Robot Chicken, Season 2

Robot Chicken is a series on Adult Swim that uses stop motion animation to make small sketches based on current events, or ad-libbed situations based off of pop culture.

Ha ha ha ha, so I threw the senate at him. The whole senate! True story!

First Guard:
Oh my God, that is so funny!

Second Guard:
You made it [Milk from the carton in his hand] come out of my nose!

[His phone rings] Go for papa Palpatine.

You have a collect call from - [Vader's voice] Darth Vader.

[Sighs.] Oh, I-I gotta take this, hold on. Vader! How's my favorite Sith? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, just, slow down. Huh? What do you mean they blew up the Death Star? F***! OH, FUCK!, FUCK! FUUUCK! Who's "they"?! What the hell is an "Aluminum Falcon"?! [Sighs.] Okay, okay, s-so who's left? Are you shitting me? Well where are you? Wait a sec, you've been flying around for two weeks trying to get a signal? Oh, you must smell Oh, oh, oh, I'm, I'm sorry I thought my Dark Lord of the Sith could protect a small thermal exhaust port that's only two meters wide! That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet! Do you have - do you have any idea what this is gonna do to my credit? [Phone rings.] Ah, hang on, I've got another call. [Switches line.] What?! I'm very busy right now! Oh. Oh, we-well where're they going? Oh. Alright, um, just get me a turkey club. Uh, cole slaw, I guess. I-I'm not even gonna eat it. W-w-what're you getting? No, see, I always order the wrong thing. No, no, no, I'll just stick with that. Okay, bye - wait, what? Oh, a Cherry Coke. Thanks. [Switches back to Vader.] Sorry about that. [Sighs.] What? Oh-oh, "just rebuild it"? Oh, real f***ing original. And who's gonna give me a loan, jackhole, you? Y-you got an ATM on that torso Lite-Brite? Now get your seven-foot-two asthmatic ass back here or I'm gonna tell everyone what a whiny bitch you were about "Padamamay" or "Panda Bear" or whatever the hell her name was! Oh geez, he's crying! Ha, ha...hey, hey, hey, hey, c'mon. C'mon, don't do that. Just, just, look, ah, y'know, I'm dealing with a lot of crap right now. Eh, Death Star blown up by a bunch of f***ing teenagers, y'know? I didn't mean to snap. Oh, oh, j-just get back here. Okay, okay, bye. I-I-yeh-I...I love you too. [Note: Also appears on Robot Chicken: Star Wars]

Mr. President, your vitals seem to be all right, there is however one thing thought, your midichlorian count is extremely high.

Does that mean I'm one of them- whata call 'em- Jedis? [thinks then uses the force to pull down the doctors pants] Heheheheheheh.

[scene change to Bush and his wife in bed]

Laura Bush:
Oh not tonight, I'm tired honey.

[mind trick] You're not tired, you wanna have a threesome.

Laura Bush:
[eyes widen] I'm not tired, I want to have a threesome.

[picks up telephone] Get me Condi! Heheheheh.

[scene change to a parking lot at McDonalds; Bush is about to park when Bill Clinton takes his spot]

Awww, sorry W, Big Mac attack! Yeeeeeeeheeeew! [Bush is angry and uses the force to drop Clinton and his car in a nearby lake] Hey, what the dilly?


[scene change to George Bush using lightsaber to carve the words "W wuz hear" into the Lincoln Memorial] Heheh, saber beats rock.

[statue lifts up revealing Abraham Lincoln]

What the hell?

Who dares disturb my slumber?

Who dares question my...daring...of...his dare?...Jerk!

It is I...I who freed the slaves...I who-

Boring! Let's fight! [Lincoln draws a lightsaber and they begin the fight, Bush corners Lincoln]

If you strike me down, I shall become - [Bush raises his saber for the kill] No, wait a minute, lemme finish - [gets sliced and dies like Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope'] Agghhh!

That'll teach you, George Washington!

[scene change to Cloud City where Darth Vader tells Luke Skywalker he is his father]

Jenna, get over here right now! I am your father!

[on the thing Luke was on] That's not true! That's impossible! My real father would let me go clubbing as late as I want! [flips him off]

Why you little - [slices off her middle finger]


No baby, I'm sorry!

[she falls] Arrggghh, [distant] you suck!

Nooooooooooo -

[scene change to Bush asleep on his desk; he wakes up]

Wa- Was it all just a dream?

[rushes in] Mr. President, we still haven't found any weapons of mass destruction!

[tries to do a mind trick] You have found weapons of mass destruction.

Uhh...hi. We haven't.

[tries again] You have.

[sighs] Uh, I don't know what you're doing.

[still waving his hand] Bring me a taco.

Yes sir. [runs out of the office]

Heheheh, tacos rule.

Last Time on Robot Chicken..

[Seth Green stands on a set not unlike "You Can't Do That on Television!"]

Seth Green:
Please welcome our special guest tonight, Vice President of Adult Swim, Keith Crofford.

[The scene fades to Seth and Keith sitting on the orange couches]

Keith Crofford:
I just wanted to say that y'all are doing a really good job on Robot Chicken.

Seth Green:
That's great! So, when are we getting renewed for another season?

Keith Crofford:
Uh, I don't know. [then showered with green slime. The studio audience laughs. Crofford stands up, wiping slime from his eyes] Ha ha ha ha. You're cancelled.

[Cut to the trial before the Adult Swim Governing Council. Seth Green, the Robot Chicken and the Mad Scientist are trapped by rotating rings like from Superman:
The Movie and Superman II. Mike Lazzo appears before them in a spotlight]

Mike Lazzo:
Hi y'all, I'm Adult Swim president Mike Lazzo. The decision of the council is now fixin' to be heard.

Peter Griffin:

Space Ghost:

Master Shake:
Oh ho, you're so-o frickin' guilty.

[Seth, the Chicken and the Scientist are banished to the Phantom Zone. The Chicken is holding a sign reading "HOLY *@$#ING ASSCRACKERS!" Seth screams as the Phantom Zone plane spins through space. The Mad Scientist stands silently while looking very nervous]

Seth Green:
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [takes deep breaths] Aggghhh-!!!!!!! [then the flying saucer hits the plane, smashing it into shards and releasing the captives]

[Two aliens stand on board the flying saucer. Michael Jackson is frozen in carbonite behind them]

Alien 1:
I think we hit something.

Alien 2:
Dammit, dammit, dammit!

Seth Green:
Aggghh!! [falls down onto his seat on the link set from You Can't Do That On Television] Ummff!

Keith Crofford:
[now cleaned up from having been slimed in the earlier installment of "YCDTORT"] Hey Seth, what happened to you?"

Seth Green:
I don't know. [gets green slimed as audience laughs]

Keith Crofford:
[laughs as Seth wipes the slime out of his eyes] You're renewed.

[Seth, still covered in slime, looks into the camera and grins]

Dad, could you kick an angel's ass?

You're damn right I could.

[A loud thumping is heard on the roof as Goku and Gohan look around]

Is that Santa on the roof?

Well if not, I got a present for him. [racks handgun slide]

[Santa falls hard out of the chimney]

Santa, Santa!

Oh! My mother[bleep]ing knee, Oh, [bleep]! [Bleep]! Dog [bleep]! [Bleep] it all to Hell that hurts like a mother[bleep]!

Dad, what's a [bleep]?

Goku: So, uh Santa, what happened?

Bandits, Goku; they stole my reindeer, and all the presents...and my pants!

[Goku covers Gohan's eyes. Cut to Composite Santa Claus, the Nutcracker, and the Little Drummer Boy at the North Pole]

The Nutcracker:
Ha ha ha, Christmas is ours!

Reindeer 1:
You'll never get away with this!

Composite Santa:
Ho, ho, ho! [makes a fist] I've got five good reasons for you to shut up: [pulls out a gun and shoots the reindeer five times] One, two, three-four-five!

[Goku and Gohan appeared behind the tree]

Dad, who are those guys?

Kung fu legends. That's the Little Drummer Boy, whose mystical drum conjures summon demons most foul. The Nutcracker, who knows over 100 different testicle-based attacks. And Composite Santa Claus, who looks like one half Santa and one half Frosty the Snowman.

What are Composite Santa's powers?

I don't know, but he freaks me right the [bleep] out.

Composite Santa:
[spots Goku and Gohan near the tree] Intruders!!!

Little Drummer Boy:
I will conquer the demon with my magical drum! Hahahaha!! [conjures the demons while playing the drums, and drops the sticks]



[Goku and Gohan then blasts little Drummer Boy away using their Father-Son Kamehameha technique. In the process, their blasts accidently kills two reindeers]

Holy [bleep]!!!!

[The Nutcracker is shocked]

[riding the Nimbus Cloud] I'll get this one dad. [the Nutcracker shakes his fist, but is then knocked over and covered by the Nimbus Cloud with Gohan on top of it] You're not so tough!

Testicle Attack #49! [punches Gohan in the groin through the Nimbus Cloud]

OW! My Dragon Balls!

[Goku is now seen in the area and is powering up while shouting loudly. Composite Santa does the same, but is standing on the ground. Goku then charges at Composite Santa while they are both shouting simultaneously until Composite Santa states]

Composite Santa:
Okay, I got nothing. [Goku is then seen charging and firing a Kamehameha Wave at the Nutcracker destroying him. As Compote Santa turns to see, his Snowman side melts in an instant] Ah! Temperatures over 32 degrees only weakness! [dies]

[exhausted and panting, is joined by Gohan, who is still holding his groin] We...did it.

Mrs. Santa:
[off-screen] Fools!

[Mrs. Santa is seen flying on the scene and lands besides Goku and Gohan]

Goku and Gohan:
Mrs. Santa?!

Mrs. Santa:
That's right. The mastermind behind this evil attack on Christmas is me!

But why?

Mrs. Santa:
It all started at the North Pole. [seen at Santa's Workshop in a flashback, holding her head in pain and is joined by two elves] I started getting Terrible Headaches.

Mrs. Claus? Are you okay?

[Using some form of telepahty, Mrs. Santa knocks both Elf into the walls beside her, killing them in a brutal display. Back to the present]

Mrs. Santa:
At first I taught it really was my period, but that was not the case as I hit menopause centuries ago. [the Drummer boy comes and does a rim shot, dropping the sticks and leaves the scene] Polar radiation forced an evolutionary change in me. Now I want revenge. [suddenly mutated into a huge blob]

Darling! Nooooooooooooo!!!!

[appears out of nowhere] Noooooooooo!!!!

[Santa just realized that he's there as he continues shouting and then stops]

[to the reindeers] Gohan and I need a minute to rest. It's up to you for now.

I-I think one of them popped.

Reindeer 2:
It's payback time! Let's beat her up so bad, her kids will inherit the bruises!

Reindeer 3:
Yeah, we'll hit her so hard, she'll starve to death rolling!

Reindeer 2:
She's so ugly, we'll push her face in dough and make gorilla biscuits!

Reindeer 3:
She so black, when she go to night school, teacher mark her absent!

Tha-That-That's still my wife, guys.

Both Reindeer:

{The reindeer attack her; but are quickly killed from her attack. Just then Rudolph shoots a red laser beam using his nose]

Reindeer 4:
Whoa, your nose shoots lasers?!

You don't think there was a reason it glows red? What does yours shoot? [Reindeer 4 blows boogers from his snout] Eww! To think I wanted to play your games!

[So after Goku and Gohan recover, they both fire a Kamehameha Wave at the mutated Mrs. Claus while Rudolph shoots her with a laser beam. As they continue, the mutated Mrs. Claus shows signs of instability of herself]

She's grown too gigantic and unstable! [to the audience] Women, am I right, fellas?

[Goku, Gohan, and Rudolph continue firing until Mrs. Claus turns into a beam shooting up in the air and explodes, leaving only a snowflake falling down towards Gohan's hand]

The Tenka'ichi Budôkai is finally complete.

What the [bleep] are you talking about?! Was that even English?! What happened to my wife?! [a reindeer licks the snowflake; sighs] This is the last time I bring presents to Japan.

[The Little Drummer Boy appears, does a rim shot, and drops his sticks. Everyone looks at him as he leaves the scene]

Pan-Global Oil keeps dumping sludge into the Atlantic Ocean!

Ted Turner:
That burns my ass!

Forget it, Ted, there's nothing you can do.

Ted Turner:
Maybe I can't, but Captain Planet can!

[One of the members show that Ted's crazy]

Captain Planet:
[in restroom, Ted is changing into Captain Planet] Captain Planet... [The man enters, sees Ted, then walks away. The scene change to the office, Captain Planet runs by] CAPTAIN PLANET! [scene changes to the streets] CAPTAIN PLANET!! [runs past a guy who is holding an aluminum can with a trash can and a recycling can near him; he throws the can in the trash; Captain Planet notices and kicks the man in the face] CAPTAIN PLANET!

[Scene changes to Pan-Global Oil Headquarters, where two senators are talking]

Senator 1:
Where are we gonna dump our sludge next?

Senator 2:
Well, the Grand Canyon could hold a lot of sludge.

Senator 1:
Oh, it sure could.

Senator 2:
Yeah, let's sludge the hell out of the Grand Canyon.

Senator 1:
Yeah. [notices something off-screen] Hey, is that Ted Turner?

Senator 2:
[also notices something, it is Captain Planet on a zipline headed for their office] Yeah, what the hell is he doing?

Senator 1:
I dunno, he's on one of those ziplines.

Senator 2:
Oh, yeah, is that what they call "ziplines"?

Senator 1:
Yeah, ziplines.

Senator 2:
Oh, I never thought—

Captain Planet:
[breaks through the window, knocking away Senator 1 and embedding glass in Senator 2's eye] CAPTAIN PLANET!

Senator 2:
You got glass in my eye!

Captain Planet:
And my foot in your balls! [kicks him in the balls] CAPTAIN PLANET! [holds the senator out the window threatening to drop him]

Senator 2:
What do you want Mr. Turner?!

Captain Planet:
To sign this agreement to not dump any more sludge and I'll let you go.

Senator 2:
Okay, okay! [signs the agreement]

Captain Planet:
This appears to be in order. [drops him] CAPTAIN PLANET! [the senator falls, screaming, to the ground, where he lands in a dumpster and is killed instantly] Protect the environment, or I'll [bleep]ing kill you! CAPTAIN PLANET!

[The title "Bloopers!" appear on the screen before the Bloopers Host walks in]

Bloopers Host:
Is everyone ready for more of those uproarious bloopers? Yeah! Who let the dogs out? [takes a bite of a hotdog] It's time to raise the woof with these mishaps on the Lassie set.

[Cut to the movie set; take 1]

Timmy's Mom:
Timmy's in the well? Let's go, Lassie!

[But the dog harasses the boom operator]

Boom Operator:
Get him off! Get him off!

[Take 2]

Timmy's Mom:
Timmy's in the well? Let's go, Lassie!

[The dog bites the boom operator's private parts]

Boom Operator:
Let go! Dog!

[Take 4]

Timmy's Mom:
Timmy's in the well? Let's go, Lassie!

[The dog chases after the boom operator and bites his head]

Boom Operator:
Get off! Get the dog off me! Help!

[Cuts back to the Bloopers Host]

Bloopers Host:
Boy, that guy really had it rough. [crickets chirping] Speaking of spay and neutering, Bob Barker was accused of dog harassment. Here's a Price is Right blooper.

[Cut to The Price is Right]

TPIR Contestant:
All right, big spin. [spins the wheel, but gets caught and spins around] Hold on.

[Cuts to Family Feud]

Bloopers Host:
[voiceover] If you think that's the only time things got awkward on a game show here's some feud for thought.

Bob Barker Marjorie. [kisses her] Susan. [kisses her] Matthew. [offering him a handshake]

Matthew [stops him] Uh-uh! [kisses Bob on the lips]

[Cut back to the Bloopers Host]

Bloopers Host:
A later host of the Family Feud would hang himself. Britney Spears' Chaotic shocked the world with its private moments and low ratings. Here's some scenes that were too chaotic even for UPN.

[Cuts to the drunken Britney Spears and her husband Kevin Federline who were smoking cigars]

Kevin Federline:
[in his hillbilly voice] We famous, baby. [farts fire] Yeah!

Britney Spears:
[in her hillbilly voice] No, baby. I'm famous. You're only famous because I'm famous. [farts fire as well]

Kevin Federline:
[farting fire] Oh, baby. [then throws up]

Britney Spears:
[chuckles] Stupid.

[Cuts back to the Bloopers Host]

Bloopers Host:
You wouldn't think Nicolas Cage and Michael Jackson have anything in common but they both poked their heads into Graceland and they both had their skulls on fire. Here's a Ghostrider outtake.

[Cut to the movie set of Ghost Rider]

Ghost Rider Stagehand:
Okay, Nick, are you ready?

Nicholas Cage:
Yeah, let's do it. [the stagehand lights a fire on Nick's head] Okay. Here we go. [begins to ride a motorcycle, but then crashes to the wall and falls down]

Ghost Rider Stagehand:
Did anyone teach him to ride a motorcycle? Anyone?

[Cuts back to the Bloopers Host]

Bloopers Host:
Who didn't ass to Hulk Hogan's bulging biceps in the '80s? Let's see what he's up to now in Hogan Knows Best.

[Cut to Hulk Hogan at the dinner table with the family in a parody of Father Knows Best]

Hulk Hogan:
Let me ask you something, brother. Who wants peas?! [no answer] The Hulkster said, who wants peas?! [still no answer. He finally gives in and offering himself a scoop of peas]

[Cuts back to the Bloopers Host]

Bloopers Host:
Hulkamania's running mild, brother! Do you like watching stupid people get injured? So did fans of MTV's ass. The network begged viewers not to try this at home but of course they did!

[Cut to the home videos of stupid teenagers to dangerous things]

Teenager 1:
Y'all recording? Here we go.

Teenager 2:
Yeah! Go! Yeah!

Teenager 3:
Come on, come on.

[Cuts back to the Bloopers Host]

Bloopers Host:
That's all for today. Hope to see you next time for even more side splitting bloopers!

Little Girl:
[singing] Doo doo doo la la doo doo doo! [sees Pegasus with foot caught in a bear trap and gasps] Horsey!

Oh, thank goodness you found me. Little girl, please set me free!

Little Girl:
Don't move! I'll be back!

[The little girl leaves while Pegasus looks at his caught foot. Then she returns with a pair of hedge clippers]

Oh, I thought you were getting help. Oh, [chuckles] those will not cut through the tra- [but the little Girl uses hedge clippers to slice off Pegasus' wings] AAAAAAAAOOOOOOWW!!!! AAAOOOOOOOW!!!! OHHH! OOHH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?! OHH!!!

Little Girl:
[puts pail full of food on Pegasus' head] Here, eat these magic healing oats.

[in pain] Okay! [eats oats] They smell kinda' funny, uh, did you drug me? [faints in the side effects of the drugs]

[Then the little girl gets a bucket of pink paint, and begins painting Pegasus with it. Later, Pegasus wakes up in a farm, painted like a My Little Pony horse]

Little Girl:
There! Don't you look pretty?

[in shock] I'm in a catastrophic amount of pain!

Little Girl:
Oh, Sunny Muffins, you're my BESTEST FRIEND!

My name is Pegasus! [the little girl whips him] OW!

Little Girl:
Sunny Muffins! [whip!]

OW! Pegasus!

Little Girl:
Your name is [whip!] SUNNY MUFFINS!

It's Pegasus! [whip!] OW! Oh, Go-God! [whip!] Why?!?

Little Girl:
Sunny Muffins! [whip!] SAY IT!

You bitch!

Little Girl:
C'mon, [whip!] say it, say your name, what's your [whip!] name?!?

[bursting in tears] Sunny Muffins!

Little Girl:
What's your name?

My name i-is Sunny Muffins!

Little Girl:
I love you! [kisses Pegasus, and leaves laughing] Ha, Sunny Muffins!

[still crying, looks behind him] Who are you?

[A griffin with chopped off wings and also painted appears]

Honeyflake, apparently.

If only we had Rainbow Brite's magic star sprinkles, we'd turn the whole world gray!

Guys, every night with this. What's so great about turning the world gray anyway?

Well, it's really more of a metaphor.

[whips out a cigarette lighter] If you wanna do something evil, arson is pretty evil.

[punches bartender] Shut up!

I say we break into Rainbow Brite's place and take all the star sprinkles we want!

[Later, at Rainbow Brite's house, Murky and Lurky scour the house looking for star sprinkles]

[looking under the bed] None here, what's under the sink?


[A noise at the door]

Uh oh, game over, man! Game over! Rainbow Brite's gonna kick our asses if she finds us in here!

Rainbow Brite:
Oh, good God! What a day! [farts] Damn! I was holding that in for hours. [grabs a beer bottle and slumps on the couch to watch TV] Hahaha! Black people are so much funnier than white people. Damn! I am effin' starvin'! [grabs a frozen Sprite out of the fridge and puts it in the microwave. Murky and Lurky try to escape but Lurky trips over a pile of magazines, and Rainbow Brite notices them] Intruders!

Let's get the [bleep] outta here, man!

[Rainbow Brite uses a chainsaw and kills Lurky & Murky, splattering everything in the living room with blood. The next day, Rainbow Brite addresses the Color Kids and Sprites...]

Rainbow Brite:
Dear Citizens of Rainbow Land, We have changed our ways and are moving to Tibet to help fight Chinese tyranny. Signed, Murky and Lurky."

Buddy Blue:
I knew those guys weren't so bad.

Romeo Sprite:
Um, has anyone seen my cousin Blinky? He hasn't been around lately.

Rainbow Brite:
Um..."P.S.: Blinky came with us."

[The Color Kids and Sprites nod to each other, and Rainbow Brite winks at the viewers]

[Someplace where the sun shining bright, the camera pans down to a young Indiana Jones using the Staff of Ra to focus the sun's rays]

Young Indy:
Blam! Blam! Take that! [fries the ants with the staff]

[shows up and snatches the staff away from Indy] Young man, if you are not going to use the Staff of Ra properly, then you can't use it at all!

Young Indy:

You'll get this back at the end of the week. [walks away with the item, leaving Young Indy to kick the ground in frustration]

Young Marion:
[runs up to Indy] Indy, you have to help me! Those bullies stole my dolly!

[The Leader Bully laughs evilly as he and his friends tortures Marion's doll. Young Marion cries and Young Indy walks over to confront them. The bullies' torture of the doll stops as they see Young Indy glaring down at them]

Leader Bully:
What do you want, Henry?

[Young Indy takes his snatches the doll away from the bullies and into his arm and tips his hat to the trio before running off. A group of boys are play catch and stops as Young Indy run through them and so does the bully trio as they mow down the group. Next, Young Indy goes to the slide and goes on it before jumping off then, swings to the hoop rings to other side. The bullies grabs a boy in a plastic bubble]

Bubble Boy:
Please, no! I-I'm easily nauseated! [being pushed by the trio]

[Young Indy tries to return the doll to Marion, but quickly runs as he sees the bubble boy rolling towards him in a fashion like a boulder trying to crush him. He trips over the rock as the bubble boy rolls over him, and into busy traffic causing Young Indy to wince as a crash happen off-screen. He checks his head looking for hat and spots it near the merry-go-round. Young Indy looks back and sees the trio still chasing him and jumps onto the merry-go-round causing it to spin wildly as he reaches for his and grabs it. One of the bullies tries to grabs him, but gets kicked into a spinning rope between two girls and screams in pain as Indy finally returns the doll to Young Marion, who looks on with gratitude as he bail to the car. The two remaining bullies continue to chase Young Indy while blowing spitwads at him]

Young Indy:
Start the station wagon, mom! [his mom stops doing her crossword puzzle and looks at her son] Start the station wagon!

[She starts the car as Young Indy slides other side of the car. The bullies blew more spitwads as they hit the car window. Young Indy looks on with a victorious grin as they sped leaving the bullies frustrated while he catches his breath]

Young Indy's Mom:
How was school, honey? Did you make any new friends?

Young Indy:
[looks down at the shake in shock] There's a shake in the car, mom! WHY IS THERE A SHAKE IN THE CAR?!?!?!

Young Indy's Mom:
What? I picked up some Burger King for you!

Young Indy:
I hate shakes, mom! I HATE 'EM!!! [folds his arms] Wanted a soda.

NORAD Representative:
Merry Christmas, everyone! As is our tradition, NORAD is tracking Santa Claus' journey down the North Atlantic towards New England on his yearly rounds to give presents to all the boys and girls. [the reporters chuckled] He hasn't responded to our request for a cargo list and passenger manifest. So, as per current security regs, we're ordering him to divert to Canada.

[The reporters chuckled again, but they stopped as the representative glares at them, knowing that he is serious. Cut to Santa Claus riding his sleigh as the Air Force pilots fly toward him]

Santa Claus:
Ho, ho, ho, boys! Merry Christmas! [the Air Force pilot points his finger down, gesturing] Yes, presents down the chimneys, that's what I'm doing.

Air Force Pilot:
Target-Niner degrees.

[They shot the fire missile at Santa]

Santa Claus:
Oh! Captain Miller's a bad boy! [opens Charlton Heston's present to reveal a bazooka] Sorry, Charlie, I'll make it up to you next year. [fires the bazooka at one of the pilots, destroying the jet. But one of them shoots another missile at him] [Bleep]! [getting blasted by a missile]

[The NORAD assistant hands a note to the representative]

NORAD Representative:
[reads it, then looks up] Mission accomplished, gentlemen. The system works.

[The reporters are horrified. We cut to the boy and the girl by the Christmas tree on Christmas morning, but they were disappointed that there are no presents. The end credits started rolling. In the end, the little girl cries and went to the other room as the boy sighs sadly]

[On the set of the Robot Chicken Telethon set, Fidel Castro, Six Million Peso Man, Humping Robot, Bloopers Host, Mad Scientist, Little Drummer Boy, Eagle-Eye Smith, Robot Chicken, Lammy, Parappa, Sunny Funny, Katy Kat, PJ Berri, Mary Melody, Dot, Alien, and Nerd are all seated with telephones. Seth Green and Matthew Senreich are also present. They chat quietly, then turn to the camera]

Seth Green:
Welcome back everyone, I'm still Robot Chicken executive producer Seth Green.

Matthew Senreich:
And I'm Robot Chicken executive producer Matt Senreich.

Seth Green:
Not enough of you have been calling in to support us getting a third season, but we're gonna change all that right now! Co-head writer Douglas Goldstein, bring out that adorable puppy. [Douglas Goldstein enters the set with a puppy named Snuckles, happily barking] So listen carefully, if you guys don't call the number on the bottom of the screen right now, [Matt brandishes a double-barrelled shotgun] Matt here is gonna shotgun-blast Snuckles' brains all over the ground, you got it? So start calling, bitches! We're not kidding! You have two minutes to ca- [gets cut off when Matt accidentally shoots and kills Snuckles] [BLEEP]! [to Matt] DUDE, WHAT THE [BLEEP]?!

Matthew Senreich:
[sheepishly] Sorry, my finger slipped. My bad.

Seth Green:
[whispering] Matt, I thought we weren't gonna kill the dog!

Matthew Senreich:
[whispering] Dude, it slipped. I'm sorry.

[Douglas exits, dragging Snuckles' corpse along]

Seth Green:
Wow! Okay, um, [thinks for a second, then gets another idea] let's, uh, let's have co-head writer Tom Root bring out Arnold the monkey. [whispering to Matt] Matt, you really gotta be careful, okay man?

Matthew Senreich:
Okay, Okay, Okay.

[Tom Root enters the set with Arnold, a screeching monkey who jumps about]

Seth Green:
[grabbing Arnold and trying to calm him down] Arnold! Arnold, it's Okay, it's Okay, it's Okay! Shhhhhh. It's Okay, buddy, it's Okay. C'mere, it's Okay. Okay, now let's get some phone calls- [gets cut off again when Matt shoots Arnold dead] [BLEEP]! MATT, WHAT THE HELL?!?!

Matthew Senreich:
Somebody put Vaseline on this trigger.

Seth Green:
Dude, I put a $10,000 deposit down on that monkey! I'm not gonna get that back!

Matthew Senreich:
I'm really, really sorry.

Seth Green:
Give me the gun!

Matthew Senreich:

[The two start struggling for the shotgun]

Seth Green:
Give me it!

Matthew Senreich:
No, let go!

Seth Green:
Matt, give me it-

[Matthew accidentally shoots the Bloopers Host, decapitating him]

Bloopers Host:
[decapitated head bounces off the Humping Robot] Oh! Hello!

[Seth and Matt stop struggling]

Seth Green:
MATT!!! You-You shot the Bloopers host!

[The telephones start ringing, and the various characters answer them]

Matthew Senreich:
Seth, listen.

[on the phone] Hey, would you like flies with that?

Matthew Senreich:
They like the violence! We need more violence! [shoots Tom in the head, causing it to explode in a bloody manner]

Seth Green:

Matthew Senreich:
They love us! [shoots all the Robot Chicken characters dead] Violence!! Ratings!! Come on!! Higher ratings!!

[Cut to a picture of the Stoopid Monkey covered in video tape, with the message "Please stand by. We are experiencing technical difficulties." Then cut back to the Telethon, as Seth and Matt once again struggle for the shotgun. Matt gets the upper hand and hits Seth with the shotgun butt, shoots him in the head, blowing it off in a gory fashion, and finally, shoots the camera. Cut back once again to the Stoopid Monkey]

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