Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #3

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,984 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Dr. Steve Brule:
Horses are for riding and for petting, but they're also for eating, aren't they?

Pablo Myers:
Yeah, they sure are. Horse meat is nutritious and affordable. It's a fine meat to can. Would you like to try a can?

Dr. Steve Brule:
Ooh, yes! Want to get my lips around some horse.

[Dr. Brule opens the can of horse meat]

Pablo Myers:
I hope you enjoy it.

[Dr. Brule eats the horse meat]

Dr. Steve Brule:
A little bit tough.

Pablo Myers:
Here's my problem -- I have 3 tons of horse meat in the backyard, so I have to can it and make a horse-meat sale for you.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Cubed horse beef. Yep. That's the good stuff. I just might eat this whole can. I don't want to hog the horse, Pablo. Want some?

Pablo Myers:
Don't mind if I do.

Dr. Steve Brule:

[Dr. Brule and Pablo Myers both eat horse meat together]

Pablo Myers:
When you're sick of that dry horse, try the creamed horse.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Let's get into the cream.

Pablo Myers:
Creamed horse meat -- It's horse meat in horse yogurt.

[Dr. Brule sniffs the creamed horse meat]

Dr. Steve Brule:
I think we got a bad can.

Pablo Myers:
Dive into my creamed horse.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Will do.

[Dr. Brule eats the creamed horse meat]

Pablo Myers:
Oh. I have a special for you -- Our horse milk.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Down the hatch.

[Dr. Brule drinks the horse milk]

Pablo Myers:
I rode that horse the other day before I milked her.

Dr. Steve Brule:
See you at Myer's. I'll be in the horse aisle. For your horse.

Pablo Myers:
I am proud of my cans of horse meat. [kisses his can]

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Today's sponsor is, um, my favorite store -- Myer's Super Foods. My guest is Mr. Myers himself, Prablo Myers. Nice doing business with you. You got a head like a light bulb.

Pablo Myers:
Thank you.

Dr. Steve Brule:
What's going on in the store this week? Any specials?

Pablo Myers; Well, we have broccoli. It's 2 for a bunch. One can of smelly beans -- 4 bucks.

Dr. Steve Brule:
[smacks lips]

Pablo Myers:
And we have Yesterday's Ham.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Ooh, ham!

Pablo Myers:
$10. You like the smell of trash? Don't forget about our used fish -- 2 bucks.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Welcome to a part of the show we call "Sponsor's Corner". [to the crew] Put -- Put the "Sponsor's Corner".

[Sponsor's Corner title intensifies]

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Did you ever wonder wh-- If you were watching horseys run, who are the little clowns that ride on them, make 'em go fast? My next guest is one of them. He's a little boy named "Jockey". Hi, Jockey.


Dr. Steve Brule:
Tell us about this horse that you rode for the race. Is she a real winner?

Yes. He has a big heart. He runs.

Dr. Steve Brule:
How do you stay on that dang thing? It's running 'round like lightning.

Well, we squat like this, and you just go along with it in the rhythm, and as you come into the finish, it's like you and the horse become one.

Dr. Steve Brule:
What if they're just a real bum horse and they can't even win one race? Then you just cut 'em up and eat 'em, right?


Dr. Steve Brule:
You could have a big horse feast with a whole horse like that. That's probably 400 cans.

I don't eat horse.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Don't knock it till you try it, Jockey. I wish I could ride the horse, be Jockey, and ride around in a circle and win the big race. All the girls would give me a kiss, and then I'd chuck that horse into the stew pot.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Come on, boy. Just hop on, and I'll show you how I ride like a horse -- Like a buckin' bronco.

[Dr. Brule imitates horse noises again while squatting]

I don't want to talk to you no more.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Ever want to have a race with a horse? I met a little boy. He likes to ride on a horse and make 'em go real fast. Showed me how to do it. Yes, he did. Come on, girl. [smooches the toy horse model]

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Scott Clam:
Ho. I'm Scott Clam, and it's now time for today's "Bird Call Challenge". Can you guess the bird? Good luck. Today's featured call is... [repeats] Grack! Hraw!

Scott Clam:
If you guess one of my bird calls right, you'll get one of my clams. I got tones of clams at my clam house. I wish my last name was "Birdie Boy" instead of "Clam".

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

[as Dr. Brule wakes up from a bad dream, he starts to feel horse poop on his body]

Dr. Steve Brule:
What are you doing, dropping your horse eggs on me? [eats it afterwards]

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

[Dr. Brule dreams about the horse farm]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Ha ha. Hi, baby horse. Grobble, grobble, and a fine day to you, Mr. Turkey.

Dr. Steve Brule:
That's Cheryl. She's just a horse maid.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
All those eggs and horsin' around made me really sleepy. I really needed to find somewhere to take a nap and catch my 40 winks.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Nothing better than farm-fresh eggs right out of a chicken's bottom.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
I'm getting hungry from all this riding! Can you finally get me some stinking eggs in this dang place? I'm so hungry, I could eat a dang horse.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

[Dr. Brule rides on a horse]

Dr. Steve Brule:
My ballsack hurts.

Cheryl Smith:
Okay. Here we go.

[Cheryl Smith helps balanced the horse while Dr. Brule is riding it]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Whoa! I'm riding a horse! I'm doing it!

Cheryl Smith:
You're like a cowboy.

Dr. Steve Brule:
I'm like a cowboy! Ride 'em up, cowboy! This is making my DINGUS hard!

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Then Rango took me to ride the wildest big Australian in the whole ranch. Only real crowboys get to mount this old bunking broncos.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
You got pretty dry skin from working on all them ropes, huh?

Rolando Wolovich:

Dr. Steve Brule:
Look at that. That's a real rancher's hand. [smooches] Just get a little cowboy's kiss. Cowboys have to kiss out there on the range. There's no girls.

Rolando Wolovich:
I'm not that kind of cowboy.

Dr. Steve Brule:
I know.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
You got a pretty hairy chest there, cowboy.

Rolando Wolovich:
Really? Good. Yeah. It's warm in the winter.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Wish I could wear my shirt open like that, but I'm bald as a baby's bottom.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Hi. I'm here with my new partner, Rango. Hey, Rango.

Rolando Wolovich:
How you doing?

Dr. Steve Brule:
Pretty good. How much does a horse eat in a day?

Rolando Wolovich:
He eat like two flakes alfalfa -- One in the morning, one in the night.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Making me hungry as a horse.

Rolando Wolovich:
Oh, really?

Dr. Steve Brule:
You got a skillet around these parts? We gonna fry up some eggs?

Rolando Wolovich:
Sure. We got a kitchen here. We can do anything we want.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Probably gonna eat some farm-fresh eggs and sausage. Let's check it out.

Dr. Steve Brule:
From a skill-- [cuts to the next scene]

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
I went to a horse farm. There were stallions and nags all over the dang place. I got to talking to this dusty old crowboy. He told me he runs the whole place. He's probably a hunk.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Did you ever wonder where horse lived? I did, so I found out -- Horse farm. I went there and met an old cowpoke. Talked about eating beans on the range. Got to eat some other things, too. Can you guess what they were? Too late. Go to horse far-- [music cue interrupts]

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Whoa, girl. Shhh. What a good girl. Ha ha. It's a toy horse.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Hi. I'm Dr. Steve Brule. Today we talk about...can you guess? Horse!

Dr. Steve Brule:
Well, if you don't have a car or a skateboard, what are you gonna do? You're sh*t out of luck, Charlie. Get a horse -- Not a charley horse, name a horse. Horse to eat, horse to ride -- Let's stop horsin' around and check it out.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
[clicks tongue and then imitates a horse snorting and neighing]

Dr. Steve Brule:
That's the sound of horse.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 8 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
This episode of "Chunk it Out"! is brought to you by Jeffrey Brown, Designer. Thank you very much for all of your money, Jeffrey.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 9 days ago

[after the Home episode is ending]

Dr. Steve Brule:
What did we learn?

Dr. Steve Brule:
Great news -- Jan Skylar is single and ready to mingle.

Dr. Steve Brule:
If you want to make your house look nice, you better call Jeffrey Brown.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Most umps are hunks. One, two, three strikes, you're out.

Dr. Steve Brule:
I thought Hippy Joel was my friend, but then he hunted me like dang deer.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Well, I guess it really is true -- Home is where the heart is. Now I'm gonna eat this little bird. [smashes the gingerbread house and eats it]

Dr. Steve Brule:
I've been waiting the whole dang show to eat this. Cut the cameras, let me eat this dang house!

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 9 days ago

Hippy Joel:
Doctor, I want to welcome you into my home, and I offer you this pipe.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Ooh! Smoke a peace pipe.

[Hippy Joel smokes his peace pipe]

Hippy Joel:
[wheezes, laughs] Now it's your turn doctor.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Never smoked a dang peace pipe before.

Hippy Joel:
Open up those lips and shove that shaft in there and suck.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Hippy Joel:
Suck it in. [inhales loudly] Keep suckin' [distorted] Keep suckin'.

[as Dr. Brule smokes the peace pipe, Dr. Brule and Hippy Joel starts to get high]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Now you're chasing me. Hippy Joel,I love your hooouse!

Hippy Joel:
Ah, it's my home!

Dr. Steve Brule:
I'm a bear! [vomits]

Dr. Steve Brule:
You can't catch me, Joel!

[while Dr. Brule was having the most fun time of his life, Hippy Joel then starts to pull out a crossbow at Dr. Brule]

Hippy Joel:
[evil voice] Now get runnin', boy.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Hippy Joel:

Dr. Steve Brule:

Hippy Joel:
Run, RUN! [laughs] I'M COMING TO GETCHA!

[Dr. Brule runs away while sobbing]

Hippy Joel:
I'll getcha! [chuckles and howls]

[Dr. Brule is still running away sobbing]

Hippy Joel:

Dr. Steve Brule:

[Dr. Brule's then got shot in the leg]

Hippy Joel:

Dr. Brule:

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 9 days ago

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