Stitch Jones:
You see, it's all a question of mind over matter. We no longer mind, 'cause, you don't matter. You've been voted out of office, baby.
Mister Jones, you fall out in that street or I'm gonna kick your ass right off this fuckin' planet.
Stitch Jones:
Oh, I don't think so, babe. Swede!
Recon Platoon:
[Chanting loudly] Swede, Swede, Swede, Swede, Swede!
[A tall and powerfully-built Marine (Swede Johanson) comes into view, standing in front of Highway and menacingly towering over him]
Stitch Jones:
Uh, Gunny, I'd like you to meet my big friend, Swede Johanson. Swede, say something charming to the man.
Swede Johanson:
I'm gonna rip your head off and shit down your neck.
[Swede throws the first punch; Highway dodges it and grabs Swede's arm in a joint lock, forcing him down]
Stick your chin up. [Swede does] Higher. [punches Swede, knocking him to the floor] Now get your ass out in that street, ladies. Right this second.
Stitch Jones:
[hastily] Uh, I'll catch you later, Swede!
[The platoon rushes outside; Swede gets up and faces Highway]
Swede Johanson:
Sir, I'll wait outside for the MPs to come.
Thomas Highway:
Negative, Johanson. You're going to become a Marine, right now. [Swede gives him a questioning look as he realizes he won't go to the brig] Fall out.
Swede Johanson:
Yes, sir.