Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,657

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Paul Atreides:
You've no need for your weapons with me, Gurney Halleck.

Gurney Halleck:
Paul? Paul?

Don't you trust your own eyes?

They said you were dead. They said— [sees Paul's signet ring and embraces him] You young pup! You young pup!

Dune  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Spacing Guildsman:
Emperor Shaddam IV, you have one last chance to take matters into your own hands and bring the situation under control on Arrakis.

Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV:
What do you mean, one last—

Spacing Guildsman:
Do not speak! Listen! You do not have more than this one chance! I represent the entire Guild in this matter! Our navigators warn you that spice production is in great danger! A new Fremen leader, Muad'dib, has stopped spice mining on Arrakis! Our navigators suggest he is not of Arrakis. No one on the outside world has been able to see him. We do not know who he is. The Harkonnens cannot stop him. Remedy the situation! Restore spice production, or you will live out your life in a pain amplifier!

Dune  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Gurney, when the storm hits, set off the atomics. I want an opening through the entire Shield Wall. Stilgar, do we have wormsign?

Usul, we have wormsign the likes of which even God has never seen.

Dune  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV:
Why have you brought me here?

Baron Vladimir Harkonnen:
Your Highness, there must be some mistake. I never requested your presence.

Ah, but your lack of action demanded it. Your dreadful mismanagement, your bad judgment in assigning to Rabban the governorship! You have forced me to come here and set things straight personally!

Alia Atreides:
I am a messenger from Muad'Dib. Poor Emperor. I'm afraid my brother won't be very pleased with you.


Reverand Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam:
Kill this child. She's an abomination. Kill her! [groans then yells at Alia] Get out of my mind!

Not until you tell them both who I really am!

Reverend Mother:
Alia, daughter of Duke Leto the Just and the royal lady Jessica, sister of Paul Muad'Dib.

Paul's sister? Paul is Muad'Dib?

Dune  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Paul Atreides:
Emperor Shaddam IV, there are Guild heighliners above us containing many great Houses of the Landsraad. Send them back!

Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV:
How dare you speak to me in that—

Spacing Guild Agent:
Stop your speaking!

You have some idea of what I could do. [to Reverend Mother Mohiam] Don't try your powers on me! Try looking into that place where you dare not look. You'll find me there, staring back at you.

Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam:
You mustn't speak—

Silence! I remember your Gom Jabbar. Now you'll remember mine. I can kill with a word.

Fremen warrior:
And his word shall carry death eternal to those who stand against the righteous.

Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen:
The righteous?

There is a Harkonnen among you. Give the Harkonnen a blade and let him stand forth.

Emperor Shaddam:
If Feyd wishes, he can meet you with my blade in his hand.

I wish it!

Gurney Halleck:
This is a Harkonnen animal! Let me. Please, my lord.

The Emperor's blade.

Dune  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You see your death. My blade will finish you.

Paul Atreides:
[voiceover] I will bend like a reed in the wind.

Dune  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Paul Atreides:
We Fremen have a saying: God created Arrakis to train the faithful. One cannot go against the word of God.

Alia Atreides:
[as rain begins falling on Arrakis] And how can this be? For he is the Kwisatz Haderach!

Dune  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Nancy Kendricks:
  Besides, do you realise how much the duplex is going to be worth once we get both floors?

Alex Rose:
  I know how much it costs.

Nancy Kendricks:
  Well it's going to be worth like a bazillion times that.

Alex Rose:
  Really?  A bazillion?  That's an incredible return.

Duplex  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alex Rose:
  We brought you this little housewarming gift.  [gives Mrs. Connelly a bottle of wine]

Mrs. Connelly:
  Oh, that's very kind of you, thank you.  I'll open it for you.  I don't drink myself, it's a sin.

Alex Rose:
  [to Nancy]  Irish Catholics don't drink?

Mrs. Connelly:
  Sit down, dears, sit down!  I brought ya a little something to nibble on as well.

Alex Rose:
  Oh, Bugles.  Wow, I didn't realise they even still made Bugles.

Mrs. Connelly:
  [offering Alex a Bugle dipped in French onion dip]  Come along, dear, it's French onion.

Alex Rose:
  [nibbles while looking at Bugles box; sees expiration date reads "October 1997"]  Magnificent parrot.

Mrs. Connelly:
  It's not a parrot, dear.  He's a macaw.  He's named after my late husband, Richard.  I've had Little Dick for forty years.  [Alex and Nancy smile]  Now tell me about yourselves.  What do you do, Allen?

Alex Rose:
  [correcting her]  Alex.

Nancy Kendricks:
  Alex is a writer.

Mrs. Connelly:
  Oh, a writer. I always thought of that as more of a hobby than a real job.  I suppose I'm forgettin' about Joyce.

Alex Rose:
  Joyce, James Joyce, of course.  Wonderful writer.

Mrs. Connelly:
  He died drunk and penniless.

Nancy Kendricks:
  Well, Alex's first novel was published in hardback, and he's just about to finish his second one.

Mrs. Connelly:
  Oh, what's it about?

Alex Rose:
  Well, I like to call it an urban epic.  It's about three generations of this family in New York that own a printing press, and I tell a story mainly about—

Mrs. Connelly:
  [bored, cutting him off]  Oh, that's nice.  Let me give you a refill.  Big Dick had the taste, too.  He was a seaman.  The drink took him from me in 1963.  We'd been married for 58 years.  [Nancy counts silently]

Duplex  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alex Rose:
  I wonder how old she is.

Nancy Kendricks:
  My guess is that she's somewhere between 95 and 105.

Duplex  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alex Rose:
  I'm sorry, I don't hear anything.

Mrs. Connelly:
  It was very distinctive.  The pipes went "bang bang, bangety bang bang…bang, bang."

Duplex  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

  Nancy, did you finish the Celebrity Scene page?

Nancy Kendricks:
  Oh, tickety boo.

  I don't know what that means.

Nancy Kendricks:
  It means you'll have it soon.

  Well if you mean I'll have it soon, then why don't you say "I'll have it soon"?  I mean, "tickety boo" is just confusing, for everybody!

Duplex  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Nancy Kendricks:
  Were you napping?

Alex Rose:
  No!  I was…I was just rearranging my book collection.

Nancy Kendricks:
  In the dark?

Alex Rose:
  And then I just shut my eyes, for a second…

Nancy Kendricks:
  Look!  I got a peacock!

Alex Rose:
  What does it do?

Nancy Kendricks:
  It's there to be decorative and look pretty and be aesthetically pleasing.

Duplex  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

  And what do you do, Chick?

  I'm a pornographer.  Let me give you my card, you know, just in case.

Duplex  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Connelly:
  I always thought it was strange, your husband staying home while you were out there, providin'.

Nancy Kendricks:
  Well, he's a writer.

Mrs. Connelly:
  [laughs]  Writer?  The man naps more than a newborn pup.  What's he writing about, sheep?

Nancy Kendricks:
  Is there something, Mrs. Connelly?

Mrs. Connelly:
  Oh, I guess ya could say there was something!  I've got 'something' on display in my kitchen.

[cut to a scene in Connelly's kitchen]

Nancy Kendricks:
  That is not a mouse dropping, it's a raisin.

Mrs. Connelly:
  That is the leavings of a mouse.

Nancy Kendricks:
  It's a raisin!  [puts the raisin in mouth; expression turns to disgust as she hacks up raisin]

Mrs. Connelly:
  I spayed it with Lysol.

Duplex  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Connelly:
  [regains consciousness, notices Nancy's hands on her chest]  What are ya doin'?!

Nancy Kendricks:
  You were choking on a chocolate.

[Connelly looks at Alex who has lipstick on his lips from reviving her]

Alex Rose:
  You choked on a chocolate.

Mrs. Connelly:

[cut to the police station]

Officer Dan:
  Go on, Mrs. Connelly.

Mrs. Connelly:
  The last thing I remember, I ate one of their chocolates.  When I woke up, he was havin' his way, and she was holdin' me down!

Alex Rose:
  No, no, I was trying to save her life!

Mrs. Connelly:
  He stole my drawers once.  For sniffin'!

Alex Rose:
  That's ridiculous!  She was choking on a chocolate so I gave—

Officer Dan:
  Do shut up.

Duplex  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Nancy Kendricks:
  Come on, come on.  We don't have much time.

Alex Rose:
  I know, she's running errands.  That only gives us twelve fucking hours.

Duplex  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Nancy Kendricks:
  Poor Mr. Peabody!

Alex Rose:
  He took one for the team.

Duplex  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

There's more than one way to die. Your heart can go on ticking, but sometime that’s just for show.

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(Dylan is woken up by a sound of a gun being cocked.)

Man with a gun:
You think you can just ruin peopIe's Iives and get away with it?

You cocked the gun too early.


Shove a gun in somebody's face, that's shock enough. You want to save the gun-cocking till later. In case the gun itself doesn't put enough fear into the guy. You've already done that. Now what do you do? Shake it at me?

(Man shakes the gun at Dylan.)

See? Hardly effective, right?

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm sorry, there's a revolution going on, DyIan. It’s called digital, all right? There are certain parts of the world that consider film kind of old.

Sounds like paradise.

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(Dylan is using some antique tools.)

Fascinating. It's very high-tech.

Undead investigation is old-school.

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The thing about werewolves is that they don't take too well at being accused of murder. Especially the ones they commit.

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?

The good. The bad.

Okay. The bad news is that you’re dead.

Marcus (laughing):
That’s funny. You’re funny. So what’s the good news then?

The good news is that the condition is manageable.

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Army changes a fellow. It kinda makes you think different. I don't want to be spending the rest of my life answering a factory whistle instead of a bugle call. I'll be cooped up in a shipping room all day. I want to do something worthwhile.

Rev. Allen:
After a good night's sleep, you'll be ready to take up where you left off at the factory. A soldier of peace instead of a soldier of war.

I don't want to be a soldier of anything. You see, Mom. I want to get out, away from routine. I had enough of that in the Army...I've been doing engineering work in the Army and that's the kind of work I want to do now. A man's job where he can accomplish things, where he can build, construct, create, do things.

Rev. Allen:
That sounds very nice, but after all, a job in the hand's worth two in the bush.

I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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A Joseph Stalin
B Sun Tzu
C Otto von Bismarck
D John Rambo