Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,578

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[presents Algren with a katana] You will need this. [Algren draws the sword and inspects the engraving on the blade]

What does it say?

"I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new".

The Last Samurai  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[admiring his scepter] Just like your Ko-Dan Emperor's, isn't it, Commander Kril?

Lord Kril:
It takes more than a scepter to rule, Xur. Even on Rylos.

You're right, Kril. It does take more than a scepter.

[Xur springs the bayonet from the scepter in front of Kril's face, maniacal laughing to himself as he walks away]

Ko-Dan Officer:
[aside, to Lord Kril] How long must we endure this fool?

Ko-Dan Controller:
We have a break in the Frontier

Lord Kril:
Fire the meteor gun!

My dear Ko-dan friends, lest we forget! It was your own emperor who granted me command of this armada. For only I hold the secret to the Frontier. Only I know the location of the Starfighter base. And therefore, only I will give the order to fire!

Lord Kril:
Forgive me, Xur.

[smirks] You are forgiven, Commander Kril. Meteor gunner... fire!

[He does so, destroying the Starfighter base]

At last, it is done! Soon the Frontier will be down, and they will bow to their new emperor! Or I will darken the sky with their ashes.

Ko-Dan Officer:
Commander, Xurian spy reports that one starfighter has escaped.


[angry, Xur springs the bayonet from his scepter]

The Last Starfighter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ko-dan Officer:
Unidentified craft.

Lord Kril:
What is it?! [takes a look at the computer scanner and he recognizes a familiar ship] Wait...

Gunstar?!! [Lord Kril and the Ko-dan officer look at Xur] But...but that's impossible! We destroyed them all!!

Lord Kril:
[finally realizes the truth] So...the last Starfighter is dead. This has gone far enough! [to the Ko-dan guards] Seize him!!

How dare you do this?! I am the emperor of Rylos!! I, and I alone, command this entire arm—! [the Ko-dan guards seize him and remove him from the bridge] Release me! I command you! You will pay for this!!!

Lord Kril:
All guns, fire!!

The Last Starfighter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Older Hunter:
I mislike the feel of these woods. Creatures that live in a Unicorn's forest learn a little magic of their own in time, mainly concerned with disappearing.

Younger Hunter:
Unicorns? I thought they only existed in fairy tales. This is a forest, like any other... isn't it?

Older Hunter:
Then why do the leaves never fall here? Or the snow? Why is it always spring here? I tell you there is one unicorn left in the world, and as long as it lives in this forest we'll find no game to hunt here.

Younger Hunter:
Let's turn around, hunt somewhere else.

Older Hunter:
Stay where you are, poor beast. This is no world for you! Stay in your forest and keep you trees green, and your friends protected. And good luck to you, for you are the last!

The Last Unicorn  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Say my name then. If you know my name, tell it to me.

[quoting Romeo and Juliet] Your name is a golden bell hung in my heart. I would break my body to pieces to call you once by your name...!

Say it, if you know.

Rumpelstiltskin! Gotcha!

I should know better to expect a silly butterfly to know my name! All butterflies know are songs, and poetry, and anything else they hear. I guess you mean well. Fly away, Butterfly!

One, two, three, O'Leary..

Listen. Don't listen to ME, listen. You can find the others if you are brave. They passed down all the roads long ago, and the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered their footprints. Listen! Listen, listen QUICKLY!

I AM listening! Where did they go and what is the Red Bull?

Listen! LISTEN! [laughs] The king is in his counting house, counting out, counting out, counting...

The Last Unicorn  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tell me what you see. Don't be afraid. Look at your fellow legends and tell me what you see.

What he calls a manticore looks to be no more than a shabby, toothless lion. And he has them believing that poor old ape with the twisted foot is a satyr! Illusions, deceptions, mirages! Your Mommy Fortuna cannot truly change things!

That's true. She can only disguise, and only for those eager to believe whatever comes easiest. … No, She cannot turn cream into butter, but she can make a lion look like a manticore to eyes that want to see a manticore. Just like she put a false horn, on a real unicorn, so they could see the unicorn. I know you. If I were blind, I would know what you are.

Who are you?

I am called Schmendrick, the Magician. Uh... you won't have heard of me. I entertain the sight-seers as they gather for the show. It's not much of a job for a real magician, but I've had worse.

Unicorn [seeing the harpy]:
That one is real. That is the harpy Celaeno.

Yes, the old woman caught her by chance, asleep, just as she took you. Oh, she should never have meddled with a real harpy — or a real unicorn for that matter. Because the truth melts her magic, always. She is going to free herself very soon now and she must not catch you uncaged.

Move away from there! You know what she told you!

Don't be afraid; Schmendrick is with you. Do nothing 'til you hear from me.

The Last Unicorn  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mommy Fortuna:
The harpy's as real as you are, and just as immortal. And she was just as easy to capture, if you want to know.

Do not boast, old woman. Your death sits in that cage, and she hears you.

Mommy Fortuna:
Oh, she'll kill me one day or another. But she will remember forever that I caught her; I held her prisoner. So there's my immortality, eh? Ha! Ha! Now, you were out on the road, hunting for your own death, and I know where it awaits you. I know HIM, that one..

Do you speak of the Red Bull? Tell me, if you do, and where he is, if you know!

Mommy Fortuna:
The Red Bull of King you know of the Bull! Well, he'll not have you! You belong to me.

You know better... Keep your poor shadows, if you will, but let me go, and, let her go. I cannot see her caged. She is real, like me. We are two sides of the same magic… The harpy and me, we are not for you.

Mommy Fortuna:
Who are you for then? Do you think those fools knew you, without any help from me? Ha ha ha! No! I had to give you a horn they could see! Ha ha! These days it takes a cheap carnival trick to make folk recognize a real unicorn. But, the Red Bull will know you when he sees you, so you are safer here! You should thank me for protecting you!

The Last Unicorn  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Take me with you, for luck, for laughs, for the unknown...

You may come with me, if you like, though I wish you'd asked for some other reward for having freed me.

I thought about it. But you couldn't granted my true wish.

No. I cannot turn you into something you are not. I cannot turn you into a true magician.

Ah, it's ok. Don't worry about it.

I'm not.

The Last Unicorn  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Red Bull came for a unicorn, so she had to become something else. The magic chose the shape, not I. I am a bearer, I am a dwelling, I am a messenger…

Molly Grue:
You are an idiot! Do you hear me? You've lost her! You've trapped her in a human body! She'll go mad!

The Last Unicorn  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You were dreaming, my Lady.

But I am always dreaming, even when I am awake! It is never finished. I will not trouble you, my Lord Prince.

Trouble me, please, trouble me! I would court you with more grace, if I knew how. I only wish you wanted something of me..

Drown out my dreams! Keep me from remembering, whatever wants me to remember it!

The Last Unicorn  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lír [as the Red Bull chases the Unicorn]:
Do something! You have the power! I will kill you if you don't do something.

I cannot, not all the magic in the world can help her now.

Molly Grue:
Then what is magic for? What is the use of wizardry if it cannot even save a unicorn?

That's what heroes are for.

Of course — that is exactly what heroes are for.

The Last Unicorn  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I wish I could see her just once more, so I could tell her all that's in my heart. She will never know what I really meant to say.

She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in books written by rabbits. Of all unicorns, she is the only one who knows what regret is — and love.

The Last Unicorn  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You said Harrington was rubbed out with a shotgun loaded with buckshot, the way Laura Hunt was murdered, the night before last.

Did I?

Yeah. But he was really killed with a sash weight.

How ordinary. My version was obviously superior. I never bother with details, you know.

I do.

Laura  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Were you in love with Laura Hunt, Mr. Lydecker? Was she in love with you?

Laura considered me the wisest, the wittiest, the most interesting man she'd ever met. And I was in complete accord with her on that point. She thought me also the kindest, the gentlest, the most sympathetic man in the world.

Did you agree with her there, too?

McPherson, you won't understand this; but I tried to become the kindest, the gentlest, the most sympathetic man in the world.

Have any luck?

Let me put it this way. I should be sincerely sorry to see my neighbors' children devoured by wolves.

Laura  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Laura had not definitely made up her mind to marry him. She told me so herself, last Friday when she called up to cancel our dinner engagement. As a matter of fact, she was going to the country to think it over. She was extremely kind, but I was always sure she would never have thrown her life away on a male beauty in distress.

[To McPherson] I suppose you've heard losers whine before, especially in your profession, eh?

Laura  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Have you ever been in love?

A doll in Washington Heights once got a fox fur out of me.

Did you ever know a woman who wasn't a doll or a dame?

Yeah, one. But she kept walking me past furniture windows to look at the parlor suites.

[about the music playing] Would you mind turning that off?

Why? Don't you like it?

It was one of Laura's favorites. Not exactly classical but sweet.

Laura  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

In my case, self-absorption is completely justified. I have never discovered any other subject quite so worthy of my attention.

But you write about people with such real understanding and sentiment. That's what makes your column so good.

The sentiment comes easy at 50 cents a word.

Well, if that's the way you really feel, you must be very lonely.

Will you kindly continue this character analysis elsewhere? You begin to bore me.

You're a poor man. I'm very sorry for you.

Laura  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Haven't you any sense of privacy?

Murder victims have no claim to privacy.

Have detectives who buy portraits of murder victims a claim to privacy?...McPherson, did it ever strike you that you're acting very strangely? It's a wonder you don't come here like a suitor with roses and a box of candy - drugstore candy, of course. Have you ever dreamed of Laura as your wife, by your side at the Policeman's Ball or in the bleachers? Or listening to the heroic story of how you got a silver shinbone from a gun battle with a gangster? I see you have.

Why don't you go home? I'm busy.

You better watch out, McPherson, or you'll end up in a psychiatric ward. I don't think they've ever had a patient who fell in love with a corpse.

Laura  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What are you doing here?

You're alive.

If you don't get out at once, I'm going to call the police.

You are Laura Hunt, aren't you? Aren't you?

I'm going to call the police.

I am the police.

Laura  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[to Laura] Don't worry, darling. Let them accuse you. We'll fight them. I have every weapon. Money, connections, prestige, and my column. Every day, millions will read about you and rally to your defense.

You talk as if you wanted to see her tried for murder.

Yes, rather than let you blacken her name with suspicions and rumors. Try to prove her guilty. Get on the witness stand with your poor shreds of evidence. I'll expose your cheap methods you used on her.

Laura  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about McPherson] It still doesn't make sense to me, Laura. He's playing some sort of a game with you.

I don't think so.

I don't deny that he's infatuated with you in some warped way of his own. But he isn't capable of any normal, warm, human relationship. He's been dealing with criminals too long. When you were unattainable, when he thought you were dead, that's when he wanted you most.

But he was glad when I came back as if he were waiting for me.

Do you know what he calls women? 'Dames.' 'A dame in Washington Heights got a fox fur out of him.' His very words.

That doesn't mean anything. He isn't like that.

Laura, you have one tragic weakness. With you, a lean strong body is the measure of a man. And you always get hurt.

No man is ever going to hurt me again. No one. Not even you.

I? Hurt you? Laura - look at me. When a man has everything in the world that he wants, except what he wants most, he loses his self-respect. It makes him bitter, Laura. He wants to hurt someone as he's been hurt. You were a long time finding out about Shelby but that's over now. We'll be back together again.

Laura  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

It's the same obvious pattern, Laura. If McPherson weren't muscular and handsome in a cheap sort of way, you'd see through him in a second.

Waldo, I mean to be as kind about this as I know how. But I must tell you. You're the one who follows the same obvious pattern. First it was Jacoby, then Shelby, and now I suppose - I don't think we should see each other again.

You're not yourself, darling.

Yes I am. For the first time in ages, I know what I'm doing.

Very well. I hope you'll never regret what promises to be a disgustingly earthy relationship. My congratulations, McPherson. And listen to my broadcast in fifteen minutes. I'm discussing Great Lovers of History.

Laura  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

That's the way it is, isn't it, Laura?

Radio Announcer:
'You have heard the voice of Waldo Lydecker by electrical transcription.'

[begging] Waldo, you've taken one life. Isn't that enough?

The best part of myself - that's what you are. Do you think I'm going to leave it to the vulgar pawing of a second-rate detective who thinks you're a dame? Do you think I could bear the thought of him holding you in his arms, kissing you, loving you?

[McPherson has returned with the police and is ringing the doorbell]

[as he raises the shotgun] There he is now. He'll find us together, Laura as we always have been and we always should be, as we always will be.

Laura  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

And you, you can tell that friend of yours, to go fuck himself.

You know, I only have one friend who can actually do that, and I doubt you've met.

Latter Days  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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