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Search results for 'spongebob' Page #44

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 3

[At the start of the parade, the Krusty Krab float is between Fred's leg float and a jellyfishing float with a robotic Kevin. Mr. Krabs is on top of the formula bottle and SpongeBob is at the deep fryers.]

Mr. Krabs:
Boy, after seeing this float, everyone will rush to the Krusty Krab! How ya set up with those [points down] expired fries, boy-o?

[takes out baskets] Good and greasy, boss! [puts baskets in grease]

Mr. Krabs:
Ready, Mr. Squidward?

[squished inside the patty] No, I'm not! I can't see a thing with SpongeBob in front of me!

Mr. Krabs:
Excellent! It's our turn. Let's move it out! [The float crashes through the "Parade Start" banner. Bubble transition to the float for Larry's Gym moving past. Two strong fish are lifting weights.]

Next up we have the Beefy Bros from Larry's Gym. Whoa, look at those meatheads pump iron.[Larry lifts up the float and laughs] That's some impressive muscle hustle![An inflated Mrs. Puff floats down the street, being carried by kids in small boats.]

And here comes Mrs. Puff. Oh, as her own balloon!

Ice Cream King:
Whoa, I want that balloon![Patrick's rock slides past, making a scraping sound.]

Patrick's rock is one float that doesn't float.

Aah! [covers their ears, Bubble Bass gestures on top of the Invisible Boatmobile with Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.]

Oh, looks like Bubble Bass has hitched a ride with Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. And what's this? [Fred rides by in a float of his leg.] Not to be outdone, it's Fred in his incredible My Leg Mobile.

My leg! My leg! I'm in my leg!

Ice Cream King:
[sniffs and inhales Perch's hair] I smell grease!

Oh, that's not me you're smelling, King!

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 13

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 11

[Bubble transition to SpongeBob and Patrick at the grill frying patties. They both whistle to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat", then stop, and they both wipe their foreheads.]

SpongeBob and Patrick:
Whew! [SpongeBob drops his spatula]

[laughs] Dropped my spatula. [bends down to pick it up]

Uhh, me too. [drops his spatula and bends down to pick it up]

[SpongeBob and Patrick bend back up and SpongeBob takes off his hat, then Patrick takes off his, they both put their hats back on, then they both put their hands on the grill; Patrick's hand burns after a few seconds]


Aha! [shows the fake hand] You're copying me!


Why are you doing that?

So I can win an award like you.

Well, it's annoying, so stop it!

Stop it. [both imitate the others facial expressions]

Say, you're good.


SpongeBob and Patrick:
Ha! Darn. [both look at each other with suspicion, while rubbing their chins. They later watch each other as they dance to "Mary had a Little Lamb"] Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as... PICKLE FISH LIPS!!!!! [both cover their mouths] Seaweavel. [both cover their mouths again] Yorgyshmorgies. [both cover their mouths yet again]

[in his head] At least I'm safe inside my mind.

[in his head; as SpongeBob realizes that he wasn't safe in his mind] At least I'm safe inside my mind.

[SpongeBob and Patrick then scream in panic and run out of the Krusty Krab.]

Stop copying me!

There's no award for that!

[leaning against the Krusty Krab sign pole, reading a newspaper, a Krusty Krab hat falls near him] Well, I guess it's safe to go in now. [puts his hat back on and walks back in]

[he and Patrick are still running] Patrick, how long are you gonna keep this up?

Until I have as many awards as you.

We'll see about that!

No, we won't.

[takes out a jump-rope] I'm the jump-rope champion of Bikini Bottom.

Me too. [takes out a jump-rope]

Oh, yeah? I call this one: The Slice N' Dice. [crosses his arms and jump-ropes while Patrick tries to imitate but ties himself up with his rope] Ha! Not a scratch on me. [his body breaks down into pieces, which later hop away]

Oh, no, you don't! [squeezes the rope on himself breaking his body down into smaller pieces, then he and SpongeBob repeatedly hit their heads with a hammer]

Not much fun being me, now, huh, Patrick?

Are you kidding? I used to do this [SpongeBob stops hammering his head but Patrick does not notice] way before I started copying you. [Patrick hits himself faster and too hard, he stops and gets dizzy...] Wheeeee-eeeeeyeeehhh-eeeeh. [...as trophies appear and spin around his head, tweeting like birds. He falls on the ground; SpongeBob laughs and runs into Patrick's rock painted as SpongeBob's house; SpongeBob gets angry and steam comes out of his head] My turn! [runs into the pineapple rock as SpongeBob quickly runs into his real house]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 2

[Bubble transition to SpongeBob walking to the Krusty Krab, exhausted.]

[tired] For my buddy Patrick. [Patrick is shown eating a poster, holding a winner trophy] I did it, pal. I silenced every bell in town so that you will no longer have a tantrum, buddy.

Aww. [picks up SpongeBob] Thank you, best friend. [hugs SpongeBob]

Mr. Krabs:
[injured, holding money] I don't care about bells ringing or conditioning customers anymore, 'cause I've got a million dollars! [laughs as he puts the money in the register. He then presses a button on the register in slow motion, causing it to ring; in slow motion] Uh-oh.

[Patrick drops SpongeBob and starts to have another tantrum, breaking the trophy, and kicking the tables and chairs. Mr. Krabs holds SpongeBob in front of him. Patrick bangs the register open, and starts ripping the money to shreds.]

Mr. Krabs:
No no no no no no no!

[he and Margie appear] Hello, son. We saw you fighting today.

On the TV. We're so proud.

Oh, hi, Mr. and Mrs. Star. I know you are loving parents, but you really messed up your kids by ringing a bell whenever it was time for his bath.

Bell? We never rang a bell.

Yeah, never.

[stops having a tantrum] You never rang a bell?

No, don't you remember? We would squeeze your rubber duck.

[gasps] My rubber duck.

Yes. [holds up the rubber duck] This one.

[takes the rubber duck and holds it]

Aw, kinda gets you right in your heart's kitchen, doesn't it, Mr. Krabs?

Mr. Krabs:
Well, I think I can tape it all back together. [close-up of a taped-up dollar bill]

Ducky. I wonder if it still quacks. [squeezes the duck, and it quacks, triggering another tantrum, breaking stuff off-screen]

[holding a jar of jellyfish jelly] Oh, here we go again! [laughs and runs after Patrick]

[The kid on the tricycle with the chimpanzee TV appears outside, and the camera irises out as the episode ends.]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 12

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 10

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season one

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season one

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 4

[Cut to the morning where Mr. Krabs walks to work crying, and SpongeBob walks in laughing.]

Takin' him to the cleaners! That's a hot one! [Mr. Krabs leans against the Krusty Krab doors] How'd the card game go last night, Mr. Krabs?

Mr. Krabs:
I lost.

Barnacles, Mr. Krabs! How much money did ya lose?

Mr. Krabs:
I didn't lose any money. [sheds away a tear] I lost...

Don't tell me you lost the Krusty Krab!

Mr. Krabs:
I lost... [SpongeBob grabs him]

Mr. Krabs, please tell me you didn't lose the... Krabby Patty secret formula!

Mr. Krabs:
I... lost... [points to SpongeBob] YOU!


Mr. Krabs:
I bet your contract, and I lost.

[stares blankly, then laughs] Good one, Mr. Krabs. Well, I gotta go make those Krabby Patties. [begins to walk to the door, but Mr. Krabs' claw stops him. After continually walking and getting nowhere, he falls to the floor]

Mr. Krabs:
I'm afraid... you don't work here anymore.

[runs out the door to the two] Please tell me this isn't a joke.

Go on, Mr. Krabs. Tell him. Tell him all about your cruel, sick joke.

[walks over] As much as I love cruel, sick jokes, I'm afraid he's not joking. [points at SpongeBob] You work for me now, SpongeBob. [whips out a bucket with the initials "CB" on it] Time to put on the official Chum Bucket bucket helmet. [jumps onto SpongeBob's head, kicks off the Krusty Krew hat and puts the bucket on his head. SpongeBob screams and runs to Mr. Krabs while knocking Plankton and the bucket off his head]

But Mr. Krabs, I don't wanna work for him! [tugs at Krabs' shirt collar] I wanna work for you, here at the Krusty Krab! [he and Krabs start crying loudly and hug]

Mr. Krabs:
I'm sorry, boy! It's all my fault!

[pretending to sound genuinely sad] What kind of cold, heartless person would break apart such a loving relationship? [whips out a crowbar] I would! [jumps up and uses the crowbar to pry SpongeBob off Krabs. SpongeBob goes flying with Mr. Krabs' arms still clung to him]

Mr. Krabs:

Mr. Krabs! [slams into a cage and Krabs' arms fly off him. Plankton walks over and shuts the door]

This is your greatest blunder, Krabs. For fifteen years, I've been throwin' those card games just waitin' for you to slip up. I may not have the precious Krabby Patty formula, but I've got the next best thing: the guy who makes 'em! [a propeller emerges from the cage] I'm gonna run you out of business, Krabs! [the propeller spins and pilots SpongeBob into the Chum Bucket]

Mr. Krabs!

Mr. Krabs:
SpongeBob! [cries and then stops] Can I have my arms back? [Plankton walks over and throws the arms on Krabs' head.]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 2

[Cut to the outside of a roller rink.]

[off-screen] I never even knew there was a 24-hour roller rink in Bikini Bottom. [as everyone skates inside, SpongeBob and his parents have roller skates on] Well, I guess skating slowly around and around a roller rink isn't so wild.

Rink? We're skating through town. [she and Harold jump away]


Whoo! [A fish is sent flying from the impact.]

Whoops, excuse me![Harold and Margaret skate out of the roller rink. SpongeBob follows them on skates.]

Hey! [Harold and Margaret skate past a garbage can, knocking it over, and scare an alley snail away.] Will you two please act your age? [In a hotel, the elevator opens and Harold and Margaret skate out. Margaret rings the bell. A doorman reaches for pay, but SpongeBob comes out and knocks him over.] Please stop![Lady Upturn and a rich man appear in the elevator and see the doorman knocked out. The rich man shuts the elevator again. Harold and Margaret skate in the hospital, pushing two senior citizens in wheelchairs.]

Harold and Margaret:

[riding on a hospitalized patient] Will you slow down? This is crazy![They go on a roller coaster at Glove World, through the ocean, and then he isexhausted] Please, I beg you... [As Squidward is still cleaning up the toilet paper, Harold and Margaret skate back home, laughing. SpongeBob follows them, panting heavily. Harold and Margaret land on the couch. SpongeBob struggles to stop his skates and faceplants.]

Oh, I just wanted to impress you two by showing you what a mature adult I've become. But no, you wanted wild. Okay, fine! [pulls pants up] You want wild? [screaming] I'll show you! [pulls off his skin to reveal his stuntman uniform] Wild!

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 13

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season one

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Two

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 9

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Four

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Two

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Two

[Heavy metal music plays. The bell rings. SpongeBob tears off his blue robe, showing off his extremely large, muscular body. Patrick rips off his own green robe, underneath which he is wearing a business suit. He tears off the business suit, also revealing an extremely large, muscular body. The two dive at each other, screaming, until they collide. They wrestle and continue to wind up in twisted positions. They spin around and wind up wrestling with themselves. They realize this, and dive back at each other. Patrick sits on top of SpongeBob, holding his foot]

Forget the Chum Bucket! This is personal. [takes off SpongeBob's shoe and licks his foot slowly]

[SpongeBob screams in agony. The two wrestle again. SpongeBob sits on Patrick's chest and screams as he lifts up a pencil with the eraser side pointing toward Patrick; he slowly brings it down to his name tag and erases the "Pat" in "Patrick," leaving "rick".]

NO!! My name's... not... RICK!!!

[Patrick tackles SpongeBob in a puff of smoke and the two wrestle once more before they stop.]

I don't like you!

I don't like you more!

I never liked you!

I 1,000 times never liked you!



[They struggle to push each other until both of their pants rip and fall down. Patrick's underwear is yellow. SpongeBob's underwear is pink.]



SpongeBob and Patrick:
[their eyes start to water] You do care! [both start crying and hug each other]

Let's promise never to fight again, buddy!

Yeah, pal! Let's go home!

[both walk away holding hands and whistling while the audience boos]

Mr. Krabs:
Hey! Where ya going?

Get back here and kill each other!!

You're my best friend ever!

You too, Patrick!

You know, these were white when I bought 'em.

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 2

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season one

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 3

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 10

[It was night time at Le Chm Bucket with a huge line. Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob enters the restaurant disguised as rich noblemen in tuxedos]

Mr. Krabs:
Oohh! Just act like another fancy customer.

Aye, aye, Mr. Krabs! [Mr. Krabs covers SpongeBob mouth]

Mr. Krabs:
Shh! [stammering] What's gotten into you? Highfalutin customers don't bark at the top of their lungs like a seadog.

Oops, uh... I mean, I fancy a bit of the old chum. Indeed I do, Squire.

Mr. Krabs:
Good evening, Madam. Table for two, please?

Your name?

Mr. Krabs:
I be Eugene....er.... I mean, uh, [looks at the used ketchup wrapper on the floor] Sir Krumple O'Wrapper. Uh, that's me name. Don't wear it out.

Alright, let's pull up your reservation. [looks through the reservation sheet] Oh, I'm so sorry, sir. I'm not showing any "O'Wrapper."

Mr. Krabs:
Reservation? In this sinkhole?!

There's a two-year wait for a table.

[walks over to Karen; annoyed] What's seems to be the problem? [much to his surprise, he notices Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob on their mustache disguises and doesn't buy it] Well, well, well, [blows Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob's disguises off their faces with a fan] if it isn't Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob. Now just follow me. I believe I have a table reserved just for you. [the 'table' that Squidward 'reserved' for Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob turns out to be a toilet. It turns out that Squidward just wanted to get his revenge on Mr. Krabs for not valuing him and SpongeBob for all those times he annoyed him. Squidward puts a tablecloth on the toilet] Bon Appetit, Suckers! [laughs at them as he walks away. Soon, everyone joins in the humiliation by laughing at Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob as they leave the restaurant in sadness and humiliation] See you in two years! [laughs and scoffs at them]

Yeah, see how you like it, Krabs! [laughs along with Squidward as Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob leave]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 8

[It's night, and SpongeBob still won't come down from the roof of the Krusty Krab]

I sure do miss my friends. Hey, maybe I can see them from up here. [looks out from the roof and sees his house, Squidward's house, and Patrick's house. Inside Squidward's house, Squidward is preparing himself dinner] Ooh, looks like Squidward has a date. Good for him. It can be so tough to put yourself out there. [He sees Squidward clink both glasses of wine and drink them both] Oh, no. Poor Squidward. He's all alone! [He gets an idea and lights up- literally] Ah! [pulls out a flashlight from one of his pores] Don't worry, friend. I'm here for you. [shines a light down at Squidward's house and makes a shadow puppet. The shadow puppet massages Squidward's head and back. The octopus enjoys the massage, his eyes closed]

Hm? Oh! Oh, that feels good. [He opens his eyes] Huh? [His mouth drops open and he sees a giant shadow stretching across his ceiling. He dives across his table, clings to the wall and screams as though he'd seen a ghost]

Hmm, maybe he's hungry.

[Squidward is standing with his hand on his head, wondering what that horrible sight he'd just seen was. SpongeBob's shadow puppet reappears, forces Squidward's mouth open and tries to feed him his dinner, but Squidward springs to the door and struggles to get it open]

Come on, Squidward! Eat your... [There's a crack as SpongeBob's hand cramps up] Ow! Hand cramp! Hand cramp! [The shadow starts clumsily knocking things around and throws Squidward's dinner on top of him] Ow, ow, ow, ow!

[His shadow puppet knocks over the table. Squidward runs to the window and struggles to open it. It won't budge so he pounds on it, yelling in distress. One of the shadow puppet fingers comes crashing down on Squidward's head by accident. The octopus' Moai house jumps about due to all of the commotion going on inside and soon its resident runs out screaming]

Guess he wasn't hungry after all.

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 11

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 1

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