[Dibble reads the note found with the baby]
Top Cat:
Okay, Dibble, you satisfied?
Officer Dibble:
Alright, so he was abandoned and you found him. Now hand him over!
Top Cat:
But Dib, we were going to adopt the kid ourselves!
Officer Dibble:
Are you kidding? YOU guys?
We'll take care of him, honest! Chooch knows how to handle diapers!
Officer Dibble:
Oh, sure, pal. And what are you going to teach him, roulette?
We could take him to night school and put him through some courses...
Officer Dibble:
Sorry, fellas. There's laws about recovering lost property and abandoned kids come under that heading.
Top Cat:
[poking Dibble] But...
Officer Dibble:
We take the kid in and find him a new home.
Top Cat:
[poking Dibble] But...
Officer Dibble:
Furthermore, before you can adopt a baby you have to be shown as a legal hardworking citizen, with a regular fixed income!
Top Cat:
Oh, boy...
Officer Dibble:
[loudly] Now will you cut out the stalling and give me the kid?
[the baby starts crying much to Benny and Choo Choo's horror]
Now you did it, now you woke up Charlie.
Officer Dibble:
Choo Choo:
We named him you Officer Dibble.
Top Cat:
Yeah, Dib. We figured you might want to be the kid's godfather.
Officer Dibble:
No kiddin'. That's real nice, you guys. But the baby's got to be taken in. It's regulations. [walks off] Come on, let's go.
Top Cat:
[leaning against the fence] Okay, Benny. Dibble's gotta make his pinch for the day. At it might as well be someone he can handle. Give him the baby.