Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,684

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Leung Fung-ying:
When did I say I'd come home with you?

You never said you wouldn't.

Days of Being Wild  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Harry Hogge:
Cole, you're wandering all over the track!

Cole Trickle:
Well, this son of a bitch just slammed into me!

Harry Hogge:
No, no, he didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he didn't slam into you, he RUBBED you. And rubbin', son, is racin'. [Cole slams into the wall side-ways] Oh, there goes a fender. [Cole slams into another car] There goes a quarter-panel. [Cole slams into other cars and causes a multi-car crash; Harry just shakes his head in disbelief and face-palms]

Days of Thunder  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tim Daland:
[Walks to tractor] See you're enjoying the good life, Harry?

Harry Hogge:
Yeah. Well I don't mind spreadin' a little fertilizer round now and then. There's worse things.

Tim Daland:
How's the truck runnin'?

Harry Hogge:
Runs good.

Tim Daland:
[pause] I... uh... I want you to build me a car.

Harry Hogge:
[stops tractor] Now, Tim, everyone knows some downtown car dealer can't afford a race team. And no driver worth a damn is gonna sign with you. Cause they wreck one car, you can't afford to build them another, and their out of the deal, you know. And no car's gonna win without a driver, not even mine.

Tim Daland:
[points to Harry] If you built the car, I'd get a damn driver.

Harry Hogge:
[starts driving tractor] What kinda driver you gonna find after the season's started? Some ole' boy that's washed up, and wasn't worth a shit to begin with.

Tim Daland:
You can work with him. You can build a driver like you build a car, Harry.

Harry Hogge:
[points to dog] Tim, take a look at that hound. Now that's the best coon dog I ever seen or heard about, and I didn't teach him a damn thing.

Tim Daland:
Well I got somebody.

Harry Hogge:

Tim Daland:
Take a look at him.

Harry Hogge:
Anybody I gotta take a look at ain't somebody.

Tim Daland:
Then take a look at nobody.

Harry Hogge:
[stops tractor] Tim, I give up racin', you gotta know that.

Tim Daland:
Ah, you didn't give up racin', Harry. You quit to avoid investigation into Buddy's crash at Daytona.

Harry Hogge:
Hey, I didn't avoid any God-damn investigation.

Tim Daland:
[rolls eyes] Well, anyway, I... uh... I talked to NASCAR and if you come back in there won't be any investigation.

Harry Hogge:
How they hell you sell 'em on that deal?

Tim Daland:
I'm a helluva salesman.

Days of Thunder  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tim Daland:
What's wrong with him?

Harry Hogge:
I'll tell you what wrong with this deal is you, Tim. You're a victim of your own god-damn creation! Two race teams? That's one too many roosters in the henhouse.

Tim Daland:
It doesn't seem to bother Russ Wheeler.

Harry Hogge:
Oh, no, no, ever since that Daytona crash Cole's been called a troublemaker. Wheeler figures he can bump and bam Cole all he wants.

Tim Daland:
I don't see Russ doing anything like that. NASCAR doesn't see Russ doing anything like that.

Harry Hogge:
Oh I guess it ain't happening then under the watchful eyes of experts like you and NASCAR!

Days of Thunder  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Harry Hogge:
But you don't, is that it?

Tim Daland:
As far is that goes, no, I don't, but I want to keep the sponsor and Cole, he's the one that made this happen and I haven't forgotten that, Harry.

Harry Hogge:
Right, right.

Days of Thunder  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Harry Gant:
Daytona is a tough racetrack. And I'm sure, myself and everyone, are going to keep an eye on Cole to see if he's there, you know, all his reflexes and everything.

Neil Bonnett:
He's plenty capable of running that racecar good and I don't think he has any kind of effects from the accident that would be a factor in the way he performs.

Aldo Bennedetti :
I'm glad he's well enough to come back and I hope to beat him at the same time.

Rusty Wallace:
You know a lot of guys don't like him. And it's just a situation where the guy's got a lot of talant. He's wide open, he doesn't think about anything else, he just wants to win. I like that.

Russ Wheeler:
Since the crash, he's been a danger to himself and the other drivers. But if he comes near me, I'm going to put him in the wall. Simple as that. I don't expect I'll see too much of him. Except in my rearview mirror.

Days of Thunder  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You know, you guys were in class trying to list all the Gilligan's Island episodes without even a hint of irony.

What the hell are you talking about, girl?

You weren't thinking about it, were you?

Gilligan's Island?

It's what's called a male pornographic fantasy.

Oh my...

Think about it. You're basically alone on a deserted island with two readily available women. One a seductive sex-godess type, the other a healthy girl-next-door type with a nice butt. So guys have it all, the madonna and the whore. Women get nothing; we get a geek, an overweight middle-aged guy, some nerdy scientific type, I mean...

The professor... is sexy.

Dazed and Confused  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey, I got a favor to ask you guys. You know my little brother?

Yeah, Mitch Kramer.

Yeah, Mitch Kramer. Well, take it easy on him this summer will ya?

Don't worry sis, little brother's safe with us.

Well, just don't get him worse than the other guys. He's kinda little.

OK. I promise.

[As Jodi walks off, Benny swats her on the butt with his paddle]

[giggles] Benny! These guys, I don’t know... [leaves]

There was just a little bit of bullshit in all that, right?

Major bullshit. He's a dead man. He’s fuckin’ dead!

Dazed and Confused  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[describing his dream] So there I am, getting it on with this perfect female body and...


I can't say.

No, you can't give a build-up like that and not deliver. You know, a perfect female body, it’s not a bad start.

But with the head of Abraham Lincoln. With the hat and the beard, everything. [pause] Well, best not to think too deep on it.

Best not.

Look, I'll see you later.

See you later. [shaking his head] Sorry.

Dazed and Confused  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I've been thinkin' about gettin' back in school, though, man.

What, like, J.C. or something like that?

Yeah, man, that's where all the girls are, right? But I'd just as soon keep workin', though, keep a little change in my pocket. Better than listenin' to some dipshit, doesn't know what the hell he's talkin' about, anyway!

I know what you're talkin' about, man!

[to Mitch] So, you're a freshman, right? Tell me, man, how's this year's crop of freshman chicks lookin' this year?

Wood, you're gonna go to jail very soon, man!

Naw, man. That's what I like about these high school girls; I get older, they stay the same age.

Yes, they do.

Yes, they do.

Dazed and Confused  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

George toked weed, man?

Absolutely George toked weed, are you kiddin' me, man? He grew fields of that stuff, man, that's what I'm talkin' about. Fields.

He grew that shit up Mount Vernon, man.

Mount Vernon, man? He grew it all over the country, man. He had people growin' it all over the country, you know. The whole country back then was gettin' high. Lemme tell you, man, 'cause he knew he was onto somethin', man. He knew that it would be a good cash crop for the southern states, man, so he grew fields of it, man. But you know what? Behind every good man there is a woman, and that woman was Martha Washington, man, and everyday George would come home, she would have a big fat bowl waiting for him, man, when he come in the door, man, she was a hip, hip, hip lady, man.

Dazed and Confused  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Is that a beer in your hand?

Why, yes it is.

Have you had more than one of those?

Few. No one's counting.

When were you supposed to be home?

Few hours ago, I think.

That’s bullshit. That's major bullshit. You know I was barely let out at your age?


Aww. Well don't think she won't be waiting up for you. And she is tough. I've been through it.

Just don't ask her to take it easy on me.

Dazed and Confused  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Coach Conrad:
Come here, Randy. Come here. You been out with those losers all night?

Hey, Coach Conrad. Remember me? Second-period gym class?

Coach Conrad:
That's the kind of people I was tellin' you about. Trouble like this means nothing to those clowns. You're the one with something to lose.

Coach, you don't even know them. How can you even pretend to talk that way?

Coach Conrad:
Okay, Randy. I shouldn't do this, but I'm willing to wipe the slate clean and forget about this. I want you to get your priorities straight, quit hanging out with those hoodlums and sign your commitment to your team. Have you done that yet?

I'm still thinkin' about it.

Coach Conrad:
No one's paying you to think about it, just do it, son!

You know, Coach, I gotta get goin'. Me and my "loser" friends, you know, we gotta get Aerosmith tickets. Top priority of the summer. Oh, and Coach, I forgot. I might play ball. But I will never sign that!

Dazed and Confused  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The vision of Christ that thou dost see... is my vision's greatest enemy. Do you have tobacco?

Trading Post Missionary:
We sure don't.

Aren't those tins of tobacco right there behind you?

Trading Post Missionary:
Sure are, but those cans are empty. There's no tobacco in them. Perhaps I could interest you in some beads...

Dead Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[William has just discovered a colt in Thel's bed]

Thel Russell:
Watch it. It's loaded.

William Blake:
Why do you have this?

Thel Russell:
Because this is America.

Dead Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[seeing William touching his chest wound] Leave that alone stupid white man.

William Blake:
[as Nobody attends to his wound] Am I going to die?

The circle of life has no ending.

William Blake:
Why are you helping me?

A bird told me.

William Blake:
A bird told you?

A small magical bird with bright blue feathers. [pauses] I was following him in your forest, hoping to acquire one of his indigo feathers... and then I lost him... and then I found him again. He was perched on your chest tasting your blood. He looked at me. Then he flew directly west in a straight line - his small beak red with your blood.

Dead Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Nobody has put wounded William Blake in a canoe, and is about to push him out to sea]

William Blake:

I prepared your canoe with cedar boughs. It's time for you to leave now, William Blake. Time for you to go back where you came from.

William Blake:
You mean Cleveland?

Back to the place where all the spirits came from, and where all the spirits return. This world will no longer concern you.

William Blake:
[shows Nobody a reel of tobacco] Found some tobacco.

That tobacco is for your voyage... William Blake.

William Blake:
Nobody... I don't smoke.

Dead Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Prison guard:
Tell me something sister, what is a nun doing in a place like this? Shouldn't you be teaching children? Didn't you know what this man has done? How he killed them kids?

Sister Helen Prejean:
What he was involved with was evil. I don't condone it. I just don't see the sense of killing people to say that killing people's wrong.

Prison guard:
You know what the Bible say, 'An eye for an eye'.

Sister Helen Prejean:
You know what else the Bible ask for death as a punishment? For adultery, prostitution, homosexuality, trespass upon sacred grounds, profane in a sabbath and contempt to parents.

Prison guard:
I ain't gonna get no Bible quote from no nun cause I'm gonna lose.

Dead Man Walking  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Matthew Poncelet:
I like rebels. Some blacks is OK. Martin Luther King, he led his people all the way to DC and kicked the white man's butt.

Sister Helen Prejean:
You respect Martin Luther King?

Matthew Poncelet:
He put up a fight. He wasn't lazy.

Sister Helen Prejean:
What about lazy whites?

Matthew Poncelet:
Don't like 'em.

Sister Helen Prejean:
So it's lazy people you don't like.

Dead Man Walking  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sister Helen Prejean:
You are a son of God.

Matthew Poncelet:
[in tears] Thank you. I've never been called a son of God before. [laughs slightly] I've been called a son of a you-know-what plenty of times, but I've never been called a son of God.

Dead Man Walking  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Prison guard:
Do you have any last words, Poncelet?

Matthew Poncelet:
Yes, I do. [pauses] Mr. Delacroix, I don't wanna leave this world with any hate in my heart. I ask your forgiveness for what I done. It was a terrible thing I done, taking your son away from you.

Clyde Percy:
[Softly to his wife] How about us?

Matthew Poncelet:
Mr. and Mrs. Percy, I hope my death gives you some relief.

Dead Man Walking  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

"Seize the day. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may." Why does the writer use these lines?

Because he's in a hurry.

No. Ding! Thank you for playing anyway. Because we are food for worms, lads. Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die.

Dead Poets Society  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Language was developed for one endeavor, and that is - Mr. Anderson? Come on, are you a man or an amoeba? [pause] Mr. Perry?

To communicate.

No! To woo women!

Dead Poets Society  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Charlie Dalton:
Welton Academy. Hello? Yes, he is. Just a moment. Mr. Nolan, it's for you. It's God. He says we should have girls at Welton.

Later, when Keating is admonishing the boys that the Dead Poets Society is not a license for lawbreaking

Phone call from God. If it had been collect, that would have been daring!

Dead Poets Society  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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