[Bean wakes up on what appears to be a quiet French village until seeing a tank and several soldiers attack the village and unwittingly collides into Sabine dressed as a waitress while running for his life]
Carson Clay:
Cut! Cut, cut! [the soldiers and Sabine stop acting while Bean stands puzzled] What the hell is he doing?! Where did he come from? Some of us here are trying to make a work of art! Everyone, back in position!
[a crew member grabs Bean by the arm and walks off]
Carson Clay:
Get him in something different and put him in the background. [to the waitress] You, sweetheart. You never stop, okay? Remember, you're crazy for the taste of Fruzzi yogurt. [points to a yogurt container with the name "Fruzzi" full of strawberries in which a hand sprays scent on it] Well, how long does it take to reset? Then WHY IS EVERYONE MOVING IN SLOW MOTION?!
News Reporter:
Cannes jury member Emil Dachevsky, the Russian film director, explained that his son Stepan was last seen on a train with a mysterious foreigner.
Train Station Manager:
As soon as I saw him, I thought "he's evil."
Carson Clay:
Action! [the commercial goes as normal with Bean dressed in military outfit while holding his camera on the tip of his gun] Cut! [the soldiers along with Bean stop running] The guy with the video camera is fired!
Female Crew Member:
[holding up a megaphone] Fired.
Carson Clay:
[upon seeing Bean walking while seeing that his camera's battery is dying] YOU'RE FIRED!
[Bean falls down; later, Bean looks for a place to charge his camera when he notices a plug of one of the machines used for the special effects in which he unplugs it, causing the lights on the machine to turn off]
Male Crew Member 1:
Are you ready?
Male Crew Member 2:
Carson Clay:
Action! [the whole commercial goes as normal until the tank fires its gun in which the windows of a nearby building used in the set does not explode due to the machine used for the special effects turned off] Cut! Cut, cut! My explosion! WHERE'S MY EXPLOSION?! All I want is an explosion, a little tiny explosion!
[Bean unplugs his charger from his camera after its fully charged then plugs back the machine used for the special effects in which the lights turn back on]
Carson Clay:
[walking off the set with one of the male crew members] Is it really so hard for you guys? [grabs a remote control from the member] I mean, all you had to do is this! [presses a button on the remote, creating an explosion off-screen as Carson Clay's sombrero flies into the air]