Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,583

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Pink Ladies:
  The pink ladies pledge to act cool, to look cool and to be cool.  Till death do us part.  Think pink!

  He wears a pair of goggles like a man from outer space!

  Aw, shut up!

Grease 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

  Another well deserved victory, huh, then, Johnny?

  Yeah, and where's the trophy?

  Right here, Johnny!

  Oh, kisses.

  That's the best average.  Now what about for best score?

  Yeah, what about the trophy for best score, Stephanie?

  I ain't no one's trophy, Goose!

Grease 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cycle Lords:
  The punk is going to get it!

  When we find out who he is!

Grease 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

  Personally, I think that—

  We don't care, Sharon!

Grease 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

  Kablam!  Nucleoid war!

  What started?  What's happening, Louis?

  The Russians are attacking!  Get down!

Grease 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

  I never thought you'd kiss me like that if you found out who I really was.

  [giggles] Are you crazy?  I got two for the price of one!

  Are you certain?

  I've never been certainer.

  More certain.

  The certainest.

  The certainest. Yeah, l like that. I'd love to kiss you again.

Grease 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The prisoner Bartlett is discharged into your custody, Colonel von Luger.

Herr Kuhn:
I suggest the prisoner Bartlett to be kept under the strictest security confinement permanently.

Oberst Von Luger:
Make a note of Herr Kuhn's suggestion.

Hauptmann Posen:
Jawohl, Herr Oberst.

Herr Kuhn:
We have reason to believe this prisoner is the mastermind behind numerous criminal escape attempts.

Oberst Von Luger:
[sarcastically] Squadron Leader Bartlett has been three months in your care. And the Gestapo has only "reason to believe"?

If he once more falls into our hands, he will not be so lucky.

Oberst Von Luger:
Air force officer prisoners are the responsibility of the Luftwaffe – not the SS! Or, the Gestapo.

[Condescendingly] At present, yes, Herr Oberst. That is why they're turned, for the moment, over to your care.

Herr Kuhn:
Of course, if the Luftwaffe is not up to the task, the prisoners will find themselves totally in our charge. We, regretfully, are not so professionally understanding. [Kuhn, Preissen, and the Hauptsturmführer start to leave, but Kuhn stops and looks closely at Bartlett.] Squadron Leader Bartlett: if you escape again and be caught, you will be shot.

The Great Escape  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hauptfeldwebel Strachwitz:
What are you doing over here by the wire?

Well, like I told Max here, I was trying to get my...

German Soldier:

[Von Luger enters]

Von Luger:
What were you doing by the wire?

Well, like I told Max... I was trying to cut my way through your wire because I want to get out.

Von Luger:
Suche ihn.


[Before Strachwitz can search him, Hilts produces his wire-cutters and hands them over to Von Luger]

Von Luger:
You speak German?

Jawohl, Herr Oberst.

Von Luger:
Wire cutters?

Jawohl, Herr Oberst.

Von Luger:
I have had the pleasure of knowing quite a few British officers in this war. And I flatter myself that we understand one another. [In the gathered crowd of prisoners nearby, Flying Officer Ives blows a raspberry, visibly irritating Strachwitz and Von Luger.] You are the first American officer I have met. Hilts, isn't it?

Captain Hilts, actually.

Von Luger:
Seventeen escape attempts.

Eighteen, sir.

Von Luger:
A tunnel man, engineer.


Von Luger:
I suppose what's called in the American Army, "A hotshot pilot." Unfortunately, you were shot down anyway. So we are both grounded for the duration of the war.

You speak for yourself, Colonel.

Von Luger:
You have other plans?

I haven't seen Berlin yet. From the ground, or from the air. And I plan on doing both before the war's over.

Von Luger:
Are all American officers so ill-mannered?

Yeah, about 99 percent.

Von Luger:
Then perhaps while you are with us you will have a chance to learn some. Ten days isolation, Hilts.

Captain Hilts.

Von Luger:
Twenty days.

Right. Oh, uh, you'll still be here when I get out?

Von Luger:
[visibly annoyed] Cooler!

The Great Escape  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Now, wait just a moment. How the deuce did you know that I was a doctor?

[grabs his pistol from Dawson and picks up one of bullets] A surgeon, to be exact. Just returned from military duty in Afghanistan. [blows a dust off the bullet and places it in his pistol, then closes it and looks at Dawson] Am I right?

Why, ha-ha, yes. [yanks his left jacket lapel to declare his name] Major David Q. Dawson. But how could you possibly--?

Quite simple, really. [picks up Dawson's left arm to eye a stitch on his coat sleeve cuff] You've sewn your torn cuff together with a Lambert stitch, which, of course.... [puts his right arm around Dawson] ....only a surgeon uses. [then taps Dawson's right cheek gently until rushes to a couch and stacks a few colorful round pillows] And the thread is a unique form of cat-gut, easily distinguished by its peculiar.... [whispers to Olivia] ....pungency, found only in the Afghan provinces. [gets his pistol ready to be shot to the pillows]


Actually, it's elementary, my dear Dawson.

The Great Mouse Detective  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[enraged] Ratigan, so help me.... [screams bloody murder] ....I'LL SEE YOU BEHIND BARS YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[also enraged] You fool! Isn't it clear to you that the superior mind has triumphed?! I'VE WON!! [He, Fidget, and the rest of their posse start laughing at Basil. Basil steels himself against the jeering and pointing, but after a few moments, he slumps, defeated and broken-hearted, and hangs his head as the cruel laughter continues and Ratigan points at him] Ooh, I love it, I love it, I love it!

The Great Mouse Detective  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Chet getting pulled behind the boat on water-skies]

You bastard, you bastard!

I think he's saying go faster.

The Great Outdoors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago


[Kate and Roman run out of their bedroom]


It touched me!

It's been touching you for 12 years. You never freak!

Not you!

[Kate hits Roman on the arm]

A thing.

What thing?

[comes out of his bedroom, along with the rest of the family, and turns on the lights] What's going on?

That thing!

[points to a bat]

Oh, it's just a little sparrow.

Come on, Roman. It's got ears!

[everyone screams and runs out of the cabin]

The Great Outdoors  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Harry Vardon:
How'd you sleep?

Ted Ray:
Like a baby, woke up every 2 hours and cried.

The Greatest Game Ever Played  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Don Shirley:
Before we pull out, Tony, we need to have a talk.

Tony Lip:

Don Shirley:
Oleg told me what you did.

Tony Lip:
What'd I do?

Don Shirley:
You stole a jade stone from the store.

Tony Lip:
No I didn't.

Don Shirley:
He watched you do it.

Tony Lip:
I didn't steal no stone.

Don Shirley:
You picked it up and put it in your pocket.

Tony Lip:
I picked up a rock off of the ground. I didn't steal it from a box.

Don Shirley:
Now why would you pick up a rock off the ground?

Tony Lip:
I don't know. Cause it ain't stealing. It's just a regular rock.

Don Shirley:
And why would you want a regular rock?

Tony Lip:
To have. For luck, maybe.

Don Shirley:
A lucky rock.

Tony Lip:

Don Shirley:
Let me see it. [Don holds out his hand; reluctantly Tony hands him the rock] Mm-hmm. Take it back and pay for it.

Tony Lip:
[swears in Italian] I told you that Kraut was a snake. Rats me out for something I didn't even do!

Don Shirley:
Pay for the stone, Tony; you'll feel better.

Tony Lip:
I feel fine! And I ain't paying for no regular rock I found in the dirt. [starts to drive]

Don Shirley:
Do not drive, Mr. Vallelonga. [Tony stops] Put it back.

[after a brief pause, Tony reluctantly goes to the box, puts the stone back, and goes back to the car]

Don Shirley:
Feel better?

Tony Lip:

Don Shirley:
If you like, Tony, I'd happily buy you the stone.

Tony Lip:
Don't bother. You took all the fun out of it.

Green Book  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tony Lip:
You know, Doc, something's been eating at me this whole trip.

Don Shirley:

Tony Lip:
That Titsburgh was a major disappointment. I didn't notice any difference at all. Did you?

Don Shirley:
Good night, Tony.

Green Book  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Britt Reid:
You're Kato? Man, I thought your name was Henry. I thought the pool guy was Kato.

I'm Kato. I'm sorry to hear about your father. He was a...complex man.

Britt Reid:
Yeah. I have two questions for you Kato, and then you can go home. Why is it that my dad's mechanic makes the coffee, and why is it that without you, the coffee tastes like crap?

I think it is easier if I show you.

The Green Hornet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I was born in Shanghai. You know Shanghai?

Love Japan!

My parents died when I was four. And until I was twelve, I lived in an orphanage.

Sorry, my mom died when I was young too. What, uh, what happened after that?

I made a few friends along the way, lived on the street.

How'd you start working for my dad? Tell me about that.

I work in a garage, and one day, your father came in a '65 Chrysler.

I know the car well.

He was so happy with my work, so he offered me a job. I said "yes!"

The coffee, how'd that come about?

He used to always say "No one can ever make me a good cup of coffee!"

Good impression.

So I built him the coffee machine.

Well, you make one damn fine cup of coffee, sir.

The Green Hornet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Randall Peltzer:
[after seeing the Mogwai] I've got to have him! He's incredible. I'll give you $100 for it.

Mr. Wing:

Randall Peltzer:
Look, I've got to have it. It's a present for my son for Christmas. It's exactly what I've been looking for and I've been everywhere. I'll give you $200 for it. That's $200!

Mr. Wing:
I'm sorry. Mogwai not for sale.

Randall Peltzer:
I thought you said everything at your grandfather's store was for sale.

Chinese Boy:

Mr. Wing:
With Mogwai comes much responsibility. I cannot sell him at any price.

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

If it isn't Captain Clip-on! Guess who almost filed for unemployment today?

I give up.

You! But Mr. Corben had other ideas. He gets so sentimental around the holidays. I would've fired you in a heartbeat.

And a merry Christmas to you too. Excuse me, Mr. Jones.

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Randall Peltzer:
Billy, you're familiar with the Bathroom Buddy? I have made an improvement. Now, let's say, you're about to walk into a big meeting. It's very important. You reach up and you forgot to shave. Now what do you do? Under normal circumstances, you are in trouble! But not if you have the Bathroom Buddy. Now watch [produces a shaver] Voila! What do you think?

Billy Peltzer:
That's pretty neat. What does this button do?

Randall Peltzer:
No, don't touch it!

[Billy sprays shaving cream in his father's face]

Billy Peltzer:
Sorry dad.

Randall Peltzer:
No, it's okay.

Billy Peltzer:
No, I'm really sorry.

Randall Peltzer:
It's not your fault. I was going to get to that. I'll fix it tomorrow.

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Murry Futterman:
[drunk, looking inside his car] Gremlins... [turning to Billy and Kate] You got-you gotta watch out for them forgeiners cuz they plant gremlins in their machinery. [climbs inside the car] It's the same gremlins that brought down our planes in the big one.

[laughing] The big one...

Murry Futterman:
[turning round] That's right! World War Two! [salutes] Good old WWII. [tries to start his car] Y'know, they're still shippin' 'em over here... They put 'em in cars, they put 'em in yer TV, they put 'em in stereos and those little radios you stick in your ears. They even put 'em in watches, they have teeny gremlins for our watches!

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff Frank:
Gremlins, huh?


Sheriff Frank:
Little monsters?


Sheriff Frank:
Hundreds of them?

I don't know, maybe thousands. Look, I know it sounds crazy. I know it does, but in a matter of hours, this town's going to become a major disaster area! You have got to warn people!

Sheriff Frank:
You think the kid is drunk?

Deputy Brent:
No, but you are!

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff Frank:
Tell me something, Billy. How does a cute little creature like this turn into a thousand ugly monsters?

Well, this is before it enters the pupal stage.

Deputy Brent:
The pupal stage?

Yeah, right. Plus it multiplies with water.

Deputy Brent:
Aw, Christ!

Sheriff Frank:
Brent, why don't you give the kid some water?

I wouldn't do that, sheriff.

[The phone rings. The sheriff answers it]

Sheriff Frank:
Sheriff's office. Yeah, speaking... What?... Oh no... Yeah, we'll be right over.

Deputy Brent:
Who was that?

Sheriff Frank:
The Futtermans. Something about a snowplow, a freak accident...

It's the creatures! The creatures are making it look like an accident! Sheriff! WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME?!

Sherriff Frank:
You listen to me, kid! Go on home, take little Gizmo, sit by the fire and open your Christmas presents, okay? Atta boy!

Deputy Brent [as he and Frank leave] Let me drive.

Sheriff Frank No, you're drunk.

Deputy Brent You always get to drive!

Sheriff Frank Cause I'm the sheriff, asshole!

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff Frank My god, Frye, that was Mrs. Deagle.

[A gremlin under the police car pulls out the brake wire from the car. Meanwhile a Santa Claus comes out of his house attacked by gremlins.]

Deputy Brent Jesus Frank, that's Dave Morris! He does Santa every year!

Sheriff Frank Yeah, but what the hell is he doing now? What's that stuff he's got all over him?!

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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