Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,595

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I've always heard you to be a hard-hearted policeman, Inspector.

Isn't that what's thought of most policemen? The laws are written, the policeman is hired to see that those laws are enforced. We have a job to do, as in most jobs there is always someone who doesn't want that job to be done. In most factories today, the employer has put up suggestion boxes. Even the employer needs advice once in a while. I think in the case we're referring to, I need advice. Maybe it shouldn't have happened as it did. Perhaps the next time we can prevent it.

Let's get our stories straight. You're referring to the suicide of the transvestite?

If that's the word you men of medical science use for a man who wears women's clothing, yes.

Yes, in cold, technical language, that's the word. As unfriendly and as vicious as it may sound. However in actuality it's not an unfriendly word, not is it vicious when you know the people to whom it pertains.

Glen or Glenda  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'd like to hear the story to the fullest.

Only the infinity of the depths of a man's mind can really tell the story.

Dr. Alton. A young man who is...speaks the words of the all-wise. No one can really tell the story. Mistakes are made. But there is no mistaking the thoughts in a man's mind. The begun...

Glen or Glenda  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

One might say, there but for the grace of God go I. Why is a modern world shocked by this headline? Why? Once, not so very long ago, people were saying:

Airplanes...ha! Why it's against the Creator's will. If the Creator wanted us to fly, he'd have given us wings.

But we fly. Maybe some of you remember an even sillier remark:

Automobiles? Ah...they scare the horses. If'n the Creator hadda meant for us to roll around the countryside, we'd have been born with wheels.

Silly? Certainly. We were not born with wings, we were not born with wheels. But in the modern world of today it's an accepted fact that we must have them. So we have corrected that which nature has not given us. Strangely enough, nature has given us all these things, we just had to learn how to put nature's elements together for our use, that's all. Yet the world is shocked by a sex change.

If the Creator had wanted us to fly, he'd have given us wings.

If the Creator hadda meant us to roll around the countryside, we'd have been born with wheels.

Young Woman:
If the Creator had meant us to be boys, we certainly would have been born boys.

Young Man:
If the Creator had meant us to be girls, we certainly would have been born girls.

Are we sure? Nature makes mistakes, it's proven everyday. This person is a transvestite. A man who is more comfortable wearing women's clothing. The term transvestite is the name given by medical science to those persons who wear the clothing of the opposite sex. The title of this can only be labelled Behind Locked Doors. Give this man satin undies, a dress, a sweater and a skirt, or even the lounging outfit he has on, and he's the happiest individual in the world. He can work better, think better, he can play better, and he can be more of a credit to his community and his government because he is happy. These things are his comfort. But why the wig and makeup? He dares to enter the street dressed in the clothes he so much desires to wear. But only if he really appears female. The long hair, the makeup, the clothing, the actual contours of a girl. Most transvestites do not want to change their life, their bodies, many of them simply want to change the clothing they wear to that as worn by the opposite sex.

Glen or Glenda  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

My sister let me borrow her dress.

You want to borrow your sister's dress?! What for?

I want to wear it the Halloween Party.

There are names for boys who go around wearing girls' clothes.

Oh, don't be silly Darling. You go ahead and wear your sister's dress, Glen. You always did look much better as a girl than you do as a man.

Glen did wear the dress to the Halloween party. He even took first prize. Then one day it wasn't Halloween any longer.

Glen or Glenda  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

When things like this go wrong with someone so close, and in your own family, it's so hard to believe.

It's not really hard to believe, it's just hard for you to accept!

Well of course it's hard for me to accept! Suppose I were to come home with Roy or one of my other boyfriends some night, and find Glen like I did last night.

Yeah...that would be hard to explain.

That's the understatement of the year. Just how does one go introducing your friends to your brother when Brother's wearing you best sweater, your skirt, and makeup to boot?!

Glen or Glenda  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago


That's the sixth time you've said goodnight.

I guess it is.

Glen or Glenda  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Then the way I get it, this Glen and the character he created, much as an author creates a character in a book, was invented as a love object, to take the place of the love he never received in his early youth, through lack of it from his parents. The character was created and dressed, and lives the life the author designs for him to live, and dies only when the author wants him to die.

Correct, except that for the character Glenda to die the elements must be right.

Glen or Glenda  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Should I let him continue to wear girls' clothing, or should I put my foot down?

If you put your foot down he'd only go behind closed doors. Love is the only answer.

Glen or Glenda  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Therefore two entirely different cases, handled in two entirely different ways have a happy ending.

Yeah, those two. But what of the hundreds of other less fortunate Glens, the world over?

Yes. But what of the others, less fortunate Glens, the world over? Oh, snips and snails and puppy dog tails.

Glen or Glenda  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Let me have your attention for a moment! 'Cause you're talking about what? You're talking about...[puts out his cigarette]...bitching about that sale you shot, some son of a bitch don't wanna buy land, somebody don't want what you're selling, some broad you're trying to screw, so forth. Let's talk about something important. [to John Williamson] Are they all here?

All but one.

Well, I'm going anyway. Let's talk about something important. [to Shelley] Put that coffee down! Coffee is for closers only. [Shelley scoffs] You think I'm fucking with you? I am not fucking with you. I'm here from downtown. I'm here from Mitch and Murray. And I'm here on a mission of mercy. Your name's Levene?


You call yourself a salesman, you son of a bitch?

I don't gotta listen to this shit. [stands up to leave]

You certainly don't, pal, 'cause the good news is you're fired. The bad news is you've got -- all you've got -- just one week to regain your jobs, starting with tonight. Starting with tonight's sit. [sardonically] Oh, have I got your attention now? [Dave Moss sits back down] Good. 'Cause we're adding a little something to this month's sales contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anybody wanna see second prize? Second prize's a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired. [Dave, George, and Shelley glance uncomfortably at each other] Do you get the picture? Are you laughing now? You got leads. Mitch and Murray paid good money. Get their names to sell them! You can't close the leads you're given, you can't close shit, you are shit, hit the bricks, pal, and beat it 'cause you are going out!

The leads are weak.

The leads are weak. Fuckin' leads are weak? You're weak. I've been in this business 15 years.

What's your name?

FUCK! YOU! That's my name! You know why, mister? 'Cause you drove a Hyundai to get here tonight, I drove an $80,000 BMW. That's my name! [to Shelley] And your name is "you're wanting". And you can't play in a man's game. You can't close them. [at a near whisper] Then go home and tell your wife your troubles. [to everyone again] Because only one thing counts in this life! Get them to sign on the line which is dotted! You hear me, you fuckin' faggots? [Blake flips over a blackboard which has two sets of letters on it: ABC, and AIDA.] A-B-C. A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing. Always be closing. Always be closing! A-I-D-A. Attention, Interest, Decision, Action. Attention -- do I have your attention? Interest -- are you interested? I know you are, 'cause it's fuck or walk. You close, or you hit the bricks! Decision -- have you made your decision for Christ?! And action. A-I-D-A. Get out there! You got the prospects coming in; you think they came in to get outta the rain? A guy don't walk on the lot lest he wants to buy. They're sitting out there waiting to give you their money! Are you gonna take it? Are you man enough to take it? [Shelley glares.]


[to Moss] What's the problem, pal? You, Moss. [Blake sits down.]

You're such a hero, you’re so rich. How come you’re comin’ down here an’ waste your time with such a bunch of bums?

[smiles condescendingly.] You see this watch? [Blake takes off his gold watch.] You see this watch?


That watch cost more than your car. I made $970,000 last year. How much you make? You see, pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? Fuck you! Go home and play with your kids. [to everyone] You wanna work here? Close! [to George Aaronow] You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you cocksucker? You can't take this, how can you take the abuse you get on a sit?! You don't like it, leave. I can go out there tonight, the materials you got, make myself $15,000! Tonight! In two hours! Can you? Can you? Go and do likewise! A-I-D-A! Get mad, you son of a bitches! Get mad! You know what it takes to sell real estate? [He pulls something out of his brief case. He is holding two brass balls on string] It takes brass balls to sell real estate. [He puts them away after a pause.] Go and do likewise, gents. The money's out there. You pick it up, it's yours. You don't, I got no sympathy for you. You wanna go out on those sits tonight and close, close, it's yours. Not, you're gonna be shining my shoes. And you know what you'll be saying, bunch of losers, sitting around in a bar. [in a mocking weak voice] "Oh yeah, I used to be a salesman, it's a tough racket." [He takes out large stack of red index cards tied together with string from his briefcase.] These are the new leads. These are the Glengarry leads. And to you, they're gold. And you don't get them. Why? Because to give them to you is just throwing them away. [He hands the stack to John Williamson.] They're for closers. I'd wish you good luck, but you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it. [to Moss as he puts on his watch again] And to answer your question, pal, why am I here? I came here because Mitch and Murray asked me to, they asked for a favor. I said, the real favor, follow my advice and fire your fuckin' ass because a loser is a loser.

Glengarry Glen Ross  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[to James Lingk]: I'm going to tell you something. Your life is your own. You have a contract with your wife? You have certain things you do jointly? Bond there. And there are other things, and those things are yours. And you needn't feel ashamed, you needn't feel that you're being untrue. Or that she would abandon you if she knew. This is your life.


All train compartments smell vaguely of shit. It gets so you don't mind it. That's the worse thing that I can confess. You know how long it took me to get there? A long time. When you die, you're gonna regret the things you don't do. You think you're queer? I'm gonna tell you somethin': we're all queer. You think you're a thief? So what? You get befuddled by a middle-class morality? Get shut of it. Shut it out. You cheat on your wife? You did it, live with it. Fuck little girls? So be it. There's an absolute morality? Maybe. And then what? If you think there is, go ahead, be that thing. Bad people go to hell? I don't think so. You think that? Act that way. A hell exists on Earth? Yes. I won't live in it. That's me. Did you ever take a dump - made you feel like you'd just slept for twelve hours?

James Lingk:
That I -

Yes? [James Lingk laughs.]

James Lingk:
I don't know.

Or piss? Great meals fade in reflection. Everything else gains. You know why? 'Cause it's only food. This shit we put on us keeps us going. It's only food. The great fucks you may have had, what do you remember about 'em?

James Lingk:
What do I remember?

Yeah. I don't know. I'm sayin' what it is. It's-It's probably not the orgasm. Some broad's forearm on your neck, something her eyes did, there was this sound she made. Or it's me in the uh-I'm tellin' you, I'm in bed, the next day, she brought me café au lait, gives me a cigarette. My balls feel like concrete. Hey. [James Lingk laughs.] What I'm saying what is our life? Our life is lookin' forward, or it's lookin' back. That's it. That's our life. Where's the moment? And what is it we're so afraid of?

James Lingk:

What else? The bank closes. You get sick. My wife died on a plane. The stock market collapsed. What if these things happen? None of 'em. We worry anyway. Why?


Stocks, bonds, objects of art, real estate. What are they? An opportunity. To what? To make money? Perhaps. To lose money? Perhaps. To 'indulge' and to 'learn' about ourselves? Perhaps. So fucking what? What isn't? They're an opportunity. That's all they are. They're an event. A guy comes to you, you make a call, you send in a card. 'I have these properties I would like for you to see.' What does it mean? What do you want it to mean. Do you see what I'm saying? Things happen to you. [pause] Glad I met you. I'm glad I met you, James. I want to show you something. It may mean something to you, it may not. I don't know. I don't know anymore. [He takes out a small brochure and puts it on the table] What is that? Florida. Glengarry Highlands. Florida. Bullshit. And maybe that's true, and that's what I said. But look at this. [He opens up the brochure, with the words: 'Make Your Dreams Come True'].

Glengarry Glen Ross  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

When I talk to the police, I get nervous.

Yes. You know who doesn't?


Thieves. Always tell the truth, George; it's the easiest thing to remember.

Glengarry Glen Ross  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Williamson hands Roma lead cards] Ho, ho, ho! "Patel"? "Ravadem Patel"? Wh—how'm I gonna make a living on these dead-beats? Where'd you get this from, the morgue?

Look, I'm …

Oh c'mon, what's the point? What's the fuckin' point in any case? I gotta argue with you? I gotta knock heads with the cops? I'm bustin' my balls selling your dirt to dead-beats! Money in the mattress! I come back, you can't even keep the contracts safe, I gotta cl— [throws the cards at Williamson] Fuck this shit! I'm gonna go out and re-close last week's stuff.

[picks up the lead cards] No, no, no, the word from Murray is to … leave them alone. He needs a new sit, he'll go out himself.

Murray's gonna go out?

Yeah, he'll be the president of the company, just came in from out of town, alright? [holds the leads up]

[pause] Okay, okay, okay. Give me this shit.

[hands the lead cards back] I'm giving you three leads …

Three? No, I count two.

There's three leads there.

"Patel"? Fuck you. Fucking Shiva handed this guy a million dollars, told him "Sign the deal!", he wouldn't sign. And the god Vishnu too, into the bargain. Fuck you, John! You know your business, I know mine. Your business is being an asshole. I find out whose fucking cousin you are, I'm going to go to him and figure out a way to have your ass – fuck you! [throws the cards at Williamson again] I'm waiting for the new leads.

Glengarry Glen Ross  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You're fucked, Rick. Are you fucking nuts? You're hot, so you think you're the ruler of this place. You wanna--

Now, wait a minute, Dave.


Okay …

You want to decide who should be dealt with how, is that it? I come in the fucking office today, I get humiliated by some jag-off cop. I get accused of … I get the shit thrown in my face by you, you genuine shit, because you're top name on the board?

Is that what I did, Dave? I humiliated you? Oh my God, I'm sorry.

Sitting on top of the world. Sitting on top of the world, everything's fuckin' peach fuzz.

And I don't get a moment to spare for some bust-out humanitarian down on his luck lately?

Oh, fuck …

[cutting him off] Fuck you, Dave. You know you got a big mouth. You make a close, this whole place stinks with your farts for a week – how much you just ingested. Oh, what a big man you are! "Hey, let me buy you a pack of gum. I'll show you how to chew it." Whoof! Your pal closes, and all that comes out of your mouth is bile. Ooh, how fucked-up you are!

Who's my pal, Ricky? Hm? What are you? And what are you, Ricky? Huh? Bishop Sheen? What the fuck are you, Mr. Slick? Who – what the fuck are you, "Friend to the working man"? Big deal! FUCK YOU! You got the memory of a fuckin' fly! I never liked you, anyway.

What is this, your farewell speech?

I'm going home.

Your farewell to the troops?

I'm not going home. I'm going to Wisconsin.

Have a good trip.


[to Shelley] You were saying?


Glengarry Glen Ross  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[to John Williamson] You stupid fuckin' cunt. You, Williamson, I'm talking to you, shithead. You just cost me $6,000. $6,000 and one Cadillac. That's right! What're you gonna do about it? What are you gonna do about it, asshole? You're fuckin' shit. Where did you learn your trade, you stupid fuckin' cunt, you idiot? Who ever told you that you could work with men?

Could I, uh-

Oh, I'm gonna have your job, shithead. I'm goin' downtown, I'm gonna talk to Mitch and Murray. I'm goin' to Limpkin. I don't care whose nephew you are, who you know, whose dick you're suckin' on, you're goin' out. I swear to you, you're goin'-

C'mon, let's get this done.

Anyone in this office lives on his wits. [to the detective] I'm gonna be with you in a second. [to John Williamson] What you're hired for is to help us. Does that seem clear to you? To help us, not to fuck us up. To help men who are goin' out there to try to earn a living, you fairy, you company man.

Glengarry Glen Ross  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You said, "Don't make something up unless it's sure to help" do you know I made it up?

Wha…what are you talking about?

I told the customer his contract went to the bank.

[picks teeth] Well, hadn't it?

No, it hadn't.

Don't fuck with me … don't fuck with me! What are you saying?

Well, I'm saying this, Shell; usually I take the contracts to the bank. Last night I didn't. Last night I stayed home with my kids. One night in a year I left the contracts sitting on my desk, no one knew that but you. How did you know that? Do you wanna tell me, or do you want to talk to someone else? Because this is my job. This is my job on the line, and you are gonna talk to me. Now how did you know that contract was on my desk?

You are so full of shit.

John Williamson:
You robbed the office.

Oh sure, I robbed the office! Sure!!

John Williamson:
What did you do with the leads? You wanna go in there? I go in there and tell him what I know, he's gonna dig up something. You got an alibi last night? You better have one....what did you do with the leads?...If you tell me what you did with the leads, we can talk....If you tell me where the leads are, I won't turn you in. If you don't, I'm going to tell the cop you stole them. Mitch & Murray will see that you go to jail. Believe me, they will. Now what did you do with the leads? I'm walking in that door, you have five seconds to tell me, or you're going to jail. I don't care, you understand?! Where are the leads?

Glengarry Glen Ross  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[desperate] Don't.

[smiles] He he … I'm sorry.


Because I don't like you.

[in tears] My daughter.

Fuck you.

Glengarry Glen Ross  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Army Surgeon:
Heard the latest?

Captain Robert G. Shaw:
What's that?

Army Surgeon:
Well, I heard it from a friend who's a dispatch rider, who got it from one of Stanton's clerks in the War Office. He says Lincoln is gonna issue an Emancipation Proclamation. Gonna free the slaves.

Captain Robert G. Shaw:

Army Surgeon:
Well, maybe not the ones in the border states but he's gonna free some of 'em, anyway.

Captain Robert G. Shaw:
My God.

Army Surgeon:
Yeah, he said he would have done it sooner, only he was waiting for a big victory, which is, I guess what this is.

Glory  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Wait, no. That's my space, nigger. I sleep better close by the door.

Thomas Searles:
Well, if you don't mind, I'd prefer a space where there's more sufficient reading light.

Oh, I like it when niggers talk good as white folk!

Thomas Searles:
I'd be happy to teach you. It would be my pleasure.

Hey, listen here, snowflake, I ain't got nothin' to learn from no house nigger, you hear?

Thomas Searles:
I am a free man, as was my father before me.

Oh, you free, huh? Then move your free black ass out my space, before I have to bust it up!

Glory  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
Sergeant Major!

Sergeant Mulcahy:

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
At ease, Sergeant.

Sergeant Mulcahy:

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
I have no doubt you are a fair man, Mulcahy. I wonder if you are treating these men too hard. [Mulcahy hesitates to speak.] You disagree. You may speak freely.

Sergeant Mulcahy:
[referring to Searles] The boy's your friend, is he?

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
We grew up together, yes.

Sergeant Mulcahy:
Let him grow up some more.

Glory  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Sergeant Mulcahy is leading a Company of the 54th during a bayonet drill.]

Sergeant Mulcahy:
Thrust! Develop! Guard! [walks past Private Jupiter Sharts] You're not a dancing school son, take his head off! Thrust! Develop! Guard! [walks to Corporal Thomas Searles] Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, what have here? Bonny Prince Charlie and his little toy bayonet. Your not reading your books now. Go on, go on, get over here, get over here. Now stab me.

Thomas Searles:

Sergeant Mulcahy:
Stab. Me. [Searles half-heartedly prods with his bayonet. Mulcahey sweeps it aside disdainfully.] Stab, not tickle! Hit me! [Searles again lunges with the bayonet] Come on! You prissy little schoolgirl, you're the worst Soldier in this whole company, now hit me![Thomas lunges with his bayonet, Mulcahy deftly grabs his weapon and viciously knocks him to the ground with it.] No shame son, get up. [Searles lies on the ground crying] I said get up!

Nigger forgot to duck, that's all. [a few other soldiers laugh]

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
[points at Trip] Sergeant, deal with that man.

Sergeant Mulcahy:
[walks over to Trip, whispers] Let me tell you a wee secret, son. The only thing you're to learn to do is to keep your mouth shut. [pushes Trip back]

Glory  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Shaw enters the quartermaster's office while some of his soldiers guard the door]

Quartermaster Kendric:
Good afternoon, Colonel. Change your mind about that bottle I was talking about?

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
I want 600 pairs of shoes and 1200 pairs of socks... and anything else you've been holding out on us, you piece of rat filth!

Quartermaster Kendric:
I'd love to help you, Colonel, but we just don't have any.

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
Not for niggers, you don't!

Quartermaster Kendric:
Not for anybody.

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
I see. Pity. I'll just look around to see if you haven't misplaced them, hmm?

[Shaw starts smashing up the place, throwing items off shelves and onto the floor.]

Quartermaster Kendric:

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
[Over the noise] Where are they, you son of a bitch?!

[Shaw throws items off another shelf]

Quartermaster Kendric:
Damn it, you can't-!

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
Can't I? I'm a colonel, you nasty little cuss! You really think you can keep 700 Union soldiers without proper shoes because you think it's funny? Now, where would that power come from?

Glory  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I ain't fightin' this war for you, sir.

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
I see.

I mean, what's the point? Ain't nobody gonna win. It's just gonna go on and on.

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
Can't go on forever.

Yeah, but ain't nobody gonna win, sir.

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
Somebody's gonna win.

Who? I mean, you get to go on back to Boston, big house and all that. What about us? What do we get?

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
Well, you won't get anything if we lose. What do you want to do?

I don't know, sir.

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
It stinks, I suppose.

Yeah, it stinks bad. And we all covered up in it. Ain't nobody clean. Be nice to get clean though.

Colonel Robert G. Shaw:
How do we do that?

We ante up and kick in, sir. But I still don't want to carry your flag.

Glory  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

See, the way I figure, I figure this war would be over a whole lot sooner if you boys just turned right on around and headed back on down that way, and you let us head on up there where the real fighting is.

Union Soldier:
There's men dyin' up that road.

And there wouldn't be nothing but rebs dyin' if they'd let the 54th in it.

Union Solder:

[Men of both regiments argue and begin fighting]

Sgt. Maj. John Rawlins:
Hold it! As you were, Trip! As you were! [To the Connecticut soldiers] You men move on.

10th Connecticut Corporal:
[Scoffing as he notices Rawlins' rank] Stripes on a nigger. That's like tits on a bull!

Sgt. Maj. John Rawlins:
You're lookin' at a higher rank, Corporal. You'll obey and like it.

10th Connecticut Corporal:
Make me.

I'll make you!

[The 10th Connecticut soldiers push forward again and the fight resumes; Major Forbes arrives on his horse]

Major Cabot Forbes:
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! [The fighting immediately stops]

Sgt. Maj. John Rawlins:

Major Cabot Forbes:
[Pointing at the 10th Connecticut Corporal] You! Yes, you! What's your name? I'm putting you up on charges!

[The Corporal freezes in fear, unable to speak]

Sgt. Maj. Rawlins:
Ain't no cause for that, sir.

Major Cabot Forbes:
What's that, Sergeant?

Sgt. Maj. John Rawlins:
It's just a soldiers' fight, sir.

Major Cabot Forbes:
All right. You men move along. [pause] MOVE IT!

[The 54th resumes its work and the 10th Connecticut continues marching; the Corporal looks at Rawlins briefly, then rejoins his unit.]

Glory  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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What TV series is this quote from: "Oh my God! They killed Kenny!"?
A The Simpsons
B SpongeBob SquarePants
C South Park
D Scooby Doo