Off our game, are we? Let's dig a little deeper, find out what you're really afraid of, hmm? (Miss Martian sees the Team in horror)
Kid Flash:
Get back!
Well, of course. Friends and teammates shrink from you in fear. (Giant versions of Batman, Black Canary, and Red Tornado appear)
Black Canary:
You should've told us the truth.
I don't see how we can trust you anymore. (All three leave)
Then you're kicked off the pep squad. (A giant version of Martian Manhunter's head appears)
Martian Manhunter:
I am sorry M'gann, but there is no place for you on Earth anymore. (A desert landscape is shown)
Oh, and banished to Mars, too? Yet even that's not the worst, is it? (The Mars landscape is blown away to reveal Superboy)
Miss Martian:
No, please, stop.
Love you? I can't even LOOK at you. (Superboy leaves, Miss Martian falls to her knees, and Psimon appears)
Oh, what you wouldn't do to prevent that now, right?
Miss Martian:
That's right. (The entire floor shakes and brightens)
Now, now, my pretty, I know you do want to do anything you'll regret.
Miss Martian:
You don't know me at all! (She shoots a beam at Psimon and enlarges it, erasing his consciousness)