Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,467

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Sgt. Horvath:
[looking down on a beach strewn with dead American soldiers.] That's quite a view.

Capt. Miller:
Yes it is. Quite a view.

Saving Private Ryan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Capt. Miller:
You and I are taking a squad up to Neuville on a public relations mission.

Sgt. Horvath:
What, you're leading a squad?

Capt. Miller:
Some private in the 101st lost 3 brothers and he's got a ticket home.

Sgt. Horvath:
How come Neuville?

Capt. Miller:
They think he must be there along with all the other airborne misdrops.

Sgt. Horvath:
It isn't going to be easy trying to find one soldier in the middle of this whole goddamn war.

Capt. Miller:
Like trying to find a needle in a stack of needles.

Sgt. Horvath:
What about the company?

Capt. Miller:
We take the pick of the litter and the rest get folded into Baker.

Sgt. Horvath:
Geez, they took away your company?

Capt. Miller:
Wasn't my company, was the Army's, or so they told me anyway. Get me Reiben on BAR, Jackson, Wade, Beasley, and Caparzo.

Sgt. Horvath:
Beasley's dead.

Capt. Miller:
Alright, Mellish, then. Got anybody who speaks French?

Sgt. Horvath:
Not that I know of.

Capt. Miller:
What about Talbot?

Sgt. Horvath:
This morning.

Capt. Miller:

Saving Private Ryan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Pvt. Caparzo:
Where are we going?

Sgt. Horvath:
You're going to be sent home wrapped in an American flag with a hunk of cheese in your ass, Caparzo, you smart-ass.

Pvt. Reiben:
Wait, I thought you liked it in the ass.

Sgt. Horvath:

Pvt. Reiben:
I thought you liked it in the ass.

Saving Private Ryan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Pvt. Mellish:
[Upham gives him a tap on the shoulder] Hey! You want to get your head blown off, you fancy little fuck? Don't ever fucking touch me with those dirty little rat claws again. Get the fuck back in formation.

Cpl. Upham:
I was just wondering where you're from, that's...[Mellish glares at him. Upham walks ahead to Caparzo] Uh, Caparzo, is that it?

Pvt. Caparzo:
Hey, drop dead, corporal.

Cpl. Upham:
Got you.

Pvt. Caparzo:
And another thing, every time you salute the captain you make him a target for the Germans. So do us a favor, don't do it. Especially when I'm standing next to him. Capisce?

Cpl. Upham:
Alright, capisce.

Medic Wade:
Corporal, what's your book about?

Cpl. Upham:
It's supposed to be about the bonds of brotherhood developed between soldiers during war.

Pvt. Caparzo:
[laughs] Brotherhood? What do you know about brotherhood? Get a load of this guy, Fish. Why don't you ask the captain where he's from?

Pvt. Mellish:
Yeah, ask the captain. He'll tell ya everything you wanna know about him.

Pvt. Reiben:
You want to explain the math of this to me? I mean, where's the sense in risking the lives of the eight of us to save one guy?

Capt. Miller:
[Quietly]Twenty degrees. [Speaks up] Anyone wanna answer that?

Medic Wade:
Hey, Reiben, think about the poor bastard's mother.

Pvt. Reiben:
Hey, doc, I got a mother, you got a mother, the sarge has got a mother. Shit, I'll bet that even the Captain's got a mother. [Looks at Miller] Well, maybe not the Captain, but the rest of us have got mothers.

Corp. Upham:
"Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die."

Pvt. Mellish:
La-la-la-la-la-la-la. What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Corporal? We're all supposed to die, is that it?

Capt. Miller:
Upham's talking about our duties as soldiers. We have orders and we are to follow those orders, and that supersedes everything, including our mothers.

Corp. Upham:
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

Pvt. Reiben:
Even if you think the mission's FUBAR, Captain?

Capt. Miller:
Especially if you think the mission's FUBAR.

Corp. Upham:
What's FUBAR?

Pvt. Mellish:
Oh, it's German.

Corp. Upham:
[who is fluent in German] Never heard of it.

Pvt. Jackson:
[At Miller] Sir, I have an opinion on this matter.

Capt. Miller:
Well, by all means, share it with the squad.

Pvt. Jackson:
Well, from my way of thinking, sir, this entire mission is a serious misallocation of valuable military resources.

Capt. Miller:
Yeah, go on.

Pvt. Jackson:
Well, it seems to me, sir, that God gave me a special gift. Made me a fine instrument of warfare.

Capt. Miller:
Reiben, now pay attention. THIS is the way to gripe. Continue Jackson.

Pvt. Jackson:
Well, what I mean by that, sir, is if you's to put me and this here sniper rifle, anywhere up to and including one mile of Adolf Hitler with a clear line of sight, sir, pack your bags fellas, war's over. Amen.

Pvt. Reiben:
[At Jackson] Oh, that's brilliant, bumpkin. [At Miller] Say Captain, you don't gripe at all?

Capt. Miller:
I don't gripe to you, Reiben. I'm a Captain. We have a chain of command. Gripes go up, not down. Always up. You gripe to me, I gripe to my superior officer, and so on and so on and so on. I don't gripe to you. I don't gripe in front of you. You should know that, as a Ranger.

Pvt. Reiben:
Well, I'm sorry, sir, but let's say you weren't a Captain, or maybe I was a Major. What would you say then?

Capt. Miller:
Ah, well, in that case, I'd say this is an excellent mission, sir, with an extremely valuable objective, sir, worthy of my best efforts, sir. Moreover, I feel heartfelt sorrow for the mother of Private James Ryan and am willing to lay down my life, and the lives of my men — especially you, Reiben — to ease her suffering.

Pvt. Mellish:
He's good.

Pvt Caparzo:
I love him.

Saving Private Ryan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Miller and his group have arrived at the outskirts of Neuville. Miller is speaking to Hamill.]

Capt. Hamill:
What've you heard? How's it all falling together?

Capt. Miller:
Well, we've got the beachhead secure, problem is Monty's taking his time moving on Caen, we can't move out 'til he's ready.

Capt. Hamill:
That guy's over-rated.

Capt. Miller:
No argument here.

Capt. Hamill:
We gotta take Caen to take St. Lo.

Capt. Miller:
You gotta take St. Lo to take Valognes.

Capt. Hamill:
Valognes, you got Cherbourg.

Capt. Miller:
Cherbourg, you got Paris.

Capt. Hamill:
Paris, you get Berlin.

Capt. Miller:
And then that big boat home.

Saving Private Ryan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Capt. Hamill:
How was the road in?

Capt. Miller:
Scenic. We lost most of our ammo.

Pvt. Mellish:
Not to mention one of our men.

Capt. Hamill:
[Speaking to another soldier] Lieutenant, redeploy that bazooka to the other side of the road!

Yes, sir!

Capt. Hamill:
And get Ryan up here.

[Running away from Hamill] Ryan! Ryan! Front and center! Ryan!

Pvt. Reiben:
[Seeing Ryan running down the road] Here comes our boy. [Ryan runs past Reiben. At Horvath.] Told ya he was an asshole.

James Frederick Ryan:
[At Hamill] Sir, Private Ryan, reporting as ordered, sir!

Capt. Hamill:
At ease. Captain Miller 2nd Rangers wants a word with you.

Capt. Miller:
[Directing Ryan] This way. [Miller stops and sits on a rock] Take a knee. [He does so, taking his helmet off as well. Pause] Private, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. [Pause] Well, there isn't any real easy way to say this, so, uh...I'll just say it. Your brothers are dead. [Ryan has a saddened look on his face.] We have, uh, orders to come get you 'cause you're going home. [There is a long pause]

James Frederick Ryan:
[crying] Oh, my God, my brothers are dead. I was gonna take 'em fishing when I got home...

Capt. Miller:
I'm so sorry, James.

James Frederick Ryan:
[sniffling] H-How'd they die?

Capt. Miller:
They were killed in action.

James Frederick Ryan:
T-That can't be. That can't be, my brothers are still in grammar school.

Capt. Miller:
You're James Ryan?

James Frederick Ryan:

Capt. Miller:
James Francis Ryan from Iowa?

James Frederick Ryan:
James Frederick Ryan, Minnesota? [Hamill has a confused look on his face] W...Does that mean my brothers are okay?

Capt. Miller:
Yeah, I'm sure they're fine.

James Frederick Ryan:
Are you sure that they're okay though? How-

Capt. Miller:
We're looking for a different Private Ryan. This is just a big foul-up.

Saving Private Ryan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Capt. Miller:
Tell, me Reiben, if you had to do it again, how'd you think you'd react the next time?

Pvt. Reiben:
Me? I'd shoot myself before I ever got off the damn boat.

Saving Private Ryan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After letting "Steamboat Willie" go, Reiben confronts Miller]

Pvt. Reiben:
I guess that was the, uh, decent thing to do, huh Captain? [Pause]

Capt Miller:
Get your gear. Let's go.

Sgt. Horvath:
[At Reiben] You heard him. Gear up. [Pause] The captain just gave you an order.

Pvt. Reiben:
Yeah...Like the one he gave to take this machine gun. That was a real doozy, wasn't it Sergent?

Sgt. Horvath:
Soldier, you are way out of line.

Pvt. Reiben:
[At Miller] Yes, sir. That was one hell of a call coming to take this nest, but...The hell, we lost one of our guys going for it. I swear, I hope Mama Ryan's real fucking happy knowing that little Jimmy's life is a little bit more important than two of our guys! But then again, we haven't even found him yet, have we?! HAVE WE?! [Sgt. Horvath grabs Reiben and throws him to the ground and attempts to grab him again.] Get the hell off me.

Sgt. Horvath:
Reiben, get up. [Reiben gets off the ground] Gear up. Fall in.

Pvt. Reiben:
I'm done with this mission. [Reiben walks away and Horvath runs toward him.]

Sgt. Horvath:
Hey! HEY!

Cpl. Upham:
[At Horvath] Sir...

Sgt. Horvath:
[At Reiben] Don't you walk away from your captain. Reiben, get back in line!

Pvt. Reiben:
No, sir. I'll spend for the rest of my life in the stockade if I have to, but I'm done with this. [Horvath pull out a pistol on him]

Sgt. Horvath:
[Aims the pistol at Reiben] I'm not gonna ask you again, soldier. Fall in!

Cpl. Upham:

Pvt. Jackson:
Aw, now this is bullshit.

Sgt. Horvath:

Pvt. Reiben:
You gonna shoot me over Ryan?

Sgt. Horvath:
No, I'm gonna shoot you 'cause I don't like ya.

Pvt. Jackson:
Sarge, if he wants to go, just let him go!

Cpl. Upham:
[At Miller] Are you letting this happen?! Captain! You see this?!

Pvt. Mellish:
Captain, sir. Sir, Ryan's dead.

Cpl. Upham:

Pvt. Jackson:
Sir, we have a situation you might...

Cpl. Upham:
That is Bullshit!

Pvt. Mellish:
Captain, I have a sixth sense about these things. I know it in my bones.

Pvt. Reiben:
[At Horvath] You didn't kill that son-of-a-bitch Kraut, now you're gonna shoot me?

Sgt. Horvath:
He's better than you.

Pvt. Reiben:
Then why don't you just do it, Sarge? Do it man. Put one in my leg and give me that...

Sgt. Horvath:

Pvt. Reiben:
Well, put your money where your mouth is and do it then! Do it! Pull the trigger already!

Sgt. Horvath:
You don't know when to shut up. You don't know how to shut up.

Cpl. Upham:
[At Miller] Captain, please.

Capt. Miller:
[At Upham] What's the pool on me up to?

Sgt. Horvath:

Pvt. Reiben:
[At Horvath] I'm waiting, Sarge.

Capt Miller:
[At Horvath; breaks up argument] Mike, what's the pool on me up to? Wha-Wha-What it is up to? Wh-What is it up to? 300? 300 dollars? 300? Is that it? I'm a schoolteacher. [Pause] I teach English composition in this little town called Addley, Pennsylvania. It's uh...Last 11 years, I've been at Thomas Alva Edison High School. I was a coach of a baseball team in the springtime.

Sgt. Horvath:
I'll be doggone.

Capt Miller:
Back home, I tell people what I do for a living, they think, "Well, that figures." But over here, it a...a big...a big mystery. So I guess I changed some. Sometimes, I wonder if I changed so much, if my wife is gonna even recognize me, whenever it is I get back to her. And how I'll ever be able tell her about days like today. Ah, Ryan...I don't know anything about Ryan. I don't care. The man means nothing to me. He's just a name. But know, if going to Ramelle and...finding him so he can go home, if that earns me the right to get back to my wife, well then, that's my mission. [At Reiben] You wanna leave? You wanna go off and fight the war? All right. All right, I won't stop you. I'll even put in the paperwork. Just know, every man I kill, the farther away from home I feel.

Saving Private Ryan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

J.D. is rapidly working his way up the ladder at Subway. Recently he was promoted to temporary second assistant manager in charge of training.

Subway Manager:
Okay, McNugent, let's see what you got.

J.D. I've been working on them for weeks. I present the future of Subway. Bellston...three sizes of bevy are small, medium and what?

Employee Bellston:

Like we practiced. You can do this. L....

Employee Bellston:

Okay, we'll come back to you. This guy's my stinkiest student by far. Trimball, let's see your sub. No, no. Meat on the inside, bread outside. Okay, take it away. Take it away! Don't judge me on those two guys. This next guy's my protégé. He's top of his class, and for his thesis he made a party sub. Heston, where's the party sub? [Heston reveals the remaining third of the party sub, then belches]

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dude, you don't want a chick who'd fuck a mime.

Yea, what does a mime even look like when it's having sex? It's probably like "Uhh..uhh... I'm a mime."

Dude, mimes don't talk.

They do when they're... off duty.

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hi. I'm Wayne.


No, you don't understand. I'm not hitting on you.

Back off.

I just want to tell you about my buddy, Darren. He's smart, he's sensitive--

I don't care.

He'd make a great husband.

I don't want to meet him.

Great.... [goes back to Darren's table] Dude, she wants you. She thinks you're really cute.


Yeah, she's like "Oh, I'm so excited to meet him," and everything.

Are you sure?

Totally! Get down there and make your move.

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

That was really great.

Thanks. That got me pretty excited.

That's nice.

I mean, I wouldn't mind if someone did that to me.

Oh, I get it. You want me to go down on you. I would love to, but I can't. I have very, very sensitive gums.

You have gums-- It's a medical condition. I wouldn't want to cause you any pain, baby. No.

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So Darren tells me you're a psychologist.

That's right.

Interesting. I'm in a related field.

Really? What's that?

Pest and rodent removal.

How is that related?

We both help people. While you deal with their emotional and intellectual needs, I protect them from gophers, coons, roaches, silverfish...

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Okay, fine. No more sex.


You're not allowed to go down on me for one month.

No, Judith, please--

Don't make me take away your masturbation privileges.

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Before Judith, our fun level was at an all time high. Ninety-three, it is now an eight. Band numbers have plunged dramatically as well. Girls... never very high at nine, but look now. TWO! This has obviously lead to increased whacking off!

I'm chafing.

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

But we're prepared to buy you off.

With what?

My house. Okay? Look. My grandma here? She was born in this house, is buried in the back yard. There's my mom, there's my dad and there's me... My dad was dropping me on my head. But we're willing to sign this over to you if you just agree not to see Darren.

I don't want your shitty house or your dead grandma.

I'll throw J.D. in. He doesn't look like much but he's hung like a horse.

It's true.

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Yep. Sandy, remember me? J.D. McNugent? I went to the prom with a tuxedo painted on my naked body.

Oh, I guess I missed it.

I spilled a drink and the paint ran and everyone could see my dong.

It doesn't ring a bell.

Oh! Remember, that time in science class, I was lighting farts with the Bunsen burner and I singed my ball sack?


Man. I still can't grow hair on my left nut. It sucks.

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'll have a merlot.

A spritzer.

We don't work here.

You fooled me. My name's Brett, this is Clayton. This is Darren.

Yeah, we know who he is, Clayton.

Darren's our friend, Brett.

We knew him first.

Fuck you, replacement friend!

Eat this, fake Wayne!

[They fight Brett and Clayton]

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

She thinks this game is over.

It's not over. No!

But we are taking this into overtime!


Okay, strategy session. Okay, our enemy is wicked.

Dude, she's Freddy Krueger.

No, Damien.

Dude, she's Vader.

No, she is the Emperor!

But with really great tits.

Okay, now, Sandy? That girl, she's a nice girl. She's a sweetheart.

Dude, a saint.

A goddess.

A princess.

You know what? She's kind of like Mother Teresa.

But with way better tits.

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I can't figure out why Judith left. It doesn't make any sense. She didn't even take her clothes.

Maybe she went where she didn't need clothes: a nudist colony.

I don't think so.

Maybe she got kidnapped.

You think?

No. Definitely not. That's impossible. It's like, why would that Maybe she's a lesbo.

Come on.

Maybe she's a herm.


A hermaphrodite. Little dick, little puss.

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You must be very well-educated.

[in his eagle mascot costume] I suppose.

Ivy League?

More or less.

Which one? Yale, Harvard, Princeton?


Oh, Stanford University?

Subway University.

I knew someone who went there. Did you know J.D. McNugent?

No. No. Never heard of such a person, ever.

See you later, J.D.

[about to leave the garage] Take it easy, Judith. [stops, and thinks for a minute] Goddamn it! [closes the door]

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Yeah, everything's been really good, you know?


Well, my fiancée died.

She died?

Yeah, she's dead.

I am so sorry.

Oh, don't be. Please don't be sorry. It's nothing.

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What the fuck happened?

Judith was giving me some therapy and helped me realize I was gay and--

Wait. What? I see what happened. She messed with your head.

Wayne, I'm gay.

No, you're not. You're just unsuccessful with women.

No, I'm gay. Judith got me in touch with the inner J.D.

How'd she do that?

She listened. Unlike people who knew me for years and ignored all the telltale signs.

Like what?

Like my obsession with Bette Midler. My preference for track lighting. And the fact that I like sucking dick.

What?! You've done that?!

No. Not with another guy, but remember when I bought that book on yoga?

I don't want to hear anymore. Look, you want to be gay? Fine! No problem! But from now on, I'll take care of Judith myself. Okay! [sits and reads a magazine]

You want to be gay with me?

No! [gets out of his chair and leaves]

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Now here's what's gonna happen. I'm going to listen to your conversation. Now if you say anything about Judith... or so much as mention her name... then I'll give you a little shock. [tests a shock on Darren] Perfect.

Darren I don't think I'm comfortable having these things on my nipples.

I could put them on your balls.

The nipples are fine. Nipples work.

Saving Silverman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "I'm sure in 1985, plutonium is available at every corner drugstore, but in 1955 it's a little hard to come by"?
A Pulp Fiction
B Back to the Future
C The Big Lebowski
D Love & Plutonium