Boy Meets World

Boy Meets World

Boy Meets World is an American television sitcom created and produced by Michael Jacobs and April Kelly. The show aired on the ABC network from September 24, 1993 to May 5, 2000, lasting seven seasons. The show chronicles the everyday events and life-lessons of Cory Matthews (Ben Savage). It also stars Cory's teacher George Feeny (William Daniels), best friend Shawn Hunter (Rider Strong), brother Eric (Will Friedle), and love interest Topanga (Danielle Fishel). The show also features Cory's father Alan (William Russ), mother Amy (Betsy Randle), and sister Morgan (Lily Nicksay), while introducing the characters Angela Moore (Trina McGee-Davis), Rachel McGuire (Maitland Ward), Jonathan Turner (Anthony Tyler Quinn), Eli Williams (Alex Désert), and Jack Hunter (Matthew Lawrence) during its later seasons.

Director(s): William Russ

[Eric and Topanga have gone on a diet together, but are keeping it a secret; Cory thinks the reason Topanga is acting differently is that she's pregnant]

[to Topanga] Look, in a few months, everything's gonna be back to normal, okay?

All right, Eric. What's going on?

Hey, Cor. You smell like chicken.

Don't change the subject. I know Topanga confided in you. What did she tell you?

She told me that she's in trouble and it's all your fault. Your waffles and butter did this to her.

Why would Topanga confide in you instead of her own husband?

Because she knew how you'd react.

You mean like this? [screams] My life is over! [back to normal voice] Like that?

That's why she came to me, okay? People like us have similar appetites, that's how we get into situations like this.

You've been in this situation before?

Yeah, on and off since high school.

Do Mom and Dad know?

Yeah, Mom and Dad know. Dad actually thinks it's kinda funny. [laughs]

Oh, no, Eric. There is nothing funny about this. Every day she gets bigger, my life gets a little more complicated.

Your life? Is that all you can think about? What about Topanga, huh? What is she supposed to do? Her body's out of control and she has nowhere to turn! Look, if you can't be supportive then the best possible thing for you to do is just stay away from her. Just stay away from her!

[hysterical] I don't know what I should do!

[both run away, in opposite directions]

Amy Matthews:
Okay Cory, you educate me. You tell me what love means to you.

Cory Matthews:
Mom listen, I haven't been with Topanga for 22 years but we have been together for 16. Ok, that's a lot longer than most couples have been together. I mean, when we were born you told me that we used to take walks in our strollers together around the block. When we were 2 we were best friends. I mean I, I knew everything about this girl. I knew her favorite color, I knew her favorite food. Then we got to be 6 and Eric made fun of me because it wasn't cool to have a best friend that's a girl, or even know a girl.

Eric Matthews:
Yeah, and you listened to me. Idiot.

Cory Matthews:
So for the next 7 years I threw dirt at her. I like to call those years the lost years.

Topanga Lawrence:
You were the one who made him throw dirt me?

Eric Matthews:
You were a girl, noogie head.

Cory Matthews:
Then when I was 13 Mom, she put me up against my locker, she kissed me. I mean she, she gave me my first kiss. She taught me how to dance, she always was talking about these crazy things and I never understood a word she said, all I understood was that she was the girl I sat up every night thinking about. And when I'm with her I feel happy to be alive. Like I can do anything. Even talk to you like this. So that's, that's what I think is love Mom. When I'm better because she's here. And now she won't be. So I'm finished.

Topanga Lawrence:
I think it's a good thing that Cory is the only boy I've ever loved. And I was looking forward to doing all of the things that people do who are in love. With Cory. And not just with some guy in Pittsburgh because I'm there.

Angela Moore:
There is no relationship! You don't know what you're talking about.

Shawn Hunter:
Hey, he told me, okay?

Angela Moore:
Oh, no. How could you do that?

Shawn Hunter:
How could *you've* not tell me?

Angela Moore:
That my mother walked out on me just like your mother walked out on you?

Shawn Hunter:
Yes! Don't you think I would've understood? Don't you think that that would have brought us closer together?

Angela Moore:
Yes! I don't want to be closer together!

Shawn Hunter:
Why not?

Sergeant Moore:
Yeah, why not?

Angela Moore:
Because I don't want to hurt you.

Shawn Hunter:
What are you talking about? You're already killing me. How are you going to hurt me more if you love me?

Angela Moore:
I can't love you.

Shawn Hunter:
Why not?

Angela Moore:
[crying] Because.

Shawn Hunter:
Because why?

Angela Moore:
Because I'll leave you! [She starts moving towards the stairs but Sergeant Moore stops her by grabbing her arms]

Sergeant Moore:
No. Nuh-uh, nuh-uh no. Do *not* surrender to this! I did not raise a daughter to surrender! [He takes her hands in his] You are not your mother. You're you! The difference between your mother and you, is that she was not in love. And you are.

Angela Moore:
Daddy, I'm so sorry.

Sergeant Moore:
It's okay. *I'm* okay. But this is about you. I just want you to be happy, but how can you ever be happy if you're afraid to tell the man you love that you love him? [Angela walks back over to Shawn]

Angela Moore:
I love you! I love you so much! I just don't want to hurt you anymore.

Shawn Hunter:
I love you too. I always have.

Sergeant Moore:
You take care of my daughter, young man.

Shawn Hunter:
Sir, yes sir.

George Feeny:

Cory Matthews:
We're leaving.

George Feeny:
I know

Topanga Lawrence-Matthews:
We wanted to know if you had anything left to teach us.

George Feeny:
No. My work with you is done.

Shawn Hunter:
I don't know. That's pretty scary. Going into a whole new world.

George Feeny:
And you are ready to go into that world.

Eric Matthews:
Even me?

George Feeny:
Even you. Believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. Do good.

Topanga Lawrence-Matthews:
Don't you mean do well?

George Feeny:
No I mean do good.

Eric Matthews:
Well, I guess there's just one thing left then. Tell us you love us.

George Feeny:
Now look. If there is one thing I've taught you it is that there is a line between teacher and student that must never be crossed

Eric Matthews:
Tell us you love us.

George Feeny:
I regard all my students equally.

Shawn Hunter:
Oh, you know we're your favorites.

Cory Matthews:
Come on Feeny. You haven't even talked to another student for seven years. I mean that...

Eric Matthews:
Tell us you love us!

George Feeny:
I surely will not.

Eric Matthews:
Okay for you then.

Topanga Lawrence-Matthews:
[She stands up in tears and hugs Mr. Feeny] I will never forget you. You were more of a father to me then my own dad.

[Topanga leaves]

Shawn Hunter:
[Also crying] You, uh, you never give up on me. Never once. I'm not going to forget you. You're the best person I know.

[He hugs Mr. Feeny and leaves]

Eric Matthews:
I don't know what's going to happen to me. But I do know that I'm going to be a good person who cares about people. And I blame *you* for that.

This has been a terrific evening, and you are just great. And so, I'm wondering, how is it that someone like you doesn't have a boyfriend?

Shawn Hunter:
Well, I haven't really been looking for a boyfriend, 'cause I've just been... going through a lot of changes.

Listen, anytime you wanna talk, I'm here to listen.

Shawn Hunter:
[surprised] Thanks, that's... that's nice, Gary. I gotta have some food.

Hey, you got it. Waitress!

[Cory enters dressed as a woman] How you doin', honey?

Shawn Hunter:

I'm Cora, I'll be your waitress this evening.

You know, I come here a lot and I've never seen you before.

Quit hitting on me! [laughs] I'm just kidding! It's my first night. Besides, it looks like you're already taken, cutie! [winks]

Shawn Hunter:
[shakes his head] You're insane...

May I take your order, baby?

My usual. A double chili burger and one chocolate milkshake, with two straws.

Shawn Hunter:
I'll have the same... and a steak. [Cory and Gary looks at him] What?

[pinches Shawn's cheek] Well, aren't you the veracious little eater!

Gary: [puts his arm around Shawn/Veronica] So... are you having a good time?

Shawn Hunter:
...A little trouble breathing... you're crowding me a bit.

Oh, maybe you're just tense? How about I rub your shoulders? [starts doing so]

Shawn Hunter:
You know, I didn't ask you to do that.

Yeah, but doesn't it feel good?

Shawn Hunter:
[shoves Gary away] You're not listening to me.

Whoa, you're a strong one!

Shawn Hunter:
Yeah, I play a little field hockey...

I knew that, because the first thing I noticed was your legs... [touches Shawn's leg, which makes Shawn yell and stand up] What's the matter?

Shawn Hunter:
You just don't listen! You're too busy planning your next move to hear us say no!

Jonathan Turner:
Y'know, you're a junior in high school, now, Shawn. You have no goals as far as I can see. Have you even thought about college?

Shawn Hunter:
I'm going to college.

Jonathan Turner:
Oh, you are? Where?

Shawn Hunter:
Hawaii. I figure I have a better shot outside the country.

Jonathan Turner:
You know, Shawn, the people who care about you in this life you can count on one hand. So don't blow me off, okay?

Shawn Hunter:
John, I got people who care about me.

Cory Matthews:
You know, Shawn, I think Mr. Turner's right. Okay, I mean you got one more year of high school and the humidity in Hawaii is gonna make my hair go "Whoo!"

Topanga Lawrence:
Well, I wanna go to Penn State.

Cory Matthews:
And I wanna go where she goes. Anyone surprised by that?

Jonathan Turner:
Whoa, whoa, okay? [to Shawn] Tick tock. The clock is moving and you are running out of time to figure out your life.

Shawn Hunter:
Hey, John, you're not my guardian anymore, I'm back with my parents, I'll be fine.

Jonathan Turner:
Yeah, Shawn, but I'm one of the handful of people that cares about you, you know? Now your parents are busy trying to work our their marriage... [gestures to Cory & Topanga] So are they...

Topanga Lawrence:
[to Cory, all cutesie] Study hall?

Cory Matthews:
Make out?

Topanga Lawrence:

Cory Matthews:
Topanga! [they leave, grinning and holding hands]

Jonathan Turner:
And y'know, you have four years of security in these halls, but they throw you out next year, Shawn. What're you gonna do, then, huh? Who're you gonna be?

Jonathan Turner:
So Shawn, what is this "Centre" you're hanging out at?

Shawn Hunter:

Jonathan Turner:
Why not?

Shawn Hunter:
Because I am not gonna talk to you about something that you're never gonna understand.

Jonathan Turner:
Oh, you can understand it but somehow it's beyond me?

Shawn Hunter:
You're as judgmental as everybody else in my life.

Jonathan Turner:
Well, first of all, you judge me, remember? You said I couldn't understand it.

Shawn Hunter:
I'm centered, you're not. End of story.

Jonathan Turner:
Boy, this sounds like a real enlightened, open-minded group.

Shawn Hunter:

Jonathan Turner:
Okay, why do you feel you need to be a part of this place, Shawn?

Shawn Hunter:
Okay. All my life, I've felt like there's some part of me missing. And I felt like everybody could tell. Y'know, like there was some hole in me and everyone could see through it. Like I wasn't finished or something.

Jonathan Turner:
I never saw that, Shawn. I mean, if you would've just told me I could've done something about it.

Shawn Hunter:
Let's not dwell on what people did or did not do for...

Jonathan Turner:
Yeah, Shawn, let's dwell on that! That's what makes you a person, how you relate to the people who really care about you.

Shawn Hunter:
The Centre is filled with people who care about me and who make me feel like a person. [Shawn goes to hug him, but Turner stops him with an authoritative look]

Jonathan Turner:
The Centre is filled with lost souls who have no belief system. Who are targets for some guy to bring over to his way of thinking. The Shawn Hunter that I know is one of the most unique individuals I've ever met. And if you let this place take away who you really are, Shawn, then you've made the worst judgment you can make. You made the judgment.

Cory Matthews:
What are you looking for?

Eric Matthews:
Well, I'm supposed to shoot hoops and I can't find them anywhere.

Cory Matthews:
Can't find what?

Eric Matthews:
My tube socks! My lucky tube socks! Have you seen them anywhere?

Cory Matthews:
Oh, uh, you're gonna find this kind of hard to believe Eric but, uh, last night for no logical reason that you could possibly think of, I did the wash instead of Mom and well... This is so funny.

Eric Matthews:
Where are my lucky tube socks?

Cory Matthews:
[Producing a tiny pair of tube socks] Well, I don't think they're so lucky anymore.

Will Friedle:
["Eric" breaks character now revealing that he is, in fact, Will Friedle] That's not the line!

Ben Savage:

Will Friedle:
The line was, "Honey, I shrunk the tube socks".

Ben Savage:
Oh, uh, I know. I'm sorry, Will. I was trying something new.

Will Friedle:
Ohhhh! You were just trying something new? Here why don't you try this? [he begins throwing laundry at Ben Savage] Is this new? [He continues throwing things, breaking dishes and screaming] Is this new to you? New! YAAAAH! I quit! I'm outta here!

[He storms off the set. Shawn enters]

Shawn Hunter:
Cory, Eric. Guess what? I blew up another mailbox.

[He looks around at the trashed set and breaks character]

Rider Strong:
What? Did Will flip out again?

Ben Savage:
Yeah, yeah he did. What are we gonna do? I mean, he's gonna be hard to replace.

Rider Strong:
Yeah, you're right.

[They look around]

Rider Strong:
Hey banana boy! Wanna be a star?

Ben Savage:

Cory Matthews:
He made a move on Topanga. On my fiance. He used his power and authority to take advantage of her and he told me that there was nothing I could do and he was never going to stop. So, I did something. I mean I-I-I realize Dean that this wasn't the smartest thing in the world to do but it was all I could come up with at the time.

Dean Lila Bolander:
Striking a member of this faculty is inexcusable. No matter what the provocation.

Shawn Hunter:
Can I just say something real quick?

Dean Lila Bolander:

Shawn Hunter:
Cory, it's okay with me that you hit him.

Cory Matthews:
Thanks, Shawn. [to Dean Bolander] It's okay with Shawn.

Dean Lila Bolander:
Well, it's not okay with me. According to the bylaws of this university I am bound to expel or suspend any student for striking an educator for any reason whatsoever.

George Feeny:
Dean, I beg you to reconsider this.

Dean Lila Bolander:
George. Sit down. You can't protect them anymore. Cory Matthews, I hereby suspend you from this university for a period of one day.

One day?

Dean Lila Bolander:
You are, however, under probation for the remainder of this term and I will not take kindly to your solving any more problems with anything but words.

Cory Matthews:
No, you don't have to worry about it Dean. Thank you.

Dean, he hit a teacher!

Dean Lila Bolander:
A teacher must be someone a student can trust. The second a teacher uses pressure on a student for any reason whatsoever, other than academic... that trust is destroyed.

Well, there must be some misunderstanding because as a teacher I...

Dean Lila Bolander:
Stuart! [points at Mr. Feeny] *This* is a teacher Stuart. I'm not sure what you are but you can be certain I'm going to find out.

Topanga Lawrence:
*As Cory and Shawn stare lack-jawed at her* Well, isn't somebody gonna say something?

Shawn Hunter:
*To himself, trying to convince* She's my best friend's girl... She's my best friend's girl... *Giving in* *To Topanga* Oh, the heck with that, marry me! I live in a trailer park and I have no education, but my hair does this... *Waves his hands through his hair*

Shawn Hunter:

Shawn Hunter:
*Not caring, still gawking at Topanga* Shut up, man, I'm going for it! *Cory sprays Shawn with a nearby spray bottle* Thanks, thanks. I'm back.

Cory Matthews:
Good. Alright, Topanga. *Puts down the bottle* *Shawn mimes the "call me" gesture to Topanga behind Cory's back* I want... *Looks suspiciously at Shawn, who stops* the name of the guy who did this to you.

Topanga Lawrence:
You don't like it?

Cory Matthews:
No, no, it's not that I don't like it, it's just that I'm in love with this girl who was never interested in what she looked like before. *Shawn begins staring at Topanga's feet* And now I see makeup on your face and polish on you nails and toes and... *To Shawn* Stop looking at her toes.

Shawn Hunter:
*Entranced* But they sparkle!

Cory Matthews:
*To Topanga* I want the name of the guy who did this to you!

Topanga Lawrence:
My stylist's name is Mr. Cellini. Cory, it's just a haircut, it's just some makeup. It's not gonna change me. *Checks watch* Gotta go. *Begins walking away*

Cory Matthews:
Well, where are you going?

Topanga Lawrence:
This outfit with this hair? Hello? Buh-bye, I am *so* at the mall.

Topanga Lawrence:
[as Cory and Shawn stare lack-jawed at her] Well, isn't somebody gonna say something?

Shawn Hunter:
[to himself, trying to convince] She's my best friend's girl... She's my best friend's girl... [Giving in] [to Topanga] Oh, the heck with that, marry me! I live in a trailer park and I have no education, but my hair does this... [Waves his hands through his hair]

Shawn Hunter:

Shawn Hunter:
[Not caring, still gawking at Topanga] Shut up, man, I'm going for it! [Cory sprays Shawn with a nearby spray bottle] Thanks, thanks. I'm back.

Cory Matthews:
Good. Alright, Topanga. [Puts down the bottle] [Shawn mimes the "call me" gesture to Topanga behind Cory's back] I want... [Looks suspiciously at Shawn, who stops] the name of the guy who did this to you.

Topanga Lawrence:
You don't like it?

Cory Matthews:
No, no, it's not that I don't like it, it's just that I'm in love with this girl who was never interested in what she looked like before. [Shawn begins staring at Topanga's feet] And now I see makeup on your face and polish on you nails and toes and... [to Shawn] Stop looking at her toes.

Shawn Hunter:
[Entranced] But they sparkle!

Cory Matthews:
[to Topanga] I want the name of the guy who did this to you!

Topanga Lawrence:
My stylist's name is Mr. Cellini. Cory, it's just a haircut, it's just some makeup. It's not gonna change me. [Checks watch] Gotta go. [Begins walking away]

Cory Matthews:
Well, where are you going?

Topanga Lawrence:
This outfit with this hair? Hello? Buh-bye, I am *so* at the mall.

[flashback scene, at the zoo where Cory and Shawn first met. Cory and Topanga, then age 8, with others comes running and pass Shawn on their way]

Young Shawn Hunter:
[to Cory] Hey! Wanna have lunch with me?

Young Cory Matthews:
I don't think I should. Those guys says you live in the trailer park and I shouldn't like you.

Young Shawn Hunter:
Oh, well, if you wanna have lunch with me, I'll be right here.

Young Cory Matthews:
[climbs up on a fence] Hey, Topanga, look, I'm a llama! I'm a lla-aah! [falls over to the llama side of the fence]

Young Topanga Lawrence:
Cory, I told you not to play with the llamas!

Young Cory Matthews:
[off screen] Help! Help!

Young Topanga Lawrence:
Somebody, help! Help! Help! [everyone else runs away. Shawn comes running around the corner, climbs into the llama side, helps Cory up and they climb over again]

Young Cory Matthews:
Hey, thanks for pulling me over the llama fence. You're fun. My name is Cory.

Young Shawn Hunter:
I'm Shawn. [they shake hands]

Young Topanga Lawrence:
Hi, I'm Topanga.

Young Cory Matthews:
The wife. I'm sorry I didn't have lunch with you. My friends were wrong. They're not even my friends.

Young Shawn Hunter:
I'll be your friend.

Young Cory Matthews:

Young Shawn Hunter:
Just promise me, when we grow up you won't go to college and leave me.

Young Cory Matthews:
Okay. Friends forever?

Young Shawn Hunter:
Forever. [they move in for a hug]

Young Topanga Lawrence:
[from behind them] Stop it. You're boys! [flashback ends, and back in Mr. Feeny's office in present time, Cory and Shawn are also hugging, with Topanga standing behind them, just like in the flashback]

Topanga Lawrence:
Stop it. You're boys!

Topanga Matthews:
Guess what happened to me at work today!

Cory Matthews:
I can't talk now, Schanazzi; my wife's home. I'll call you later. [removes headset]

Topanga Matthews:
Cory, I have the best news! I can't wait to tell you!

Cory Matthews:
This... is gonna be the kind of job... where I take aspirin... a lot! How you doin'? [walks away to the back while Topanga puts on the headset and dials]

Topanga Matthews:
Hello? Hi! Is this, uh, Donna Santiangelo? Oh! Great! This is Topanga! [laughs] Oh, you're so sweet. Donna's a great name, too! Uh, anyway, I'm one of those annoying magazine people who call at the worst time I know. Don't you just hate us? [Cory walks back in behind Topanga with an aspirin bottle]

Cory Matthews:
Yeah! LIke you're gonna sell a magazine! I couldn't sell one magazine, and I'm in the business!

Topanga Matthews:
[ignoring Cory] What? Um... yeah! That's one of our magazines! Uh-huh. And that. [jots down something with a pencil] All of them? Fantastic! We'll bill you. [removes headset] That was fun. [Topanga is joyful while Cory is the opposite]

Cory Matthews:
[deadpanned disbelief] You sold a magazine?

Topanga Matthews:
Eight! You must have sold like 800! How many did you sell? [gets up and goes to Cory] Tell me; tell me!

Cory Matthews:
Perhaps you didn't hear me when I said "I didn't sell one magazine and I'm in the business," seventeen seconds ago.

Topanga Matthews:
Right. So Judy - she's my boss - she calls me into her office today with two other associate editors. She asks me for my opinion on what our first cover should be! Apparently the other two hated the one I picked but Judy loved the one I picked and we're gonna use the one I picked! Can you believe it? Me! The one I picked!

Cory Matthews:
[trying to open aspirin] So, she promoted you?

Topanga Matthews:
Yes! Isn't that something? [Topanga, having sat on the couch again while talking to Cory, gets up and immediately opens the aspirin he is struggling with and he sheepishly takes it]

Cory Matthews:
Topanga! Hi, I'm glad you're here. Sit, sit. I want to tell you everything that happened. Okay, I went out with Lauren, and I'm not gonna lie to you. We had a great time.

Topanga Lawrence:
Well, Lauren's a nice girl, Cory. I knew you'd have fun.

Cory Matthews:
Yeah, but I-I didn't know I was allowed to. See, when I first met Lauren, she was the first girl besides you that I ever thought I could like. And that made me feel bad because I thought if I liked another girl, that it somehow meant that I liked you less.

Topanga Lawrence:
I'm sorry you felt bad.

Cory Matthews:
No, no, no. I-it was good that I went through this. Because it taught me that liking someone else could never, ever take away from loving you, and I don't have to be afraid of what I feel for anybody else because I know that it could never take away from loving you and I always will, and I know that completely now.

Topanga Lawrence:
You know that now?

Cory Matthews:

Topanga Lawrence:
Is there anything else you have to tell me?

Cory Matthews:
[mumbles to himself] Love you completely, know that now... [to Topanga] No, that's it. So, uh, listen can you put me in your jacket 'cause I only want to be in your jacket.

Topanga Lawrence:
Cory, I can't see you anymore.

Cory Matthews:

Topanga Lawrence:
Do you have any idea how many guys hit on me?

Cory Matthews:
What are you talking about?

Topanga Lawrence:
I never needed to test my feelings for you. I moved away from my parents in Pittsburgh to be close to you. Ever since we were little kids, I felt like I belonged with you and I would have given you everything, Cory.

Cory Matthews:
Topanga, I'm-I'm so sorry.

Topanga Lawrence:
I forgive you. I forgive you for lying at the lodge. I forgive you for kissing her. And I forgive you for the letter, which I read. I know how intimately she felt about you. But that you needed to see her, to test how you felt about me.

Cory Matthews:

Topanga Lawrence:
I don't forgive you for that, Cory.

Cory Matthews:
[He stands up] No! You told me to see her, Topanga! You told me to see how I felt!

[Topanga stands up and hugs Cory]

Topanga Lawrence:
And you listened. [She walks away and passes Shawn on the stairs]

Shawn Hunter:
Topanga, what's wr- [She ignores him and continues up the stairs. He walks over to Cory, who is in a state of shock] It's gonna be okay.

Cory Matthews:
No. No, it won't.

Jonathan Turner:
All right you two. You wanna tell me what the problem is here?

Cory Matthews:
No problem.

Shawn Hunter:
Everything's great.

Jonathan Turner:
Who're you kidding? I mean, what's with you Hunter? Why do you want to hang out with these low-lifes?

Shawn Hunter:
Hey, maybe I'm a low-life too okay?

Jonathan Turner:
Is that what you think?

Shawn Hunter:
That's what everybody else thinks.

Jonathan Turner:
I want to know what you think!

Shawn Hunter:
Hey, I'm out here with a bat aren't I?

Jonathan Turner:
Yeah! But you didn't swing it!

Shawn Hunter:
That's just cause Cory came along.

Jonathan Turner:
Oh you think that was an accident? Huh? That you have a friend who thinks so much of you that he's willing to put his own neck on the line? No I don't think low-lifes have friends like that do you?

Shawn Hunter:
I don't know.

Cory Matthews:
They don't!

Shawn Hunter:
I don't know anything! I don't even know who I am!

Cory Matthews:
Well Shawn, I know who you are! You're Shawn Hunter. You were raised by Wolves. You're my friend. It says so in your biography. I mean what else do you need to know?

Shawn Hunter:
I need to know what's going to happen to me and you can't tell me that!

Jonathan Turner:
Hey Hunter, all Matthews can do is be your friend. And so far he's been doing a real good job. All I can do is teach you whatever I can and hope that you leave my class a little better than when you came in.

Shawn Hunter:
You mean drag the trailer park trash up to decent society?

Jonathan Turner:
Hey, if you don't know that deep down inside you're alright... Then I haven't taught you anything at all.

Shawn Hunter:
You think I'm alright?

Jonathan Turner:
I think *you* need to think you're alright.

Shawn Hunter:
*You* think I'm alright?

Jonathan Turner:
I think if you put your mind to it and get back inside that school and never, never go near this Harley or that Harley, yeah I think you'll be alright.

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