Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,678

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Spitzen-Stereoanlage! ["Nice stereo system!"]

Ich hab' zwei davon in Berlin. ["I've got two of them in Berlin."]

Die Hard  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You are dog now! No more table! Where are you going, pal?! Next time you have a chance to kill someone, don't hesitate.

[McClane, knowing where Marco is from his taunting, shoots through the table, killing him]

John McClane:
Thanks for the advice.

Die Hard  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[John is hiding from the gunmen]

John McClane:
Argyle, tell me you heard the shots. You're calling the police right now.

[Parking garage. Argyle is in John's limo listening to hip-hop and talking on the carphone]

Yeah, of course, I'm still coming by later. Sweetheart, have I lied to you? My boss? He thinks I'm on my way to Vegas.

Die Hard  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John McClane:
[calling the police on a radio taken from the terrorists] Mayday, Mayday, emergency, anyone copy, channel nine. Terrorists have seized the Nakatomi Building, and are holding at least thirty people hostage. I repeat, unknown number of terrorists, six or more armed with automatic weapons at Nakatomi Plaza, Century City. Somebody answer me, god dammit!

First LAPD Operator:
[to other operator] It's the same address as that fire signal.

Second LAPD Operator:
I'll take this. [to McClaine] Attention, whoever you are: this frequency is reserved for emergency calls only.

John McClane:
No fuckin' shit, lady! Do I sound like I'm orderin' a pizza?! They have already killed one hostage, they are fortifying their positions while you're jerkin' me off on a radio! Now send the police down ASAP...

Second LAPD Operator:
[interrupting] Sir, I've already told you: this is a reserved channel. If this is an emergency call, dial 911 on your telephone. Otherwise, I'll report this as an FCC violation.

John McClane:
Fine, report me! Come the fuck down here and arrest me! Just send the police now!

[Karl shoots at him. The operators react with annoyed surprise on the other end when the hear the gunshots]

Second LAPD Operator:
See if a black-and-white can drive by.

Die Hard  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Big Johnson:
[Whooping as their helicopter buzzes along just above street level] Just like fuckin' Saigon! Eh, Slick?

Little Johnson:
[grins back] I was in junior high, dickhead!

Die Hard  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

They're using artillery on us!

Hans Gruber:
You idiot. It's not the police. It's him.

Die Hard  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Those guys in the suits, I don't know who they are.

Hans Gruber:
That's the FBI. They're ordering the others to cut the building's power. Regular as clockwork.

[grins in realization] Or a time lock.

Hans Gruber:
Precisely. The circuits that cannot be cut are cut automatically in response to a terrorist incident. You asked for miracles, Theo. I give you the F...B...I...

Die Hard  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[last line]

If this is their idea of Christmas, I gotta be here for New Year's.

Die Hard  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Simon reveals that he didn't ever intend to blow a school full of children]

Of course not. I'm a soldier, I'm not a monster, even though I do sometimes work for monsters.

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John McClane:
[prepares to shoot a wire down on Simon's helicopter] Say hello to your brother! [shoots down the wire]

Simon Gruber:
[sees what McClane did] Get out of here!

[As Gruber's helicopter flies away, with Simon shooting, the wire gets tangled in its rotor, causing it to crash and explode]

John McClane:
Yippie-ki-yay motherfucker!

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[McClane shows up to stop Simon while he's having sex with Katya]

John McClane:
Hey, dickhead. Did I come at a bad time?

[Katya, furious, shoots at McClane's helicopter. Zeus laughs]

Zeus Carver:
I think she's pissed at you, McClane!

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[McClane is flung out of a hole in the ground which Zeus, driving by, notices]

Zeus Carver:
You've got a hell of a way of flagging somebody down!

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John McClane:
[to Jerry after thinking he's one of Simon's men] Are you a truck driver?

[sarcastically] No, I'm a beautician! Of course I'm a truck driver!

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[While transporting McClane to Harlem]

Ricky Walsh:
Next, fourteen dump trucks stolen from a yard in Staten Island. Fourteen! Jesus! Somebody starting a construction company?

Joe Lambert:
No, it was John's landlady, gonna clean his apartment.

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Zeus Carver:
How do Catholics do their thing?

John McClane:
North, South, West, East. [Zeus crosses himself in those directions] How much time?

Zeus Carver:
27 minutes.

John McClane:
Ha! 72nd and Broadway to Central Park South in three minutes! It's gotta be a fuckin' record!

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Zeus's nephews visit their uncle at his electronics store with a new stereo]

Yo, uncle!

Come look at this!

Zeus Carver:
[looks at watch] It's ten after 9:00. Why aren't you in school?

Tony wants to sell you this.

Zeus Carver:
Tony? That no-neck dude they call "Bad T"?

He says he found it in a dumpster.

Zeus Carver:
If he keeps stealin' from people, they're gonna find him in a dumpster.

No, he didn't steal it! He says his uncle gave it to him.

Zeus Carver:
Mmmm-hmmm? Hand me that newspaper over there.

[Raymond hands Zeus the paper, who slaps him over the head]

Zeus Carver:
Don't ever let people use you. You're running all over town with stolen property! If you get caught, you get in trouble while he gets to deny the whole thing and walk away.

Y-You mean, you want us to take it back to Tony?

Zeus Carver:
No, I'll take it back to Tony … with a message.

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Now, where you going?



To get educated.


So we can go to college.

And why is that important?

To get 'espect.

Respect. Now, who's the bad guys?

Guys who sell drugs.

Guys who have guns.

And who's the good guys?

We're the good guys.

Who's gonna help you?


So who's gonna help you?

We're gonna help ourselves.

And who do we not want to help us?

Dexter and Raymond:
White people!

That's right. Now get on out of here. Go to school.

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Zeus and his nephews see McClane across the street from their electronics store sporting a sandwich board that says "I HATE NIGGERS"]

Zeus Carver:
Dial 9-1-1. Tell the police to get up here quick. Somebody's about to get killed. And get your butts to school, you hear me?

Raymond Carver:
[casually] Yeah.

Dexter Carver:

[Zeus goes out, notices a black gang across the street, then walks across to speak to McClane]

Zeus Carver:

John McClane:
Good morning.

Zeus Carver:
You having a nice day, sir? You feelin' all right? [A car passing by honks its horn in response to McClane's message] Not to get too personal, but a white man standing in the middle of Harlem wearing a sign that says "I Hate Niggers" has either got some serious personal issues, or not all his dogs are barking. [McClane yawns] Hey, I'm talking to you! Now you've got about ten seconds before those guys see you, and when they do, they will kill you, you understand? You are about to have a very bad day.

John McClane:
Tell me about it, Sir this is a police matter, for your own safety I'm gonna have... .

Zeus Carver:
You damn right it's a police matter, for you're own safety I suggest you hide your butt in my shop till the police get here.

Black Gang Member:

Zeus Carver:
[looks to see the Gang Member at McClane with the sign] Oh shit.

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John McClane:
Listen I'm a cop.

Zeus Carver:

John McClane:
I'm on a case. Somebody blew Bonwit Teller's an hour ago. Did you hear about that on the news?

Zeus Carver:

John McClane:
The same asshole that did that said I gotta come to Harlem and do this, or he's gonna blow up somethin' else, do you understand?

Zeus Carver:

John McClane:
Listen I got a gun.

Zeus Carver:
They got ten guns.

John McClane:
When you get across the street, you should get across the street.

Zeus Carver:
Look start acting crazy, alright?

John McClane:

Zeus Carver:
Like Looney Tunes, you know like Bellevue?

[A black gang has seen McClane with the "I hate niggers" sign and is surrounding him and Zeus]

Black Gang Leader:
Hey, Zeus. Is he a friend of yours?

Zeus Carver:
He look like a friend of mine? I think this dude has just escaped from some hospital. You know, like Bellevue?

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[McClane and Zeus escape the black gang in a taxi cab]

John McClane:
That cut deep?

Zeus Carver:
How the hell would I know?

John McClane:
Just keep pressure on it. Jésus, right? John McClane. Thanks for covering my ass back there. I owe you one.

Zeus Carver:
Damn right, you owe me one! Do you have any idea what those guys are doing to my shop right now?

John McClane:
Chill out, Jésus.

Zeus Carver:
Chill out? What the fuck? Are you trying to relate to me? Talk like a white man!

John McClane:
Look, Jésus, I'm sorry you got involved!

Zeus Carver:
Why're you calling me "Jésus"? Do I look Puerto Rican to you?

John McClane:
The guy back there called you Jésus.

Zeus Carver:
He didn't say "Jésus," he said "Hey, Zeus!" My name is Zeus.

John McClane:

Zeus Carver:
Yes! As in Father of Apollo? Mount Olympus? Don't-fuck-with-me-or-I'll-shove-a-lightning-bolt-up-your-ass Zeus! You got a problem with that?

John McClane:
No, I don't have a problem.

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[McClane and Zeus have just carjacked a taxi]

Zeus Carver:
I used to drive a cab. The fastest way to – [yells as McClane speeds off; McClane runs a red light, barely avoiding collision with several cars]

John McClane:
You were saying?

Zeus Carver:
I was saying, I used to drive a cab, and 9th Avenue is the fastest way south. We seem to be headed east.

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Fred Schiller:
These people don't like to work anonymously. They want you to know who's doing it to you. So this name Simon is probably not an alias. It's probably Simon or some variation.

Joe Lambert:
[reads information off of a rap sheet] Simon, Robert E. Busted in '86. Extortion. Kidnapping. 10 to 15. Did 7 years for good behavior. Released on a state work furlough two months ago.

Inspector Cobb:
Check it. [Rick tosses something to McClane]

John McClane:
Thanks, Rick. Bob Simon was a bankrupt businessman who kidnapped his partner's daughter. He's a fuck-up, not a psycho. The guy we're looking for is nuts.

Charles Weiss:
[comes in] A nut who knows a lot about bombs. We found this in a playground. Professional. Very cool stuff! You know … [thuds the bomb on Cobb's desk] Boom!

Inspector Walter Cobb:
You think you should slam it around like that, Charlie?

Charles Weiss:
It's unmixed. You can't hurt it. This stuff is cutting edge. It's a binary liquid.

Inspector Walter Cobb:
A what?

Charles Weiss:
Like epoxy. Two liquids. [puts a dab of the clear liquid on Cobb's desk] Now, either one by itself … [hits it with his shoe] you got nothing. But, mix them … [swirls the edge of a paper clip in both liquids] Ricky? [Ricky Walsh moves aside and Charlie throws the paperclip at a chair. The mixture explodes and throws the chair all the way across the room]

Connie Kowalski:
Charlie, you're gonna be wearin' that chair up your ass!!

Inspector Walter Cobb:
Christ almighty, Charlie!

Charles Weiss:
[pretending to have not heard them] Like I said very cool stuff. Now, with a package like this, you get a warning. Now, the bomb has to arm itself. You'll see the red liquid pump into the clear before it detonates.

John McClane:
How long before?

Charles Weiss:
Ten seconds, two minutes, it could be anything. But once it's mixed, be somewhere else!

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John McClane:
Hey, can you pick locks?

Zeus Carver:
Is this one of those black things again?

John McClane:
Will you stop with that racist shit?

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John McClane:
Listen, you fail, I cover your ass. I fail, you cover my ass.

Zeus Carver:
And if we both fail?

John McClane:
Then we're both fucked! Go now, drive. Get to that phone booth by 10:20! Go!

Zeus Carver:
[mutters to himself] My lucky fucking day...

Die Hard with a Vengeance  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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What TV series is this quote from: "How you doin'?"
A Friends
B The Simpsons
C South Park
D Family Guy