Wikidude's Quotes Page #94

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Chase Young:
It will be up to you Dojo. Your stay here can be a pleasant or an unpleasant experience.

[Quickly] I choose pleasant, how about pleasant, pleasant would be nice.

Chase Young:
I thought you might.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Everybody ready to go kick some Jack Spicer's butt?

Does it bull like that snort?

Yeah, I couldn't have put it better myself.

Uhh...I have some scroll to study right now.


Xiaolin Showdown, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Flying away] Don't worry Xiaolin Losers! I'll thank you in my acceptance speech! [laughs]

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

When hunting the elusive wu, you have to move as quiet as a cat. [stubs toe] OOOOWWWWWWWWW, OOOOHHH THAT HURT! [Screams loudly, then covers up mouth]


Xiaolin Showdown, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

It's time to play Megan Says. And Megan says "Scream like a sissy boy"!

Jack Spider:
I don't think I know that one.


[Jack screams like a sissy boy]

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Megan appears in front of the monks rolling in the Jack's shield]

Hi, I'm Megan.

Oh, there's something you don't see every day. A little girl in a hamster ball.

Are you looking for Jack Spicer and the ugly old hag? [everyone nods and she gets out of the shield] My stupid cousin Jack thinks he locked me inside that thing but I found the door.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Angry? Me? I am not angry. I’M THE LEAST ANGRIEST PERSON I KNOW!!

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Jack is reading Clay's mind] That Jack is slower than a three-legged cow in quicksand!

What!? I'm faster than any three-legged cow! [is hit by Omi]

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I've got two words for you. GYM MEMBERSHIP!

Old Jack:
Wha? I...I don't recall that name. Gym membership! He owes me 5 bucks that guy.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[holding the Sweet Baby Among Us Wu] It's like taking candy from a bunch of babies!

Old Jack:
Eh? Who's got the babies?

Hurry up, old timer. We gotta get the Ruby of Ramses before it reveals itself.

Xiaolin Showdown, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Sir Humphrey:
If you walked into a nuclear missile showroom, you would buy Trident. It's lovely, it's elegant, it's beautiful – it's quite simply the best, and Britain should have the best. In the world of the nuclear missile, it is the Savile Row suit, the Rolls-Royce Corniche, the Château Lafite 1945. It is the nuclear missile Harrods would sell you. What more can I say?

Only that it costs fifteen billion pounds and we don't need it.

Sir Humphrey:
Well, you could say that about anything at Harrods!

Yes, Minister, Series One (1986)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

General Howard:
We don't need it. Complete waste of money. Totally unnecessary.

Well, that's what I said!

General Howard:
You're right.

And the whole defence staff agree?

General Howard:
No, the Navy want to keep it. It's launched from their submarines. Take away Trident, they'd hardly have a role left.

And the RAF?

General Howard:
Well, you could ask them if you're interested in the opinion of garage mechanics.

Yes, Minister, Series One (1986)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Sir Humphrey:
With Trident we could obliterate the whole of Eastern Europe.

I don't want to obliterate the whole of Eastern Europe.

Sir Humphrey:
But it's a deterrent.

It's a bluff. I probably wouldn't use it.

Sir Humphrey:
Yes, but they don't know that you probably wouldn't.

They probably do.

Sir Humphrey:
Yes, they probably know that you probably wouldn't. But they can't certainly know.

They probably certainly know that I probably wouldn't.

Sir Humphrey:
Yes, but even though they probably certainly know that you probably wouldn't, they don't certainly know that although you probably wouldn't, there is no probability that you certainly would!

Yes, Minister, Series One (1986)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Prime Minister, isn't conscription a courageous policy?

[panicking a bit] Courageous? Oh my God, is it?

Yes, Minister, Series One (1986)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Wouldn't anybody... argue with me?

General Howard:
Serving officers obey orders without question!

What if I were to get drunk?

Sir Humphrey:
On the whole, it would be safer if you didn't.

Yes, Minister, Series One (1986)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Sir Humphrey:
Open government, Prime Minister. Freedom of information. We should always tell the press freely and frankly anything that they could easily find out some other way.

Yes, Minister, Series One (1986)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You were ready to let me kill you just so that I could see I was headed down the wrong path.

I knew the truth was inside you. You just needed the chance to decide what was right.

Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Brunhilde] What are you doing??

Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

For once Xena, I'd like to be the Roman noble and you be the slave.

Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 6  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You're not going to kill me, are you.

Why ever not?

Because I love you. Yeah, I love you.

Xena: Warrior Princess, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Jimmy Hart:
No! Uh-uh, Natural Disasters! You're not gonna be putting your World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship belts up against the Nasty Boys right here next week. You're gonna be putting them up against Money Inc., baby! That's right! Money Inc., right here next week!

Oh my goodness, Jimmy Hart with the news! The Nasty Boys won't be happy with this one. Nonetheless, we will have our scheduled Tag Team Championship match-up!

WWE Superstars of Wrestling, 1992  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Next week, we find out who the real nasty boys are

Nastisize who? Nasty Boys, your nastisizing days are numbered, and you're not getting these!

WWE Superstars of Wrestling, 1992  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

...and then from there, next week, for the Tag Team Championship, the #1 contenders, the Nasty Boys meeting the champions, the Natural Disasters.

WWE Superstars of Wrestling, 1992  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Interview from October 12th in Saskatoon]

Mean Gene:
Bret Hart, you were born for this moment. You were born for this day.

You know, Gene, I can't tell you right now how proud I am of this moment. This is the greatest moment of my whole life, and I dedicate this moment to all the people that believe that the biggest dreams can still come true.

Mean Gene:
You know, Bret Hart, I could not agree with you more. I know about your work ethic, because I have watched you virtually for your entire career. And I can't help but believe, Bret Hart, that this...this World Wrestling Federation Title in your hands at this time is the result of determination, it's the result of perseverance. You've paid your dues, I've seen you the last eight years in the trenches here n the World Wrestling Federation. And finally, this instant, this moment, all of those dreams, all of that hard work has paid off. And of course, your wishes, your dreams have now come to fruition.

You know, Gene, since I was this tall, I've been involved in wrestling. My whole family's been involved in wrestling. I've dedicated my whole life to wrestling. My father's taught me, he stuck me on the mat. He's made me scream, he's made me feel the pain, and I've listened, and I've learned, and I've thought about it, and I've dedicated myself to the technical wrestling, to learning wrestling, following up on all those last details. The endurance, the strength, that wrestling ability, and never ever thinking that I knew it all 'cause you never know it all. And I've had my share of wins, I've had my share of losses, but you wait your whole lifetime for one chance, just one single chance, and I've got that chance. And I've got to thank every single wrestler that I've ever wrestled against. I've wrestled the greatest wrestlers in the world, and I've learned. I've learned so much, and I've got to thank each and every one of them. And one in particular that I want to thank is Ric Flair. I want to thank Ric Flair for stepping in the ring with me tonight and giving me that chance.

I want to thank each and every one of my fans around the world for supporting me all these years. I want to thank all my friends that have backed me up through the thick and the thin. And most of all, I want to thank my family. They've been with me since the very beginning, since I was just a little baby. And most of all, I want to thank God above. God Almighty, thank you for the greatest moment of my entire life. I'm proud to be the WWF Champion.

WWE Superstars of Wrestling, 1992  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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"Dirt in the fuel line... just blowed it away."
A Casablanca
B Bonnie and Clyde
C Gone in 60 seconds
D The godfather