Gravity Falls, Season 2

Gravity Falls is an American animated television series which premiered on the Disney Channel in 2012.

[Soos inserts "Romance Academy 7" disc into hard drive; a "Year 2000 Electronics" title screen is shown]

Man, I can't wait for the year 2000.

[the main menu for "Romance Academy 7" pops up; the options are "Start," "Quit," and "Shizenhakka" (romaji for "spontaneous combustion")]

Ehh, start! [clicks; watches intro sequence with Japanese and English texts] "When the cherry petals of magic romance academy are in bloom... anthyding can hadplen." That is so true. [a pink-haired schoolgirl appears]

Oh, hi there! My name is .GIFfany. I'm a schoolgirl at School University. Will you help me carry my books? [options for "Yes of course!", "I am impatient! Date me now!" and "Hey look a squid!" appear]

I'm really feeling number two here. Click! [buzzes] Ah! I messed up!

That's okay. Try again! [Soos clicks "Yes of course!", awards him "100 Love Points" as coins and a cat fall down the screen]

Wow, I'm learning! And games are making it fun!

What would you like to talk about? [options for "Your interests!", "Samurais!" and "Squids!" appear]

I'd rather just click your face. [clicks her face] Ngah... ngah!

Ha ha. You are so funny!

Man, this game is amazing! I don't know why anyone abandoned it.

And I'm sure you'll never abandon me, new boyfriend.

Boyfriend? Oh-hoh my, Giffany. It's almost like you're actually alive.

Yes... Almost. Haha! Haha! Haha! Haha! [Soos chuckles; pan to show the unplugged cord to Soos's computer]

Oh, man. You have such a nice laugh.

Younger McGucket:
For the past year, I have been working as an assistant for a visiting researcher. He has been cataloging his findings about Gravity Falls in a series of journals. I helped him build a machine which he believed had the potential to benefit all mankind, but something went wrong. I decided to quit the project. But I lie awake at night, haunted by the thoughts of what I've done. I believe I have invented a machine that can permanently erase these memories from my mind. (He holds up the memory erasing ray.) Test subject One: Fiddleford. (He shoots it. The screen goes to static and comes back on) It worked! I can't recall a thing. (Static) I call it the Society of the Blind Eye. We will help those who want to forget by erasing their bad memories! (Static, McGucket is more disheveled and nervous.) Today, I came across a colony of little men, very disturbing. I would like to forget seeing this. (Static. McGucket's lab is a mess and his arm is in a cast.) I accidentally hit another car in town today. I feel terri-bibble! Terrible. I've been forgetting words lately. I wonder if there are any negative side effects... (static. McGucket has a beard and is filming from a motel.) I saw something in the lake, something big! (Rips his hair out, static.) My hair's been a-fallin' out, so I got this hat from a scarecrow. Hey, are my pants on backwards? (static. McGucket is wild-eyed and filming from the junkyard. Maniacal giggling and speaking gibberish:) Yroo Xrksvi! Girzmtov! (which is Abtash for:) Bill Cipher! Triangle! (The tape ends as McGucket forms a triangle around his right eye to reference Bill Cipher.)

Finally! After all these long years of waiting, you're actually here! Brother!

(Punches him in the face)

Oh! Ow! What the heck was that for?!

This was an insanely risky move: restarting the portal! Didn't you read my warnings?!

Warnings, schmarnings. How's about maybe a thanks for saving you from what appears to be, I don't know, some kind of sci-fi sideburn dimension?

Thank you? You really think I'm gonna thank you after what you DID THIRTY YEARS AGO?!

What I did? Why, you ungrateful... (Tries to punch him but Ford ducks and grabs him) Don't expect me to go easy on you, just because you're... family. (As Ford slams him to the ground) Ah!

Hey, hi. Mabel here. Quick question: WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?!

Stan, you didn't tell me there were children down here. And some sort of large, hairless gopher?

Heh heh. I get that a lot.

They're your family, Poindexter. Shermie's grandkids.

I-I have a niece and nephew? (Shakes Mabel's hand) Greetings. Do kids still say greetings? I haven't been in this dimension for a really long time.

Whoa, a six-fingered handshake? It's a full finger friendlier than normal!

Heha, I like this kid. She's weird.

I-I can't believe it... YOU'RE THE AUTHOR OF THE JOURNALS!

You've read my journals?

I haven't just read them; I've lived them! I've been waiting for so long to meet you, I-I don't know what to say I have so many question I [Starts breathing heavily] OOOOOOHHH I THINK I'M GONNA THROW UP. [Mabel comes over and pats him on the back] Hmmpf! No-no, false alarm. Hmmpf! Just gotta ride it out!

Look, you gonna explain what's going on, here? You're acting like Mom after her tenth cup of coffee.

Listen, there isn't must time. I've made huge mistakes and I don't know who I can trust anymore.

Hey, uh, easy there. Let's talk this through, okay?

I have something to show you. Something you won't believe.

Look, I've been around the world, okay? Whatever it is, I'll understand. [standing in the portal room] There is nothing about this I understand.

It's a trans-universal gateway, a punched hole through a weak spot in our dimension. I created it to unlock the mysteries of the universe. But it could just as easily be harnessed for terrible destruction. That's why I shut it down and hid my journals, which explained how to operate it. There's only one journal left, and you are the only person I can trust to take it. [gives Stan the journal] I have something to ask of you. Remember our plans to sail around the world on a boat? [Stan smiles] Take this book, get on a boat, and sail as far away as ya can, to the edge of the Earth! Bury it where no one can find it!

[angered] That's IT?! You finally want to see me after ten years, and it's to tell me to get as far away from you as possible?!

Stanley, you don't understand what I'm up against! What I've been through!

No, no! You don't understand what I've been through! I've been to prison in three different countries! I once had to chew my way out of the trunk of a car! You think you've got problems? I've got a mullet, Stanford! Meanwhile, where have you been? Living it up in your fancy house in the woods! Selfishly hoarding your college money, because you only care about yourself!

[indignant and furious] I'm selfish? I'm selfish, Stanley?! How can you say that to me after costing me my dream school?! I'm giving you a chance to do the first worthwhile thing in your life and you won't even listen!

Well, listen to this: You want me to get rid of this book? Fine! I'll get rid of it for you! [he pulls out a lighter and brings it to Journal 3]

No! (Grabs the journal) You don't understand!

(Takes it back) You said you wanted me to have it so I'll do what I want with it!

My research! (Tackles Stan, then runs for the journal, but Stan trips him. Ford runs after him) Stanley, give it back! (Pushes him onto some of the buttons)

You want it back, you're gonna have to try harder than that!

[on TV] This just in! Stanford Pines loses! [a picture of Stan with the word "DISQUALIFIED" on it is shown]

Dipper, Mabel, and Stan:
[watching] WHAT?!

Despite winning an overwhelming 95% of the vote, election officials had to disqualify him, due to discovery of an extensive criminal record.

Oh boy...

Stan, what did you do?!

What didn't I do?

[reading through papers, looking increasingly confused] Crimes include shoplifting, teaching bears to drive, a new crime he invented called "burgle-bezzlement", first-degree "llama-cide"...?

[shakes fist] That llama knew too much!

Due to this shocking development, it would appear the mayorship passes to the only candidate who actually filled out their paperwork: local enthusiasm enthusiast Tyler Cutebiker.

[Tyler is shown on a podium, with Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland giving him a mayoral sash and a bouquet of flowers as a crowd cheers]

[blushing] Got it!

[is handed a gigantic stack of paper to read from] We will dedicate the rest of this broadcast to listing Stan's crimes: first-degree thermometer theft, pug trafficking...

[Before Stan turns off the TV, a list is shown reading:

Whew! At least they didn't list any of the bad ones! On an unrelated topic, I have a lot of cheap pugs and I need to move them fast...

[As Bill Cipher towers over Gravity Falls and its citizens]

All right, listen up, you one-lifespan, three-dimensional, five-sense skin puppets! For one trillion years I've been trapped in my own decaying dimension, waiting for a new universe to call my own. Name's Bill! But you can call me your new lord and master for all of eternity!

[he melts the statue of Nathaniel Northwest in front of Deputy Durland, Sheriff Blubs and Mayor Tyler]

Now meet the gang of interdimensional criminals and nightmares I call my friends! [as various creatures come out of the scar in the sky] 8 Ball! Kryptos! The being whose name must never be said! [it lands down] Haha, what the heck? It's Zanthar! Then, of course, there's also Teeth, Keyhole, Hectorgon, Amorphous Shape, Pyronica, Paci-Fire and these guys. This is our town now, boys! [all his friends start cackling out loud]

Mayor Tyler:
Now see here, you unholy triangle fella! As mayor, I strongly urge you to git... git on out of here!

Lazy Susan:
Yeah! Things with one eye are weird!

We don't like out-of-towners!

Manly Dan:
[ripping a mailbox in half] AND WE PUNCH WHAT WE DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!

Mr. Northwest:
I would just like to say that as a rich capitalist, I welcome your tyrannical rule. Perhaps I could be one of your... Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

[angrily] Dad!

Mr. Northwest:
Not now, sweetie. The grownups are talking.

[sarcastic] Oh, wow, that's a great offer. How 'bout instead, I shuffle the functions of every hole in your face?!

[He clicks his fingers, and Mr. Northwest's face is suddenly grotesquely mixed up; he falls to the ground, giving out muffled screams as his family watches in horror; Bill cackles as people flee, and turns Deputy Durland to stone]

Sheriff Blubs:
Durland! My precious Deputy Durland, no! [one of the "Eye-Bats" transports Durland away]

It's time we do a little redecorating! I could really use a castle of some kind! [causes a pyramid to form and float in the sky] And how about some bubbles of PURE MADNESS?! [summons colourful bubbles; one passes through Sprott, making him scream madly and rip his shirt apart] This party never stops! Time is dead and meaning has no meaning! Existence is upside-down and I reign supreme! Welcome, one and all, TO WEIRDMAGEDDON!!!

Quit the games, Cipher! If I'm still alive, you must want something from me.

Ah, sharp as ever, Fordsy. As you may have noticed, I've recently had a multidimensional makeover. [spins around, showing his 3D form, and rearranges Ford and the room's furniture] I control space, matter, and now that that dumb baby's out of the way, time itself! But I wasn't always this way. [clicks his fingers, making Ford and everything else fall to the floor] You think those chains are tight? [his eye shows a planet on a two-dimensional plane] Imagine living in the Second Dimension: flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams. [the planet burns up and screams are heard] I liberated my dimension, Stanford, and I'm here to liberate yours. There's just one hitch. [projects an image of himself pushing against the dome around Gravity Falls in frustration] As it turns out, my weirdness can't escape the magical confines of this town. There's something keeping me in.

Incredible! Gravity Falls' Natural Law of Weirdness Magnetism - I studied this years ago!

And did you find a way to undo it?

Of course. There's a simple equation that could collapse the barrier. But I'd never tell you!

Listen, Ford - if you just tell me that equation, finally your dimension will be free. [projects an image of himself and the Henchmaniacs wreaking havoc on Earth and the universe] Anything will be possible! I'll remake a fun world, a better world! A party that never ends with a host that never dies! No more restrictions! No more laws! [shows a maniacal, galaxy-sized Ford in the centre of the Milky Way] You'd be one of us. All-powerful! Greater than anything you've imagined! And all I need is your help.

You're insane if you think I'll help you!

[laughs] I'm insane either way, brainiac! But have it your way! I'll just fish around and get that equation directly out of your mind! [prepares to enter Ford's mind]

Not so fast! You know the rules, Bill. [Bill returns to physical form] You may be able to haunt my dreams, but you can't enter my mind unless I shake your hand and let you in!

[sighs, chains Ford up] You're making this so much harder than it needs to be. Everyone has a weakness, tough guy! I'll make you talk. It's only a matter of time! [Ford screams in terror]

Ohh, I can't believe this! The kids are gonna die and it's all my fault! [sadly drops down due to remorse about the current situation] Because I couldn't shake your stupid hand! Ugh, Dad was right about me. I am a screwup.

[sighs sadly] Don't blame yourself. I'm the one who made a deal with Bill in the first place. I fell for all his easy flattery. You would've seen him for the scam artist he is. [drinks from "water" flask and shares it with Stan]

How did things get so messed up between us?

We used to be like Dipper and Mabel. The world's about to end and they still work together. How do they do it?

Easy. They're kids. They don't know any better. [Ford stands up] Whoa, where are you going?

[sadly and reluctantly]I'm gonna play the only card we have left: let Bill into my mind. He'll be able to take over the galaxy and maybe even worse! But at least he might let the kids free.

[horrified] What?! Are you kidding me?! Are you honestly telling me there's nothing else we can do?!

Bill's only weak in the mindspace. If I didn't have this darn plate in my head, we could just erase him with the memory gun when he steps inside my mind.

[beat] What if he goes in my mind? My brain isn't good for anything.

[chuckles] There's nothing in your mind he wants. It has to be me. We need to take his deal. It's the only way he'll agree to save you and the kids.

Do you really think he's gonna make good on that deal?

What other choice do we have?

[holding on to terrified twins and returns to the main room] All right, Ford, time's up! I've got the kids! I think I'm gonna kill one of them right now, just for the heck of it! [eye scrolls between the pine tree image from Dipper's hat and the shooting star image from Mabel's sweater] EENY... MEENY... MINEY... [eye seems to settle on Mabel after ending on the shooting star image from Mabel’s sweater] YOU!!! [raises his left hand and prepares to snap his fingers to kill Mabel once and for all until "Ford" interrupts him]

[wearing Ford’s clothes and imitating Ford’s voice] Wait! I surrender.

Good choice. [drops Dipper and Mabel and approaches Stan and Ford]

[wearing Stan’s clothes and imitating Stan’s voice] Don’t do it Ford! It’ll destroy the universe!

It’s the only way!

HAHAHAHA! Oh, even when you're about to die, you Pines twins just can't get along. [drops the cage and ties up Ford]

My only condition is that you let my brother and the kids go!


No! Grunkle Ford! Don’t trust him!

It's a...DEAL! [Holds Stan's right hand, then enters the mental realm, petrifying his physical form. Laughs evilly and enters Stan’s mind as Stan gasps in horror]

Oh, I'm here! I'm finally here! Look at this place - a perfect, calm, orderly void. Gotta hand it to you, Ford. You really know how to clean your mi-- [opens the door to reveal Stan sitting in a chair playing with a paddleball]

[Makes a clicking sound and points a finger-gun at Bill]


Heh-heh! Do a pretty good impression of my brother, don't I? Switch clothes and no one can tell us apart! Welcome to my mind. Surprised you didn't recognize it.

[Outside of Stan's mind, Ford pulls out the memory gun and reluctantly aims it at Stan to completely erase Stan’s memories]

[horrified and furious] What?! The deal's off! [furiously turns to leave, but the door slams shut and blue flames begin to fill the room] What the--?! No, no, no, NO!

Oh, yeah. You're goin' down, Bill. You're getting erased. Memory gun. Pretty clever, huh?

[panicked] Y-you idiot! Don't you realize you're destroying your own mind too?!

[shrugging] Eh. It's not like I was using this space for much anyway.

Let me outta here! Let me OUT! [desperately tries to use his powers to escape Stan’s mind, to no avail] Why isn't this working?!

Hey, look at me. [angrily] Turn around and look at me, you one-eyed demon! You're a real wise-guy, but you made one fatal mistake: you messed with my family!

[terrified] You're making a mistake! I'll give you anything! Money, fame, riches, infinite power, your own galaxy! PLEASE! No...! WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?! [begins rapidly warping between several forms; screams distorted words that, when played in reverse, are revealed to be:] A-X-O-L-O-T-L! MY TIME HAS COME TO BURN! I INVOKE THE ANCIENT POWER THAT I MAY RETURN! STANLEEEEY...!!! [Stan punches Bill in the eye, making him dissolve into nothing with a final scream]

[before being engulfed by the flames, he fondly looks at a picture of him with Dipper, Mabel and Waddles] Heh. Guess I was good for something after all.

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