Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,581

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I understand you are interested in drug dealers.


[whispering] Jack, that's him, the henchman with the glass eye.

Sir, are you a henchman?

No, I only go as far as lackey. Anything else?

Yeah, take off your sunglasses.

Who's asking?

[shows police badge] The Tin Man.

Well, Tin Man, suppose you hit the bricks.

Nah, they're the wrong color.

Are they? Oh dear, by all means let's change them. Would arterial red suit you? [motions behind them, they turn to see guard dogs] Make no mistake, they are exceptionally well-trained. [snaps fingers, the dogs form in a pyramid] I snap my fingers again and sometime tomorrow, you emerge from several canine recta. Or you and Toto can go back to the land of Oz. Questions?

Yeah... two of them. [casually lights cigar] Why am I wasting my time on a dimestore putz like you, when I could be doing something more dangerous... like rearranging my sock drawers? And two - how exactly are you going to snap your fingers, after I rip off both of your thumbs?

[Benedict's guard dogs whimper]

[pausing before revealing smiley-face glass eye] Have a nice day.

Last Action Hero  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Benedict has drawn his revolver on his own boss after Slater thwarts his plans again]

What is this, Benedict? First you're my friend, now you turn a... [makes twirling motion with finger] 360 on me?!

180, you stupid spaghetti-slurping cretin! 180! If I did a 360, I'd go completely around and end up back where I started.

[confused] ...What?

Trust me. [shoots Vivaldi]

Last Action Hero  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey, Jack. What kept you?

Are you alright, Danny?

Yes, sir.

You know, I tried to change, Jack. I really tried to do what he told me. But I kept hearing that old music. That's how I knew you'd come, Jack. Now lose the piece.

[throws gun away] There, now it's between you and me. Let the boy go.

Now we've played this number before haven't we, Jack? Let's see, what comes next.... You throw the gun away. Right, we did that part... [lays down axe] Then, you tell me to let the kid go... Ah, I'm getting bored, why don't we just skip to the end? [tosses Danny off the building]

Last Action Hero  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cora Munro:
Why were those people living in this defenseless place?

After seven years indentured service in Virginia, they headed out here 'cause the frontier's the only land available to poor people. Out here, they're beholden to none. Not living by another's leave.

The Last of the Mohicans  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

My father's people say that at the birth of the sun and of his brother the moon, their mother died. So the sun gave to the earth her body, from which was to spring all life. And he drew forth from her breast the stars, and the stars he threw into the night sky to remind him of her soul. So there's the Cameron's monument. My folks' too, I guess.

Cora Munro:
You are right, Mr. Poe. We do not understand what is happening here. And it's not as I imagined it would be, thinking of it in Boston and in London...

Sorry to disappoint you.

Cora Munro:
No, on the contrary. It is more deeply stirring to my blood than any imagining could possibly have been.

The Last of the Mohicans  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I come to you unarmed and in peace to unstuff your ears, Sachem. Let the children of the dead Colonel Munro go free. Take fire out of the English anger over the murder of their helpless ones. Sachem, the French fathers made peace. Magua broke it. It is false that the French will be friends still to the Huron. Would Magua use the ways of Les Francais and the Yengeese? Would you?


Would the Huron make his Algonquin brothers foolish with brandy and steal his lands to sell them for gold to the white man? Would Huron have greed for more land than a man can use? Would Huron fool Seneca into taking all the furs of all the animals of the forest for beads and strong whiskey? Those are the ways of the Yengeese and the Francais traders and their masters in Europe infected with the sickness of greed. Magua's heart is twisted. He would make himself into what twisted him. I am Nathaniel of the Yengeese. Hawkeye, adopted son of Chingachgook of the Mohican people. Let the children of the dead Munro and the Yengeese officer go free. This belt, which is a record of the days of my father's people, speaks for my truth.

The Last of the Mohicans  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about his football game] Coulda been worse...

Yeah. You can say that about nearly everything, I guess.

The Last Picture Show  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about Charlene] She doesn't have a good disposition - what are you blue about then?

Ain't nobody to go with in this town. Jacy's the only pretty girl in school and Duane's got her.

I'd call that his tough luck...Jacy'll bring him more misery than she'll ever be worth.

The Last Picture Show  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Why can't I just stay here and go to college in Wichita Falls?

Because everything is flat and empty here, and nothin' to do. Just remember, beautiful, everything gets old if you do it often enough. So if you wanna find out about monotony real quick, marry Duane.

The Last Picture Show  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about Jacy] Sure, I been goin' with her, why not?

I never said I blamed you for it. I don't blame you much. I just never thought you'd do me that way. I thought we was still best friends.

We are. What's you so mad for? I never done nothin' to you.

I guess screwin' my girl ain't nothin' to you.

I ain't screwin' her.

The hell you ain't.

Well, I ain't. But she's not your girl anymore, anyway.

She is my girl. I don't care if we did break up.

The Last Picture Show  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Katsumoto is an extraordinary man, is he not?

He's a tribal leader. I've known many of them.

But none who are samurai. Their ways have great appeal.

I don't see how this concerns me.

Ah, but it does. You see, you were right, Captain Algren. Last year, we were not prepared to go to battle. You were right and Colonel Bagley was wrong. But now, we are ready. If Katsumoto is allowed to attract other samurai to his cause, we will have 10 years of rebellion. This is something I will not allow. Either I will stop him at the council today, or you will lead my army against him. And with these new weapons, you will crush him.

I appreciate the offer...

It is not an offer.

Mr. Omura, my contract with you was to train your army.

Then we will make a new contract. One that will recognize the extraordinary contribution you have made to the emperor. Do we understand each other?

Yes, we understand each other perfectly.

Then I am pleased. [Algren bows, turns, and leaves the room. Omura turns to his secretary and speaks in Japanese] Follow him. If he goes anywhere near Katsumoto, kill him.

The Last Samurai  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[To one Japanese soldier] Load. [to Simon Graham] Mr. Graham, tell this man to fire at me!

Simon Graham:
I beg your pardon?

[Pulls out his pistol and cocks it] Tell this man that if he does not shoot me, I will kill him.

Sgt. Gant:
Captain, if I might have a word...

[Algren fires his pistol at the soldier's feet, making everyone except Gant and Bagley jump.]

Tell him... tell him! [Re-cocks his pistol]

[Graham hurriedly translates for the soldier. Shocked and wide-eyed at Algren's command, the soldier looks at Algren and frantically shakes his head.]


[He fires again, this time knocking the soldier's hat off. The soldier hurriedly re-loads his rifle.]

Faster! [fires again] Faster!

[The soldier loads as fast as possible, discarding his ramrod in his haste.]

Shoot me, damn it.

[The soldier cocks his rifle and aims at Algren, but, almost as though he understands Algren's command, shakes his head and refuses to shoot.]

Fire! Fire, ute!

[Algren fires his last shot. The soldier aims quickly and pulls his trigger, narrowly missing Algren and hitting the sandbag behind him. Algren lowers his gun, sighs in disappointment, then holsters his gun and pats the soldier on the shoulder, who almost collapses from fear.]

[to Bagley] They're not ready.

Colonel Bagley:
[to the rest of the army] The regiment leaves at 6 AM!

The Last Samurai  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Katsumoto has been granted an audience with the Emperor during a truce, in which he begs him to stop letting the new merchant-class of tycoons dominate his government, and accept the samurai back]

Emperor Meiji:
You rise against me, my teacher.

No, Highness. I rise against your enemies.

Emperor Meiji:
They are my advisors, like you.

They advise in their own interest!

Emperor Meiji:
I need advisors who know the modern world.

If I am no use, I will happily end my life.

Emperor Meiji:
No, I need your voice in the Council.

It is your voice we need, Highness. You are a living god. Do what you think is right.

Emperor Meiji:
[ruefully] I am a living god - as long as I do what *they* think is right.

[stunned beyond words, sorrowful] ...What sad words you speak...

The Last Samurai  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[presents Algren with a katana] You will need this. [Algren draws the sword and inspects the engraving on the blade]

What does it say?

"I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new".

The Last Samurai  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[admiring his scepter] Just like your Ko-Dan Emperor's, isn't it, Commander Kril?

Lord Kril:
It takes more than a scepter to rule, Xur. Even on Rylos.

You're right, Kril. It does take more than a scepter.

[Xur springs the bayonet from the scepter in front of Kril's face, maniacal laughing to himself as he walks away]

Ko-Dan Officer:
[aside, to Lord Kril] How long must we endure this fool?

Ko-Dan Controller:
We have a break in the Frontier

Lord Kril:
Fire the meteor gun!

My dear Ko-dan friends, lest we forget! It was your own emperor who granted me command of this armada. For only I hold the secret to the Frontier. Only I know the location of the Starfighter base. And therefore, only I will give the order to fire!

Lord Kril:
Forgive me, Xur.

[smirks] You are forgiven, Commander Kril. Meteor gunner... fire!

[He does so, destroying the Starfighter base]

At last, it is done! Soon the Frontier will be down, and they will bow to their new emperor! Or I will darken the sky with their ashes.

Ko-Dan Officer:
Commander, Xurian spy reports that one starfighter has escaped.


[angry, Xur springs the bayonet from his scepter]

The Last Starfighter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ko-dan Officer:
Unidentified craft.

Lord Kril:
What is it?! [takes a look at the computer scanner and he recognizes a familiar ship] Wait...

Gunstar?!! [Lord Kril and the Ko-dan officer look at Xur] But...but that's impossible! We destroyed them all!!

Lord Kril:
[finally realizes the truth] So...the last Starfighter is dead. This has gone far enough! [to the Ko-dan guards] Seize him!!

How dare you do this?! I am the emperor of Rylos!! I, and I alone, command this entire arm—! [the Ko-dan guards seize him and remove him from the bridge] Release me! I command you! You will pay for this!!!

Lord Kril:
All guns, fire!!

The Last Starfighter  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Randall Peltzer:
[after seeing the Mogwai] I've got to have him! He's incredible. I'll give you $100 for it.

Mr. Wing:

Randall Peltzer:
Look, I've got to have it. It's a present for my son for Christmas. It's exactly what I've been looking for and I've been everywhere. I'll give you $200 for it. That's $200!

Mr. Wing:
I'm sorry. Mogwai not for sale.

Randall Peltzer:
I thought you said everything at your grandfather's store was for sale.

Chinese Boy:

Mr. Wing:
With Mogwai comes much responsibility. I cannot sell him at any price.

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

If it isn't Captain Clip-on! Guess who almost filed for unemployment today?

I give up.

You! But Mr. Corben had other ideas. He gets so sentimental around the holidays. I would've fired you in a heartbeat.

And a merry Christmas to you too. Excuse me, Mr. Jones.

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Randall Peltzer:
Billy, you're familiar with the Bathroom Buddy? I have made an improvement. Now, let's say, you're about to walk into a big meeting. It's very important. You reach up and you forgot to shave. Now what do you do? Under normal circumstances, you are in trouble! But not if you have the Bathroom Buddy. Now watch [produces a shaver] Voila! What do you think?

Billy Peltzer:
That's pretty neat. What does this button do?

Randall Peltzer:
No, don't touch it!

[Billy sprays shaving cream in his father's face]

Billy Peltzer:
Sorry dad.

Randall Peltzer:
No, it's okay.

Billy Peltzer:
No, I'm really sorry.

Randall Peltzer:
It's not your fault. I was going to get to that. I'll fix it tomorrow.

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Murry Futterman:
[drunk, looking inside his car] Gremlins... [turning to Billy and Kate] You got-you gotta watch out for them forgeiners cuz they plant gremlins in their machinery. [climbs inside the car] It's the same gremlins that brought down our planes in the big one.

[laughing] The big one...

Murry Futterman:
[turning round] That's right! World War Two! [salutes] Good old WWII. [tries to start his car] Y'know, they're still shippin' 'em over here... They put 'em in cars, they put 'em in yer TV, they put 'em in stereos and those little radios you stick in your ears. They even put 'em in watches, they have teeny gremlins for our watches!

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff Frank:
Gremlins, huh?


Sheriff Frank:
Little monsters?


Sheriff Frank:
Hundreds of them?

I don't know, maybe thousands. Look, I know it sounds crazy. I know it does, but in a matter of hours, this town's going to become a major disaster area! You have got to warn people!

Sheriff Frank:
You think the kid is drunk?

Deputy Brent:
No, but you are!

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff Frank:
Tell me something, Billy. How does a cute little creature like this turn into a thousand ugly monsters?

Well, this is before it enters the pupal stage.

Deputy Brent:
The pupal stage?

Yeah, right. Plus it multiplies with water.

Deputy Brent:
Aw, Christ!

Sheriff Frank:
Brent, why don't you give the kid some water?

I wouldn't do that, sheriff.

[The phone rings. The sheriff answers it]

Sheriff Frank:
Sheriff's office. Yeah, speaking... What?... Oh no... Yeah, we'll be right over.

Deputy Brent:
Who was that?

Sheriff Frank:
The Futtermans. Something about a snowplow, a freak accident...

It's the creatures! The creatures are making it look like an accident! Sheriff! WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME?!

Sherriff Frank:
You listen to me, kid! Go on home, take little Gizmo, sit by the fire and open your Christmas presents, okay? Atta boy!

Deputy Brent [as he and Frank leave] Let me drive.

Sheriff Frank No, you're drunk.

Deputy Brent You always get to drive!

Sheriff Frank Cause I'm the sheriff, asshole!

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff Frank My god, Frye, that was Mrs. Deagle.

[A gremlin under the police car pulls out the brake wire from the car. Meanwhile a Santa Claus comes out of his house attacked by gremlins.]

Deputy Brent Jesus Frank, that's Dave Morris! He does Santa every year!

Sheriff Frank Yeah, but what the hell is he doing now? What's that stuff he's got all over him?!

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Now I have another reason to hate Christmas.

Billy Peltzer:
Kate, what are you talking about?

The worst thing that ever happened to me was on Christmas. Oh, God. It was so horrible. It was Christmas Eve. I was 9 years old. Me and Mom were, were decorating the tree, waiting for Dad to come home from work. Couple hours went by, Dad wasn't home. So Mom called the office. No answer. Christmas Day came and went, and still nothing. So, the police began a search. 4 or 5 days went by. Neither one of us could eat or sleep. Everything was falling apart. It was snowing outside. The house was freezing, so, I went to try to light up the fire. And that's when I noticed the smell. Firemen came and broke through the chimney top, and me and Mom were expecting them to pull out a dead cat or a bird, and instead, they pulled out my father. [Gizmo gasps in shock] He was dressed in a Santa Claus suit. He'd been climbing down the chimney on Christmas Eve, his arms loaded with presents. He was gonna surprise us. He slipped and broke his neck, died instantly. And that's how I found out there was no Santa Claus.

Gremlins  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
A Albert Einstein
B Oppenheimer
C Charles Dickens
D Joseph Stalin