Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,468

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Rescuing Captain Amazing]

The Shoveler:
Captain, I'm just going to ask you directly; do you know billionaire Lance Hunt?

Captain Amazing:
It's me. [Shoveler looks surprised and disappointed] Nah, I'm only kiddin' ya - I always wanted to do that.

Mystery Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Rescuing Captain Amazing from Casanova's weapon of mass destruction]

Captain Amazing:
Now flip the second toggle.

The Bowler:
[Having already flipped on his instructions once] ... Again?

Captain Amazing:
What do you mean?

The Bowler:
Flip the toggle twice?

Captain Amazing:
No-no-no, don't do that, just flip it again, now, one time! Flip it.

The Bowler:
[To Mr. Furious] ... Does he understand what I'm asking?

Mr. Furious:
Hold on a second - Captain, exactly how many toggle flips in toto are involved in this procedure?

Captain Amazing:
[Flustered] I just - I - Seven!

Mr. Furious:
[Incredulous] Seven?!

Captain Amazing:
[A little hysterical] Flip it!!

[The weapon begins to hum omniously and increasingly loudly]

The Bowler:
Hold the phone! Everybody hold the phone. You phrased that incorrectly. We need to know how many toggle flips are needed not counting the gratuitous toggle flip you may have asked for in a moment of panic.

Captain Amazing:
[Very hysterical] FLIP IT!!!

Mr. Furious:
Okay, you know what, can we just start again? Is there like a reset button on this thing or something?

Captain Amazing:
No you little freak, there's no button for resetting! Flip the switch, lady! Don't look at me, lift your left arm and flip it, you moron!

The Bowler:
[Offended] Whoa! I am not a moron.

Captain Amazing:
You're a moron! You're a moron! Flip the switch, lady!

Mr. Furious:
[Gently rebuking] Hey, don't call her a moron, that's not cool...

The Bowler:
Thank you!

Blue Raj:
[Fed up] I'll do it! I'll do it! It's this one, yes?

The Bowler:

[Blue Raj flips the wrong switch - the weapon activates]

Captain Amazing:
Uh-oh - wrong switch.

[The weapon kills Captain Amazing in a horrific and grotesque fashion as the Mystery Men watch, appalled]

Mr. Furious:
... Everybody heard me say 'reset button', right?

Blue Raja:
[Horrified] Oh my God... Oh my God, we've killed him...

The Shoveler:
What do you mean, 'we'? I was right here.

[The Bowler approaches Amazing's fried, calcified and mutated corpse cautiously]

The Bowler:
I'm gonna check his pulse...

[She gently touches his wrist; it breaks off from his arm and smashes into pieces on the floor]

The Bowler:
... I don't think he's gonna pull through.

Mystery Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Escaping Casanova Frankenstein's mansion after bungling the rescue]

The Spleen:
Where's Captain Amazing?

Blue Raja:
[Stressed] There's been a bit of a cock-up, actually...

The Bowler:
Raja murdered him!

[They begin to squabble]

Mr. Furious:
Guys? I think we have a bigger fish to fry right now.

Mystery Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Blue Raja:
Sphinx, what do we do?

Sometimes, the true hero is the one with the courage to run away.

I like the way this man thinks!

Invisible Boy:
Let's run.

We can't run.

Oh, yes! Oh, yes — it's been established that we can run.

Mystery Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Invisible Boy:
But I don't want to get frakulated!

The Bowler:

Invisible Boy:
We still get frakulated!

Mystery Men  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Freeman:
The most important thing is to make sure of everyone around us.

Charles Tobin:
Mr. Kane?

Mr. Freeman:
I'm just not sure. I want to know that he's all right.

Charles Tobin:
All right? What an understatement. He's much more than that! He's noble and fine and pure... So he pays the penalty that the noble must pay in this world: he's misjudged by everyone.

Saboteur  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mac, Truck Driver:
I've been thinkin' for long time I'm gonna get out of this truckin' game.

Barry Kane:
Why don't you?

Mac, Truck Driver:
One of my neighbors told my wife it's stylish to eat three meals a day.

Saboteur  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Patricia "Pat" Martin:
I'm afraid we're not behaving very well.

Barry Kane:
What's the difference, we're not invited anyway.

Saboteur  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Patricia "Pat" Martin:
Barry, why couldn't I have met you a hundred years ago? On a beach somewhere?

Barry Kane:
Bathing suits looked awfully funny a hundred years ago. I bet you'd look beautiful though.

Saboteur  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Barry Kane:
That's the only good part. I'm with you.

Patricia "Pat" Martin:
I wish it was somewhere else - the North Pole - I wouldn't care.

Barry Kane:
We might wind up there too, chasing Fry over an old glacier.

Patricia "Pat" Martin:
Fry. He seems so small now. I'd forgotten about him.

Saboteur  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Frank Fry:
I don't like autumn.

Patricia "Pat" Martin:
You're not being very nice to a lonely girl. You look as though you might be lonely too.

Frank Fry:
I got to catch that boat.

Patricia "Pat" Martin:
15 minutes shouldn't make such a big difference Mr. Fry.

Saboteur  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Baron St. Fontanel:
You're in love. And I will venture to go a step further, you are unhappily in love.

Does it show?

Baron St. Fontanel:
Very clearly. A woman happily in love, she burns the soufflé. A woman unhappily in love, she forgets to turn on the oven. Am I correct?

Yes. But I'm trying to get over it.

Baron St. Fontanel:
Why try to get over it? You speak of love like it was a bad cough.

He doesn't even know I exist. I might as well be reaching for the moon.

Baron St. Fontanel:
The moon? [laughs] You young people, you are so old-fashioned! Have you not heard? We are building rockets to reach the moon!

Sabrina  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

But don't you see, Father? Everything has changed!

Nothing has changed. He's still David Larrabee, and you're still the chauffeur's daughter. And you're still reaching for the moon.

No, Father. The moon is reaching for me.

Sabrina  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Linus and Sabrina are dancing]



If David were here now, you'd expect him to kiss you, wouldn't you?


Here's a kiss from David. [They kiss] It's all in the family.

Sabrina  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How do you say in French, "My sister has a yellow pencil"?

"Ma sœur a un crayon jaune."

How do you say, "My brother has a lovely girl"?

"Mon frère a une gentille petite amie."

And how do you say, "I wish I were my brother"?

Sabrina  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What do you want to do?

Uhhhhh...I think we need to pull a Panama.

A Panama? A PANAMA?!


You think? Really?

Yeah! Really!

Sahara  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dirk and Al are eating in a restaurant.

(has an idea and leaves) I'll meet you at the boat.

(after Dirk has gone) No! I got the check. Don't worry about it. I'm serious. I know, i get it all the time. Sit down, I'll get the check!

Sahara  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Next time you go!

What the hell took you so long?

What? I stopped for coffee.

Did you get a receipt?

Yeah, I got a receipt, and you know what? I got you one too!

You're the best Al!

You know what? I'll even get you the money from Sandecker.

Sahara  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

All right Rudi, you gonna run sonar of the river.

But,I was hoping to meet a girl on the australian trip.

No. African war zone, ship of death!

Sahara  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Got a profile!

Another truck bumper? Bicycle? VCR?

Sahara  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Al, did you get the explosives from Massardes?

Couldn't find them.


Didn't have time.


Of course I brought the explosives!

Sahara  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm sorry I don't speak English.

Gunboat Officer:
You are speaking English right now.

No, I only know how to say, "I don't speak English" in English.

Sahara  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey Al, Do remember that time when we were in Morocco?

Ya, when you made me ride that damn camel, that bit my ass.

Yeah, that's the time.


Sahara  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey, you know how it is when you see someone that you haven't seen since high school, and they got some dead-end job, and they're married to some woman that hates them, they got three kids who, like, think he's a joke? Wasn't there some point where you stood back and said, "Bob, don't take that job! Bob, don't marry that harpy!" You know?

Your point?

Well, we're in the desert, looking for the source of a river pollutant, using as our map a cave drawing of a Civil War gunship, which is also in the desert. So I was just wondering when we're gonna have to sit down and re-evaluate our decision-making paradigm?

(seeing the old fort from the cave painting) I don't know. It seems to be working so far.

Sahara  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Who said: " Sometimes we need to let go of our pride, and just do what others ask of us."
A Anakin Skywalker
B Padme Amidala
C Shmi Skywalker
D Spider-man