Inspired work, Monsanto. You took down most of Doolan's gang.
Chris Monsanto:
Well, thank you, Chief, but you know something? I couldn't have done without my partners... [holds up his fists] Swifty and Pete.
Brett Mobley:
But what about me, huh? [chuckles] I did, uh, pretty good too, right? I was the bat.
You're right, Brett. You were indispensable out there...and you too, gun. And let's not forget about you, pencil. [to the pencil] Great job filling out that report.
You see, Brett, congratulating you would be a waste of breath, breath we could be using to laugh at you.
[Chief leaves]
Chris Monsanto:
Cheer up, pal. You know, if you hadn't been around to be my human bat, I would have had to use somebody else -- Anybody else actually.
[Chris leaves]
Brett Mobley:
I'm not just a prop. What about the time I saved those kids?
[Brett flashback where Chris throws Brett as a stopper for his head to save the babies who are inside the car]
Black Coat Guy:
Oh, [bleep]!
Black Guy:
[throws up]
[flashback ends]
Brett Mobley:
So it wasn't my idea to crush my skull?
Susie Wagner:
[gets back to work after hearing Brett's nonsense]