Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,582

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Mrs. Elsa Bannister:
I don't know how to shoot.

The Lady from Shanghai  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Michael O'Hara:
It's easy, you just pull the trigger.

The Lady from Shanghai  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Motown is trying to hotwire an abandoned car.

Yellow to red!

What the fuck does a Samoan know about hot-wiring a fucking car?

50,000 cars stolen in Samoa every year.

Well, a million in Detroit.

Detroit has 50 million cars. Samoa, 50,000. Every one stolen.

Land of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Charlie, why do you lick your rifle?

Catches the light.

What light? How can you see anything?

Good eye.

Land of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Kaufman gets in his private underground limo, while his driver opens the garage door] Careful when you open that door.

[Big Daddy appears, and attempts to get into the limo. His driver sees this, and runs out the garage door, leaving Kaufman in the limo]

Goodbye, Mr. K!

Get back here, son of bitch! You've got the fucking keys!

Land of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[as Kaufman walks out of the elevator with two bags in his hands]

What's in the bags?


Whose money?

[Kaufman reaches for his gun]

Watch out, Get down! Quick!

[pulls him down and shoots him]


[Riley calls and tells Kaufman that they have got Dead Reckoning and Cholo]

It's just – I've done something I wouldn't have done otherwise...

Land of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Arena Policeman:
What the hell is going on here?

Someone shot the little fat man.

Arena Policeman:
Yes. I can see that.

Land of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about the fireworks] Put some flowers in the graveyard.

Put some flowers in the graveyard. How come you call them that, Riley? I don't get it. There here ain't the kind of flowers you lay on the ground, these here are sky flowers. Way up in Heaven.

That's why I love you, Charlie; 'cause you still believe in Heaven.

Land of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[a shot is fired] What the hell's that?

Oh, that's just target practice.

[scene cuts to soldiers]

Y'see that? right between the eyes!

Veteran Soldier:
Let me take a shot.

(Zombie starts to reach towards therm, but can only reach the veteran.)

Veteran Soldier:
Stop scratchin' my ass! You're gonna mess up my shot.

Dude, that ain't me.

Veteran Soldier:
There's nothing there, man.

[he's attacked by Big Daddy and screams]

Okay, so what the hell's that, screaming practice?

Land of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Slack shoots open the door, startling him] What the fuck are you doing?!

I'm making myself useful!

Land of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Make sure she doesn't hurt herself.

I can take care of myself, okay?

Fine. Charlie, make sure she doesn't hurt anyone else.

Land of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

It's like a bad dream.

I have bad dreams. Hell, yes. Just look at me, you can tell I have terrible dreams.

Land of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What happened, Riley, did you get fucked?

Homeless man:
Ha-ha! You got fucked!

Land of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Driver of "Dead Reckoning" about to shoot Big Daddy's group]

No. They're just looking for a place to go. Same as us.

Land of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[over the phone]

The fences are still hot. We can't cut the juice from here.

We've been trying to call the power station. There's no one left over there.

Soldier 2:
[sees zombies advancing] We got to get the fuck out of here!

There's no one left here, either. [hangs up and runs]

Land of the Dead  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[first line; after Simon almost kills Lara Croft]

Lara Croft:
Stop! [Simon stops, and Lara takes out "Kill Lara Croft" card, and inserts "Lara's Party Mix"]

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, bugger! Not live rounds, Lara!

Lara Croft:

He's in real pain right now. This is a major remodel, you know. This is a disaster!

Lara Croft:
Was it programmed to stop before it took my head off?

Ah, well, that would be a, uh, no.

Lara Croft:
[smirks] Hmm.

But you said to make it more challenging, so--

Lara Croft:
Hence, the live fire.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Hilary meets Lara outside the shower with heels and a sun dress]

Lara Croft:
Oh... very funny.

I'm only trying to turn you into a lady.

Lara Croft:
Mm... [walks past him and drops the towel she was wearing]

[sighs] And a lady should be modest.

Lara Croft:
Yes, a lady should be modest.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Illuminati Headmaster:
Brothers and sisters, today is the 15th of May. The first day of the planetary alignment, and we are still no nearer to discovering the location of the key. It seems... we are running out of time. This is not acceptable. Mr Powell, your explanation for this, please.

Manfred Powell:
I have no explanation. Certainly no excuses. Except to respectfully remind the council that we are working from clues based on ancient cosmological models... predating Aristotle. But I'm happy to announce that we're almost ready. And I am supremely confident that we will have our answer in time for the relevant planetary alignment.

Illuminati Headmaster:
So, we will have possession of the key week.

Manfred Powell:
Yes, indeed. One week.

Illuminati Headmaster:
This is good news, Mr. Powell. But remember: We have only a single opportunity to retrieve the two halves of the Triangle. And if we fail, we must wait 5,000 years.

Manfred Powell:
Well I don't know about you, but that's more time than I'm prepared to commit to this enterprise.

Illuminati Headmaster:
We shall be ready.

Manfred Powell:
Trust me.

Mr. Pimms:
[he and Powell leave] We're not, uh, we're not ready, are we?

Manfred Powell:

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lara Croft:
[knocks on door] Bryce!

Hello, fellas. How's business?

Lara Croft:

Okay, okay, I'm comin, I'm comin'. [opens the door to see Lara]

Lara Croft:
We have 83 rooms. Can't you live in the house?

Well, I'm a free spirit, me.

Lara Croft:

[sniffs] What's that smell?

Lara Croft:
5:00 A.M. Let's go.

This had better be good. [next scene] [tired yawn] It's a clock.

Lara Croft:
I found it last night. It was ticking.

Must be one of those ticking clocks, eh?

Lara Croft:
It was hidden in a secret room.


Lara Croft:
Bryce, don't start.

Well, Lara, it's a clock. It ticks, it tells the time. It's wrong.

Lara Croft:
It started ticking... last night, during the first stage of the alignment.

Well, gonna need some coffee. [next scene] Okay, in we go. It looks pretty ordinary to me.

Lara Croft:
Keep looking.

Your coffee. Decaf double latte with non-fat milk.

[Lara rolls her eyes]

Oh, champion. Steaming sump oil.

Lara Croft:
[sees something] Wait, what did you do?

I don't know. What did I do?

Lara Croft:
Where is that?

Don't know. I just took my hand off the fibre optics.

What is that?

Ugh! Bugger!

Lara Croft:

Screw thirteen to quadrant four. Screw fourteen to quadrant three.

Oh, please.

It's my map, so I know where they all came from.

Lara Croft:
It's camouflage. [smashes clock revealing what was hidden]

Okay. "Hidden within." What is that?

Lara Croft:
The All-Seeing Eye.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alex West:
Lara Croft, I don't believe it. till pretending to be a photojournalist? Y'know, I think it's really cool that you still have a day job... even though it's obviously just for show.

Lara Croft:
[smiles] So, Alex. Are you still pretending to be an archaeologist?

Alex West:
Lara, do we always have to fight like this? I mean, maybe we don't.

Lara Croft:
Hmm. Maybe we do.

Alex West:

Lara Croft:
You stole my prayer wheels.

Alex West:
Stole? Stole? You know, that's funny. It's not like you ever really owned them or anything.

Lara Croft:
Oh, look, I think your clients need you. Go on, you're wanted on the floor. After all, as you once said, so memorably, "It's all just a business". So go, go do business. Go.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[sarcastically] "My ignorance amuses me." [scoffs] "My ignorance amuses me"?

Lara Croft:
Yes, well, I've always found your ignorance quite amusing. Powell, however, is not ignorant.


Lara Croft:
No. He's a liar.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Manfred Powell:
So, any sign of Lady Croft?

Alex West:
Not yet. Lara is overrated. She is good, don't get me wrong, but she's in it for the glory, whereas I'm in it for the money.

Manfred Powell:
Fortunately. Into the belly of the beast.

Alex West:
And out of the demon's ass.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Lara Croft:
[confronting a naked Alex West] Hello, Alex.

Alex West:
[sighs] I suppose you think I'm a greedy, unscrupulous sellout who'll do just about anything for money?

Lara Croft:
Yes, that's right.

Alex West:
[shrugs] Well, the money bit's true I guess.

Lara Croft:
[steps right up to him] Is it, Alex? If you cross me, we may not be able to remain friends. [looks him up and down and quirks an eyebrow] Hmm. Always a pleasure.

Alex West:
[as she leaves] Now for a cold shower.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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