Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,470

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

This facility is a miracle of modern science. State of the art technology. Solar energy harness to destroy the world's contaminants. Not such a bad idea after all.

It's a toxic waste dump.

Not so simple. You see all new technology has enemies. Sandstorms for example, they chip away at the mirrors. Productivity falls and the waste needs to be stored underground. So we have developed a new laminate coating to protect the mirrors and with this new approach our problems should now be in the past.

You're poisoning a river system underground. It's spreading across western Africa.

You're wrong. That's impossible.

Sahara  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(untying her bonds) Eva. How many times am I gonna have to save your ass?

Well, in case you didn't notice, I actually saved yours.

Sahara  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(to Dirk, while holding a gun to Eva's head) I apologize, Mr. Pitt. This is not what it appears.

(dropping his gun) Did I miss something? I've seen your toxic dump. I've seen sick Tuareg women and children and I saw the dead in Asselar. Did I leave something out?

Sahara  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(after sliding down the hill on the truck-bed and finding the skeleton)

(seeing the name tag on the jacket) K. Mannock... no way!

Why no way ?

Kitty Mannock. She flew from London to Cape Town in 1931. They never found her or her plane. This must be where she crashed.

(pointing off) Nope. That's where she crashed.

Sahara  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You ran out on this relationship, you take the consequences.

I didn't run out on anything. You ran out.

You had sex with Kevin.

[shouting] You had sex with many!

Nameless, faceless many.

I feel much better now. Thanks.

St. Elmo's Fire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Well, you're all I think about.


And I think the reason I'm not interested in other women, and why I haven't had sex in so long, is because I'm desperately, completely in love with you.

St. Elmo's Fire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm sorry to bother you here.

Did you forget one of your albums?

It's Jules. After she left, for work this morning, some finance company came. They took away her furniture, her Jeep, everything. I tried to reach her but, I couldn't get through so, I went into her office. She's been pretending, to go to work every day, telling me she still, has an affair with her boss. Alec, he fired her three weeks ago. So, I confronted her, at first she denied everything and, she went crazy. She locked me out of the apartment, and she won't let me back in. Alec please, I need your help.

St. Elmo's Fire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John Cassady:
You know what made photographers like Robert Cappa great, Rich? They weren't after money, they captured the nobility of human suffering!

Richard Boyle:
That was a great shot in Spain. The one flying through the air.

John Cassady:
Yeah but it was more than just bodies, Rich. He got... why they died.

Salvador  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Doctor Rock:
They kill people here, Boyle!

Richard Boyle:
Do you believe everything you read in the papers?

Doctor Rock:
Yeah I do!

Richard Boyle:
Come on man, you're gonna love it here.

Salvador  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Morgan:
You know I'm often asked by people like yourself to examine my conscience and every now and then I do examine it.

Richard Boyle:
And what do you find there, Jack?

Jack Morgan:
That whatever mistakes we make down here, the alternative would be ten times worse!

Salvador  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Richard Boyle:
[furious at the sight of how rebels treat their prisoners] Is this your sense of justice?!

Rebel Woman:
[In Spanish] It's necessary!

Richard Boyle:
[pulled away by two rebels] You've become just like them! You've become just like them!

Rebel Youth:
This is war! You don't have the stomach for it! Get out!

Richard Boyle:
[Turns around one last time] YOU'VE BECOME JUST LIKE THEM!

Salvador  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, no!

[A snooty rival baseball team called the Tigers, whom the Sandlot kids are enemies with arrive in their uniforms and bicycles. The Sandlot kids soon arrive to confront their rivals, including the leader, Phillips.]

Ah, it's easy when you play with a bunch of rejects and a fat kid, Rodriguez.

Shut your mouth, Phillips!

What'd you say, crap-face?!

I said, you shouldn't even allowed to touch a baseball. Except for Rodriguez, you're all an insult to the game.

Come on! We'll take you on, right here, right now! Come on!

Sandlot Kids:

Yeah, right now!

We play on a real diamond, Porter. You ain't good enough to lick the dirt off our cleats.

Watch it, jerk!

Shut up, idiot!


Scab eater!

Butt sniffer!

Pus licker!

Fart smeller!

[sniffs] Ahh.

You eat dog crap for breakfast, geek!

You mix your Wheaties with your mama's toe jam!

Sandlot Kids:

You bob for apples in the toilet! And you like it!

You play ball like a girl!

[the Sandlot kids gasp as the entire group stands in shocked silence; the Sandlot kids start laughing]

[shocked smile] What did you say?

You heard me.

Tomorrow. Noon, at our field. Be there, buffalo-butt breath.

Count on it, pee-drinking crap-face!


Let's go!

[the Tigers ride away, and the Sandlot kids cheer for Ham]

[to Ham; pats his arm] Good job.

[about the Tigers] Jerks. [scene fades to Ham putting on Umpire mask] PLAY BALL! [puts on umpire mask] Hurry up, batter. It's gonna be a short game, and I gotta get home for lunch. [Pitcher pitches and the batter doesn't even swing] Ha-ha! That's one. [scene cuts to new pitch] [to the batter] You know, if my dog was as ugly as you, I'd shave his butt, and tell him to walk backwards. [scene cuts to new pitch] The heater. Here it comes. I dare ya. [Ham puts the batter off, he swings and misses] Strike three, you're out. [scene cuts to new pitch] Hey. Is that your sister out there in left field, naked? She's naked.

[gets distracted and misses] Shut up, Porter!

Hey, hey, hey. I'm just trying to start a friendly conversation. Come on. [two seconds later] Think she'll go out with me?

The Sandlot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[A baseball just got hit over the fence and the game is terminated]

Yeah! That's how you do it, Smalls!

Ham, you idiot! Now we can't play no more!

It was a heater!

The Sandlot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You don't understand! That wasn't my ball!

[shocked] What do you mean, that wasn't your ball?

It was my stepdad's. I stole it from his trophy room. It was a present or something. Somebody gave it to him, but we gotta to get it back. He's gonna kill me!

Listen to me, Smalls. This is a matter of life and death. Where did your old man get that ball?

What? I don't know. Some lady gave it to him. Why? [the Sandlot kids gets confused] Yeah, she even signed her name on it. Some lady named... Ruth. Baby Ruth.

Everyone else:

[Everyone screams in horror and darts toward the fence]


[Everyone rushes back to Smalls screaming after seeing the ball getting taken by the beast.]

Hey, guys! What's going on?

The beast got it!

You're dead as a doornail, Smalls.

You're dead as a doornail, Smalls.

Smalls, you mean to tell me you went home and swiped a ball that was signed by Babe Ruth, and you brought it out here and actually played with it?!

And actually played with it?!

Yeah. Yeah, but I was gonna put back.

But it was signed by Babe Ruth!

Yeah. Yeah. You keep telling me that! Who is she?!

[shocked] What?! What?!

The sultan of swat!

The king of crash.

The colossus of clout!

The colossus of clout!

The Sandlot Kids:
Babe Ruth!

[emphatically] The Great Bambino!

[in shock and horror] Oh, my God! You mean that's the same guy?!

Everyone else:

Smalls, Babe Ruth was the greatest baseball player that ever lived. I mean, people said he was less than a god, but more than a man. Like, Hercules, or something. That ball you just aced to The Beast is worth...well, more than your whole life, man.

[nauseated] Ohh. I don't feel so good. [collapses to his knees]

The Sandlot Kids:
[simultaneously concerned] Uh-oh, fan him. Give him air. Give him air. [fanning Smalls]

We gotta get that ball back.

The Sandlot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Mr. Mertle confronting Benny and Smalls after they brought back Hercules]

Mr. Mertle:
Well, first time anybody gotten the best of old Hercules. Why didn't you just knock on the door? I'd have gotten it for you.

[the gang attacks and yells at Squints]

Other Sandlot Kids:

Oh, my God! I can't believe you!

We got the ball back, didn't we?

But we almost got killed!

Didn't we get the ball back? [pushes the others] Just shut up! We got the ball back.

The Sandlot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sgt. Stryker:
(running a grenade drill to raw recruits) Pull pin! Prepare to throw! Throw!

(one recruit bangs his hand off the foxhole and the grenade slips out and rolls toward unsuspecting Marines waiting their turn)

Sgt. Stryker:
(suddenly spotting the errant grenade) Grenade! Hit the deck!

[the platoon runs, except for Conway, who is reading a love letter and has to be tackled to safety by Stryker when the grenade goes off]

Sgt. Stryker:
You idiot. When are you gonna wake up? You wanna see that dame again, keep your mind on your work!

(A corpsman spots a wound on Stryker and treats it)

PFC Al Thomas:
(to Conway, now seeing why Stryker so dislikes Conway) You may not know this, boy, but you just got your life saved.

Sands of Iwo Jima  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

PFC Charlie Bass:
Don't do it. Just this once, don't do it.

Sgt. Stryker:
Don't do what?

PFC Charlie Bass:
Don't get blind, staggerin' stinkin' falling down drunk.

Sgt. Stryker:
Charlie, nobody sets out to get blind, staggerin' stinkin' falling down drunk.

PFC Charlie Bass:
Yeah, some people do.

Sands of Iwo Jima  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

'[During the night the squad is guarding a trenchline amid a threat of Japanese counterattack, and hears a faint voice calling "Corpsman"]

PFC Benny Regazzi:
[whispering] Stryker!

Sgt. Stryker:
[whispering] Get down! Stay down! You have your orders, don't move!

PFC Peter Conway:
[whispering] There's somebody wounded out there.

Sgt. Stryker:

PFC Peter Conway:
Let's go get him!

Sgt. Stryker:
(as Conway starts out of the trench Stryker shoves him back down) Stay down, it might be a Jap trick, they pulled it off plenty of times at Guadalcanal.

PFC Peter Conway:
That doesn't sound like a Jap to me!

Sgt. Stryker:
I don't care what it sounds like to you! You stick your head up, you'll tip our position.

[the voice resumes, and now they recognize it as Bass]

PFC Charlie Bass:

PFC Peter Conway:
That's Bass. How many Japs know your name, Stryker? That's Bass, you know his voice!

Sgt. Stryker:
Shut up.

PFC Peter Conway:
Aren't you human at all? Don't you know a friend of yours might be dying?

Sgt. Stryker:
(still anxious to avoid a confrontation) Knock it off!

PFC Peter Conway:
(uncontrollably seething) Just like my father taught you, be a good Marine, be tough! Well you can sit here and be tough if you want to, but I'm going on to get that guy and the only way you can stop me is to kill me!

(but as Conway starts out of the trench Stryker jams his rifle into his face and chambers a round)

Sgt Stryker:
That's JUST what I'll do!

(After a few tense moments Conway returns to the trench as Bass continues to plead for Stryker, and Stryker can be seen sweating ever more, fearing he indeed is letting a friend die)

Sands of Iwo Jima  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

PFC Al Thomas:
What's this all about?

Sgt. Stryker:
Just that I hate your guts!

(Stryker punches Thomas once, then again, and a full-scale fight erupts before Stryker overpowers him)

Sgt. Stryker:
You doped off and got one of my men killed and one of them bayonetted! You haven't had enough, get on your feet!

PCF Al Thomas:
(now realizing why Stryker is so angry, he tries to explain) Stryker....

(Stryker knocks him down with another blow)

Sands of Iwo Jima  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[in Egyptian] I know you can understand me, little one. So you must listen carefully because [in English] it is you who will guide me. You who will take me to Ahm-Shere.

What if I don't? What if I get a little...lost?

[laughs] You are a strange little one. You are your father's son. But I know something you don't. This bracelet is a gift and a curse. The sands of time have already begun to pour against you.

Yeah, yeah. I already heard this part. From the minute I put the bracelet on, seven days do I have before the Scorpion King wakes up.

Did you also hear that if you do not enter the pyramid before the sun strikes it on that very morning that the bracelet will suck the life out of you?

[shocked] That part I missed. Hey, wait a minute, that means I only have five days left!

And I believe it would be nice trying not to get lost, don’t you?

My dad is going to kick your arse!

Hmm. [takes off his mask, smirking; Alex gasps and steps back] I do not think so.

The Mummy Returns  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Billy Bones:
(opening lines) I was Flint's first mate on that voyage, three days east of Tortuga, in the Caribbean. Flint knew an island. That's where we buried the treasure. Gold and blood – they were Flint's trademarks. He'd leave both behind him, that day.

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Blind Pew:
Aha, Billy Bones! It's me, Blind Pew! I know you're here, Billy. Ya sniveling coward!

It's some kind of blind fiend!

[Billy Bones is gesturing frantically for them to be quiet]

I believe they prefer 'visually challenged fiend'.

Blind Pew:
I heard that! There's someone here! No? Over here? Ah, over here! (clutches a moose head) Aha, Billy Bones! I'd know that scurvy mug of yours anywhere.

Jim Hawkins:
Excuse me, sir, but the bar's closed--

Blind Pew:
(grabs Jim) Ah! Mmm. Aha, a pretty little girl is it? Yes. Take me to Billy Bones, my pet.

Jim Hawkins:
(Bones slowly raises his pistol) You've come to the wrong place. There's no Billy Bones here, and I'm not a girl.

Blind Pew:
Oh, I may be visually challenged, but I can see you're lying! (Bones cocks his pistol. Blind Pew promptly turns his head to the sound and then spins quickly to Bones, knocking his arm aside, causing the pistol to fire away from Blind Pew) Good evening, Bill. I know it's you. Yes, you thought you could get away with it, didn't you? Just take it all for yourself, and leave your shipmates with nothing. We're not pleased with that, Bill, not at all. We want you... to have this! (He gives Billy Bones the Black Spot)

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Billy Bones:
[grabbing Gonzo by the nose] Jimmy-Jim-Jimmy-Jim-Jim-Jim-Jim! Ya always been a decent sort to old Billy Bones...

But I'm not "Jimmy-Jim-Jimmy-Jim-Jim-Jim-Jim"! He's "Jimmy-Jim-Jimmy-Jim-Jim-Jim-Jim"!

Billy Bones:
[grabbing Jim by the collar] Jim!

Jim Hawkins:
Yes, Captain?

Billy Bones:

Jim Hawkins:
Yes, Captain, what is it?!

Billy Bones:
Take the map!

Jim Hawkins:
What map?

Billy Bones:
The map to old Flint's treasure! Don't ya understand what I've been tellin' ya?! I was Flinty's first mate! We all were, Blind Pew and me! Ah, me old shipmates - they'll gully me for sure, and anybody else to get their mitts on that map!

And gullying hurts, right?

Billy Bones:
Oh, aye! A LOT!

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jim Hawkins:
It is a treasure map!

[with dollar signs in his eyes] We're gonna be rich...

[with crosses in his eyes] We're gonna be dead...

Billy Bones:
Beware lads! Beware!

Jim Hawkins:
What, the one-legged man?

Billy Bones:
Aye. But also, beware runnin' with scissors or any other pointy objects. It's all good fun, 'til somebody loses an-- AAAAAAGH! [dies]

Jim Hawkins:


We're standing in a room with a dead guy!

[Jim, Gonzo and Rizzo all scream and flee the room]

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "Long live the King" ?
A Four Kings
B The Lion King
C Arthur the King
D The King and Four Queens