Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,487

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Ah... Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Oh! Look Daisy! Mickey and I have the same last name! Ah...

Well, It must be destiny. Good thing destiny doesn't control my love life.

Well, what'd you mean?

Well look at me. If it did, I'd get stuck with mister...[imitating Donald, both laughing]

Isn't it romantic, Daisy? Being protected by three dashing musketeers, and the little one is so handsome.

Yeah, he is kinda cute, you know. But you're forgetting something. They're musketeers. Commoners. Non-college bound. You know what that means.

Our love is, forbidden?


A forbidden love. How romantic.

Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mickey Mouse:
Donald, are you nuts? What's going on here?

Donald Duck:
Pete is gonna kidnap Princess Minnie, so he can become king, and he's really a bad guy, and he has a secret lair and it's really dark and scary. So the point is, he's gonna kill us if we get in his way, so we should run now as far away as we can! [Pluto's tail falls out]

Mickey Mouse:
Donald, I can't understand a word you said.

Donald Duck:

Mickey Mouse:
[after being carried by Donald] Hey! Hey! Put me down! Whoa! We can't leave our posts like this! What would Captain Pete say?

Donald Duck:
Captain Pete is the bad guy!

Mickey Mouse:
Captain Pete is the bad guy?[copies Donald's line]

Donald Duck:
Huh? What? [Mickey is let go, cut to Donald]:

Mickey Mouse:
Pete's trying to kidnap the princess?

Donald Duck:

Mickey Mouse:
But, he made us musketeers.

Donald Duck:
It was all a lie.

Mickey Mouse:
Lie? Well, lie or no lie. Musketeers don't run from danger, and as long as we wear these uniforms, neither do we?

Donald Duck:
You said it![Rips uniform off]

Donald Duck:
It's every duck for himself!

Mickey Mouse:
Donald, wait! Together, we can stop Captain Pete. Remember how we rescued the princess?

Donald Duck:
[sadly]I, uh, um... I was hiding.

Mickey Mouse:
Hiding? Well, tonight you came back to warn us, and that took courage, Donald.

[Donald looks at him sadly]:

Mickey Mouse:
Come on, I'll be right beside you, because we're friends.[Both look at each other]

Donald Duck:
[sadly]I just can't. I'm sorry.

[Runs away]:

Mickey Mouse:
[run continues]Donald!.

Mickey Mouse:
[Pluto whines]Donald.

Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The duck dumped ya remember?

Well Goofy then!

The goof he's getting fitted for a halo.

No no!

Yes, yes! Face it Mickey it's all for one and you are on your OWN! Enjoy your brief stay here at St. Mont Mitchell. They say the tide comes in faster than horses. So long, runt. I got me tickets to the opera. A little something called I Just Can't Wait To Be King!

Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Just imagine. He'll stride into the room. Light will glow from him. I'll hear music. He'll bring me flowers. [Flowers magically transformed into butterflies]

And he'll sweep me off my feet. And I'll know he's the one, when he makes me laugh.

Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I hate to ask you, but you're such a doll.

You know, Cass, that's a funny thing you mentioning money. 'Cause I was just about to ask you for some.

You were gonna ask me for money? Huh?

Hell, why do you think I come all the way up here from Texas for?

You were gonna ask me for oney? Who the hell do you think you're dealing with? Some old slut on 42nd Street? In case you didn't happen to notice it, ya big Texas longhorn bull, I'm one helluva gorgeous chick.

Now, Cass, take it easy.

You heard it. At twenty-eight years old. You think you can come up here, and pull this kind of crap up here! Well, you're out of your mind!

Midnight Cowboy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You really know the ropes! Damn, I wish I'd bumped into you before.

You're pickin' trade up on the street like that. That's nowhere. I mean, you gotta get yourself some kind of management. You need my friend O'Daniel. He operates the biggest stable in town, in fact, in the whole god-damned Metropolitan area. It's stupid a stud like you paying. You don't want to be stupid.

Midnight Cowboy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about Ratso's food] Smells worse hot than it did cold.

All right, startin' tomorrow, you cook your own god-damn dinner. Or you get one of your rich Park Avenue ladies to cook for you in her penthouse.

Midnight Cowboy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I gotta get outta here, gotta get outta here. Miami Beach, that's where you could score. Anybody can score there, even you. In New York, no rich lady with any class at all buys that cowboy crap anymore. They're laughin' at you on the street.

Ain't nobody laughin' at me on the street.

Behind your back, I've seen 'em laughin' at you, fella.

Aw, what the hell you know about women anyway? When's the last time you scored, boy?

That's a matter I only talk about at confession. We're not talkin' about me now.

And when's the last time you've been to confession?

It's between me and my confessor. And I'll tell ya another thing. Frankly, you're beginning to smell. And for a stud in New York, that's a handicap.

Well, don't talk to me about clean. I ain't never seen you change your underwear once the whole time I've been here in New York. And that's pretty peculiar behavior.

I don't have to do that kind of thing in public. I ain't got no need to expose myself.

No, I bet you don't. I bet you ain't never even been laid! How about that? And you're gonna tell me what appeals to women!

I know enough to know that that great big, dumb cowboy crap of yours don't appeal to nobody except every jockey on 42nd Street. That's faggot stuff! You wanna call it by its name? That's strictly for fags!

John Wayne! You wanna tell me he's a fag? I like the way I look. It makes me feel good. It does. And women like me, god-dammit. Hell, only one thing I've ever been good for is lovin'. Women go crazy for me. That's a really true fact. Ratso, hell: Crazy Annie, they had to send her away.

Then how come you ain't scored once, the whole time you've been in New York?

'Cause, 'cause I need management, god-dammit. 'Cause you stole twenty dollars offa me. That's why you're gonna stop crappin' around about Florida. And, and get your skinny butt movin.' And earn twenty dollars worth of management which you owe me.

Midnight Cowboy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

There you go boy, there's money for ya, that's nine dollars right there plus assorted change, minus 26 cents for milk, plus 5 cents for Dentyne - gum.

Where you been, 42nd Street? That's where you've been.

Buy yourself some medicine before you die in my damn hands.

Midnight Cowboy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

She's hooked.

Like why, cowboy?

I'd say she was good for ten bucks, but I'll ask for twenty.

Why cowboy whore? Did you know we were gonna make it?

So, uh, do you really want to do business?

[referring to Ratso] Who is he? Don't tell me you two are a couple!

Why are you laughing, Joe? Are you really a cowboy?

Well, I'll tell you the truth now. I ain't a real cowboy, but I am one helluva stud.

A very expensive stud. And I happen to be his manager.

Incidentally, how much is this gonna cost me?

Twenty bucks.


And taxi fare for me.

Oh, get lost, will ya?

I agree, but for that service, I charge one buck taxi fare.

Midnight Cowboy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Maybe if you didn't call me ma'am, things might work out better.

That's the first god-damned time this thing ever quit on me. It's a fact. You think I'm lyin' to ya?

No, no, I don't think you're lyin'. I just had this funny image. I had this image of a, um, policeman without his stick, and a, uh, bugler without his horn, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Well, I think I'm making it worse. Maybe we ought to take a little nap and see what happens.

I ain't sleepy.

Oh! I know, scribbage.

Midnight Cowboy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You ain't gettin' me no doctor. Nope.

When you're sick, boy, you need a damn doctor.

Hey, no doctors, no cops. Don't be so stupid.

Well, what the hell you want me to do?

Florida. You get me to Florida.

Oh hell, I can't go to Florida now.

Just put me on a bus. Just put me on a bus. I don't need you.

You got the damn fever, boy. How the hell you gonna get to Florida?

Just get me on a bus. You ain't sendin' me to Bellevue...Boy, you're really dumb. I don't need you...Dumb cowboy, boy.

Dammit. Shut up. Aw, just when things go right for me, you gotta pull a damn stunt like this.

Midnight Cowboy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I've been thinkin'. I hope we're not gonna have a lot of trouble about my name down there. Because, I mean, like what's the whole point of this trip anyway, you know?

Keep your blankets on you.

Can you see this guy runnin' around the beach all sun-tanned, and he's goin' in swimmin' like, and somebody yells 'Hey, Ratso!' What's that sound like to you?

It sounds like I knew ya.

It sounds like crap, admit it. I'm Rico all the time, OK? We're gonna tell all these new people my name's Rico. OK?


Midnight Cowboy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Boy oh boy, you picked a bad time to fly, Billy. They're guerrillas all over the place blowing up planes and all. They hit four planes in four days. But I guess you young people don't read the news anymore. That, and with our people back home kicking up a shitstorm about the flow of heroin from Turkey...

Billy Hayes:
I didn't have heroin. It was just a little hashish.

That doesn't matter. A drug's a drug.

Billy Hayes:
It was only two kilos.

It doesn't matter if it was two kilos or 200 kilos. The Turks love catching foreigners. They want to show the rest of the world that they're fighting the drug trade.

Billy Hayes:
Who are you? What's your name?

That's not important.

Billy Hayes:
Are you with the American consulate here in Istanbul?

Something like that.

Midnight Express  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Do you have a family back home?

Billy Hayes:
Yeah, a mother, father, sister and brother living in Babylon, Long Island.

It's gonna be tough for them. You'll have to tell them about what you're in sooner or later. Say, how much did you pay this joker? The cab driver for the hash you bought?

Billy Hayes:
$200. It was my last 200.

How much did you expect to make if you had brought that stuff back to the USA?

Billy Hayes:
I was only gonna share it or sell some of it to by friends. I'm not a pusher. Honest.

[scoffs] Yeah, right. Selling dope always beats working.

Midnight Express  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You got a girlfriend, Billy?

Billy Hayes:
Yeah. She was on the plane.

[Tex glares at Billy]

Billy Hayes:
She didn't know anything about it. I didn't want her to.

Lucky girl.

Billy Hayes:
She used to say I was the lucky one.

Let's hope you're right, Billy. Let's hope you're right.

Midnight Express  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Billy Hayes:
I'm Billy Hayes.

I'm Jimmy. Jimmy Booth. I'm an American just like you. This other guy here is Erich... something. I can't pronouce his last name. He's Swedish or something.

Just Erich.

Yeah... well, what do you think of this place, Billy?

Billy Hayes:
[looks around the prison hall and courtyard] Looks like some cheap rundown hotel.

Yeah, thought you'd say that. Everyone says that this place looks like a cheap hotel.

Billy Hayes:
[sees peacocks along the fence of the prison] Peacocks. Why peacocks?

The Turks use 'em instead of dogs to patrol the fence because they shriek like hell when they're approached or disturbed. Plus, they don't get rabies.

[a little boy runs past them]

Billy Hayes:
Who are the kids?

Kids? They're not kids. They're local street urchins the Turks lock up here in a separate wing for the juveniles. Boys as young as nine or ten years old. They're thieves, drug dealers, muggers, con artists, pickpockets, rapists, murderers... you name it, they do it. Don't trust any of them!

Midnight Express  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So... Billy, what are you in for? Hash?

Billy Hayes:

Where'd they get you?

Billy Hayes:
The airport... trying to get home.

You go through customs?

Billy Hayes:
Yeah, I was busted right at the plane.

Aw, man that's heavy. That's very heavy.

It's bad if they get you for smuggling, but if they make it possession, the sentence is lighter. The best thing for you to do, Billy, is try to make bail. If you make bail, you're free. You can easily get yourself a fake passport on the black market, or get yourself across the border into Greece.

Dream on, Erich. They'll never grant bail to foreigners whom may be a flight risk.

But if you argue in court about you being innocent...

This ain't the good ol' USA! This is Turkey, man! It's a fuckin' accident here if you're innocent! There ain't nobody here that is innocent!

Midnight Express  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Billy Hayes:
What's Jimmy's story? Why is he in here? Hash?

No. He was caught stealing from a mosque. That is also a heavy crime here in Turkey.

Billy Hayes:
What did he steal?

Two candle sticks.

Billy Hayes:
That's all?

That's all.

Billy Hayes:
Why? Why would he do that?

Who knows? He's always been a wild child. He's got more balls then brains. Did you know that he was in here for a year-and-a-half before he told his parents what happened to him?

Billy Hayes:
What about you? What are you in for?

Hashish. 90% of the foreigners here are in for hashish or drug related charges from smuggling to possession. My advice is you get yourself a very good lawyer and try to argue down the charge you face. If they make it possession, the sentence is lighter.

Billy Hayes:
What were you convicted of?

Smuggling hash with the intent to sell.

Billy Hayes:
What sentence did you receive?

12 years. I've been here for just over four years.

Billy Hayes:
How much did you have on you?

100 grams.

Midnight Express  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Hayes:
With good time, Billy, it works to about, uh, 3 years, and then there's the appeal, and, uh, Daniels, and, uh, Yesil—they're all workin' for you. We're gonna try to get you transferred to a stateside prison. And Daniels thinks there might be a political amnesty any month now. All right. All right, Billy. I know it sounds tough, but we are going to get you out! I promise you. I don't want you to get stupid and pull anything. They can play with your sentence. All right. Now, I'm putting 500 dollars in the bank. Anything you need, you write. There's food here. There's candy. And there's...uh...writing paper. Books. Cigarettes. Soap. Toothbrush... [Empties bag onto table, slams it down] I've been writing insurance policies for 30 goddamn ["freaking" in the red border clamshell VHS] years and now I've got to see my own son - Jesus. JESUS!!! Billy, if I could be where you are... I'd be there.

Billy Hayes:
I love you, Dad.

[Guards take him away]

Mr. Hayes:
[to Hamidou] You take good care of my boy, you hear? Or I'll have your fuckin' head, you Turkish bastard! [On the Red border clamshell VHS, he instead says: "You take good care of my boy, you hear? Or I'll have your freakin' head, you Turkish coward!"]

Midnight Express  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The best thing to do is to get your ass ["butt" in the red border clamshell VHS] out of here. Best way that you can.

Billy Hayes:
Yeah, but how?

Catch the midnight express.

Billy Hayes:
But what's that?

[laughs] Well it's not a train. It's a prison word for... escape. But it doesn't stop around here.

Midnight Express  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh no. A bad machine doesn't know when he's a bad machine.

Billy Hayes:
Oh, I know who I am. And I know who you are. I know that you are a bad machine. And do you know how I know that? [Ahmet shakes his head] Because I come from the factory. I MAKE the machines!

Midnight Express  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Walsh:
I know my rights. You owe me phone calls.

Alonzo Mosely:
What should be of paramount importance to you right now is not the phone calls. It's the fact that you're gonna spend ten years for impersonating a federal agent.

Jack Walsh:
Ten years for impersonating a fed, huh?

Alonzo Mosely:
Ten years.

Jack Walsh:
How comes no one's after you?

Midnight Run  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jonathan Mardukas:
Come on, cigarettes are killers.

Jack Walsh:
So are women.

Midnight Run  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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