Wikidude's Quotes Page #376

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Pig Two:
The boss is gonna dump us and hire Lady Baden-Baden!

Pig Three:
They always said politics was a dirty business!

Pig One:
Well it's going to get a lot dirtier!

The Raccoons, Season 5 (1990-1991)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Mr Knox is outlining him and Cyril's environmentally friendly intentions, but some members of the press are leaving)

Hey, where are they all going?

That's the trouble with the press Bert. Good news is no news.

The Raccoons, Season 5 (1990-1991)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Mr Knox:
I never thought I'd see the day Mr Sneer. You and me working together for a better world.

Well as long as a better world means better profits, I'm all for it!

The Raccoons, Season 5 (1990-1991)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Somebody just dumped this... this poison! How could they do it?

They just didn't care Bert.

The Raccoons, Season 5 (1990-1991)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Boys, we're going to find out who did this if it's the last thing we do.

Pig One:
Uh... we did it, boss.


Pig One:
It was just a job boss!

Pig Two:
We don't even know who hired us!

Pig Three:
We didn't know what was in the barrels boss.

Pig One:
He wouldn't tell us.

Pig Two:
He just told us to dump them!

Pig Three:
He... he paid us a lot of money.

He paid you a lot of money. You want money? Here! Here's lots of money! Take it all. Take some more! Just give me back the fishing hole! Can you do that? Can you give me a price on that?! Can you?!

The Raccoons, Season 5 (1990-1991)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Milton Midas:
Gentlemen! Gentleman! I sure we can come to some accomodation here!

Mr Knox:
Oh I know we can, sir!

In fact we've arranged some accomodation for you! (Cuts to two police officers with handcuffs)

Milton Midas:
No! Wait! You've got it all wrong! It was an accident! Trust me! NOOOO!

That's my Pop. The environmental crusader!

The Raccoons, Season 5 (1990-1991)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(about the fishing hole) It was a good place. At least we've got our memories.

I don't. I never got the chance.

Maybe not Bentley. But feeling sorry about it won't change anything.

You're right Cedric. It's up to us. We've got to change things.

The Raccoons, Season 5 (1990-1991)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The sun has risen on another day in the Evergreen Forest. And while some folks have to struggle to get out of bed, Cyril Sneer has no such problem. He never went to bed!

The Raccoons, Season 5 (1990-1991)  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I hope you're as good at selling stories to the cops as you are at selling used cars.

The Rockford Files, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Belle Labelle:
Are you the Lance White who saved Mr. Hillman's life a long, long time ago when the Mob was moving in at the club and threatening his wife and four grandchildren?

[modestly] Let's just say it's closer than I like to come.

[unimpressed] Isn't it about time for an intermission? I'm out of popcorn!

The Rockford Files, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Jim is picking a lock]

What are you doing? That's illegal!

Rita, on my best day I'm borderline.

The Rockford Files, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Answering Machine:
I'm the guy who hit your car in the parking lot. I don't have any insurance...I just wanted you to know how really sorry I am. If it makes you feel any better, I hurt my arm.

The Rockford Files, Season 5  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The mob scares away Angel Martins ghost writer:

The Rockford Files, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

"Two men stopped me outside a pizza parlor..thed promise to break my legs if that's books published..what you call a touch up, needs mouth to mouth ressucation"

"Oh threat and he folds up..everyone makes out on the deal except me"

"I wouldn't say do get something out of it...not worth much."

"Yeah What?"

"Your Life"

The Rockford Files, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(Lee Ronstadt, the paramilitary group leader, calls Ray, the talk radio host on the water shortage debate)

Now you wanna know what I think about the water shortage, right?


There isn't any.

What do you mean there isn't any?

Look, Ray, I heard all about your so-called drought. The fact is, we got plenty of water.

Is that so? Where?

Okay, I'll tell you where it is. We're selling it to the Arabs.

The who?

The Arabs! They got nothing but sand and money.

Look Lee, get to the point.

Listen, if you were sitting in the middle of a desert, what would you be looking to import?

Lee, you are pretty off-base today.

And who suffers? We do! I can remember a time here in California when we grew tomatoes the size of cantaloupes and cantaloupes the size of...

That's a pretty flaky theory, who'd sell our water?

Well, it's them bleeding hearts back in Washington, that's who! Trying to keep the whole world happy and to hell with the American people! Well, I got my sprinklers going, and I'm gonna keep them going, and to hell with the Arabs!

The Rockford Files, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I hope Angel won't say anything that's gonna get Rocky into trouble.

Hey, Angel has been in stir. He knows better than to talk without his lawyer present. And you're his lawyer. Angel knows better. He'll keep his mouth shut.

(Cut to Angel being questioned by FBI)

See, you wanna be talking to Jim Rockford and his father, Joseph. Let me spell that for you. That's Rockford. R-O-C-K-F-O-R-D. The guy's got a record, too, you know, but the State, they pardoned him. But you know the State, they just practically give them pardons away. This guy and his dad, they're dirty. You talk about marked bills and mob money. You want to find these guys right away. I wouldn't waste any time. Now, Rocky, that's the father, he's at the Palm Shores Hotel. That's in Hawaii. A lot of mob guys hang out there. I'd grab him and I wouldn't let him go. I'd grab him right away if I was you.

Agent Steiner:
You better be straight with us, Martin.

Straight? Straight? I'm so straight, my back's hurting.

Agent Steiner:
You better be. We've got a shopping list of charges to hang on somebody. You're pretty handy right now.

Who me? Charges?

Agent Steiner:
Five to ten for fraud. Five to ten for conspiracy to avoid taxes. Five to ten, obstructing justice. Twenty to life, accessory to murder.

Murder? Wait a minute. Wait a second. I wouldn't murder no one, not for a couple of Cs. Look, you want to talk to the Rockford gang. That's R-O-C-K-F-O-R-D.

The Rockford Files, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

(continued; T.T.'s eulogy from last episode) He said, "There's more spiritual illumination in a hive of bees than you'd ever get from a man in a suit." T.T. found his inspiration in the miracle of spring. When he'd feel the first warm breezes start to push the frost north, he'd jump in that old truck of his and load it up with beehives and go chasing the blossoms, leapfrogging his bees to keep ahead of the flow of nectar. Well, he told me that they had been doing that in old Egypt in the days of the Pharaohs. Not in trucks, of course, but in big old barges floating slowly up the Nile... just one step behind the grand opening of spring. Well, now our friend has joined those who brought honey to the Pharaohs. Some say it was the city that killed T.T. But I know of one time when the city was his friend. And if he'd known it, T.T. would be alive today. /.../ Those of us who loved him lost a valuable friend when T.T. Flowers went north with the nectar, and the world lost another keeper of the bees. And a good one. Spring isn't going to be the same without him.

The Rockford Files, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[On phone with Dennis] Well, what do you want for proof, Dennis? My body? This is second time somebody's tried to kill me in two days! Yeah. I know he's a pillar of the community. No, I won't tell you where I am. [Slams phone]

The Rockford Files, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Let me get this straight if I can. What you're saying is that a Beverly Hills psychiatrist, an Encino stockbroker, a San Marino lawyer and the biggest subdivider in the next county, all got together to do an old man out of three acres without the daughter's knowledge, but with her consent and full cooperation?

I don't know if they all got together, Dennis, but they're all doing it to him.

There's nothing to tie them together and from what you said, I'd say the old man's right where he belongs.

Okay, so his lifestyle doesn't help his case any. But since when is eccentricity punishable by torture? And besides, Muellard knew about the attempt on my life, which ties him to something. Or did you forget somebody tried to kill me yesterday?

Look, Jimbo, what can I do?

Well, did you run a check on the nitrous oxide tank?

Yup. Dr. Fellows ran an inventory against supply and accounted for every tank. So there's nothing there. And Fellows is the director of Horizons Crest.

Well, he's in on it, too.

Oh, good, now I can add a Woodland Hills doctor to your list of co-conspirators.

The Rockford Files, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

What do you know about T.T.'s son-in-law?

Oh, he's a rich stockbroker, is all I know. But, of course, T.T. says that he's nothing but a con man with a diploma and a place to hang it.

The Rockford Files, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Delivers an eulogy at T.T.'s funeral] T.T. Flowers used to say that cities made men poor and women old and everyone lonesome. So he bought himself 10 acres way out in the country. It was then in '35. Him and his little bride, Lou Ella, they built a reaI nice place there, and they named it Freedom, and they were raising rabbits and chickens and goats and turkeys and bees. And then Lou Ella died giving birth to their little girl. T.T., he raised her as best he could and he stayed right there on the place, all the time watching the city creeping closer to him. T.T. Flowers played music to his bees and talked to his trees. Of course, no one ever asked him if they answered him back, or if they did, what did they say? The city just decided that there was no room anymore for a man who talked to trees. But T.T. always said that the city might surround him, but they'd never pave him under, because he was there first. And he was right. But the city didn't care.

The Rockford Files, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Answering Machine:
Jimmy, it's Phil in Puerto Rico. This is real important. Talked to Mr. [crackling line noise], he'll pay $20,000. Call him at 231… [crackling line noise] ...638.

Warren is a brilliant chess player.

He's a turkey!

The Rockford Files, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Angel is in Jim's trailer]

[Enters; sees Angel, slams the door] Angel, I am in a foul mood today and the last person I wanna see is you, so out!

I can feature you being browned off at me, Jim, so I'm not gonna stick around, but I was hoping that maybe I could stash my stuff here. See, Regine's annulment petition went through and I gotta give her my entire collection as part of the settlement. Well, I mean, originals, collectors items! Avery Joe Hunter, Little Walter...

You wanna hide them here, after what you've done? Look, as far as I'm concerned, Regine deserves all four of your limbs.

Wait till you go through a divorce, we'll see what kind of tune you sing!

I might as well have gone through one, I had lunch with a banker today. You know, I have to refinance my trailer to pay back a $2,000 debt for that property option, also owe a bill for the rental of a bulldozer, Rocky won't even talk to me because his friend's camper did a patty melt.

[Outside, knocks on the door] Jim!

What is she doing here?

Well, she said she might drop by, she wants me to help track down an old boyfriend of her.

You mean that bozo Donny Angle, I know all about that that guy. But you don't do missing persons work.

For her I do, I might even do it for free. You know, if I didn't know you were such a lizard, I might think you were jealous.

[Regine knocks again, Angel tries to stall]

What am I supposed to do, she's out there?!

The Rockford Files, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Sara Butler:
(Referring to Jim's trailer) This is your office?

Yeah, it's cheap, it's tax-deductible, earthquake-proof, and when I get a job out of town, I'll take it with me.

The Rockford Files, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "I'm sure in 1985, plutonium is available at every corner drugstore, but in 1955 it's a little hard to come by"?
A Pulp Fiction
B Back to the Future
C The Big Lebowski
D Love & Plutonium