[Sarah finds her destiny]
Blue Ga:
I am Blue Ga, the purple fire god. And you, Sarah, you know what you must do. You must grow your own garden. I bless you with the aura of nature.
Sarah Bishop:
Okay. I will. For sure.
Blue Ga:
Alright. See ya.
[after Sarah's destiny was over, Rachel finds hers next]
Blue Ga:
Rachel, you mustn't --
Where the [bleep] am I? Who the [bleep] are you
Blue Ga:
I am Blue Ga, the purple fire god. Rachel, this is your destiny if you keep going down this evil path. I shall bless you with the aura of healing to steer you away from this.
[as Blue Ga bless aura to Rachel with his finger, Rachel vomits the same acid of what she did back at St. Mary's school earlier]
Blue Ga:
AAH! Homeade kombucha vomit! My one weakness. How couldn't I see this coming. I'm a God, for God's sakes.
[as Blue Ga dies, Red Ga takes his place]
Red Ga:
Thank you, Rachel, for smiting Blue Ga. We have been trying to do that for thousands of years.
Red Ga:
You must keep striving, Rachel, for your destiny is to dominate as EMPRESS!
[making an evil face] 'Kay.