Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #11

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,785 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Frances Applewhite:
Rick, what would happen if I brought this company, like, a new product?

Rick Kruger:
A new product? You mean like a drug?

Frances Applewhite:
Yes, kind of. I-I don't know. Uh, still exploring. Just...kind of hypothetical.

Rick Kruger:
Well, if somebody brought something we can bring to market...I'd make that person very wealthy.

Frances Applewhite:
Oh. Um, okay. Let me explore.

Rick Kruger:
Well, hurry up, Magellan. Get me something by the end of Q3 and you can have my beach house.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

Rick Kruger:
You know I haven't seen my wife in 3 weeks?

Rick Kruger:
Weird part is, she hasn't complained.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

Frances Applewhite:
Okay, so, your dinner reservation, I printed it. I know you like physical paper. It is on your desk, and tomorrow's crossword is also in there. I got it early --

Rick Kruger:
Just had a conversation with the board. Ugh, Jonas Backstein, god. You don't want him not happy. Those guys scare the sh*t outta me, to be honest.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

[Video Guy #1 plays the legal disclaimer on commercial]

Dry mouth, constipation, nausea, stomach upset, stomach pain, blurred vision, dry eyes, skin irritation, loose bowel movements, disturbed sleep --

[pauses the video]

Rick Kruger:
[sighs] Is that -- We have to say all that?

Frances Applewhite:
All the language came from legal, so...

Rick Kruger:
Ugh. Okay, well, how fast can you play that?

Video Guy #1:
Here's 1.8.

[plays the video]

[sped-up] Dry mouth, constipation, nausea, stomach upset, stomach pain, blurred vision, dry eyes --

[pauses the video]

Rick Kruger:
That's -- That's too fast. Sounds like an elf. Try one unit less.

Video Guy #2:
Do you want the part about the ice chips?

Rick Kruger:
Jesus, ice chips? What?

[sped-up] To relieve dry mouth, suck ice chips, chew sugarless gum, drink water, or use a saliva substitute --

[pauses the video]

Rick Kruger:
No, no, they're on their own for dry mouth. We don't need some lady choking on an ice chip and suing us.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

[while the video crew plays outtakes of a pharma commercial]

Commercial Woman:
[chuckles] But thanks to Enablin, stains on my pants? They aren't one of my worries.

[Outtake 2]

Commercial Woman:
[chuckles] But thanks to Enablin, stains on my pants? They aren't one of my worries.

[as one of the video crew stops the video, they see Rick playing a game on his phone]

Video Guy #1:
So, uh...

Rick Kruger:
So, that's the take? That's the one we're gonna use? Is Frances here?

Frances Applewhite:
[just came in] Yeah, uh-huh.

Rick Kruger:
Frances, do you like this?

Frances Applewhite:
Uh, for what it is, uh, yes? From a marketing perspective, uh, maybe a bigger conversation?

Rick Kruger:
Ugh, marketing. Lotta those types are gonna have to get fired.

Frances Applewhite:
You know what, guys? Take a couple frames off the top. Also, is the logo the old version? Can we adjust it, just so we have it?

Video Guy #2:
Um, okay.

Rick Kruger:
Hey, there you go, Frances. Boy, you really know how to sell medicine for geriatric incontinence and urine leakage, don't ya? [chuckles]

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

Male DEA Agent:
Copano, Harrington, follow me.

Agent Harrington:
Are we going somewhere on the map?

Male DEA Agent:
Map? No, no, that had to do with the kids -- There were kids coming in. We were showing them the different [sighs] -- The -- Forget the map. Let's go.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

Agent Copano:
Dallas. Dealey Plaza, where Oswald shoots JFK.

Agent Harrington:
Allegedly. [chuckles]

Agent Copano:
[scoffs] Now, Austin. You know the tower? Charles Whitman? He was messed up.

Agent Copano:
Next Oklahoma City. What happened there?

Agent Harrington:
The bombing?

Agent Copano:
Exactly. Timothy McVeigh. He was obsessed with what? With Waco.

Agent Harrington:
Do you think my haircut makes me look like Timothy McVeigh? Maybe not now that it's grown out.

Agent Copano:
No! I think it looks good.

Agent Copano:
But, that's not all. Killeen, first real mass-shooting event in America. A guy shot 27 people in a Luby's Cafeteria.

Agent Harrington:
How do you know all this?

Agent Copano:
Look at this, man. Shooter corridor right through here. I'm thinking they're gonna send us up here or down here, to stop the next one.

Agent Harrington:
Look what I made. [makes a dna out of tape]

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

Agent Harrington:
Copano, is Celery Carrot's cousin or a sibling? You don't have to answer right away.

Agent Copano:
Huh, yeah. Okay, Agent Harrington. I think I finally figured it out.

Agent Harrington:
Okay, I'll pretend I'm not listening.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

Marshall Cuso:
I mean, he's not even smart enough to be evil. Rick Kruger? He's just a functionary of demonic forces. He's like the devil's idiot butler.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

[while Marshall is still talking about his mushroom story, he still couldn't figure out who the pilot's name was who died in a plane crash]

Coffee Guy:
Flat white for Gegory! Gegory!

Marshall Cuso:
That has to be "Gregory", right? Anyway, I'm almost out of mushrooms --

[to the coffee guy] Hey, what's up? For Gegory? Thanks.

Marshall Cuso:
So that really was his name. Gegory.

Frances Applewhite:

Marshall Cuso:
Right. Sorry.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

[as the pilot was about to fly off, Marshall managed to get in the plane after getting chased by the police helicopters]

Marshall Cuso:
You couldn't wait one more minute?

[the pilot gets shot]

Marshall Cuso:
Oh, my god. Oh, my god!

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

Frances Applewhite:
A mushroom?

Marshall Cuso:
Not just any mushroom. The caviar, the ghost orchid of mushrooms. I mean, the chances of this growing naturally -- Frances, it's like a one-in-a-billion Goldilocks situation.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

Male DEA Agent:
Guy's name is Marshall Cuso.

Male DEA Agent #2:
He's the one playing with the pigeon?

Male DEA Agent:
Now, don't let that fool you. He's a dangerous man. Got a Monopoly on some kind of new drug. Something very powerful.

Female DEA Agent:
It's plant-based, maybe a mushroom or a seed. It could be hallucinogenic, addictive, fatal.

Male DEA Agent:
They want it nipped in the bud.

Male DEA Agent #2:

Male DEA Agent:

Male DEA Agent #2:
Oh, okay, yeah. [clicks tongue] Okay, so who do we got?

Female DEA Agent:
Right. Um, I have one free team. Copano and Harrington.

Male DEA Agent #2:
Great. Are they any good?

Male DEA Agent:

[cuts to the next scene where Copano and Harrington are enjoying life as always while listening to Jump In The Line by Harry Belafonte]

Male DEA Agent:
Yeah, Copano -- Yeah, Copano and Harrington. Yeah, yeah, they're good. They're good. Copano and Harrington are good.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

Marshall Cuso:
Can I -- Can I tell you a secret?

Frances Applewhite:
Uh, yeah, please.

Marshall Cuso:
Okay, just go with me for a minute. What if there were a medicine that could heal, like, almost anything?

Frances Applewhite:
Well, yeah, that would be great. Sure.

Marshall Cuso:
Yeah, right? But what if they didn't want you to know about it?

Frances Applewhite:
"They"? Sorry, whos' "they"?

Marshall Cuso:
"They" is big pharma, it's the insurance companies, the government. Think about all the people who make tons of money just from keeping us sick, by keeping us unwell.

Frances Applewhite:
Yeah, that would be sick.

[Marshall sees a pigeon]

Marshall Cuso:
Well, yeah. It's a sick world.

[Marshall grabs the pigeon and snaps its neck]

Frances Applewhite:

Marshall Cuso:
But there's a cure.

[Marshall sprinkled blue angel mushroom dust on the dead pigeon to come back to life]

Frances Applewhite:
[laughs] What the f***?

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

Marshall Cuso:
Uh, hello. Yes, my question is, when will this company stop the destruction it's causing not just to indigenous communities --

Rick Kruger:
Okay, okay.

Marshall Cuso:
Excuse me, I-I have the floor.

Rick Kruger:
Alright, alright. As we said...

Marshall Cuso:
--In the Peruvian highlands, to rare local plants...

Rick Kruger:
Yeah, yeah. We have a whole system.

Marshall Cuso:
...to fungi, to an entire ecosystem --

Rick Kruger:
Can someone get security, please? I'm sorry.

Marshall Cuso:
No, we don't need security.

Rick Kruger:
Security, please.

Marshall Cuso:
[stammering] Excuse me--

Rick Kruger:
Look, buddy, we're not doing this, okay?

Marshall Cuso:
Hold on, hold on. Let me finish. This company, *your* company, has destroyed fungal colonies that were there three million years. This is a banisteriopsis. [laughs] Does that mean anything to you? It's been here since before insects.

[one of security guards touches Marshall]

Marshall Cuso:
Hey! Don't touch me. Do not touch me. Don't touch the plant.

Rick Kruger:
Thank you, thank you. I-I'm sorry, everybody.

[Marshall leaves]

Marshall Cuso:
I'm exercising my rights! My name is Marshall Cuso. I am a share holder-- EXCUSE ME! If I disappear, investigate Reutical Pharmaceuticals. They may attempt to harm me. They have harmed me in the past.

Rick Kruger:
Hippie living with his Mom.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

Rick Kruger:
Well, actually our research have shown overall that diarrhea is the most preferable side effect compared to, you know, the depression, suicidal thoughts, or even constipation.

Frances Applewhite:
[disgust] Oh, god. My boss just said "diarrhea" on stage. I'm gonna have to call you back.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 18 days ago

[after Dr. Brule got a sunburn from the Dry Fin Marina]

Dr. Steve Brule:
What did we learn about broats?

Dr. Steve Brule:
Drumpsters are a good place to keep crabs fresh.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Prirates use boats to steal gold, but they have pretty hair.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Captain Gary thinks he knows everything about the sea. Guess what -- He doesn't.

Dr. Steve Brule:
If you're gonna go on a kryak, Denny should've keep track of where the heck you go in the high seas.

Dr. Steve Brule:
[crying] Can't stop shivering! I'm still very thirsty! I'M JUST GONNA WALK NEXT TIME! STUPID BROATS!

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 20 days ago

Carol Krabit:
Hello, and welcome to "Crabbin' with Carol Krabit". I'm Carol Krabit. Chimner's point is the latest hot spot for blue crabs this season. And the bait of choice is shredded possum. Load some meat and drop a trap, and you got a sweet bushel of fat crabs. Good luck, men.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 20 days ago

[Dr. Brule rows the boat]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Oh, where the heck am I? Feel like I'm getting farther away.

[water splashes]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Dang it. Lost my paddle. DENNY! I NEED A PADDLE! Fish -- OW! Quit biting my hands, fish! I'm gonna catch one of those birds and eat it. [chuckles] What the heck? These waves are going the wrong way.

[water splashes]

Dr. Steve Brule:
GET BA-- GET BACK HERE, KRYAK! Good thing I got the doggy paddle! Just have to doggy-paddle back. [grunting, laughs] Just head towards the sun. Just gotta head towards the sun. [gurgles] DENNY! HELP ME, DENNY! [gurgles]

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 20 days ago

[Dr. Brule tries to get on the boat]

Dr. Steve Brule:
It's just a regular boat. It's not that hard. I don't need a big engine, be a big hunk captain to have a boat. Tal-- Tallyho! For your boats.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 20 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
I decided, who the heck needs a big boat like that and a big hunk captain, Gary? So, we're all off that boat anyways, so I just got myself a small one of my own. It's called a kryak.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 20 days ago

Carol Krabit:
I should look where the red light is? Psst.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 20 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
How far can we go in this boat on a slow boat to China?

Well, we could go about 150 miles if you wanted to, but I don't think that's gonna work today.

Dr. Steve Brule:

I think it's time to go back.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Yeah, I got to get out of this Captain's Cage.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 20 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
For your broats.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 20 days ago

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I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
A Albert Einstein
B Joseph Stalin
C Oppenheimer
D Charles Dickens