Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,677

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Emma Fairfax:
I promise to ask for no special privileges.

Dr. Dolittle:
I promise to grant none. The ship has no place for woman.

Emma Fairfax:
Well, the simple answer then is to treat me like a man.

Dr. Dolittle:
I intend to.

Doctor Dolittle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Dolittle:
[consulting a medical book] This fellow obviously knows what he's talking about.

Matthew Mugg:
Who wrote the book, Doctor?

Dr. Dolittle:
[suddenly realizing] Er... oh, I did.

Doctor Dolittle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Emma Fairfax:
What are you trying to say?

Dr. Dolittle:

Emma Fairfax:
I mean, why don't you say what you mean?

Dr. Dolittle:
What do you mean, say what I mean?

Emma Fairfax: [singing] For a month or more I have listened and dreamed While the moon has glistened and a million stars have gleamed. Waiting.

Dr. Dolittle:

Emma Fairfax:

Dr. Dolittle:
What for?

Emma Fairfax: What for?! [singing] For a man I know who is clever and kind But a man who never, ever seems to know his mind Waiting Waiting Waiting for you to say you like me Or hate me Or miss me Or kiss me Or something But nothing! Nothing do you say at all! Little wonder I feel sorely Neglected Unwanted Rejected And small Little more than two feet tall!

Doctor Dolittle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tommy Stubbins:
What do you want us to do? Go to the North Pole?

Dr. Dolittle:
Unfortunately, there isn't time. It isn't pleasant up there.

Tommy Stubbins:
But, the North Pole hasn't been discovered yet?

Dr. Dolittle:
Not officially. And I never say anything about it; because, I promised the polar bears I wouldn't.

Doctor Dolittle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Dolittle:
Anyway, we're all safe. That's the main thing. At least, we will be as soon as we find Miss Fairfax.

Matthew Mugg:
Poor Fred.

Dr. Dolittle:
I said all along a ship was no place for a woman. Heaven knows I did my best to make the voyage pleasant for her. You can't spend your life running after a woman, waiting on her hand and foot, when there's important work to be done. I think under the circumstances, I treated her very well. Probably, too well. I spoiled her, in fact. I tied her very securely to that raft. I hope she's alright, that's all.

Doctor Dolittle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Emma Fairfax:
Saved all your books, I see.

Dr. Dolittle:
Yes, most fortunate.

Emma Fairfax:
Lost all my dresses!

Dr. Dolittle:
Eh, yes, most unfortunate. I saw your trunk floating amongst the wreckage. However, that outfit you're wearing this morning is the nicest thing I've seen you in since you left England.

Emma Fairfax:
This is my underwear!

Dr. Dolittle:
Oh. Anyway, it suits you.

Doctor Dolittle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dr. Dolittle:
I think I'll start planning my next voyage.

Emma Fairfax:
Where are you going this time? The moon?

Dr. Dolittle:
Very, probably, yes.

Emma Fairfax:
You're not serious?

Dr. Dolittle:
Oh, yes!

Emma Fairfax:

Dr. Dolittle:
On the giant lunar moth! Magnificent creature. He flies backwards and forth every year to the moon. When it reaches one, it is attracted by the light of the other, and flies back again! Willie tells me there's one on the island. Now, my idea is to build some kind of saddle arrangement, very secure, so I don't fall off half way.

Emma Fairfax:
Can I come?

Doctor Dolittle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Baby Alligator:

Mama? I'm not your mama.

Baby Alligator:

Oh no, don't look at me. Though there was that one time I got drunk in the Everglades.

Dr. Dolittle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What are you drinking?

It's Gatorade.

Give me that! [takes water pouch and smells drink] Gatorade made wine, now?

Dr. Dolittle 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Dr. Dolittle meets a Pacific Western bear named Ava and makes a proposition]

Dr. Dolittle:
Hi. Hello. My name is John.

I'm Ava.

Hi, Ava. That's a pretty name. Nice to meet you.


A quick question, Ava. How would you like to meet the man of your dreams?

You're real cute, but I don't go interspecies.

No, I'm not talking about me. I shouldn't have said man. I should've said bear. What do you think of that big hunk of bear over there?

I don't think I see him.Is he standing behind that dork?

No, he is...Let me explain what's going on. A logging company's gonna tear down the whole forest. And the only thing that can stop them is if I can get two Pacific Western bears together. You're a Pacific Western bear, so is he. If you two made little Pacific Western bears, then... You see where I'm going?

Yeah. [walks away] Look, no offense, but I don't talk to bear pimps.

Dr. Dolittle 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[During Archie's detention, as John and Charisse visit him.]

Looks like I wasn't meant to be loved.

Everyone's meant to be loved.

Yes, everyone's meant to- [caught by surprise at Charisse's newfound ability] Charisse!

Dr. Dolittle 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After Archie humiliates himself in front of Ava, he hides in a cave. Dr. Dolittle is trying to help him out.]

Come on out of there, Archie.


I'm sure it wasn't that bad.

It was the most humiliating thing I've ever done! And I had to ride a unicycle in a tutu! A tutu! (exclaims in disgust)

Alright, I understand you, but we just gotta work a little harder is all.

No, I'm just gonna stay in here and hibernate.

Dr. Dolittle 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alright, Archie. I'm not playing anymore. You come out here right now, you big coward!

Uh, excuse me, who are you calling a coward?

You! I'm calling YOU a coward! You're a big coward for quitting like this!

Well, it's hard.

You wanna know what "hard" is, Archie? My wife is mad at me, my daughter's mad at me, and I'm spending my vacation with a pizza boy, who greets me by saying "Hey yo, Dr. D, what's up?" Now, I'm standing here listening to a big, furry baby cryin' he's gonna quit 'cause it's too hard!

Well, Ava laughed at me!

(mocking Archie) "Oh, boo-hoo! Ava laughed at me! I love her, and I need her, and she laughed at me!" You know somethin'? You don't even deserve Ava! Why should she have to spend her life with a (pokes at him) coward like you?

Hey! Don't poke a bear, buddy!

Oh, I didn't poke a bear, because if I was pokin' a bear, a bear would be mauling me. So, I dunno what I poked, but it sure as hell ain't no bear! (pokes him again)

Hey, I'm warning you!

(pokes him again) Yeah, and I'm POKING you!

Hey, stop it!

(pokes him three times) Poke poke poke!

Alright, that's it! (knocks John off the hill, and he lands in some mud.)

Archie, that hurt.

Whoa, that felt good. Bear-like.

Hey Archie, you know what? You're beyond my help! You just take your ass back to the circus!

A bear? Whoo-hoo! I'm a bear! I'm the alpha bear! Rawr! RAAWWRRR! Uh, bears say "grr," right?

Dr. Dolittle 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Uh-oh. Uh-oh!

What do you mean "uh-oh?"

Ice cream's acting up.

What ice cream?

After Sonny took Ava, I got depressed, and went on a bender. And on the second gallon, I realize, that I'm in love with Ava, and this ice cream called "Cherry Garcia." [belches]

Hey, Don't you DARE throw up on me!

(groans) That's not where it's gonna come out! (groans)

Wait, wait, wait, hold on! If you have to do that, then sit on the toilet!

Dr. Dolittle 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

This is a new edition of the Lara poems.

Yes, I know. We admire your brother very much.

Yes, everybody seems to.. now.

Well, we couldn't admire him when we weren't allowed to read him...


Doctor Zhivago  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Girl:
I'm not your neice, Comrade General.

Well, I'm nobody's idea of an uncle, but if this man were my father, I should want to know.

Doctor Zhivago  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I-I'm going now, Viktor.

Whenever you like dear. You see, you'll always come back.

Doctor Zhivago  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Komarovsky meets Lara's future husband.]

Pavel Pavlovich; my chief impression - and I mean no offence - is that you're very young.

Pasha Antipov:
Monsieur Komarovsky; I hope I don't offend you. Do people improve with age?

They grow a little more tolerant.

Pasha Antipov:
Because they have more to tolerate in themselves. If people don't marry young, what do they bring to their marriage?

A little experience.

Doctor Zhivago  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[speaking of Pasha Antipov] Lara, I am determined to save you from a dreadful error. There are two kinds of men, and only two, and that young man is one kind. He is high-minded. He is pure. He is the kind of man that the world pretends to look up to and in fact despises. He is the kind of man who breeds unhappiness; particularly in women. Now, do you understand?


I think you do. There's another kind. Not high-minded. Not pure. But alive. Now that your taste at this time should incline towards the juvenile is understandable. But for you to marry that boy would be a disaster. Because there's two kinds of women. [Lara puts her hands to her ears; he snatches them away] There are two kinds of women and you - as we well know - are not the first kind. [Lara slaps him. He slaps her back, harder] You, my dear, are a slut.

I am not!

We'll see.

Doctor Zhivago  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[the camera shows a group of dejected-looking Russian soldiers in a trench, staring out across a snowy no-man's land during World War I as Yevgraf narrates]

"By the second winter of the war, the boots had worn out... but the line still held. Their great coats fell to pieces on their backs. Their rations were irregular. Half of them went into action without arms, led by men they didn't trust."

[leaps up on top of trench with a saber drawn] Come on, you bastards!

"And those they did trust..."

[jumps out of the trench waving his rifle] Come on, comrades! Come on!

[the Russian soldiers hesitantly follow Pasha as the German guns open fire]

Come on! Comrades! Earth-shakers! SHOW THEM!!! CHARGE!

[Pasha is hit by several artillery explosions; the rest of the Russian soldiers retreat back to their trench. Cut to Russian soldiers beginning to leave their trenches and desert.]

"At last, they did what all the armies dreamed of doing - they began to go home. That was the beginning of the Revolution."

Doctor Zhivago  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You know, you often look at me as if you knew me.

I have seen you before. Four years ago. Christmas Eve. [when Lara shot Komarovsky at a party which Zhivago was attending]

Were you there? No wonder you look at me. Did you know Viktor Komarovsky?

Yes I did. That young man who took you away -

My husband.

Lot of courage. He made the rest of us look very feeble. As a matter of fact, I thought you both did. Good man to shoot at.

I'd give anything never to have met him.

Doctor Zhivago  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

This Lenin - will he be the new Czar, then?

Listen Daddy - no more Czars! No more masters! Only workers in a workers' state! How about that?!

Doctor Zhivago  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Yevgraf meets Yuri and his family. Whilst Yevgraf appears on the screen, we never hear his on-screen words but his voice-over instead.]

"I told them who I was. The old man was hostile, the girl, cautious. My brother... seemed very pleased. I think the girl was the only one who guessed at their position."

You're just as I imagined you. You're my political conscience.

"I asked him - hadn't he one of his own? [laughs] And so he talked about the revolution."

You lay life on a table and you cut out all the tumours of injustice. Marvellous.

"I told him if he felt like that he should join the party."

Ah, but cutting out the tumours of injustice - that's a deep operation. Someone must keep life alive while you do it. By living. Isn't that right?

"I thought then it was wrong. He told me what he thought about the party and I trembled for him. He approved of us, but for reasons which were subtle, like his verse. Approval such as his could vanish overnight. I told him so."

Well, of course I can't approve this evening something you may do tomorrow.

"He was walking about with a noose round his neck and didn't know. So I told him what I'd heard about his poems."

Not... liked? Not liked by whom? Why not liked?

"So I told him that."

Do you think it's "personal, petit-bourgeoise and self-indulgent"?

[On the screen, Yevgraf nods and says "yes".]

"I lied. But he believed me, and it struck me through to see that my opinion mattered. The girl knew what it meant, what it was going to mean. They couldn't survive what was coming in the city. I urged them to leave and live obscurely somewhere in the country where they could keep themselves alive."

We have - used to have - an estate at Varykino, near Yuriatin. People know us there.

"He didn't resist. I offered to obtain permits, passes, warrants; I told them what to take, and what to leave behind. I had the impertinence to ask him for a volume of his poems. And so we parted. I think I even told him that we would meet again in better times... but perhaps I didn't."

Doctor Zhivago  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Zhivago has been captured by Partisans.]

Partisan Commander:
Comrade Doctor, I need a medical officer.

I'm sorry, I have a wife and child in Varykino-

And a mistress in Yuriatin.

[The commander laughs.]

Partisan Commander:
Comrade Medical Officer, we are Red Partisans, and we shoot deserters.

Doctor Zhivago  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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What TV series is this quote from: "I demand a trial by combat!"?
A Fargo
B Gotham
C Game of Thrones
D Vikings