Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,673

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Don't worry about him, Justin, he's a jerk.

Yeah, he'll probably fall off the rollercoaster and break every bone in his body.

Nice, Dwight.

I'm just saying, it happens. My cousin Ray-Ray, boop. Dead.

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Peter is the only player in his team left to fight off the girl scouts in the regional qualifying match. Tired of the brats, he hurls the ball, knocking a scout to the ground]

I'm so sorry, are you okay?

Girl Scout:
Why would you hit a girl? WHY?

I'm so sorry, really.

[another girl scout whacks Peter out with a ball]

Winner: Troop 417!

Girl Scout:
In your face! In your face!

You're adopted. Your parents don't even love you.

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I think the lady asked you to leave.

White Goodman:
This doesn't concern you, La Fleur.

Not nearly as much as your hair does, that's for sure.

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago



What are you doing here? I thought you were in Guam.

I caught an earlier fIight, I wouldn't have miss this for the world!

You are amazing. (kisses Joyce passionately)

I told you she was a lesbian.

Wow. Good call.

Hey! I'm not a lesbian.

You're not?

No. I'm bisexual. (kisses Peter)

Oh, snap!

[The scene switches to the Average Joe's team including Steve donning his uniform and pirate attire standing together for a picture.]

Everyone, smile big for the camera!

[The Average Joe's smile and they're on the cover for the Obscure Sports Quarterly with the title Average Joe's Wins it All. On the bottom of the front cover shows a small expose on White's Globo Gym dodgeball team and why America loathes him.]

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[The Girls Scouts Team:
Troop 417 are smug and anticipating being declared eligible until a man runs up to the stage with a note card for the announcer to read, alarmed by what he found.]

I'm sorry, we have a bit of a problem here.

Girl Scout Troop 417:

Unfortunately for Troop 417, during the ADAA-required random drug screening, one of your player's urine tested positive for three separate types of anabolic steroids, and a low-grade beaver tranquilizer. I'm afraid by rule, your team must be disqualified.

[Peter is smug as most of the Girls Scouts, troop 417 stare in anger at a large, well-built girl scout with a mustache and hairy arms named Bernice who got them disqualified for doing just that. A member of the girls scout walks over to her furious.]

Girl Scout:
God damn you, Bernice!

[Enraged, she throws her cap at Bernice for getting their team disqualified and walks off. and Bernice begins crying in a deep voice]

By the power vested in me, I declared the winner of this year's Dodgeball regional qualified tournament and grammar jamboree to be... Average Joe's Gym!

[Average Joe's Team began to cheering]]

Girl Scout #2:
You lied!

[All of the Girl Scout Troop 417 leaves, Bernice crying continues.]

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Thank you, Chuck Norris!

Chuck Norris:
Thank you Peter.

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Globo Gym Announcer:
Tired of the same old you? Tired of being out of shape and out of luck with the opposite sex? Tired of being overweight and under-attractive?

[finishing a ride on the skis] Yeah! Oh, hello. I'm White Goodman, Owner, Operator, and Founder of Globo Gym America Corp, and I'm here to tell you that you don't have to be stuck with what you got.

[a buffed Globo Gym member is lifting weights]

Hey, Rory. Looking good.


Here at Globo Gym, we understand that Ugliness and Fatness are genetic disorders, much like baldness or necrophilia, and it's only your fault if you don't hate yourself enough to do something about it. [climbing on the rocky wall; grunts] And that's where we come in. [cackling] Globo Gym employs a highly-trained, quasi-cultural staff of personal alterational specialists. And with our competitively-priced on-site cosmetic surgery, we can turn that Frankenstein you see in the mirror every morning into a Franken-fine! [wheels out a bandaged-like-a-mummy person in a wheelchair] Of course you'll still be you in a legal sense, but think of it as a thinner, more attractive, better you than you could ever become without us. How do I know? Well, I'm not only the founder of Globo Gym. I'm also a client. [a picture of a 600-pound White Goodman from 14 years ago] That's me. Six years and 600 pounds ago... before I knew how much I hated myself. But that all changed once I founded Globo Gym. But don't just take my word for it. Listen to these Globo-Gymers tell you how it is.

[The scene switches to Peter's dog walking in the living room, revealing Peter sleeping on the couch.]

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Stick it in your ear, La Fleur. I wouldn't sell you your gym back for all of King Midas' silver. The gym is mine! So you can take your band of yellow-bellied losers and just crawl on outta here!

You're right. I can't make you sell back my gym, so I'll just take your advice and invest in something. Say... the controlling stake of Globo Gym.

That's preposterous! I'd never allow it.

Globo Gym is a publicly-traded company, there's nothing you can do about it.

So, I would control Globo Gym and... everything that Globo Gym owns. Which as of last night is Average Joe's Gym!

[Average Joe's Team cheering, alongside Fran who is with Owen. White is furious upon learning that Globo Gym now belongs to Average Joe's.]

I'm your new boss, White.

You can't be my boss! Nobody's my boss! I'm my own boss! I created myself!

You're fired, pal.

You-- You can't do anything to me! You're going down, La Fleur! You're going down like a sweet muffin!

(another buff member of the Globo Gym Purple Cobras is seen restraining White) Another time, another time.

You suck, LaFleur! (Walks away with his team minus Fran and steals a kid's hot dog) Give me that. (chows down on the hot dog.)

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Steve shows up having cleaned himself up and faces Peter in the middle of the celebration.]

I just want to say I thought about what you said and you were right I'm not really a pirate.

I don't know, Steve. If you're not really a pirate, who will I share this buried treasure with?

[The Casino Host opens up the treasure chest to reveal the $5 million Peter won off a long shot bet he made on Average Joe's to win.]

(Reverting back to the lovable pirate he is) Gar! Peter?

Gar, Steve.

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Peter and a few of the guys spy on the bikini clad girls hosting a car wash across the street which attracts more customers than the Average Joe's Gym All Male Car Wash.]

What are the chances on the same day right across the street?

Come on. Those girls beat us fair and square. I for one will be a gentleman and go over to congratulate each and every one of them. Hi, purple.

[Gordon then runs over to Peter, Steve, Owen and Dwight, alarmed by the truck owner and his dog.]

Umm guys, guys. Not to be a naysayer or anything, but the only customer that we had so far that weird guy who keeps paying Justin to wash his truck.

[Peter and the others turn their attention to the male owner who is obviously using his dog to force Justin to wash his truck's wheels.]

Truck Owner:
[playing with his belly button] That's it boy! Get in there nice and deep like.

[The dog barks forcing Justin to work faster]

Yeah, that's not good.

Steve the Pirate:
Gar, This sucks.

[Peter collects Justin and the other guys and retreats to Average Joe's Gym.]

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[An Average Joe's commercial is seen in which is now newly renovated and successful due to Peter's better money management and business skills.]

Hi, I'm Peter LaFleur, owner and operator of Average Joe's gym and I'm here to tell you, you're perfect the way you are. But if you feel like losing a few pounds, eating healthier and making a few friends in the process, then Joe's is the place for you.

[Peter is seen with Kate (who is now his girlfriend), Dwight, Gordon with his children, Steve the Pirate, Justin, Amber (Justin's pregnant girlfriend), Owen and Fran. They are surrounded by children and on top of the newly built Dodgeball gym is a picture of a wheelchair bound Patches O' Houlihan.]

Don't forget, youth dodge ball classes are forming right now. So learn a great game like it's supposed to be played. Right, kids?


[They throw dodgeball at Peter and co, and having a blast in it. A scene soon switches to White Goodman's living room. He's now obese from drowning his sorrows in junk food]

[mock laughter before turning off the TV with the remote.] Spare me, I won that tournament. [Eats a chicken thigh] Fuckin' Chuck Norris!

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

After 20 years of doing what was expected of us, we're free.

I'm just as keen on this trip as you are. I'm rarin' to go. I've always wanted to see London and Paris.

I want much more than a trip out of this, Sam. I want a new life, all over from the very beginning. A perfectly glorious, free, adventurous life.

Dodsworth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Why, if we weren't tied to this half-baked Middle Western town...

Fran, don't start knocking Zenith.

Darling, I'm not knocking Zenith. But have you ever thought what Zenith means to me? You go down to the plant and deal in millions and have a marvelous time. I go down to the kitchen and order dinner. Then there's the ladies' luncheon and bridge, always the same ladies. Then dinner... same people we dined with last week. After dinner, poker for the men and women for the women. There's talk of children and doctors and servants and the garden club...

Thought you liked the garden club.

I can't go on liking the same things forever and ever. Oh, Sammy darling, I want all the lovely things I've got a right to. In Europe, a woman of my age is just to the point where men begin to take a serious interest in her. I won't be put on the shelf for my daughter when I can still dance longer and better than she can. After all, I've got brains and, thank heavens, I've still got looks. Nobody takes me for over 32. 30 even. Oh Sammy, darling, I'm begging for life. No, I'm not. I'm demanding it.

I see how you feel. All right, I'll enjoy life now if it kills me, and it probably will.

Dodsworth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

She wants me to learn how to enjoy my leisure, now that I'm retired. But what it boils down to - well, I've been doing things myself for a long time now. I thought I'd give things a chance to do something to me.

The education of an American.

Yes, you might call it that.

How long have you given yourself?

Six months.

To get all that done?

Oh, I'll be homesick by then.

Dodsworth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Can't we stay and have our nightcap down here?

Capt. Lockert:
Why not?

We can't go off and leave everything as perfect as this. That'd be ridiculous. I'd like to stay right here and see the dawn.

Capt. Lockert:
You don't think he'll roar around the ship and shoot when he finds me here?

Who, Sam? Oh, no. No, he's got all the old-fashioned virtues, except jealousy.

Dodsworth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You've lived abroad. What's it like?

That depends on what one's after, as you would say.

When a man has no more job and his wife wants a fling there are worse things than travel. It wouldn't do for me though. No, not long, it wouldn't. For a steady thing, give me America. For Americans, that is.

Drifting isn't nearly so pleasant as it looks.

Why don't you give it up?

One drifts for lack of a reason to do anything else.

Well, what do you want?

What do you suppose any lone woman wants?

Dodsworth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Capt. Lockert:
You're taking a wickedly unfair advantage of me. I only thought I was doing what was expected of me.

What I expected of you?

Capt. Lockert:
Not you alone, Fran. There's a tradition about this sort of thing. I thought civilized people knew where an innocent flirtation stops. For a civilized woman who's been married as long as you have, you're making a great deal of a small matter.

It's not a small matter to me. I offer you my most abject apology.

Capt. Lockert:
If I might offer you one small word of advice, give up starting things you're not prepared to finish. It's quite evident they only lead you out of your depth.

You think I'm not equal to your impudence? Look at the exhibition you're making of yourself.

Capt. Lockert:
I? Any modern schoolgirl could compete with this situation. You've got the most childish misconception of yourself. You think you're a woman of the world, and you're nothing of the sort.

Dodsworth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You've got to take care of me. You really have, Sam. I don't trust myself. I'm afraid of myself.

You're afraid, sweetheart?

Yes, I am. I'm just a wooly American like you after all. If you ever catch me trying to be anything else, will you beat me?

Well, will I have to beat you very long at a time?

Oh, Sam, come in and finish your breakfast.

Dodsworth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I hadn't realized it was your birthday.

No? Wish I hadn't. No woman enjoys getting to be 35.

When you're my age, you look back on 35 as a most agreeable time of life.

I hope I look as young as you do when I'm your age.

You're almost sure to, my dear.

Dodsworth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Why don't you go home?

Without you?

Yeah. Get yourself a new lease on life and come back here and join me. Why don't ya?

I wouldn't want to go home without you.

I can see you're not enjoying yourself in Paris. I'm only thinking of your pleasure. If you've got a mind, you wouldn't ask me to leave. I just made nice friends.

I don't think they're so nice. I don't, and I don't see what you see in them.


They all belong to the smartest crowd in Paris.

You think the real thing in Paris would hang out with a couple of hicks like us? What else are we? I'm just an ordinary American businessman and I married the daughter of a Zenith brewer who's flying high these days.

I suppose you know what you mean by that.

Why won't you sit at a cafe with me?

Smart people don't.

I'm not smart.

I am.

You ought to be smart enough not to care what people think.

Dodsworth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, you're hopeless. You haven't the mistiest notion of civilization here.

Yeah, well, maybe I don't think so much of it, though. Maybe clean hospitals, concrete highways, and no soldiers along the Canadian border come near my idea of civilization. There are 20 million automobiles in America. Now, I've contributed something to every single one of them from my own personal civilization. And if that isn't more than knowing how to order dinner as your friend the madam...

You don't want to learn. I could teach you. I belong here. They accept me here.

Yeah? Well, I'm gonna get out of this town and back to doing something, and take you along.

Well, I'm not going, Sam.

Oh, yes, you are.

No, I'm not. I think you and I need a vacation from each other.

Well, I don't feel that way about it. I think I've been weak with you long enough.

Besides, I've rented a villa with Renee for the summer at Montreux on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. I've signed the lease.

Well, I think you might have told me.

I got my own money.

Dodsworth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Fran, my darling, you're not drifting away from me.

I hope not.

Oh, no. You and I, Fran, after all these years. All right, I'll give it up. I won't go home.

But, you've, you've got to go home. You've simply got to. I can't stand being torn like this any longer. Oh, I'm sorry for all the mean things I've said to you. But if you and I are gonna go on together, you've simply got to let me alone this summer. Oh, don't look so hurt, and please don't be angry. Oh, be as angry as you like, if it does any good! Remember, I, I did make a home for you once, and I'll do it again, only you've got to let me have my fling now! Because you're simply rushing at old age, Sam, and I'm not ready for that yet.

Dodsworth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You want to divorce me then?

Why should I want to divorce you? You're my husband.

You couldn't very well divorce me if I weren't.

Dodsworth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Have things got this bad, Fran? I'm too tired to talk tonight. If things have got this bad, they've got to stop altogether. Now, I'm willing to do anything I can to make you happy. I love you. You know that. But if we're going on together, as you said to me back in Paris, I'm saying it now, if we are going on together, we've got to beat it right back home where we belong.

Is that your idea of making me happy?

I'm not taking any more chances on another Arnold Iselin. Oh, I know this friendship with Kurt is harmless enough, but you might get fascinated.

You think I might? You really think I might? Well, I love Kurt, and Kurt loves me, and I'm going to marry him. He asked me tonight...You've never known me. You've never known anything about me, not what I had on or thought or the sacrifices I've made....I'll be happy with Kurt. I'm fighting for life! You can't drag me back!

Will you get your divorce here?

Yes, I suppose so.

I wish you'd put it off for a couple of months.


I'd like you to feel sure of Kurt. That's all.

Well, it's my funeral now, isn't it?

Yes, I guess so. I'll have to get used to that idea. I guess I can.

Dodsworth  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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