Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,480

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Mr. Peabody and Sherman are inside the mouth of the statue of Anubis, impersonating him to call off the wedding]

But Anubis, the sun god Ra has decreed that this girl is to be the boy king's wife!

Mr. Peabody [as Anubis]:
That's so funny. I was talking to the sun god Ra just the other day, and he told me he'd changed his mind. "Old Flip-Flop Ra", we call him here in the Underworld.

Really? But it's too late! We've already paid for the catering!

Mr. Peabody:
[as Sherman spews fire out of the statue's mouth] Too bad, you're going to lose your deposit!

Mr. Peabody & Sherman  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jefferson Smith:
Did you ever have so much to say about something, you just couldn't say it?

Clarissa Saunders:
Try sitting down.

Jefferson Smith:
I did - I got right back up again.

Clarissa Saunders:
Now look. Let's get down to particulars. How big is this thing? Where's it gonna be? How many boys will it accommodate? You've got to have all of that in it, you know.

Jefferson Smith:
Yeah, yeah, and something else, Miss Saunders. The uh, the spirit of it. The idea - the - '[He snaps his fingers] How do ya say it? [He walks to the window in which the lighted Capitol Dome is seen. He points out at the Dome] That's what's got to be in it!

Clarissa Saunders:

Jefferson Smith:
The Capitol Dome.

Clarissa Saunders:
On paper? [She lifts her eyebrows a little]

Jefferson Smith:
I want to make that come to life for every boy in this land. Yes, and all lighted up like that too! You see, you see, boys forget what their country means by just reading 'the land of the free' in history books. And they get to be men - they forget even more. Liberty's too precious a thing to be buried in books, Miss Saunders. Men should hold it up in front of them every single day of their lives and say: 'I'm free to think and to speak. My ancestors couldn't. I can. And my children will.' Boys ought to grow up remembering that.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

James Taylor:
What did you mean "count me out"?

Joseph Paine:
You can't pull that steamroller stuff. Your methods won't do here. However it happened, this boy's a Senator. This is Washington, Jim!

James Taylor:
My steamroller methods don't go here? They've done pretty well by you.

Joseph Paine:
This boy is different. He's honest. He thinks the world of me. We can't do this to him!

James Taylor:
Should I just stand around and let that drooling infant wrap that Willet Creek dam appropriation around my neck? Not me. Either he falls in line or I'll break him so open they won't find the pieces.

Joseph Paine:
Jim, I won't stand for it.

James Taylor:
You won't stand for it?

Joseph Paine:
I don't want any part of crucifying this boy.

James Taylor:
Our steamroller methods are getting too hard for your sensitive soul? The Silver Knight is getting too big for us. My methods have been all right for the past twenty years. Since I picked you out of a hole in the wall and blew you up to look like a senator. And now you can't stand it. Maybe you don't have to. You and the boy ranger can go home together.

Joseph Paine:
Jim, you don't have to...

James Taylor:
It's all right. Seems a shame to part company after all these years.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jefferson Smith:
You sure had the right idea about me, Saunders. You told me to go back home, keep fillin' those kids full of hooey. Yeah. Just a simple guy you said was still wet behind the ears. A lot of junk about American ideals. Yeah, that's certainly a lot of junk, all right...I don't know. This is a whole new world to me. What are you gonna believe in? And a man like Paine, Senator Joseph Paine gets up and swears that I've been robbing kids of nickels and dimes. A man I've admired and worshiped all my life. There are a lot of fancy words here. Some of them are carved in stone, some of them men like Taylor put up there. So suckers like me could read them. Then you find out what those men actually do. I'm getting out of this town so fast. Away from all the words, the monuments, the whole rotten show.

Clarissa Saunders:
I see. When you get home, what are you gonna tell those kids?

Jefferson Smith:
I'll tell 'em the truth. Might as well find it out now as later.

Clarissa Saunders:
I don't think they'll believe you, Jeff. You know, they're liable to look up at you with hurt faces and say, 'Jeff, what did you do? Quit? Didn't you do something about it?'

Jefferson Smith:
Well, what do you expect me to do? An honorary stooge like me against the Taylors and Paines and machines and lies...

Clarissa Saunders:
Your friend Mr. Lincoln had his Taylors and Paines. So did every other man whoever tried to lift his thought up off the ground. Odds against 'em didn't stop those men. They were fools that way. All the good that ever came into this world came from fools with faith like that. You know that Jeff. You can't quit now. Not you! They aren't all Taylors and Paines in Washington. Their kind just throw big shadows, that's all. You didn't just have faith in Paine or any other living man. You had faith in something bigger than that. You had plain, decent, every day, common rightness. And this country could use some of that. Yeah - so could the whole cock-eyed world. A lot of it. Remember the first day you got here? Remember what you said about Mr. Lincoln? You said he was sitting up there waiting for someone to come along. You were right! He was waiting for a man who could see his job and sail into it. That's what he was waiting for. A man who could tear into the Taylors and root 'em out into the open. I think he was waiting for you Jeff. He knows you can do it. So do I.

Jefferson Smith:
What? Do what, Saunders?

Clarissa Saunders:
You just make up your mind you're not gonna quit and I'll tell you what. I've been thinkin' about it all the way back here. It's a forty foot dive into a tub of water, but I think you can do it.

Jefferson Smith:
Clarissa, where can we get a drink?

Clarissa Saunders:
[slapping his knee] Now you're talkin'!

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Diz Moore:
[dictating into phone] In protest, the whole Senate body rose and walked out.

Clarissa Saunders:
No! No, not that straight stuff. Now listen, kick it up, get on his side, fight for him! Understand?

Diz Moore:
You love this monkey - don't you?

Clarissa Saunders:
What do you think? Now listen, go to work. Do as I tell you, you do know that, don't you?

Diz Moore:
[into phone] Throw out that last, take this. This is the most titanic battle of modern times. A David without even a slingshot rises to do battle against the mighty Goliath, the Taylor machine, allegedly crooked inside and out. Yeah, and for my money and an extra bonus prize, you can cut out the "allegedly."

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[as Pudgy the Parrot] Yipe. On second thought, YIPE! 9-1-1! 9-1-1! Police! Civic Authorities! A.S.P.C.A, A.S.A.P! Murder! Betrayal! Kidnapped! No! Birdnapped!

[as Grunge the Cat] A cup of garlic, a twist of parakeet. Eat your heart out, Julia Child.

[as Pudgy the Parrot] Excuse me, but isn't it customary for the jailbird to get one telephone call?

[as Grunge the Cat] In your case, I think not. Afternoon snacks have very few civil liberties. But I'm not wholly without heart. How about a nice, soothing cigarette?

[as Pudgy the Parrot, pretends to cough and choke and ad libs over the line "Beak Cancer"] I will not do this! I cannot! Oh, what a foul way for a bird to die! I don't want to get beak cancer! No! My lungs are blackened!

[Irritated, Lou rolls his eyes]

Here we go again. Cut! Roll it back! What are you doing? [Daniel stops, startled] Daniel, that line is not in the script. Why did you add it?

Well, I thought I should comment on the situation.

What situation?

The fact the Pudgy the Parrot has a cigarette shoved into his mouth is morally irresponsible!

This is a cartoon, okay? This is not a freaking Oprah Winfrey special!

Lou, millions of kids see this cartoon. It's like sending each one of them a packet of cigarettes and saying, "Light up!"

You can't put words in Pudgy's mouth if his mouth isn't moving!

Well, it's a voice over. It's an interior monologue. Maybe even the voice of God. That's even better. [as God] Don't Pudgy! Don't smoke!

[sighing] Actors.

What? Well, let's ask the technicians. [at technicians] Do you think it's morally right to promote smoking to the youth of America?

[The three men are observing the recording studio from a control room, each smoking a cigarette. One of them shrugs.]

[Whistles] They're biased. That's a mistrial.

Daniel, listen to me. This session is costing the studio thousands of dollars. Now if you want a paycheck, you stick to the script. If you want to play Gandhi, then do it on somebody else's time!

[Daniel removes recording headphones]

[as Gandhi] Then I got to do what I got to do.

[Daniel proceeds to exit recording studio]

That's very funny. Where the hell are you going? Hey, listen, buddy. I'll tell you something. If you leave, you're not coming back in. I'm not taking any crap from you, pal.

Well, in the words of Porky Pig... [as Porky Pig] Pi-pi-pi-pi pi-pi-pi-pi pi- piss off, Lou!

[he exits]

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[on the phone with his mother; to Daniel, his brother] She wants to know if you want to come stay with her.

[quietly] No way!

[to his mother] He says he'll think about it, Mom.

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. and Mrs. Hillard, although these custody proceedings have always tended to favor the mother, we also realize, perhaps, now, more than ever, that it is not in a child's best interest to deprive him or her of an obviously loving father. However, since at the present time, Mr. Hillard has no place to live and no employment, it is the court's ruling to award sole custody to Mrs. Hillard.

Miranda's Lawyer:


Mr. Hillard will have visitation rights every Saturday.

[whispering to his lawyer] Can't you do something?

Daniel's Lawyer:
He's already made his decision.

Isn't it traditional to say, like, "I object" or something? [to the judge] Your Honor, please. I mean, every Saturday, that's one day a week. That's not enough. I have to be with my children. It's not a question, really. I mean, I have to be with them, sir, please. I know it seems like a lot, but for me, it's not enough, really. I haven't been away from them for more than one day since the day they were born.

Mr. Hillard, I would like to add that this ruling is only temporary.

Oh, good.

I will assign a court liaison to oversee your case, and there will be a continuance of these proceedings in 90 days. I'm giving you three months, Mr. Hillard.

Thank you.

Three months in which to get a job, keep it, and create a suitable home. If this proves to be a possibility for you, I will consider a joint-custody arrangement when we reconvene. We're adjourned. [bangs gavel]

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hi, I'm Daniel Hillard, the actor.

Follow me.

[Tony leads Daniel into a room full of canisters of film reels.]

Ooh, films. Will I be introducing these movies on air?

[gruff] Well, not exactly.

What do I do?

Well, you take these cans right here. You box them, then you ship them. Then you take those ones over there. You box them, you ship them. Then more of them will come in. You box those, you ship those. Any questions?

After you box them...

You ship them. Lots of luck, smart-ass. [leaves the room]

[to himself] I think I made a friend.

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Daniel calls Miranda as several undesirable applicants for the housekeeper position]

[answers as she is driving] Hello? Are you calling in response to the ad?

[in a monotone feminine voice] Uh-huh.

Tell me, who was your previous employer?

I was in a band. Severe Tire Damage.

In a band?

I just want to know one thing: are your kids well-behaved, or do they need like a few light slams every now and then?

Um... I'll have to get back to you on that.

Wow! [Miranda hangs up]

[Cut to Daniel calling Miranda while taking a bath]

[in a German accent] Ja, my name is Ilsa Himmelman, and I want to know how many children do you have?

I have two girls and a boy.

Oh, a boy. I don't work with the males because I used to be one.

[hangs up in shock] Yikes!

[Cut to Daniel calling Miranda later that night]


[screams; in a Southern accent] Layla, get back in your cell! Don't make me get the hose! [in a soft voice] Hello? [Miranda hangs up in shock again. Daniel calls her again in a Spanish accent] I. Am. Job.

Do you speak English?

I. Am. Job.

I'm sorry, the position has been filled. [hangs up] Oh, what a nightmare!

[as he dials Miranda's number one last time] Let's go in for the kill.

[answers the phone] Hello?

[in a feminine English accent] Hello. I'm calling in regards to the ad I read in the paper.

Yes. Well, would you tell me a little bit about yourself?

Oh, certainly dear. For the past 15 years, I have worked for the Smythe family of Elbourne, England. That's Smythe, not Smith, dear. And for them, I did house-cleaning, cooking, and took care of their four glorious children. Oh, I grew quite attached to them after 15 years, but they grew up, as children tend to do. Oh, but listen to me, I am going on when you should be telling me about your little ones.

Well, I have two girls...

Oh, two precious gems. No doubt, the jewel of your eye.

...and one boy.

Oh, the little prince. How wonderful.

I must tell you, there would be a little light cooking required.

Oh, I don't mind that dear. I'd love some heavy cooking, but I do have one rule: They'll only eat good, nutritious food with me. And if there's any dispute about that, it's either good, wholesome food or empty tummies. That's my rule. I hope it's not too harsh for you, dear.

No. Um, would you mind coming on an interview, say, Monday night at 7:30?

Oh, I'd love to, dear.

Wonderful. I'm at 2640 Steiner Street.

Steiner. Oh, how lovely.

Could you tell me your name?

My name? I thought I gave it to you, dear.


Oh! [sees a newspaper headline that reads, "Police Doubt Fire Was Accidental"] Doubtfire.

I beg your pardon?

Doubtfire, dear. Mrs Doubtfire.

Well, I look forward to meeting you.

Oh, lovely, dear. Me, too.


Ta-ta. [hangs up; in his normal voice] Showtime. [chuckles]

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Daniel returns his Mrs. Doubtfire mask after it's been run over by a truck.]

[holds up flattened mask] Had a little accident.

[hands him another one] Can you please take care of this one? She's an old lady.

[Daniel leaves makeup shop.]

[to himself] Why wasn't I an only child?

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[The kids are watching The Dick Van Dyke Show on the television.]

Alan Brady:
Here it is, Mel, $1,000 worth of hair. What am I supposed to do with it?

Melvin Cooley:
Alan, I was wondering if...

Alan Brady:
You want one of them? I'd rather make a coat for my wife. [pokes a head mannequin off the table] Pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up!

Mrs. Doubtfire:
All right, everyone. It's time to expand your minds. It's homework time. OK?

Yeah, but after Dick Van Dyke.

Mrs. Doubtfire:
No. Now.

[Mrs. Doubtfire turns off TV. Lydia uses remote control to reactivate TV.]

No. We always watch Dick Van Dyke.

[Lydia sets down the remote; Mrs. Doubtfire picks it up.]

Mrs. Doubtfire:
[calmly] Really? Well? [tosses the remote into the air; it lands behind her in the fish tank] Not anymore. The only thing you'll be watching is Deep CNN. [turns to the kids, who are wide-eyed] Now! I know you're used to loosey-goosey, but I run a much tighter ship. Between the hours of 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., I'm in charge. And when I'm in charge, you will follow a schedule. Those who do not follow the schedule will be punished.


She's lying. She'd never punish us.

Mrs. Doubtfire:
[evilly] Don't...fuss with me.

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Doubtfire:
Alright, listen to me. I'm not who you think I am.

Yeah, no shit!

[breaks character] Watch your mouth, young man!

Oh my god.




Yeah, honey.

You don't like wearing that stuff, do you, Dad?

Well, some of it's comfortable. No! No; it's a pain in the padded ass. This is not a way of life; it's just a job. I don't go to old-lady bars or anything like that after work, you know. It's just the only way I can see you guys every day.

Who did this?

Uncle Frank and Aunt Jack.

Lydia [coming around]:
It's really you in there.

It's just a mask. And this is a bodysuit. I didn't have any operations or anything.

It's good.

Yeah. [They hug] Sorry I scared you. Come here, Chris.

No. No, it's okay, I get it. I know, don't wanna hug you or anything. Not just yet.

That's cool. It's a guy thing.


Well, now that you know, you can't tell Mom, okay? Because if she finds out, I'll only be able to see you through plate glass. Okay? And we can't tell Nattie, because she'll blow my cover. So you have to promise me, it's just us. All right? You promise?

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Daniel and another man who works at the studio have been watching a long-running TV show filming another episode. The host speaks slowly, in a near-monotone voice, and the show is so boring that the camera crews are close to falling asleep.]

Which one's the dinosaur?

The one in the middle, I think.

Nah, you're wrong. They're all extinct. [Lundy chuckles] I can't believe they're still subjecting kids to this. This is insane. They should have a little disclaimer that says, "Do not operate heavy machinery while watching this show." It's incredible. This guy used to put me to sleep when I was a kid. That's amazing. He has the warmth of a snow pea. He makes Mr. Rogers look like Mick Jagger. It's insane. [scoffs] What kind of idiot kept this guy on the air for 25 years?



[offering his hand] Jonathan Lundy.

Jonathan Lundy, general manager, owner? [Lundy nods] I'm Daniel Hillard, former employee.

Ah, maybe.

[chuckles] That was funny. Listen, I don't mean to criticize. I just, you know... Sometimes I have...

Criticize all you want. Show's terrible. I'm gonna cancel it. It's pulling down the whole afternoon schedule. It's gone.

You know what you gotta do?


Just start from scratch. Give it kind of a... Maybe a musical number.

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[as Mr. Rogers] Hello, boys and girls, today we're going to talk about dinosaurs. It's a dino-saurus line! [sings fanfare] And please welcome the King! [hums tune and imitates Elvis with a T-Rex] It's a dinner show. Hey, where you from? Hey, I'm gonna make you lunch, thank you very much. Thank you! All right! Ladies and gentlemen, put your claws together. Please welcome James Bronnnnnntosaurus! [James Brown style] Pum pum pum, I eat wood, dada dada dada da, it tastes good, dada dada dada da no meat, big feet, I eat wood, pum pum pum! Oh I got to help myself, can't go on, can't go on, I'm going extinct! Oh, thank you James, but now, Yo! it's time for the Raptor Rap. [Lundy happens to walk in on the set as Daniel begins raps with the raptor] Yo I'm a Raptor doing what I can going to eat everything 'til the appearance of man. Yo yo, see me, I'm living below the soil, I'll be back, but I'm coming as oil!

[walks over to Daniel and claps] Very impressive, Mr. Hillard!

Oh, I didn't know anybody was watching. I was just playing. I don't think I...

I was watching. That's funny stuff.

Well, thanks.

I think kids would like it. They'd be entertained, and they'd get some information, too.

Yeah, well, that's kind of my theory. I think I could, you know... You don't have to play down to 'em, you just play to 'em.

Listen, I'd like to hear some more of your ideas.

My ideas?

How about a dinner meeting?

Oh, okay.

Next Friday, Bridges Restaurant, 7:00 sharp.

I'll be there. [Lundy walks away] Take five. Take five million. You're dead.

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Good evening, Mr. Lundy.

I'm meeting someone. Has he arrived yet?

No, I'm sorry, he hasn't arrived yet. But we can seat you. Smoking or non-smoking?

Non-smoking, please.

Non-smoking. Tanya will seat you. Table 15.

This way, please.

Reservation, Dunmeyer.

Yes, sir... Smoking or non-smoking?


Mrs. Doubtfire:

[Stu, Miranda, and the children look at Mrs. Doubtfire incredulous in wanting a table in the smoking section.]

Mrs. Doubtfire, you don't smoke.

Mrs. Doubtfire:
No, I don't, but I did. Oh, dear, I found the best way to keep from smoking again and lighting up is to be around those who do smoke. I have to randomly ingest just a little bit of nicotine and it steels my wool. [to Stu] Oh, and I know you're Mr Health. Bless you for putting yourself in harm's way.


All right, table 39. [to Tanya] Table 39.

Mrs. Doubtfire:
39! My age! You're a saint. Thank you very much for humouring an old lady.

Thank you.

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mrs. Doubtfire:
He was quite fond of the drink. It was the drink that killed him.

How awful. Was he an alcoholic?

Mrs. Doubtfire:
No, he was hit by a Guinness truck. So it was quite literally the drink that killed him.

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Daniel is accidentally revealed in front of his family.]


Yeah, honey. It's me.

[Miranda screams.]

Happy birthday.

Daniel? Daniel! Oh my God. Oh my God! Oh my God! The whole time? The whole time, you were? [suddenly angry] THE WHOLE TIME?!


Don't talk to me. Don't you dare touch me! [crying] Don't touch me! [strongly] I have to go. We have to leave now. I have to leave. We have to leave. I have to go!

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Miss Robeson, do you have any closing remarks?

Miranda's Lawyer:
Nothing further, Your Honor.

Well, Mr. Hillard, since you've determined to act as your own attorney, you are entitled to make a closing statement at this time.

Your Honor, in the past two months, I have secured a residence, I've refurbished that residence and made it an environment fit for children. Those are your words. I'm also holding down a job as a shipping clerk. So I believe I met your requirements ahead of schedule. In regards to my behavior, I can only plead insanity, because ever since my children were born, the moment I looked at them, I was crazy about them. And once I held them, I was hooked. I'm addicted to my children, sir. I love them with all my heart, and the idea of someone telling me I can't be with them, I can't see them every day... it's like someone saying I can't have air. I can't live without air, and I can't live without them. Listen, I would do anything. I just want to be with them. You know I need that, sir. We have a history. And I just— they mean everything to me, and they need me as much as I need them. So please, don't take my kids away from me. Thank you.

Mr. Hillard, you've been able to fool a lot of people into believing you're a 60-year-old woman. No easy task. And your little speech seemed to be very heartfelt and genuine. But, I believe it to be a terrific performance by a very gifted actor. Nothing more.

No, it's not that.

The reality, Mr. Hillard, is that your lifestyle over the past months has been very unorthodox. And I refuse to further subject three innocent children to your peculiar and potentially harmful behavior. It is this court's decision to award full custody to Mrs. Hillard.

Oh, God, no, sir, please...

You will have supervised visitation rights every Saturday.

Supervised, sir?

Yes. A court liaison will accompany you when you spend time with the children. I am suggesting a period of psychological testing and perhaps treatment for you, Mr. Hillard. We will reexamine this case one year from now. Thank you. Court is adjourned. [bangs gavel]

Mrs. Doubtfire  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Kay Miniver:
Did you know that the 12th Lord Beldon was hanged?

Lady Beldon:
He was beheaded! Such things happen in the best families. In fact, usually in the best families.

Mrs. Miniver  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[first lines; the Great Wall of China; one of chinese guard, Hayabusa the Falcon is first seen soaring over the Great Wall of China, the Chinese guards using a grappling hooks]

We're under attack! Light the signal! [Shan Yu appears with the Hayabusa the Falcon, he's presence in an attempt to intimidate him, it burns the flag on fire it all the fire in the Great Wall of China; after lighting the signal fire] Now all of China knows you're here.

Shan Yu:
[lights a flag on the fire] Perfect.

Mulan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[General Li, the General of the Chinese Imperial Army, arrives at the Emperor's Palace.]

General Li:
Your Majesty, the Huns have crossed our Northern Border.

Chi Fu:
Impossible! No one can get through the Great Wall!

[The Emperor waves a hand, indicating for the General to continue.]

General Li:
Shan Yu is leading them. [brief silence] We'll set up defenses around your palace immediately.

No. Send your troops to protect my people. Chi Fu.

Chi Fu:
Yes, Your Highness?

Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces. Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.

General Li:
Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I believe my troops can stop him.

I won't take any chances, General. A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.

Mulan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Quiet and demure. [took a chop stick a single grain of rice] Graceful. Polite. Delicate. Refined. Poised. [she noted the answers on her arm] Punctual. [rooster calling] Ai-yah! Little Brother! Little Brother! Lit-- [Little Brother was a dog sleeping] There you are. Who's the smartest doggy in the world? Come on, smart boy. Can you help me with my chores today?

[Mulan helped her out Little Brother start to feed the chickens and runs by draggin sack of feed; Fa Zhou praying the ancestors]

Fa Zhou:
Honorable ancestors, please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today.

[Little Brother runs by dragging a sack of feed; chickens start pecking the grain left behind]

Fa Zhou:
Please. Please help her.

[Mulan helped a Little Brother a bone and chewing the bone with the stick]

Father, I brought your-- Whoa!

[Drop and breaks a teacup and Fa Zhou holding a Teapot with the stick]

Fa Zhou:

I brought a spare.

Fa Zhou:

The doctor said 3 cups of tea in the morning...

Fa Zhou:

...and 3 at night.

Fa Zhou:
Mulan, you should already be in town. We are counting on you to...

...uphold the family honor. Don't worry, Father. I won't let you down. Wish me luck!

Fa Zhou:
Hurry! [Mulan runs away to family honor, Little Brother lookin' to Fa Zhou] I'm going to pray some more.

Mulan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Great Ancestor:
[motioning to a bronze dragon] Mushu, awaken.

[The statue shakes and smokes, and Mushu emerges.]

I LIVE! So tell me, what mortal need my protection, Great Ancestor? You just say the word, and I'm there!

Great Ancestor:

And let me say something, anyone's who foolish to threaten our family - VENGEANCE WILL BE MINE!

Great Ancestor:
[sharply] Mushu! These are the family guardians. They...

Protect the family.

Great Ancestor:
And you, O Demoted One?

I... ring the gong.

Great Ancestor:
That's right. Now wake up the ancestors.

[exasperated] One family reunion, coming right up. [bangs the gong] Okay, people, people, look alive! Let's go, come on, get up! Let's move it! Rise and shine! Y'all way past the beauty sleep thing, trust me! [The rest of the ancestors materialize]

Ancestor Woman #1:
I knew it, I knew it! That Mulan was a troublemaker from the start!

Ancestor Man #1:
Don't look at me, she gets it from your side of the family!

Ancestor Woman #2:
She's just trying to help her father.

Ancestor Man #2:
[holding an abacus] But if she's discovered, Fa Zhou will be forever shamed. [calculating] Dishonor will come to the family. Traditional values will disintegrate!

Ancestor Farmer:
Not to mention, they'll lose the farm.

Ancestor Woman #1:
My children never caused such trouble, they all became acupuncturists!

Ancestor Man #1:
Well, we can't all be acupuncturists.

Older Lady Ancestor:
No! Your great-granddaughter had to be a CROSS-DRESSER!

[The ancestors start arguing]

Ancestor Man #2:
Let a guardian bring her back.

Ancestor Man #1:
Yes, awaken the most cunning!

Ancestor Man #3:
No, the swiftest!

Ancestor Woman #3:
No, send the wisest!

Great Ancestor:
SILENCE! We must send the most powerful of all.

[laughs] Okay, okay, I get the drift, I'll go.

[The ancestors look at Mushu and laugh.]

Well, y'all don't think I can do it?! Watch this here! [blows a tiny flame] Ah-hah! Jump back, I'm pretty hot, huh? Don't make me have to singe nobody to prove no point.

Great Ancestor:
You had your chance to protect the Fa Family.

Older Lady Ancestor:
Your misguidance led Fa Deng to disaster!

[Fa Deng sits nearby, holding his severed head.]

Fa Deng:
[deadpan] Yeah, thanks a lot.

And your point is?

Great Ancestor:
The point is, we will be sending a real dragon to retrieve Mulan.

What, what?! I'm a real dragon!

Great Ancestor:
You're not even worthy of this spot! [Grabs Mushu and throws him outside.] Now, awaken the Great Stone Dragon!

So you'll get back to me on the job thing? [The Great Ancestor throws Mushu's gong and hits him in the face.] Just one chance, is that too much ask? It's mean not like it'll kill ya. [he sees a Great Stone Dragon] Yo, Rocky, wake up! Ya gotta go fetch Mulan! [looks curious when walk around it talks and waking a Great Stone Dragon, and starts shaking stick fetch like a dog] Come on, boy! Go get her! Go on! [whistling] Come on. [the Dragon statue is not waking, Mushu climbs up with gong, when looks angry growls at The Great Stone Dragon, it growls again dragon statue, he could hear the Great Stone Dragon's ear and echos] Hello? HELLOOO?! Hello! [breaks a Dragon statue's ear] Uh-oh... [the whole Dragon crumbles apart] Uh, Stony? Stony? [scared] Oh, man, they're gonna kill me...!

Great Ancestor:
Great Stone Dragon, have you awakened?

[holding up the Great Stone Dragon's head, which is all that is left of him] Uh, uh, uh, uh... Yes, I just woke up! I'm... I am the Great Stone Dragon! Good Morning! I will go forth and fetch Mulan! Did... Did I mention that I was the Great Stone Dragon?

Great Ancestor:
Go! The fate of the Fa family rests in your claws.

Don't even worry about it! I will not lose face! [loses balance and rolls down the hill; the head of the Great Stone Dragon lands on top of him] Oh, my elbow. Oh, oh. I know I twisted somethin'. [After several unsuccessful attempts at waking the dragon, he ends up accidentally destroying the dragon statue] That's just great, now what? I'm doomed! And all 'cause Miss Man decides to take her little drag show on the road! [he don't feel so good, Cri-Kee suggests and chirps him] "Go get her"?! What's the matter with you--? After this Great Stone Humpty-Dumpty mess, I'd have to bring her home with a medal to get back in the temple. [gasps] Wait a minute. [happily] That's it! I'll make Mulan a war hero, and they'll be begging me to come back to work! That's the master plan! Oh, you've done it now, man. [Cri-Kee want to follow Mushu] Hey, what makes you think you're comin'? [Cri-Kee chirps, wanting to go with Mushu] You're lucky? Do I look like a sucker to you? [Cri-Kee chirps again] What you mean, a loser? How 'bout if I pop one of your antennas off, and throw it across the yard? Then who's the loser, me or you?

Mulan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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A Jaws
B Dead Calm
C All is Lost
D Titanic