Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,482

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Having been flooded out of the house in the brothers' last attempt to kill the mouse, the angry auction guests are leaving.]

Hey! Don't go! The water was just a… a demonstration of... of how durable a LeRue really is! [he laughs] How about that, huh? Now, you know... this house will last forever! [the house suddenly collapses]

Mousehunt  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Will you poop on me?

Movie 43  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[First lines; Mr. Bean drives to a raffle being held at a church fete]

Three one! Thirty-one. Ah, Mrs. Lucas! [everybody claps their hands]

Mrs. Lucas:
Over here!

Congratulations, Mrs. Lucas. And now to the first prize in today's raffle in aid of the "roof appeal." [the crowd stop clapping their hands; Bean pops out of the crowd] Thank you Lily. [A nearby little girl named Lily turns on her iPod, causing "La Mer" to play] Indeed. The magnificent holiday to the south of France, kindly sponsored by Dalesborough Travel Limited. [everybody at the church, including Bean, clap their hands again] So, thank you guys. The winner of this prize will travel by Eurostar train to Paris then catch the fast train south before spending the week on the beaches of the French Riviera. This fabulous prize also includes 200 euros spending money and Barbara, this wonderful video camera kindly donated by A&K Electrics of Arbor Road. The winner of this amazing prize is: 9-1-9. [Bean sees that his ticket number is 6-1-6 which disgruntles him and causes him to dump it on a toy truck] Nine one nine. Anybody have ticket 9-1-9? [Bean sees his ticket number upside down which reads 919, surprising him] If there is no claimant, I'll have to pick another ticket from the bucket. Anyone? [right before the vicar gets another ticket from the bucket Bean quickly raises his ticket up as 9-1-9]

Mr. Bean:
Yes! [everybody looks back at Bean and cheer as Bean joyfully walks to the stage, triumphant about winning the prize]

Mr. Bean's Holiday  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Bean wakes up on what appears to be a quiet French village until seeing a tank and several soldiers attack the village and unwittingly collides into Sabine dressed as a waitress while running for his life]

Carson Clay:
Cut! Cut, cut! [the soldiers and Sabine stop acting while Bean stands puzzled] What the hell is he doing?! Where did he come from? Some of us here are trying to make a work of art! Everyone, back in position!

[a crew member grabs Bean by the arm and walks off]

Carson Clay:
Get him in something different and put him in the background. [to the waitress] You, sweetheart. You never stop, okay? Remember, you're crazy for the taste of Fruzzi yogurt. [points to a yogurt container with the name "Fruzzi" full of strawberries in which a hand sprays scent on it] Well, how long does it take to reset? Then WHY IS EVERYONE MOVING IN SLOW MOTION?!

News Reporter:
Cannes jury member Emil Dachevsky, the Russian film director, explained that his son Stepan was last seen on a train with a mysterious foreigner.

Train Station Manager:
As soon as I saw him, I thought "he's evil."

Carson Clay:
Action! [the commercial goes as normal with Bean dressed in military outfit while holding his camera on the tip of his gun] Cut! [the soldiers along with Bean stop running] The guy with the video camera is fired!

Female Crew Member:
[holding up a megaphone] Fired.

Carson Clay:
[upon seeing Bean walking while seeing that his camera's battery is dying] YOU'RE FIRED!

[Bean falls down; later, Bean looks for a place to charge his camera when he notices a plug of one of the machines used for the special effects in which he unplugs it, causing the lights on the machine to turn off]

Male Crew Member 1:
Are you ready?

Male Crew Member 2:

Carson Clay:
Action! [the whole commercial goes as normal until the tank fires its gun in which the windows of a nearby building used in the set does not explode due to the machine used for the special effects turned off] Cut! Cut, cut! My explosion! WHERE'S MY EXPLOSION?! All I want is an explosion, a little tiny explosion!

[Bean unplugs his charger from his camera after its fully charged then plugs back the machine used for the special effects in which the lights turn back on]

Carson Clay:
[walking off the set with one of the male crew members] Is it really so hard for you guys? [grabs a remote control from the member] I mean, all you had to do is this! [presses a button on the remote, creating an explosion off-screen as Carson Clay's sombrero flies into the air]

Mr. Bean's Holiday  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You climbed mountains and built skyscrapers.

You made TV shows and put out newspapers.

You were wicked good at doing stocks.

You liked it when Emilio would change your socks.

We never hung out and that makes me sad.

All the good times we could've had.

But when I die, Uncle Preston, you better say "Cheers".

Cause when me and you are hanging at the pearly gates, I'll bring the beers. I'll bring the beers.

Reverend Sharpton:
Nice rhyme, nice rhyme.

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Deeds talks to the pilots]

You guys football fans? I think the Pats could take the conference this year. I mean, the Dolphins are overrated and the Jets are choke artists.

I wouldn't say that, Mr. Deeds.

Just Deeds. Why's that, though?

You own the Jets, Deeds.

I do?! Whoa! That sucks. Jeez. I hope they don't play the Pats in the playoffs, or I'll have to kill myself.

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How can I thank you?

All I want is your friendship, Emilio. You're a good man.

Deeds! How about a billion dollars?

All right.


Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Cecil raises his hand after Cedar asks if anyone knows a doctor that just faxed them]

Congratulations, you have a spastic colon.

That would explain a lot.

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What are you in for?

Crazy Eyes:
Eh, I'm doin' an overnighter for bitin' the mailman.

[waves his hand]

Crazy Eyes:
He was tryin' to cast some spell on me like a wizard or somethin'.

You sure about that?

Crazy Eyes:
I don't know, maybe he was just wavin'.

[waves hand then sees Chuck and Cecil]

Crazy Eyes:
Who're your friends?

This is Chuck and Cecil, they're visiting from New York.

Crazy Eyes:
I don't like 'em.

Okay, then.

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Crazy Eyes.

Crazy Eyes:
Hey, Deeds.

How you doin', pal? I got your pizza for you, just the way you like it.

Crazy Eyes:
Oh, yes. French Fries and Oreos, you know me all too well, Deeds.

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Want me to wipe the leaves on your ficus tree, Mr. Blake?

You can call me Preston.

Want me to wipe the leaves on your ficus tree, Preston?

Yes. Yes! YES!

[they embrace wildly]

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[in Coretta's burning apartment]

I'm not leaving without me kitties.

How many cats do you have?


Holy shit. Lets get cracking. I apologize for the language.

Apology accepted.

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So how is the elevator business treating you, Reuben?

Oh, it has its ups and downs.

[both laugh]

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Babe is fighting against Jan, and Babe just kicked her in the crotch several times]

Where were you kickin'? I ain't got no balls, dummy!

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[last lines]

Crazy Eyes:
[drives his new Corvette] Damn, these things are fast!

[he floors it and crashes into a tree]

Crazy Eyes:
I'm okay! [laughs] I'm okay!

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[reads the card Deeds wrote for her] Hard to breathe, feels like floating.

So full of love, my heart's exploding.

Mouth is dry, hands are shaking.

My heart is yours for the taking.

Acting weird, not myself.

Dancing around like the Keebler elf.

Finally time, for this poor schlub

to know how it feels, to fall in lub.

I couldn't think of anything else that rhymes with schlub. Rub and tub didn't work.

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Are you gonna see him again tonight?

Yes. I'm calling him around 4:00. It's when I get off work. Remember, I'm Pam Dawson, virgin school nurse from Winchestertonfieldville, Iowa.

[both laugh]

That's priceless! You, a virgin!

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

We're looking for somebody. Longfellow Deeds.

Wow! Is that Deeds' first name?

Well, if the Deeds you're referring to is Longfellow Deeds, then yes, that is Deeds's first name.

Well, I don't know Deeds's first name. Maybe it's Greg.

Maybe it's Longfellow.

Maybe. But I don't know. I know another guy named Greg. You want me to call him up?

No! Thank you. Please. Just tell us where Deeds lives.

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Excuse me. Is Mr. Deeds around?

No, I'm sorry. He's out making deliveries. The regular delivery guy called in sick. But you don't look too sick to me, Murph.

Oh! I forgot I was fakin' sick today. [to Cedar and Cecil] You two tricked me into comin' here.

Murph, put on an apron and gimme a hand.

[sets to work] You guys played me like a fiddle. Touche!

Is Mrs. Deeds around?

Mrs. Deeds!? I don't think that poor boy ever had a date.

Mr. Deeds  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[to Louise] How can you be so blind with eyes that big?! [leaves]

[flustered] They're not... that big.

My dear, they're practically Chinese!

[kissing him] God, I love you!

A Million Ways to Die in the West  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Indian Chief:
(after Albert's drug trip hallucination; in Athabaskan) Did you shoot the black condor and then kicked it in the balls?

(in Athabaskan) ...Yes.

A Million Ways to Die in the West  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John Anderton:
[about Witwer's father] What does he think about your chosen line of work?

Danny Witwer:
I don't know. He was shot and killed when I was 15 on the steps of our church in Dublin. I know what it's like to lose someone close, John. 'Course, nothing is like the loss of a child. I don't have any children of my own, so I can only imagine what that must've been like. To lose your son – in such a public place like that. At least now you and I have the chance to make sure that kind of thing doesn't happen to anyone –

John Anderton:
Why don't you cut the cute act, Danny boy, and tell me exactly what it is you're looking for?

Danny Witwer:

John Anderton:
There hasn't been a murder in 6 years. There's nothing wrong with the system, it is--

Danny Witwer:
Perfect. I agree. But if there's a flaw, it's human. It always is.

Minority Report  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Danny Witwer:
I thought they stopped the murder?

That's just an echo. Precog déjà vu. Some of the really bad ones, the precogs see over and over again.

Minority Report  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

We keep strict separation so that no one can be accused of tampering.

- I'll be the first one to go in then?

hmm, maybe you didn't hear me then.

If it's a question of "authority" ... you know, we could make things interesting

- There are no questions here.

I have a warrant in my pocket that says different, you wanna see it?

Minority Report  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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C Poul Anderson
D Kurt Vonnegut