Monk, Season 3

Monk redirects here. For the religious orders, see Monasticism

[Stottlemeyer and Disher arrive at Sharona's house]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
I hate this.

Lt. Disher:
Why don't you stay back, sir? I can handle this.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Oh, you can? Since when? [Sharona opens the door]


Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Sharona, we need to talk.

About what?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
I think you know. [They walk into the house, which looks like it has been hit by an earthquake] What happened here? Did you have a party?

It's Benjy. He never picks anything up.

Lt. Disher:
Sharona, where's Darwin?

What are you talking about?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
We're gonna find him. Is he here?

[Randy takes out his gun and begins going from room to room]

Hey, would you put that away?! This is my house!

Lt. Disher:
He's killed before.

No he hasn't!

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Sharona, we know that you took him. Now either you tell us where he is or I'm going to have to take you in. That is the law.

Lt. Disher:
[walks back out of the living room, speaking into his walkie-talkie] Living room secure, heading to the kitchen.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Randy, you don't have to use the walkie-talkie. I'm ten feet away.

Lt. Disher:
Roger that.

[puts down the walkie-talkie and continues searching]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[notices some vomit on a wall, and a lot of crooked pictures] Hey, what happened here?

Benjy threw up.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[incredulously] On the wall?

It was pretty awful.

Lt. Randall Disher:
[heads into the kitchen, and opens the closet, which swings open to reveal a stuffed teddy bear] Monkey! Monkey! Monkey! False alarm! False alarm!

[Sharona grabs the teddy bear from Randy]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Sharona, you were seen. The animal shelter has a surveillance camera. It recorded your car's license plate number as you drove away.

Michelle Rivas:
Gene, what are you doing up there?

Gene Edelson:
What am I doing? I am checking the auxillary generator.

Michelle Rivas:
Well there's a reporter looking for you.

Gene Edelson:
Well you're the company mouth. You talk to them. It's not my job. [spots Monk tapping one of the gauges on an instrument panel] Excuse me! Uh, do you see the sign? [Monk notices the "DO NOT TOUCH" sign over the gauge]

Ah, no problem. I got it. [He straightens it a few centimeters. Michelle chuckles]

Michelle Rivas:
I've been dying to do that for six months. [Stottlemeyer and Disher return]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Hey Monk, we've got the prelim on the explosives. [Monk joins them to examine the remnants of the bomb] We think... four to five pounds of a high density plastique with a magnesium charge. It was detonated with an egg timer.

You mentioned the letters. Is that the letter?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Yeah, three pages, taped to the back door outside. [Monk looks over Randy's shoulder to see the note]

Lt. Disher:
Yeah it's a basic environmental laundry list: solar power, fossil fuels, Saudi Arabia, "it's the only planet we have."

[reading] "We are free men... unshackled by your barbarous laws." I know that phrase. I've heard that before. "Unshackled." "Barbarous laws." [He thinks for a few seconds] Ten years ago, that exact same phrase was in a letter, written by a guy named Winston... No yes, Winston Brenner. Trudy wrote an article about him.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
I remember that guy. He was a serious radicalist in Boston. He blew up a recruiting station; a couple of soldiers got killed.

Lt. Disher:
Looks like he just came out of retirement.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Let's check him out.

[Monk's game enters the second round]

Roddy Lankman:
Welcome back to Treasure Chest. My name is Roddy Lankman, and our reigning champ, Val Birch, is in the lead again with $3,000. In second place, Susan with $0, and Adrian, you're at -$1,000.

Well Roddy, I think my luck is about to change.

Roddy Lankman:
Well there's only one way to find out: let's do Round 2 and dig for treasure. For $4,000, the bone that connects your knee to your ankle is the A) fibula, B) tibia- [Monk buzzes in]

B, Tibia.

Roddy Lankman:
Uh, that is correct! [Applause is heard offstage; Birch scorches a glare at Monk] Next question: how many square yards in an acre? [Birch immediately buzzes in]

Val Birch:
It's C.

Roddy Lankman:
Uh, C is correct. It's 4,840 square yards.

Val Birch:
Lucky guess.

Roddy Lankman:
Lucky guess indeed. For $5,000- [Monk buzzes in]


Roddy Lankman:
Uh, D is correct. Another lucky guess. For $5,500, President McKinley was assassinated in-[Monk presses his buzzer several times]

D-D-D-D. The answer is D, Roddy.

Roddy Lankman:
D is correct. The next question, who- [Monk buzzes in insistently]


Roddy Lankman:
"B" is correct, it's Jackson Brown. [Susan collapses on her podium] Susan, are you okay?

I-I just-it looked so much easier when I was watching at home!

Roddy Lankman:
Yes it always looks easier at home. For $6,000- [Susan buzzes in]


Roddy Lankman:
No, C is not right. [Monk buzzes in]


Roddy Lankman:
'A' is correct, "the wombat". And the last question for $6,000, what element- [Monk rings in]


Roddy Lankman:
D is correct. And that's the end of Round 2, a couple of really intelligent gentlemen here. Uh, that means Adrian Monk is the winner of Round 2! Val Birch, you're gonna have to sit this one out this time. [Tanya hands Roddy the first bonus round question] Adrian, you understand what happens in Round 2: you answer these five questions correctly, you not only win this game, but you win this great big pot of gold. [gestures to the table with the treasure chests] You know how we play our game, you have five questions. Let's see how you do. [reads from the first card] Adrian, who was the first president to win a Nobel Peace Prize? [SPOILER: the answer is Theodore Roosevelt]

Roddy, I understand I can phone a friend.

Roddy Lankman:
[scoffs] You wanna phone a friend on the first question? Well, you're the boss. Tanya, let's bring him the phone. [Tanya grabs a treasure chest with the phone while Roddy addresses his viewers] For those of you just joining us for the first time, Adrian is going to call a friend to see if he can get some help on this very important bonus round question. [Tanya hands Monk the phone] All right, who would you like to call?

Well, Roddy, I would like to call him. [points to Val Birch]

Val Birch:
Me? You want to call me? I don't think I'm at home! [laughs]

Roddy Lankman:
Mr. Monk, what are you doing?

[up in the producer's booth, Kevin turns to Dwight]

Kevin Dorfman:
Do you know what he's doing? Because I don't know what he's doing.

[onstage] I'm trying to prove that you are guilty of murder, Mr. Lankman, or at the very least, manslaughter. Lizzie Talvo, your personal assistant, discovered that you were cheating on the show. [Monk ignores the gasps of the horrified audience]

Roddy Lankman:
Uh, can we go to a commercial break? [Dwight immediately turns to his associates]

Dwight Ellison:
You do and you're fired.

[In John Ricca's apartment]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[to an officer] Get a list of tenants. Start knocking on doors. [Randy comes in, awestruck] Lieutenant, I thought you had the perimeter. [Randy starts pointing at various Sonny Chow movie posters in the living room]

Lt. Disher:
Fist of the Cobra, 1975. I've got that same poster in my room. [points at another poster behind the TV] Oh look at this! It's from Ten Fingers of Doom. He broke his arm doing that stunt, but he still finished the scene, though. [squats in front of the TV and finds a VHS tape] Oh my God!

Capt. Stottlemeyer:

Lt. Disher:
He's got a bootleg copy of Enter the Cobra. Can I have it?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
No you can't have it, Detective! This is a crime scene!

Lt. Disher:
Let's watch it. [starts to put it into the VCR, but stops and reconsiders it] Okay. Sir, I have a theory on this: this guy John Ricca. He's published a book on Sonny Chow, right?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:

Lt. Disher:
Well it was a real hatchet-job, I mean it made the Cobra look terrible.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
The Cobra?

Lt. Disher:
Sonny Chow. Maybe we should be looking for a Sonny Chow fan. I mean they all hated the book, and most of them? Pretty nuts. I mean, I've seen the conventions all the time and they were real fanatics. [Monk and Natalie come in and step over the body to join Stottlemeyer and Disher]


Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Monk, thank you for coming. Miss Teeger. I assume they filled you in downstairs.

More or less. How did he enter the building?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
He broke in through a door on the roof around 4:00 AM, but get this: when he left after the murder, he took the elevator down and ran out.

He didn't mind being seen?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:

Was he really killed with nunchucks?

Lt. Disher:
Yeah, check this out. [walks in with an evidence bag containing the death nunchucks] Gold-plated. Look at those insignias. Sonny purchased ones like these in Ninja Fury.

The killer left these behind?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Well, they either belonged to the killer or to the victim. I mean, he was writing a book on all this crap. [An officer hands a VHS tape to Stottlemeyer]

Police Officer:
Captain, here's the videotape you wanted.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Ah, thank you. [plugs it into the VCR] Elevator B, at... 4:07. Let's have a look. [He presses play. A grainy image of a ninja getting on the elevator is seen]

You can't even see his face!

Lt. Disher:
He looks like the Cobra. Sonny wore a uniform just like that in Kung-Fu Assassin.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Sonny Chow is dead. [walks back into the other room, where the medical examiner is standing over Ricca's body] Doctor, give me a good note.

Medical Examiner:
He was clutching some hair. He must have grabbed it off the killer's head. That means we have a shot at some DNA.

How could he grab any hair? We just saw the tape. The intruder was wearing a hood.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Well it could have fallen off during the fight.

Medical Examiner:
Because we hit her. The victim wrote you a note. [Under Ricca's right hand is the word "OW," written in blood. Monk, Stottlemeyer and Disher all squat to examine it]

Lt. Disher:
"OW"? Why would anybody write "OW"? Usually, that's something you'd say. [Monk moves Ricca's arm aside, revealing the whole word: "CHOW"] Oh my God. Chow's alive. Sir, the rumors are true: he's been hiding out overseas just waiting for a time to make a comeback.

[Stottlemeyer makes a late night visit to Monk's apartment. Monk, carrying a container of light bulbs, answers]


Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Hey. Got a minute?

Sure. [Stottlemeyer comes in and Monk closes the door]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
What are you doing?

Oh, nothing. I was just... polishing the light bulbs. What's going on?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Uhh, you remember that convention I went to in Atlanta about three years ago?


Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Well, something happened there that I didn't tell you about: I landed, I hailed a cab, and, I recognized the cab driver. It was Harold Burnshaw.


Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Burnshaw. He used to be a Fed, he was a real player. He used to head the FBI's field office in Atlanta until the 1996 Olympic Games.

The Plaza bombing?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Exactly. They accused the wrong guy. Burnshaw booted it big-time on network television, instant career-killer. Now he's driving a cab. Monk, you should have seen his face. I'll never forget it.

What does this have to do with-

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Twenty years ago, Sonny Chow froze some of his own blood in the event that he needed surgery. So they've got bulletproof DNA for a comparison, and that's a prelim on the hair we found at the crime scene.

[reads from the file] It's a match.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
It's Sonny Chow's hair. No question about it. He's been dead for six years, and he's my primary suspect.


Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Now if I go public with this, and I'm wrong, I'm gonna wind up at the airport, picking up cops who still have jobs! Can you help me with this? I mean, I've gotta know, I've gotta be certain. Is this guy alive or dead?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[observing Kathy Willowby through binoculars] She's carrying two packages. Looks like ice.

Exactly! She's been buying ice all day. That makes 16 bags she's brought in so far.

Maybe she's having a party.

No food! No beer, no chips, just ice!

Maybe she's having an Adrian Monk party.

The only other thing that she bought today is a new radio. Plus, I am positive I heard a man screaming at 1:15 last night!

That was me. You tied my foot to the bed.

I mean before that, and it was definitely coming from that cabin. [shushes them; faint country music can be heard from across the lake] You hear that? She said her husband didn't let her play country music in the house.

Maybe he's not home.

Where did he go? There's his boat! They only have the one car.

Maybe he went on a walk!

No, I have been watching the house all day. Captain, I have not seen him.

[Stottlemeyer goes inside while Monk and Natalie continue to observe Kathy. Stottlemeyer comes back out of the FBI cabin carrying the phone]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
It's ringing.

But Agent Grooms said "no calls."

Agent Grooms can kiss- [Kathy picks up the phone]

Kathy Willowby:

Oh, hello. Mrs. Willowby.

Kathy Willowby:

Uh, is Martin there? My name's Darrell Hendershot. I'm a friend of Martin's. We went to high school together. Uh, we're having a big high school reunion.

Kathy Willowby:
Oh, I'm so sorry! He is on the lake fishing.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Oh, well, okay. I'll call back later!

Kathy Willowby:
You do that.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Thank you very much. [hangs up] She says that he's on the lake fishing.

Captain, she killed him. [Natalie sets down the binoculars in disgust]

You have got to be kidding. Can I take you anywhere?!

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