Dr. Fred Schiller:
These people don't like to work anonymously. They want you to know who's doing it to you. So this name Simon is probably not an alias. It's probably Simon or some variation.
Joe Lambert:
[reads information off of a rap sheet] Simon, Robert E. Busted in '86. Extortion. Kidnapping. 10 to 15. Did 7 years for good behavior. Released on a state work furlough two months ago.
Inspector Cobb:
Check it. [Rick tosses something to McClane]
John McClane:
Thanks, Rick. Bob Simon was a bankrupt businessman who kidnapped his partner's daughter. He's a fuck-up, not a psycho. The guy we're looking for is nuts.
Charles Weiss:
[comes in] A nut who knows a lot about bombs. We found this in a playground. Professional. Very cool stuff! You know … [thuds the bomb on Cobb's desk] Boom!
Inspector Walter Cobb:
You think you should slam it around like that, Charlie?
Charles Weiss:
It's unmixed. You can't hurt it. This stuff is cutting edge. It's a binary liquid.
Inspector Walter Cobb:
A what?
Charles Weiss:
Like epoxy. Two liquids. [puts a dab of the clear liquid on Cobb's desk] Now, either one by itself … [hits it with his shoe] you got nothing. But, mix them … [swirls the edge of a paper clip in both liquids] Ricky? [Ricky Walsh moves aside and Charlie throws the paperclip at a chair. The mixture explodes and throws the chair all the way across the room]
Connie Kowalski:
Charlie, you're gonna be wearin' that chair up your ass!!
Inspector Walter Cobb:
Christ almighty, Charlie!
Charles Weiss:
[pretending to have not heard them] Like I said very cool stuff. Now, with a package like this, you get a warning. Now, the bomb has to arm itself. You'll see the red liquid pump into the clear before it detonates.
John McClane:
How long before?
Charles Weiss:
Ten seconds, two minutes, it could be anything. But once it's mixed, be somewhere else!