Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,249

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I worked for corporate America, you know, for 20 years. My friend Bill worked for the same company. And... He had liver failure. A week before he was due to retire, HR called him in hospice and said, you know, let's talk about your retirement. And he died 10 days later, having never been able to take that sailboat that he bought out of his driveway. And he missed out on everything. Then he told me before he died, just don't waste any time, girl. Don't waste any time. So I retired as soon as I could. I didn't want my sailboat to be in the driveway when I died. So... yeah. And it's not. My sailboat is out here in the desert.

Nomadland  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Buddy Love:
Oh, you bastard. [sees a rubber ball, because his body has dog DNA]

Nutty Professor 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Buddy Love:
[after catching a rubber ball filled with youth formula] What the hell is that? (Sherman; Who's dumb now?)Oh, Sherman. Oh, you sneaky son of a bitch. Oh, Sherman. [turning into a baby] Oh, SHIT! Uh, uh Everyone calm down, relax. everything is under control. [woman stares at his penis] What the hell are you looking at?! This is an impressive package for a toddle!

Nutty Professor 2  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Nate, what's up, man? Did you see? Significant others are welcome at the party.

Look at that. Looks like we're finally gonna meet Becca.

Yeah. Um, oh, shoot. Uh, except she's working late tonight. Modelling.

Is she shooting the cover... of "Full of Shit" magazine?

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

So, Carol. You know, that's my grandmother's name.

[distracted momentarily] Mmm. No, I did not know that.



It's kind of an old-timey name. Don't really hear "Carol" much anymore. It's like... [imitates an old woman] "Hi, I'm Carol. I gotta get home before I miss my stories." "Hi, I'm Carol. I heard about Pearl Harbor on the radio." "Hi, I'm Carol. I died in the beginning of 'Up'."

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

All right, if by some miracle you can close Walter Davis and his 14 million dollar account, your jobs are safe.

Done! And you're going to look so stupid!

[Begins walking out of the door] Then we'll finally have something in common!

[the door shuts] Goddammit, she's so mean!

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Get me on any goddamn plane, all right? I have enough miles to orbit the sun.

Airline Concierge:
I'm sorry, ma'am. All flights are grounded until the snow clears. There's nothing more I can do.

Well, refer me to someone who can do something!

Airline Concierge:
That would be God, ma'am.

Oh. Her.

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Mary just fucking cited me! Okay? I thought this was a party. If I want to dick tap Alan, I'm gonna dick tap Alan. That's a timeless gag! Never not funny!

[tries to shoo him away] Okay, off you go.

She is like a poisonous fucking cloud of shit gas, like, just seeping into everybody's good time. Every word she says makes my fucking hemorrhoids throb! I want that on the record!

It is.

[Jeremy leaves]

Walter Davis:
He's in customer service?

Yeah. He's much better on the phone.

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Mummy! I mean, Allison. Don't leave.

Save that shit for the fourth date like a normal person!

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Allison, are you okay?

No! I'm not okay. My ex-husband is dating a stripper, Drew is cyberstalking me, and Fred from accounting is like a human fucking AMBER Alert. Don't I deserve to date someone who is nice?

Of course you do. Allison, you're an amazing person. You basically take care of this whole office. And you do it every day, even though most people don't seem to notice. So, yeah, you deserve someone nice.

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[enters the empty, now-trashed office] Hey, guys, I got doughnuts! I got, uh, jelly and glazed and, uh, some other stuff. But no Cronuts, that's a bastard pastry.

[runs into Jeremy]

I still hate your rules. But your dancing is wild and free. Like an unmanned fire hose.

[looks at him below his waist] Put your pants on. [turns/walks away] For now.

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Mary, why do you even have a minivan? You don't have kids.

I buy in bulk!

Josh Parker:
Can this thing handle snow?

Oh, please. It's a Kia. It's what God would drive.

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

[grabs Josh's arm to stop him from leaving the mini-van] Because I don't know what's gonna happen in there. Last year, I filed a sexual harassment complaint against myself.

Against yourself. Mmm-hmm.

Andrew, in the copy room, he was changing the toner. And I pretended to drop something on the ground so that I could bend over and graze his butt with my nose. And I did.

That doesn't seem that bad.

And then I said, "If you don't fuck me, buster, I will ruin you."

Josh Parker:
Hmm. That's harassment.

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Okay, I'm gonna need both of you assclowns to hack into Clay's phone so we can find him.

Come on, why would we help you, dude? Seriously?

Yeah, why would we help you?

[grabs Tim by the collar] Because I'm your fucking boss, and I'm telling you to.

[turns to Mary] He can't touch him!

I'll allow it.

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Josh Parker:
[to the Russian thug whom Carol has pinned against the pool table] You do not want to die at the hands of Lululemon here. It'd be real embarrassing. You're a large guy, and she's made of nothing but salad and Smartwater.

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Clay Vanstone:
I gotta tell you, I was always like, "Tracey, this doesn't make any sense," and she was like, "Words, words, words and some numbers." But she did it.

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Clay Vanstone:
Vin Diesel ain't got shit on me!

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Clay Vanstone:
Hey, God. I know I haven't asked for a lot in this life. Granted, I was born rich... and white... and a man... and straight. Well, except for that one time in Vegas, but that was Vegas.

Office Christmas Party  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Rick Dalton:
Hey! You're a good friend, Cliff.

Cliff Booth:
I try.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Bruce Lee:
You know, you're kinda pretty for a stuntman.

Cliff Booth:
That's what they tell me.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Bruce Lee:
You're the one with the big mouth, and I would really enjoy closing it, especially in front of all my friends. But my hands are registered as lethal weapons. That means, we get into a fight, I accidentally kill you? I go to jail.

Cliff Booth:
Anybody accidentally kills anybody in a fight, they go to jail. It's called manslaughter.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Randy Miller:
What's up, babe?

Janet Miller:
What's up, Randy, is that your loser arsehole, wife-killing buddy boy here was beating the shit out of Bruce!

Randy Miller:

Cliff Booth:
Hey, Randy.

Randy Miller:
Cliff! What the fuck, man!

Bruce Lee:
Let me just say, nobody beat the shit out of Bruce. It was a friendly contest. He barely touched me.

Cliff Booth:
I think that dent in the car says something different.

Janet Miller:
[looks past Cliff and Bruce] God! What the fuck did you do to my car!?

Randy Miller:
What the fuck did you do to her car?

Cliff Booth:
[gestures to Bruce] threw this little prick into it, but I did not know it was her car.

Janet Miller:
[to Cliff, angry] Get the wardrobe off, get your shit and get fucked!

Randy Miller:

Janet Miller:

Randy Miller:
I will handle this!

Janet Miller:
Then fucking handle it, Randy!

Randy Miller:
[to Cliff, calmly] Cliff, get the wardrobe off, get your shit and get off the lot.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Rick Dalton:
All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat?

Flamethrower Trainer:
Rick, it's a flamethrower.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

Allen Kincade:
So, uh, Rick, explain to the audience exactly what it is a stunt double does.

Rick Dalton:
Well, actors are required to do a lot of dangerous stuff. Say Jake Cahill gets shot off his horse. Now, can I fall off a horse? Yes, I can. Yes, I have. [all three chuckle] But say I fall off wrong and I sprain my wrist or twist my ankle. Now, that can put an undue burden on the production because now maybe I can't work for a week. So Cliff here is meant to help carry the load.

Allen Kincade:
Is that, uh, how you'd describe your job, Cliff?

Cliff Booth:
What, carrying his load? Yeah, that's about right.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood  Movie Quote

added 2 years ago

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