Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,764

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[during a car chase through the streets of Paris]



We've got a bump coming up.

[drives their Mini down a flight of stairs]

The Bourne Identity  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mark Turso:
Is it possible?

Ezra Kramer:
Possible? We had Bourne six weeks ago in Moscow. He was on foot, wounded, with a full Cossack posse up his ass. Somehow, he walked out of there. I've kind of lost my perspective on what's possible.

The Bourne Legacy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Aaron Cross:
We have less than eight minutes to clear out of here, okay?

Marta Shearing:

Aaron Cross:
Good. Because the next thing coming though that door is going to wipe us out.

The Bourne Legacy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Marta Shearing:
Are we lost?

Aaron Cross:
No, I was just looking at our options.

Marta Shearing:
Oh, I was kinda hoping we were lost.

The Bourne Legacy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Pamela Landy:
What if I can't find her?

Jason Bourne:
It's easy. She's standing right next to you.

[Landy looks out the window, realizing Bourne has been watching her]

The Bourne Supremacy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Moore speaking to Evan McCollum, Director of Communications at a Lockheed Martin plant near Columbine]

Michael Moore:
"So you don't think our kids say to themselves, 'Dad goes off to the factory every day, he builds missiles of mass destruction.' What's the difference between that mass destruction and the mass destruction over at Columbine High School?"

I guess I don't see that specific connection because the missiles that you're talking about were built and designed to defend us from somebody else who would be aggressors against us."

Bowling for Columbine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What's your view on high school?

Male student:
Uh, I love it. Uh, I learn, I get picked on by bastards who hate me, and the principal's a dick.

All right, what causes school violence?

Male student:
Uh, him. [Points to an overweight boy sitting nearby]

Bowling for Columbine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm Nicole Shleif.

And I'm Amanda Lamontagne.

And you went to Columbine?


And you were with Eric and Dylan? In their class?


We were in their bowling class.

In their bowling class?


What's bowling class?

Just an elective you can take for a gym credit.

Where's the educational value of this, though?

Um... I guess there isn't really any.

No, there's not.

I learned how to bowl a lot better, that's for sure.

What were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold like?



I mean, not very social.

I didn't really know who they were.

Not very social, just kinda kept to themselves.

How good a bowlers were Eric and Dylan?

When we played them, all I remember is they were just, like, crazy.

They would just chuck the ball.

Chuck it down there.

Throw the ball down; didn't really care how they bowled.

Yeah, they didn't really care about their scores.

Deputy Sheriff Steve Davis:
What were the suspects doing the morning of attack? I told you that I'd heard that they were bowling; that's the only thing I'm aware of.

So did Dylan and Eric show up that morning and bowl two games before moving on to shoot up the school? And did they just chuck the balls down the lane? Did this mean something? Um, I guess they went to their favourite class. Why wasn't anyone blaming bowling for warping the minds of Eric and Dylan to commit their evil deeds? Wasn't that just as plausible as blaming Marilyn Manson? After all, it was apparently the last thing they did before the massacre.But wait a minute. There's lots of bowling going on in other countries.

Bowling for Columbine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Two young men and a woman are hanging outside a fast food restaurant in Windsor, Ontario, Canada]

Where are you supposed to be right now?

Man 1:

Man 2:


Aren't you worried about what you're not learning?

Man 1:
Nah, I'm mostly helping everybody else in the class. Then I barely get to do my work.

How about you? You're not worried about your education?

Well, I've got the textbook.

Why do you think we have so many, uh... gun murders in America?

Man 2:
Uh... I have no idea. People must hate each other or something.

Oh, you mean Canadians don't hate each other?

Man 2:
Well, we do but we don't go to the point of shooting somebody just to get revenge.

What do you do?

Man 2:
I don't know. Tease them, maybe. Make fun of them, ridicule them. Throw eggs at them.


Every time I turn on the TV in the States, it's always about a murder here, a gunfight, hostile position... I just think the States, their view of things is fighting. That's how they resolve everything. If there's... there's something going on in another country, they send people over to fight it and... They are the most powerful country in the world, though. Canada's more just, like, "Let's negotiate, let's work something out." Where the States is, "We'll kill you and that'll be the end of that." Um, if guns were... If more guns made people safer, then America would be one of the safest countries in the world. It isn't. It's the opposite.

Bowling for Columbine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Michael Moore:
Now wait a minute... The Constitution says you've got the right to bear arms. What do you think 'arms' means?

John Nichols:
Well it's not like these... [waves his arms] It means we ought to have handguns if we want to.

Michael Moore:
What about nuclear weapons? Should you be able to have weapons-grade plutonium?

John Nichols:
Well I think that oughta be restricted.

Michael Moore:
Oh, so you do think there should be restrictions.

John Nichols:
Well...there's wackos out there.

Bowling for Columbine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[The Cinimenium, a massive multiplex theatre, is quickly constructed over Bugs Bunny's hole. Bugs hears explosions from the film "The Battle for Brooklyn" and burrows into the auditorium where the film is being shown.]

Movie Actor:
It's matter if it's dangerous, huh? I was born in Brooklyn, I dropped out of school in Brooklyn, and now I'm gonna be ready to die for Brooklyn.

Movie actress:
Benny, I love you.

[Bugs munched on his carrot]

Elmer Fudd:

[Elmer points his flashlight at Bugs]

Bugs Bunny:
Eh, what's up, doc?

Elmer Fudd:
Excuse me, but you have to be qwiet ow - Hey, I didn't see you come in. If you haven't got a ticket, I must ask you to weave.

Bugs Bunny:
Ask me to leave? What about you? Where's your ticket, Mac.

Elmer Fudd:
Me? Uh, I don't a ticket.

Bugs Bunny:
No ticket?

Elmer Fudd:
It must be hewe somepwace.

Bugs Bunny:
[quickly disguises himself as an officer] No ticket, eh? Well you've got one now. You know how fast were coming down to that aisle?

Elmer Fudd:
No, officew.

Bugs Bunny:
REAL fast. And weaving. And you've got one headlight. Why there might've been kids playing in the aisle. You're in some big trouble, that's all I know.

Elmer Fudd:
Oh, Mw. officew, siw, pwease give bweak. You see, I was just - Hey, you'we dat scwewy wabbit dat snuck in hewe!

[Bugs runs out, pursued by Elmer]

Daffy Duck:
[outside the back of the theater] Seven bucks for a movie! The price for an evening of puerile entertainment is preposterous! I could better spend an evening in the library, which is why I always carry this. [reveals a library card, which he uses to open the back door and sneak in. However, he collides with Bugs and Elmer.]

Elmer Fudd:
Sneak into my deater will you, you wascally wabbit!?

Daffy Duck:
"Wabbit?" Pardon, mon frere, but this is the rabbit you seek. I'm no rabbit.

Bugs Bunny:
Well, if he's no rabbit, then where are his ears?

Daffy Duck:
Yeah, Einstein, if I'm no rabbit, then where are my- Oh no, nuh-uh. End of discussion. I've come too far. I'm above all that now.

Bugs Bunny:
But not above sneaking into movie theaters.

Daffy Duck:
Yeah, but not above sneak- Are you going to stand around jabbering all day? Catch this guy!

[Both begin chasing Bugs]

Daffy Duck:
Attaboy, Robespierre! Capture the scoundrel! Let justice prevail!

[They run into another auditorium, but all three accidentally step on chewing gum and get stuck. They begin gum-dancing, whereupon Bugs escapes. Daffy discovers this, but Elmer doesn't notice and continues dancing.]

Daffy Duck:
[slaps Elmer] Knock it off, Baryshnikov. He's getting away.

[Bugs is disguised as a snack bar attendant]

Elmer Fudd:
Say, have you seen a wabbit wun by hewe?

Bugs Bunny:
No I haven't, Mac, but what can I get ya?

Elmer Fudd:
Weww, I am kinda hungwy...

[Daffy face-palms]

Elmer Fudd:
How 'bout a wawge popcown.

[Bugs gives Elmer a box of popcorn bigger than Elmer]

Elmer Fudd:
And a medium soft dwink.

[Bugs gives Elmer a medium soda, still larger than Elmer]

Bugs Bunny:
Would you like genuine, artificial, imitation, butter-flavor on your popcorn?

Daffy Duck:
Look, my little gluttonous friend does anything here appear to be out of the ordinary?

Elmer Fudd:
They'we aww out of gum dwops?

Daffy Duck:
Let me make it easy you, Sherlock. [pulls Bugs' ears through his hat] THIS IS THE RABBIT!

Elmer Fudd:
Hey, you'we wight.

[Bugs runs away]

Daffy Duck:
After him!

[Daffy and Elmer chase after Bugs, but Bugs spills butter all over the floor and Daffy and Elmer are slipping on the butter]

Bugs Bunny:
Two seats down front.

[Daffy and Elmer have been sent flying into a movie]

Daffy Duck:
Hey! We're in pictures!

[they watch as a Jason Voorhees look-alike appears and revs his chainsaw; they scream in panic and struggle to leave the movie]

Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd:
[simultaneously]  Let me out of here!  Wet me out of hewe!

Daffy Duck Wah-ha-ha-ha!

Elmer Fudd:
Wet us out of hewe!

Bugs Bunny:
[watching from the audience] It takes a miracle to get into pictures, and now these two jokers wanna get out.

Box-Office Bunny  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd:

Bugs Bunny:
And That's All, Folks.

Box-Office Bunny  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lucy Van Pelt:
Aren't the clouds beautiful? They look like big balls of cotton. I could just lie here all day and watch them drift by. If you use your imagination, you can see lots of things in the cloud's formations. What do you think you see, Linus?

Linus Van Pelt:
Well, those clouds up there look to me look like the map of the British Honduras on the Caribbean. [points up] That cloud up there looks a little like the profile of Thomas Eakins, the famous painter and sculptor. And that group of clouds over there... [points] me the impression of the Stoning of Stephen. I can see the Apostle Paul standing there to one side.

Lucy Van Pelt:
Uh huh. That's very good. What do you see in the clouds, Charlie Brown?

Charlie Brown:
Well... I was going to say I saw a duckie and a horsie, but I changed my mind.

A Boy Named Charlie Brown  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lucy Van Pelt:
[Walks into Linus's bedroom and raises the shade] Wake up Linus. It's time to go to school.

Linus Van Pelt:

Lucy Van Pelt:
What do you mean 'again'?

Linus Van Pelt:
[Snuggles back into bed] I went yesterday.

Lucy Van Pelt:
Mom's already made your lunch.

Linus Van Pelt:
[Sits up in bed, sighs] Guess I might as well go to school. I can't waste a good lunch.

A Boy Named Charlie Brown  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Charlie Brown:
The word is "beagle"?

[The rest of the gang are at home watching the spelling bee on TV]

Oh boy! That's an easy one. That's his dog! He'll get that one easy.

Charlie Brown's at the threshold of being a champion speller!

Charlie Brown:

[Snoopy points to himself while jumping up and down]

Charlie Brown:

Linus Van Pelt and Snoopy:
Yay! Yay! Yay!

Charlie Brown:
B-E-A-G-E-L. Beagle.

[Everyone, including Linus and Charlie Brown screams in disbelief]

Lucy Van Pelt:
[Turns the TV off] Owning 10% of Charlie Brown is like owning 10% of nothing! [Turns the TV on] Charlie Brown, make me mad! [Turns the TV off]

A Boy Named Charlie Brown  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Charlie Brown:
I've never gone through anything like that in my life. I never knew I could be so stupid. I never knew I had so many faults. I never felt so completely miserable.

Lucy Van Pelt:
Wait until you get my bill.

A Boy Named Charlie Brown  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[noticing that Charlie Brown will volunteer for a spelling bee] You gone for the spelling bee?! [laughs]

Charlie Brown, you'll just make a fool of yourself!

Besides that, you're Bound to be a complete failure!

[the girls sing "Failure Face"]

A Boy Named Charlie Brown  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Linus Van Pelt:
Life is difficult, isn't it, Charlie Brown?

Charlie Brown:
Yes, it is. But I've developed a new philosophy. I only dread one day at a time.

A Boy Named Charlie Brown  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Linus Van Pelt:
You know, Charlie Brown, they say we learn more from losing than from winning.

Charlie Brown:
Then that must make me the smartest person in the world.

A Boy Named Charlie Brown  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Linus Van Pelt:
Well, I can understand how you feel. You worked hard, studying for the spelling bee, and I suppose you feel you let everyone down, and you made a fool of yourself and everything. But did you notice something, Charlie Brown?

Charlie Brown:
What's that?

Linus Van Pelt:
The world didn't come to an end.

A Boy Named Charlie Brown  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

There's a lot of people out there.

It's you and me up here, watchin' 'em.

You still thinkin' about the Marines? I don't know. I was just wonderin' if you still got that stuff inside ya.

No. Why? Scared?

No. I just feel bad about that girl. I don't- I did not want to hurt her.

She didn't know what hit her. We gave her two seconds of pain. Girls like that one have given us eighteen years of pain. Don't expect me to feel sorry for her.

But you have got to stop, Roy.

(scoffs) What are you talking about? I wasn't alone.

Well, I don't want to sound like a fag or nothing, but you are my best friend. I think that if you don't get control of this shit, they're gonna lock us up.

They lock us up Monday, pal.

The Boys Next Door  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Freddie Fuller:
There's our baseball field... last year one of our players was drafted by the St. Louis Browns.

Whitey Marsh:
Well, I like the Yankees.

Freddie Fuller:
You would!

Boys Town  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tony Ponessa:
If you're a Catholic or a Protestant, you can go right on being one.

Whitey Marsh:
Well, I'm nothin'.

Tony Ponessa:
Then, you can go right on being nothin', and nobody cares.

Boys Town  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Dan Farrow:
[panicky, about to die in the electric chair] How much time have I got, Father?

Father Flanagan:
Eternity begins in forty-five minutes, Dan.

Dan Farrow:
What happens then?

Father Flanagan:
Oh, a bad minute or two.

Dan Farrow:
And after that?

Father Flanagan:
Well, Dan, that's a question that scientists and philosophers have been asking for a million years.

Boys Town  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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A South Park
B The Simpsons
C Scooby Doo
D SpongeBob SquarePants