Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,767

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

He's new

He reminds me of me. (laughs) But less handsome.

The Book of Life  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Meet me at the bridge at dawn.

I can't, Manolo. My father won't...

Please, Maria. I beg you.

(Maria agrees, Manolo slides down the streetlamp, Xibalba watches Manolo running for the Proposal Tree.)

If she meets him alone, I will lose the wager. (summons his two-headed snake) Fix this for me, old friend.

The Book of Life  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So then, if my boy marries the girl, I will finally rule the Land of the Dead.

La Muerte:
And if my boy marries the girl, you will... (grabs Xibalba's beard) you will stop interfering with the affairs of man!

What?! I can't do that! C'mon, it's the only fun I ever get!

La Muerte:
Then the bet is off.

Very well, my dear. By the ancient rules, (Xibalba and La Muerte shake hands) the wager is set.

The Book of Life  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mary Beth:
And so, Joaquin learned that to be a true hero...

You have to be selfless.

The Book of Life  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You never cease to amaze me, mi amor. Such passion.

La Muerte:
Anyone can die. These kids, they will have the courage to live.

I'll wager you are right, my love.

(Xibalba and La Muerte kiss)

Candle Maker:
Hey, write your own story.

The Book of Life  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

People said I was the greatest bullfighter in our family's history, bit it is you, my son, who'll be the greatest Sanchez ever! They will write songs about you.

Young Manolo:
And I will sing them!

Wait, what?

Young Manolo:
(laughs nervously) I will sing them?

(sighs) Son, music is not work fit for a Sanchez bullfighter.

Young Manolo:
But I want to be a musician.

No, you must focus. Your training begins at once. Your grampa, Luis, taught me when I was about your age.

Young Manolo:
Wait, isn't that when that bull put you in a coma?

Ah, memories. My only son fighting angry, thousand-pound beasts. The family tradition continues.

Young Manolo:
(sarcastically) Yay!

The Book of Life  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I know about the wager. Xibalba cheated!

La Muerte:
He did WHAT?!

Yeah! With a two-headed snake!

'(La Muerte starts to boil with rage)

Candle Maker:
You might wanna cover your ears right now.

La Muerte:

(suddenly appears) Yes, my dear? (suddenly shocked when he sees Manolo and the group) Oh.

La Muerte:
You misbegotten son of a leprous donkey! YOU CHEATED!! AGAIN!!!

I did no such thing! (La Muerte grabs Xibalba's two-headed snake and turns it back into a staff) Oh, that. It has a mind of its own... or two.

La Muerte:
That is unforgivable!

Oh, please! I never sent that snake to Maria, and I never gave that medal to Joaquin! (realizes what he just said)

La Muerte:
(suspicious) What...medal?

The..... one I never gave him. Ever at all. Never. Who is this Joaquin?

La Muerte:
(grabs Xibalba) You gave Joaquin the Medal of Everlasting Life?!


"Medal of Everlasting Life?"

La Muerte:
Whoever wears the medal cannot die or be injured. [slaps Xibalba]

Please, may I? [slaps Xibalba repeatedly] Thank you.

Candle Maker:
Yo, can I get a slap in, too?

The Book of Life  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ivan Checkov:
I am Ivan Checkov, and you will be closing now.

Checkov? Well, this here's McCoy. We find a Spock, we got us an away team.

Me in no mood for discussion. You, you stay. The rest of you, go now.

Why don't you make like a tree, and get the fuck outa hea!

You know he's got til the weeks end, right? You don't have to be hard asses, do ya?

It's St. Paddy's Day, everyone's Irish tonight. Why don't you just pull up a stool and have a drink with us?

This is no game! If you won't go... we will make you go.

The Boondock Saints  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You killed my... my...

Your what?


Your fuckin' what? Huh? Your what, bitch?

[puts gun to his own head] I'll shoot myself in the head, you can tell me that cat's name! Go ahead! Your what? Your precious, little...

Skippy! Skippy!

Oh, Jesus! What color was it, bitch?

Don't you fucking yell at her like that you prick!

[turns gun on Rayvie] Shut your fat ass, Rayvie! I can't buy a pack of smokes without runnin' into nine guys you fucked!

The Boondock Saints  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

This-a my wife Oksana. She is-a boring.

What did you say about me, you skinny piece of shit?

Please, not now.

Why don't you do something useful and dig your mother a grave?

Borat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Look, there is woman in car. Can we follow her, get her and maybe have sexy time with her?

Driving instructor:
No! No, you cannot do that.

Why not?

Driving instructor:
Because a woman has the right to choose who she has sex with.

[incredously] What!?

Driving instructor:
Yeah, how about that?

You joke, right?

Driving instructor:
No, there must be consent.


Driving instructor:
That good, huh?

Not good for me.

Borat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

My wife make this cheese.

Bob Barr:
It's very nice.

She make it from milk from her tits.

Borat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What is a 'not' jokes?

Pat Haggerty:
A 'not' joke is when we're trying to make fun of something and what we do is, we make a statement that we pretend is true but at the end, we say 'not,' which means it's not true.

So teach me how to make one.

Pat Haggerty:
Alright. What color is your suit?

This suit is gray.

Pat Haggerty:
Gray. I would call it blue, okay?

It's gray.

Pat Haggerty:
Alright, it's blue-gray. But it...

Well, it's more gray.

Pat Haggerty:
It's certainly not black, right? Alright, let's say it's gray. But it's not...

It is gray.

Pat Haggerty:
Okay, so a 'not' joke, I would say, 'That suit is black. Not!'

This-a suit is NOT BLACK!

Pat Haggerty:
No, no, 'not' has to be at the end.

Oh, okay.

Pat Haggerty:

This suit is black not.

Pat Haggerty:
This suit is black. Pause. You know what a pause is?


Pat Haggerty:
This suit is black. Not!

This suit is black, pause, not.

Pat Haggerty:
No, you don't say 'pause.' This suit is black... That's a pause. Not!

This suit is black...

Pat Haggerty:
Okay, um... I don't... I don't...I'm not quite...


Borat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hotel Employee:
Mr. Sagdiyev?


Hotel Employee:
I have a telegram for you.

You can read?

Hotel Employee:
Yes, I can. "Dear Borat Sagdiyev, your wife Oksana was walking your retarded Bilo in the woods, when a bear attacked and violated and break her. She is now dead."

You say my wife is dead?

Hotel Employee:
This is what it's... Yes, sir. I'm sorry to inform you, but that's what the telegram says.

High five! Great!

Borat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Borat tries to check into a fancy hotel while dressed and talking like a gangster]

What's up with it, Vanilla Face? Me and my homie, Azamat, just parked our slab outside. [the receptionist goes to call security] We're looking for somewhere to post up our black asses for the night. So, uh, bang, bang, skeet, skeet, nigga. [security arrives] We're just a couple of pimps, no hos.

Sir, sir, you gotta leave.


Either leave now, or we're gonna call the cops, and we'll have you taken out.

[as he and Azamat drive away] We can't stay here. They are "player haters."

Borat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Borat and Azamat decide to stay at a bed-and-breakfast for the night; Borat knocks on the door]

Jewish Man:

Thank you. You have room for tonight?

Jewish Man:
Oh, yes. Yes, definitely. Come on in.

Jewish Woman:
So, come on in. Your friend, also.

Oh, beautiful house.

Jewish Woman:
All the paintings in the house, I did.

[looking at one of the paintings] What is this man?

Jewish Woman:
This is a Yemenite Jew, and he's working on a piece of jewelry. The Yemenites were also jewelers.

Why you have a picture of a Jew?

Jewish Woman:
Because I'm Jewish, so I have lots of pictures of Jews.

[Borat is shocked and horrified to hear his hosts are Jewish; they then show Borat and Azamat to the room]

Jewish Woman:
This is the room, and, uh, do you need two pillows?

Great, thank you. Lovely place. [closes the door and whispers to Azamat] They're Jews.

I know that now. They'll kill us. We need to escape.

Borat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Having learned Borat and Azamat's hosts are Jewish, Borat makes an entry in his video diary in the middle of the night]

It is 3:00 in the morning. I am in the nest of Jews. They have cleverly shifted their shapes; one of them has taken the form of a little old woman. You can barely see her horns. She have tried to poison me already. These rats are very clever. [hears a noise and turns on the light. He and Azamat see two cockroaches crawling under their bedroom door.]

Look! The Jews have shifted their shapes!

[grabs a wad of cash] Oh God, how much shall I give them?

[panicking] I don't know! [Borat throws a dollar bill at the cockroaches] More! Give them more than that! [Borat throws more dollar bills at them] It's not working! Run! Run!

Borat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I want to say I very sorry how they treat you at this house.

Thank you. I was thinkin' maybe I'd just take the night off and... Why don't we just go out and have some fun? What do you think about that?

[to Azamat] You want to come with us?

Up yours!

Borat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Borat, coming out of the bathroom, naked, catches Azamat, also naked, masturbating over the Baywatch magazine]


[Furious, Borat lunges at Azamat and snatches the magazine]

What's the matter with you?!

[puts the magazine away and tackles Azamat] How dare you make hand-party over Pamela!

Why do you care who I pleasure myself to?!

Because I love this woman! She's the reason we travel to California!

WHAT?!?! YOU LIED TO ME! You lied about California!

[Borat and Azamat begin beating each other up with lamps and pushing each other into the walls, while yelling in Kazakh]

[throws Borat on the bed and jumps on top of him] EAT MY ASSHOLE!

[Borat pushes Azamat off him. Azamat throws a suitcase at Borat and runs into the hallway with Borat chasing him, both men still naked. They run into a crowded elevator and the passengers avert their eyes and leave. When the last passenger leaves, Borat chases Azamat through the lobby and into a fancy banquet]

Banquet Host:
We have a special guest here this evening. Uh, Ruth Feiner is here...

[Borat and Azamat barge into the ballroom, shouting in Kazakh. Security guards tackle them]

Get the fuck out of here!

Borat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ron Kovic:
Why did the Russians beat us into space, Dad?

Mr. Kovic:
Well, the Russians, they don't even bother feeding their people. They put all their money into weapons and things like that.

Ron Kovic:
But we're supposed to be the best, right, Dad?

Mr. Kovic:
You bet we are, but we've been pretty stupid too. We put the Russians back on their feet after World War II and they took Hungary, Poland, half of Europe - and they still want more.

Mrs. Kovic:
Communism is an insidious evil, Ronnie. They don't believe in God and if we don't watch out, they're gonna take over this country someday.


Ron Kovic:
But don't people know? Why don't we stop them? We're supposed to be the best. We can't let them take over our country, Dad, what's wrong?

Mr. Kovic:
Well, people are scared of 'em... I think everybody's scared of 'em these days.

Ron Kovic:
I'm not. I'm not scared of 'em! I hate the Communists. I really hate them. We're gonna come back and beat them someday.

Born on the Fourth of July  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Kovic:
[entering Ron's room, beaming] Ronnie, Ronnie, you're doing the right thing! Communism has to be stopped! It's God's will that you go, and I'm proud of you. [gently pats his shoulder] Just be careful, that's all.

Ron Kovic:
Don't you know what it means to me to be a Marine, Dad? Ever since I was a kid I've wanted this - I've wanted to serve my country - and I want to go. I want to go to Vietnam - and I'll die there if I have to.

Born on the Fourth of July  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How are you?

Ron Kovic:
[weakly] Tell them - they have to operate on me. There's something wrong with me.

The doctors are real busy right now. There's a lot of wounded here today. No time for anything except trying to stay alive, so you got to try and stay alive, okay? You hear me? Try and stay alive. [pause] I've come to give you your last rites. Are you ready?

Ron Kovic:
[weakly] Yeah.

I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. You brought nothing into this world, and it is certain that you will take nothing out of it. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Born on the Fourth of July  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

We want to make one thing very clear to you, Ron. The possibility of your ever walking again is minimal... almost impossible. You're a T6 - paralyzed from the mid-chest down. Probably... you'll be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. [pause] Do you understand what I'm saying?

Ron Kovic:
Well, doctor...


Ron Kovic:
Doctor, will I ever be able to - to have children?

No. [pause] No, but we have a good psychologist. He's helped a lot of people.

Ron Kovic:
I'll walk again.

No you won't...

Ron Kovic:
No, I know I'll walk again!

No, let me tell you something, Ron. You will never walk again.

Born on the Fourth of July  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ron Kovic:
Washington?! Washington! [Washington arrives]I've been laying in my own shit for the last three hours. I've been pushing my call button and nobody comes. Why can't I have a bath? Why can't the sheets be changed in this goddamn place? Why can't the vomit be wiped off the goddamn floor once in a while?

Nurse Washington:
Don't you raise your voice to me Mr. Kovic, you watch your mouth.

Ron Kovic:
Look at my leg. It's twice as big as it ever was. When are you people gonna help me? Where's the doctor? I need to see the doctor- I need to see him now!

Nurse Washington:
He's not available now. He's too busy.

Ron Kovic:
He's always too busy.

What's eating you now, Kovic? You going off the deep end?

Ron Kovic:
[grabbing Marvin] Fucking shit! What do I have to do to make you people listen to me? I wanna be treated like a fucking human being! [slaps the valium hypodermic out of the nurse's hand] I don't want this fucking shit! You wanna keep me drugged all the time so I don't know what's going on. This place is a fuckin' slum!

You want out of here, man? Fine. We take that leg of yours, and we can get you out of here in two weeks!

Ron Kovic:
I want my leg.


Ron Kovic:
I want my leg!

Why? You can't feel it no how!

Ron Kovic:
[incredulous and angry] It's my leg! I want my leg, you understand? Can't you understand that? All's I'm sayin' is that I want to be treated like a human being! I fought for my country! I am a Vietnam veteran! I fought for my country!

[off-camera] Shut the fuck up!

Ron Kovic:
And I think that I deserve to be treated...d- decent!

Vietnam? Vietnam don't mean nothing to me man, or any of these other people. You can take your Vietnam and shove it up your ass.

Born on the Fourth of July  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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B lincoln
C Marcus Aurelius
D Othello