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You're right. It's not my fault. [She puts on her glasses and lashes out at Tulio] It's your fault...


...with your little bird talk and that whole "saves the species". Well you know what? SQUAWK, SQUAWKETY, SQUAWK, SQUAWK!!! [realizes what she said; gasps; covers her mouth] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to curse.

Rio  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[she and Blu are running away from Nigel] Aw, this is great. I'm chained to the only bird in the world who can't fly!

Actually, there are 40 species of flightless birds.

[notices a crate] Duck!

No, ducks can fly.

No, duck! [Blu notices a crate]

Rio  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Blu and Linda have just noticed each other at the carnival] Blu! Blu! We found her!

She's on some, like, weird chicken float.

Come on!

Let's go get Jewel.

Rio  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You've got to get me out of here. Six weeks sitting in a two-room apartment with nothing to do but look out the window at the neighbors. ..If you don't pull me out of this swamp of boredom, I'm gonna do something what? I'm gonna get married and then I'll never be able to go anywhere.

It's about time you got married, before you turn into a lonesome, bitter old man.

Yeah, can't you just see me, rushin' home to a hot apartment to listen to the automatic laundry and the electric dishwasher and the garbage disposal, the nagging wife.

Jeff, wives don't nag, they discuss.

Is that so, that so? Maybe in the high rent district they discuss, in my neighborhood they still nag.

Well, um, you know best.

Rear Window  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I got a nose for trouble. I can smell it ten miles away...I can smell trouble right here in this apartment. First you smash your leg. Then you get to lookin' out the window. See things you shouldn't see. Trouble. I can see you in court now, surrounded by a bunch of lawyers in double-breasted suits. You're pleading: 'Judge, it was only a little bit of innocent fun. I love my neighbors like a father.' And the Judge says, 'Well, congratulations, you've just given birth to three years in Dannemora.'

Yeah, right now I'd welcome trouble...You know, I think you're right. I think there is going to be trouble around here.

...What kind of trouble?

Lisa Fremont.

Are you kidding? She's a beautiful young girl and you're a reasonably healthy young man.

She expects me to marry her.

That's normal.

I don't want to.

That's abnormal.

I'm just not ready for marriage.

Every man's ready for marriage when the right girl comes along. And Lisa Fremont is the right girl for any man with half a brain who can get one eye open.

Oh, she's all right.

What did you do? Have a fight?


Her father loading up the shotgun?

What? Please, Stella.

It's happened before you know. Some of the world's happiest marriages have, uh, started under the gun, as you might say.

No, she's just not the girl for me.

Yeah, she's only perfect.

She's too perfect. She's too talented, she's too beautiful. She's too sophisticated. She's too everything but what I want.

Is, um, what you want something you can discuss?

Well, it's very simple, Stella. She belongs to that rarified atmosphere of Park Avenue, you know. Expensive restaurants, literary cocktail parties...Can you imagine her tramping around the world with a camera bum who never has more than a week's salary in the bank? If she was only ordinary.

You ever gonna get married?

I'll probably get married one of these days, and when I do, it's gonna be to someone who thinks of life not just as a new dress, and a lobster dinner, the latest scandal. I need a woman who's go anywhere and do anything and love it. So the honest thing for me to do is just to call the whole thing off and let her find somebody else.

Yeah, I can hear you now. Get out of my life. You're a perfectly wonderful woman - you're too good for me. Look, Mr. Jefferies, I'm not an educated woman, but I can tell you one thing. When a man and a woman see each other and like each other they ought to come together - wham! Like a couple of taxis on Broadway, not sit around analyzing each other like two specimens in a bottle.

There's an intelligent way to approach marriage.

Intelligence! Nothing has caused the human race so much trouble as intelligence. Hah! Modern marriage!

Rear Window  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Did you ever get shot at? Did you ever get run over? Did you ever get sandbagged at night because somebody got unfavorable publicity from your camera? Did you ever...those high-heels, they'll be great in the jungle and the nylons and those six ounce lingerie...


All right. Three! They'll make a big hit in Finland just before you freeze to death?

Well, if there's one thing I know, it's how to wear the proper clothes.

Yeah, yeah. Well try and find a raincoat in Brazil, even when it isn't raining. Lisa. In this job, you carry one suitcase, your home is the available transportation. You don't sleep very much, you bathe less, and sometimes the food that you eat is made from things that you couldn't even look at when they're alive.

Jeff, you don't have to be deliberately repulsive just to impress me I'm wrong.

Deliberately repulsive! I'm just trying to make it sound good. You just have to face it, Lisa, you're not meant for that kind of a life. Few people are.

You're too stubborn to argue with.

I'm not stubborn - I'm just truthful.

I know, a lesser man would have told me it was one long holiday - and I would have been awakened to a rude disillusionment.

Oh, well now, wait a minute. Now wait a minute. If you want to get vicious on this, I'll be very happy to accommodate you.

No, I don't particularly want that. [She rises and moves away.] So that's it. You won't stay here and I can't go with you.

It would be the wrong thing.

You don't think either one of us could ever change?

Right now, it doesn't seem so.

[preparing to leave] I'm in love with you. I don't care what you do for a living. I'd just like to be part of it somehow. It's deflating to find out the only way I can be part of it is to take out a subscription to your magazine. I guess I'm not the girl I thought I was.

There's nothing wrong with you, Lisa. You've got this town in the palm of your hand.

Not quite it seems. Goodbye, Jeff. [She turns and starts for the doorway]

You mean, 'Good night.'

I mean what I said.

Well, Lisa, couldn't we just, uh, couldn't we just keep things status quo?

Without any future?

Well, when am I gonna see you again?

Not for a long time...[pause] least not until tomorrow night.

Rear Window  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How far does a girl have to go before you notice her?

Well if she's pretty enough, she doesn't have to go anywhere. She just has to be.

Well, ain't I? Pay attention to me.

Well, I'm, I'm not exactly on the other side of the room.

Your mind is. When I want a man, I want all of you.

Rear Window  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I've seen it through that window. I've seen bickering and family quarrels and mysterious trips at night, knives and saws and ropes, and now since last evening, not a sign of the wife. All right, now you tell me where she is...

Maybe he's leaving his wife, I don't know, I don't care. Lots of people have knives and saws and ropes around their houses and lots of men don't speak to their wives all day. Lots of wives nag and men hate them and trouble starts. But very very few of them end up in murder if that's what you're thinking.

It's pretty hard for you to keep away from that word isn't it?

You could see all that he did, couldn't you?

Of course, I...

You could see because the shades were up and, and he walked along the corridor and the street and the back yard. Oh Jeff, do you think a murderer would let you see all that? That he wouldn't pull the shades down and hide behind them?

Just where he's being clever. He's being nonchalant about things...

Oh, and that's where you're not being clever. A murderer would never parade his crime in front of an open window.

Why not?

[pointing to the newlyweds' window] Why, for all you know, there's probably something a lot more sinister going on behind those windows.

Where? Oh, no comment.

Rear Window  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lt. Doyle:
You didn't see the killing or the body. How do you know there was a murder?

Because everything this fellow's done has been suspicious: trips at night in the rain, knifes, saws, trunks with rope, and now this wife that isn't there anymore.

Lt. Doyle:
I admit it all has a mysterious sound. Could be any number of things - murder's the least possible.

Well, don't tell me he's an unemployed magician amusing the neighborhood with his sleight-of-hand. Now don't tell me that.

Lt. Doyle:
It's too obvious, a stupid way to commit murder in full view of fifty windows? Then sit over there smoking a cigar, waiting for the police to come and pick him up?

Officer, go do your duty. Go pick him up!

Lt. Doyle:
Jeff, you've got a lot to learn about homicide. Why, morons have committed murder so shrewdly it's taken a hundred trained police minds to catch them. That salesman wouldn't just knock his wife off after dinner and toss her in the trunk and put her in storage.

I'll bet it's been done.

Lt. Doyle:
Most everything's been done - under panic. This is a thousand to one shot. He's still sitting around the apartment. That man's not panicked.

You think I made all this up, huh?

Rear Window  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

It doesn't make sense to me...Women aren't that unpredictable...A woman has a favorite handbag and it always hangs on her bedpost where she can get at it easily. And then all of a sudden, she goes away on a trip and leaves it behind. Why?

Because she didn't know she was going on a trip. And where she's going she wouldn't need the handbag.

Yes, but only her husband would know that. And that jewelry. Women don't keep their jewelry in a purse, getting all twisted and scratched and tangled up.

Well, do they hide it in their husbands' clothes?

They do not. And they don't leave it behind either. Why, a woman going anywhere but the hospital would always take makeup, perfume, and jewelry...That's basic equipment. And you don't leave it behind in your husband's drawer in your favorite handbag.

Rear Window  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Listening to the composer play his piano] Where does a man get inspiration to write a song like that? It's utterly beautiful. Wish I could be creative.

Oh sweetie, you are. You have a great talent for creating difficult situations.

I do?

Sure. Staying here all night, uninvited.

Surprise is the most important element of attack. And besides, you're not up on your private eye literature. When they're in trouble, it's always their Girl Friday who gets them out of it.

Well, is she the girl that saves him from the clutches of the seductive showgirls and the overpassionate daughters of the rich?

The same.

That's the one, huh? It's funny, he never ends up marrying her, does he, huh? That's strange.


Rear Window  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lt. Doyle:
Lars Thorwald is no more a murderer than I am.

You mean to say you can explain everything that's gone on over there and is still going on?

Lt. Doyle:
No, and neither can you. That's a secret, private world you're looking into out there. People do a lot of things in private that they couldn't possibly explain in public.

Like disposing of their wives.

Lt. Doyle:
Get that idea out of your mind. It will only lead in the wrong direction.

What about the knife and the saw?

Lt. Doyle:
Did you ever own a saw?

At home in the garage, I had...

Lt. Doyle:
How many people did you cut up with it? Or with the couple of hundred knives you probably owned in your life? Your logic is backward.

You can't ignore the wife disappearing and the trunk and the jewelry.

Lt. Doyle:
I checked the railroad station. He bought a ticket. Ten minutes later, he put his wife on the train. Destination? Meritsville. The witnesses are that deep.

That might have been a woman, but it couldn't have been Mrs. Thorwald. That jewelry...

Lt. Doyle:
Look, Miss Fremont. That uh, feminine intuition stuff sells magazines but in real life, it's still a fairy tale. I don't know how many wasted years I've spent tracking down leads based on female intuition....

[Lisa goes into the kitchen]

Lt. Doyle:
[looking at Lisa's open overnight bag] Do you tell your landlord everything?

I told you to be careful, Tom.

Lt. Doyle:
If I'd have been careful piloting that reconnaissance plane during the war, you wouldn't have had the chance to take the pictures that won you a medal and a good job and fame and money.

Rear Window  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You know, much as I hate to give Thomas J. Doyle too much credit, he might have gotten ahold of something when he said that was pretty private stuff going on out there. I wonder if it is ethical to watch a man with binoculars and a long-focus lens. Do you, do you suppose it's ethical even if you prove that he didn't commit a crime?

I'm not much on rear-window ethics.

Of course, they can do the same thing to me. Watch me like a bug under a glass if they want to.

Jeff, you know if someone came in here, they wouldn't believe what they'd see.


You and me with long faces, plunged into despair because we find out a man didn't kill his wife. We're two of the most frightening ghouls I've ever known. You'd think we could be a little bit happier that the poor woman is alive and well. Whatever happened to that old saying: 'Love thy neighbor'?

You know, I think I'll start reviving that tomorrow. I'll begin with 'Miss Torso.'

Not if I have to move in to an apartment across the way and do the Dance of the Seven Veils every hour. [She lowers the blinds] The show's over for tonight. [She picks up her overnight kit of lingerie] Preview of coming attractions.

Rear Window  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What's he doing? Cleaning house?

He's washing and scrubbing down the bathroom walls.

Must've splattered a lot.

[both Jeff and Lisa look at Stella with disgust]

Come on, that's what were all thinkin'. He killed her in there, now he has to clean up those stains before he leaves.

Stella... your choice of words!

Nobody ever invented a polite word for a killin' yet.

Rear Window  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

2nd Mrs. de Winter:
You know, I, I wish there could be an invention that bottled up a memory like perfume and it never faded, never got stale. Then, whenever I wanted to, I could uncork the bottle and, and live the memory all over again.

Maxim de Winter:
And what particular moment in your young life would you want to keep?

2nd Mrs. de Winter:
Oh, all of them. All these last few days. I, I feel as though I've, I've collected a whole shelf full of bottles.

Maxim de Winter:
Sometimes, you know, those little bottles contain demons that have a way of popping out at you just as you're trying most desperately to forget.

Rebecca  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

2nd Mrs. de Winter:
Our marriage is a success, isn't it? A great success? We're happy, aren't we? Terribly happy? If you don't think we are happy, it would be much better if you didn't pretend. I'll go away. Why don't you answer me?

Maxim de Winter:
How can I answer you when I don't know the answer myself? If you say we're happy, let's leave it at that. Happiness is something I know nothing about.

Rebecca  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Danvers:
You wouldn't think she'd been gone so long, would you? Sometimes, when I walk along the corridor, I fancy I hear her just behind me, that quick, light step. I couldn't mistake it anywhere, not only in this room, but in all the rooms in the house. I can almost hear it now. Do you think the dead come back and watch the living?

2nd Mrs. de Winter:
I don't believe it.

Mrs. Danvers:
Sometimes I wonder if she doesn't come back here to Manderley to watch you and Mr. de Winter together. You look tired. Why don't you stay here and rest, and listen to the sea? It's so soothing. Listen to it. Listen.

Rebecca  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

2nd Mrs. de Winter:
Why do you hate me? What have I done to you that you should ever hate me so?

Mrs. Danvers:
You tried to take her place. You let him marry you. I've seen his face, his eyes. They're the same as those first weeks after she died. I used to listen to him, walking up and down, up and down, all night long, night after night, thinking of her. Suffering torture because he lost her.

2nd Mrs. de Winter:
I don't want to know. I don't want to know.

Mrs. Danvers:
You thought you could be Mrs. de Winter, live in her house, walk in her steps, take the things that were hers. But she's too strong for you. You can't fight her. No one ever got the better of her. Never. Never. She was beaten in the end, but it wasn't a man. It wasn't a woman. It was the sea.

Rebecca  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. de Winter:
Maxim, can't we start all over again? I don't ask that you should love me. I won't ask impossible things. I'll be your friend, your companion. I'll be happy with that.

Maxim de Winter:
You love me very much, don't you? But it's too late, my darling. We've lost our little chance at happiness.

2nd Mrs. de Winter:
No, Maxim, no.

Maxim de Winter:
Yes. It's all over now. The thing has happened, the thing I've dreaded, day after day, night after night.

2nd Mrs. de Winter:
Maxim, what are you trying to tell me?

Maxim de Winter:
Rebecca has won. Her shadow has been between us all the time, keeping us from one another. She knew that this would happen.

Rebecca  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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