Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,523

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Is there any goulash on this menu?

[wiping a spot off the menu] It's roast beef gravy.

Never Give a Sucker an Even Break  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

And another thing. You're always squawking about something. If it isn't the steak, it's something else.

I didn't squawk about the steak, dear. I merely said I didn't see that old horse that used to be tethered outside here.

You're as funny as a cry for help.

You used to be an old Follies girl?

You know, there's something awfully big about you. [pause] Your nose.

[Looking at her rear end] There's something awfully big about you too.

Never Give a Sucker an Even Break  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[talking on the phone] You big hotty-dottie. You smoke vile cigars all day and drink whiskey half the night. Someday, you'll drown in a vat of whiskey.

Drown in a vat of whiskey. Death where is thy sting?

Never Give a Sucker an Even Break  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Flight Attendant:
Are you air sick?

Somebody put too many olives in my martinis last night.

Never Give a Sucker an Even Break  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Are you really a man?

Well, I've been called other things.

Never Give a Sucker an Even Break  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Hemoglobin:
Men. Men. They're all alike. They'll deceive you as your father did me. He kissed a chorus girl and when I found out he said, 'Oh, I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing.'

Do you think he drinks?

Mrs. Hemoglobin:
He didn't get that nose from playing ping-pong.

Never Give a Sucker an Even Break  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Peter Carson:
[about Mrs. Hemoglobin] She has a bank roll so big a greyhound couldn't leap over it.

She seemed like an awfully nice woman to me.

Never Give a Sucker an Even Break  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Gloria Jean:
We're falling two thousand feet!

All right, dear. Don't start worrying until we get down to one-thousand, nine-hundred, and ninety-nine. It's the last foot that's dangerous.

Never Give a Sucker an Even Break  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Gloria Jean:
But how can you look out for me when I'm here and you're way down there?

You want to go to school, don't you?...You want to grow up and be dumb like ZaSu Pitts?

Never Give a Sucker an Even Break  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Radio report:
...two crooks who have just held up the bank for one hundred and fifty thousand...that is all.

That is all? A hundred and fifty thousand. That's all. It ain't hay, is it?

Radio report:
...One crook - slight build, evidently a jockey, has a horse scar behind his left ear...other crook has corn teeth, cauliflower ear, apple-red cheeks, mutton-chop whiskers.

Sounds like a full-course dinner to me! What? No apple pie?

Never Give a Sucker an Even Break  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Hoitz and Gamble after interrogating Ershon]

Look, I'm really sorry about that. I just... I saw how aggressive you were being, and I thought "Wow, I gotta go even bigger than that since we're doing 'Bad cop, bad cop'".

What? No, I said "Good cop, bad cop". I'm the bad cop, you're the good cop.

Okay, then there it is. That's it. I thought you said "Bad cop, bad cop".

The Other Guys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Hoitz and Gamble get attacked by masked figures on motorbikes]

Watch out! Columbian drug lords!

Where are you getting this from?

[Hoitz takes them all out single-handedly]

Wow. Imagine where you'd be if you hadn't shot Jeter.

The Other Guys  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Foley:
[in the prison library] Hey! Sign says "shut the fuck up," or can't you fellas read? [points to a sign that says "Quiet Please"]

Maurice "Snoopy" Miller:
The fuck you talkin' to man? You got a problem over there, Foley?

Jack Foley:
Yeah, I got a problem: this is the dumbest fuckin' shakedown in the history of dumb shakedowns. Five hundred bucks for a pillow?


Jack Foley:
If you're smart, Ripley, you'll tell this guy to fuck off.

Richard Ripley:

[Maurice gives him a threatening stare]

Richard Ripley:
Well, I - I - I don't know.

Jack Foley:
First of all, if he kills you, then he's gonna get nothin'.

Maurice "Snoopy" Miller:
Well, uh, the man don't just have to die, Foley. I mean, he could accidentally hurt himself falling down on something real hard, you know. Like a shiv, or my dick.

Richard Ripley:
[whispers to Foley] I'll pay. I'll pay it. Don't worry.

Jack Foley:
If he falls on anything, Snoop, then they're transfer his ass outta here faster than you can throw a fight, and you're still gonna get nothin'.

Maurice "Snoopy" Miller:
You know, last time I checked, man, this shit over here ain't got nothin' to do with you, Foley. Why don't you go outside man? Smoke a cigarette or some shit?

Out of Sight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Foley:
You sure are easy to talk to. I was thinkin', if we met under different circumstances...if you were in a bar and I came up and we started talkin'...I wonder what would happen.

Karen Sisco:

Jack Foley:
If you didn't know who I was.

Karen Sisco:
You'd probably tell me.

Jack Foley:
Just saying if we met under different circumstances...

Karen Sisco:
You have got to be kidding.

Out of Sight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Karen Sisco:
[at the hotel bar] So tell me, Gary, what do you do for a living?

Jack Foley:
How far do you want to go with this?

Karen Sisco:
Not yet. Don't say anything yet.

Jack Foley:
I don't think it works if we're somebody else. I mean, Gary and Celeste, what do they know about anything?

Karen Sisco:
Well, this is your game, I've never played before.

Jack Foley:
It's not a game. It's not something you play.

Karen Sisco:
Well, does this make any sense to you?

Jack Foley:
It doesn't have to. It's something that happens. It's like seeing someone for the first time... like you could be passing on the street, and you look at each other and for a few seconds... there's this kind of a recognition... like you both know something. The next moment, the person's gone, and it's too late to do anything about it. And you always remember it, because it was there, and you let it go, and you think to yourself, "What if I had stopped? If I had said something?"

Jack Foley:
"What if, what if?" And it may only happen a few times in your life.

Jack Foley:
Or once.

Karen Sisco:
Or once. [pause] How'd you find me?

Jack Foley:
Uh...Called your room from downstairs.

Karen Sisco:
Oh. And if I had answered, what were you gonna say?

Jack Foley:
I would say who I was, and do you remember me, and want to meet for a drink?

Karen Sisco:
If I remembered you. I came here looking for you. All right, so then I would have said yes, but for all you know, I could have had a SWAT team waiting for you... why would you trust me?

Jack Foley:
It'd be worth the risk.

Karen Sisco:
You like taking risks.

Jack Foley:
So do you.

Out of Sight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Karen Sisco:
What were you going to do with me?

Jack Foley:
I hadn't really worked that part out yet. All I knew is that I liked you, and that I didn't wanna...leave you there on the side of the road and never see you again.

Karen Sisco:
Then you waved to me in that elevator.

Jack Foley:
Yeah, I wasn't sure if you caught that.

Karen Sisco:
I couldn't believe it.

Jack Foley:
By that time I had been...thinking about you a lot...and just wondering what it would be like if we met, if we could take a time-out.

Karen Sisco:
I was thinking the same thing. I kept thinking, "What if we took a time-out?"

Jack Foley:
If we... just spent some time together.

Out of Sight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Foley:
There's something I want you to know. I wasn't just looking for a fuck, if that's what you're thinking.

Karen Sisco:
Or, I was...

Jack Foley:
Why are you mad?

Karen Sisco:
I was looking for some kinky know, score with the bank robber. The way some women go for rough trade...

Jack Foley:
All right. Now I can say that I fucked a U.S. Marshal. Do you think I will?

Karen Sisco:
I don't know.

Jack Foley:
Mm-hmm. Come here. I know a guy...walks into a bank with a bottle, tells everybody it's nitroglycerin. He scores some cash off of the teller. On his way out, he drops the bottle. It cracks on the floor. He slips in it. He smacks up his head. They get him. The nitroglycerin was canola oil. I know more fucked-up bank robbers than ones that know what they're doing. I doubt one in ten could tell you where the dye pack is. Most bank robbers are fucking morons. For you to go to bed with one for kinky thrills, like you were saying, makes you as dumb as they are. Now, you are not dumb. Why would you think that? Why would you think that I would think that?

Karen Sisco:
You're not dumb.

Jack Foley:
Well, I don't know about that. I mean, you can't do three falls and think you have much of a brain.

Out of Sight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Maurice "Snoopy" Miller:
Glenn, I know you are supposed to be cool and everything but you don't got to give me no tone of voice. You don't like what I'm saying, you just bounce the fuck up out of this whip anywhere along up in here man.

Glenn Michaels:
OK, I think we are forgetting this is my whip. I brought you up here.

Maurice "Snoopy" Miller:
Shit, come on, Glenn, if I say this my car you know this my car, you just get yourself another one. If I say we in on this Ripley shit, we in on it, with or without your punk ass. If I say you gonna walk up in this house and do this motherfucker, so I can see if you got any balls or not, guess what else you gonna do. Tighten up your panties, boy.

Out of Sight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Maurice "Snoopy" Miller:
[realizing his gun is empty, as Foley points one at him] You don't have an extra clip I can use, do you?

Jack Foley:
No, I don't.

Maurice "Snoopy" Miller:
You ain't never shot a gun before, have you?

Jack Foley:
Not until recently, no.

Maurice "Snoopy" Miller:
You nervous?

Jack Foley:
A little, yeah.

Maurice "Snoopy" Miller:
You know, in a situation like this, there's a high potentiality for the common motherfucker to bitch out.

Jack Foley:
So I figure, why take a chance? [pulls the trigger]

Out of Sight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Karen Sisco:
You think I'll shoot you?

Jack Foley:
If you don't someone else will.

Karen Sisco:
Put the gun down.

Jack Foley:
I'm not going back.

Karen Sisco:
Jack please don't make me do this. Put the gun down.

Jack Foley:
No more timeouts.

Out of Sight  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Joe Stephanos:
I often wondered what happened to him. Then one day I'm breezing through here, and there's his name up on a sign.

Marny, diner owner:
It's a small world.

Joe Stephanos:
Yeah. Or a big sign.

Out of the Past  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You just sit and stay inside yourself. You wait for me to talk. I like that.

I never found out much listening to myself.

Out of the Past  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I just want her back. When you see her, you'll understand better.

Maybe she's just an impulsive girl?

So we'll let it go at that.

I can let it all go.

Even $5,000 now, and 5 when you bring her back...and expenses.

Now that should have been the first thing you said.

Find her Jeff. Bring her back.

Why me?

Well, I know a lot of smart guys and a few honest ones. And you're both.

And what happens to her?

I won't touch her.

Out of the Past  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Very difficult girl.

Jose Rodriguez:
Is there one who is not so, Señor?

Out of the Past  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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"Hasta la vista, baby."
A Terminator 2
B Terminator 4
C Terminator 1
D Terminator 3