Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #8

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,785 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Agent Copano and Harrington sees each other in the morning that they got two cups of coffee]

Agent Copano:
What the -- It's Thursday!

Agent Harrington:
Yeah. It's Thursday.

Agent Copano:
[sighs] Thursday's your day. Well, I guess we got extra coffee.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

That is a serious mushroom. Who else knows about this?

Marshall Cuso:
No one. No one. Just -- Just, um...Frances.

And who is Frances?

Marshall Cuso:
My old lab partner.

Lab? NIH?

Marshall Cuso:
No. Um, Lincoln High School.

Marshall. Did some girl make puppy-dog eyes at you? And so now you're giving away the world's greatest mushroom?! PATHETIC!

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

[Marshall gives Hildy a blue angel mushroom to come back to life again, after Hildy stupidly shoots herself to see if Marshall founds the real fungi that can heal humans and animals]

You found it! It's real! And you f***ing found it!

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

Agent Copano:
What're we getting up to tonight?

Agent Harrington:
I, um -- I have a date.

Agent Copano:
Oh, cool, cool. Heh. Who's the lucky lady?

Agent Harrington:

Agent Copano:
Amelia Mushrooms? The mycologist?

Agent Harrington:
I'm making it complicated.

Agent Copano:
[chuckles] Okay. Hey. Have fun with Amelia Mushrooms. Yeah, I'll probably get up to somethin'. Ha!

Agent Harrington:
Hey, I know you're a detective and all, but don't spy on my date.

Agent Copano:
Behave yourself, okay? [smiles]

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

Agent Copano:
27 steps exactly from the elevator to the door. Booyah.

Agent Harrington:
You took small steps.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

[while Marshall is driving in an ice cream truck with his pet tortoise, he starts to turn on some tunes that plays Do Your Ears Hang Low]

Marshall Cuso:

Marshall Cuso:
Oh, I just realized we're gonna disappoint a lot of kids. [turns off the music]

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

[on phone] Well, Dr. Lees agrees with me about the emotional labor.

Okay. Janet...I take out the trash. I pick up Daisy's giant piles of sh*t in the yard. That's *your* dog?! Is that not labor?!

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

Frances Applewhite:
Okay. Rick, I would like to discuss a raise.

Rick Kruger:
Ugh. This is not the time for raises, Frances. But just hang in there, okay? If we can crawl our way back to life, we can all make a lot of money here. You ever had a lot of money?

Frances Applewhite:

Rick Kruger:
Well, it's real nice. I tell you what. I'll give you a taste. We're going on vacation. Or -- Or a trip anyway. We're going to Switzerland.

Frances Applewhite:
Wait. What?

Rick Kruger:
Yeah. Jonas the Wolf wants to see me there. Can't be good. So you're coming with me.

Frances Applewhite:
How long are we expected to be there?

Rick Kruger:
Uh, a week? However long it takes to put hot fire pokers up my ass or whatever they're gonna do to me.

Frances Applewhite:
And this -- It won't count as my vacation days?

Rick Kruger:
Damn it, no. You'll get paid. How many vacation days do you get anyway? 30?

Frances Applewhite:
Rick, I get 5!

Rick Kruger:
Ooh. Hire a lawyer.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

Frances Applewhite:
Hi, Rick. Okay. Yesterday's expedition did not work out, to find the new drug that I was telling you about. The mushroom.

Rick Kruger:
[groans] Classic my life right now.

Frances Applewhite:
Yeah, the place burned down. Actually, it was really scary.

Rick Kruger:
Yeah. Some of these amateur scientists guys are real freaks.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 10 days ago

[while Amelia is examining Marshall's stuff from the raid]

Agent Harrington:
Hey. Oh, no. Wait. Let me start again. Um -- [clears throat] Uh, hey. Anything good? [grabs a black mushroom] What's this one?

Don't touch that! That's poisonous!

Agent Harrington:

[laughs] Kidding.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 11 days ago

Male DEA Agent #2:
Hey. Why don't we, um, leave Amelia to sort out the "micrology" of it all?


Male DEA Agent #2:
[chuckles] Right. Right. Yup. Okay. That's why she's the best.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 11 days ago

[after Marshall gets hanged up from Frances in the subway]

Mysterious Passenger:

Marshall Cuso:

Mysterious Passenger:
[holds a bag of movie discs] Do you like movies?

Marshall Cuso:
Um, yeah. [leaves]

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 12 days ago

Frances Applewhite:
[on phone] Marshall?! Oh, my god! I've been looking for you! What the actual f***? Two insane things happened to me today -- You visited my Mom, and, also, someone burned down your f***ing house.

Marshall Cuso:
Whoa, whoa. What? Ugh! Rosie was supposed to just burn some notebooks, but the f***ing Mulvaney twins. I knew this would happen.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 12 days ago

Okay, I was gonna wait until the wine got here, but I'm too excited. You know how you're always talking about how you really want a bathtub, but every bathtub in new York is, like, disgusting because people keep mops and sh*t in there?

Frances Applewhite:

Well, I booked us this place! That's your bathtub!

Frances Applewhite:
A clean bathtub?

Just for a weekend. But -- But you can take a bath.

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 12 days ago

Hospital Woman:
Oh, Frances. Don't usually see you during the week. Visit hours are almost over, but--

Frances Applewhite:
Yeah, look. I know. I just...I just really want to see my Mom.

Hospital Woman:
Okay. We do need to talk to you though, about that, actually. Given your mom's condition, they want to move her to a different facility, but--

Frances Applewhite:
What?! No. We can't move her. I-- Look. I called about this. I-I spoke with the person -- I think it was Diane -- Who runs--

Hospital Woman:
Okay, Frances. That's the facility. But this is an insurance issue, and if they're not gonna cover it, we need to know because --

Frances Applewhite:
God. Okay. Okay. Look. I will get the money somehow. Okay?

Common Side Effects  Movie Quote

added 12 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Well, what'd we learn about money?

Dr. Steve Brule:
Mint is closed on Tuesdays. Yes, it is.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Sour-cream-and-onion chips are good for your health. [burps]

Dr. Steve Brule:
One of paper equals four of coin. [singsong] Told you!

Dr. Steve Brule:
Crasino hunks break your bones if you talk with a sass mouth.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Hope my legs are better in a week, 'cause our hrospital's gonna take back my scooter chair.

Dr. Steve Brule:
For your health.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 13 days ago

Doug Prishpreed:
Hey, sports fans. Tomorrow's cannon shoot is postponed. This is bad news for cannon.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 13 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
So, we got some money from Denny's library card. Now we're gonna play Backtrack.

Blackjack Guy:
Would you like to place a bet?

Dr. Steve Brule:
I'm good all the way. Take them all. Come on, Backcheck!

Dr. Steve Brule:
[to Blackjack Guy] Don't forget I know about card crowning. Shh!

[as the Blackjack Guy puts out all the cards down on desk, Dr. Brule follows the cards and counts them in his head]

Dr. Steve Brule:
Ah! [gets a joker card] Blackjack! Pay up, sucker.

Blackjack Guy:
No blackjack.

Dr. Steve Brule:
What are you talking about? I didn't want that one. I said maybe I'll have another one.

Blackjack Guy:
You asked for a hit, sir.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Just let me have some of those back.

Blackjack Guy:
You're gonna have to behave yourself--

Dr. Steve Brule:
Let's just share our chips.

Blackjack Guy:
You have to control yourself. I'm gonna have to call the pit boss.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Just relax. Come on! Let's be friends.

Pit Boss #1:
Playing's over, sir. Come with us, sir.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Pit Boss #2:
It's okay.

Pit Boss #1:
Come on. Let's go.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Come on, you guys. Just -- Just relax. It's just a game. Who cares? [laughing] IT'S JUST A GAME! WHO CARES!

[Dr. Brule tries to get away the 2nd time, but failed]

Dr. Steve Brule:
[to one of the pit bosses] B*tch.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 13 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Wh--What's the first grambling to do? You go to the best machine, of course, you dingus. [chuckles] I found out the easiest one. Me and Denny already figured it out. What's the easiest one? It pays every time. We win every time.

Dr. Steve Brule:
You give 1 of paper against 4 of coin. [chuckles] Just take your paper money. Make sure the mushroom's on top. Then you put it in the hole. And then just wait.

[as Dr. Brule puts the money into the ATM slot, the ATM shoots out coins]

Dr. Steve Brule:

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 13 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Crashinos have been around for thousands of years. Who started grambling? Who was the first big-time riverboat grambler? Who cares? Probably some hunk who said, "Want to bet? Huh"? What are you waiting for? Let's go gramble.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 13 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Tell me about, uh -- About h-how you make money.

Ronald Barker:
Well, basically, I play, um, um, blackjack, and I use a counting system called high-low.

Dr. Steve Brule:
I know.

Ronald Barker:
Basically, it's a counting system that you use--

Dr. Steve Brule:
You gonna do a magic trick? My Uncle Gary is a magician, and he knows all -- All kinds of card tricks.

Ronald Barker:
[chuckles] But we'll get back to Blackjack. The reason why you're betting in blackjack is--

Dr. Steve Brule:
Wh--What if you -- You use coin money or paper money in a crasino?

Ronald Barker:
Oh, typically, you're gonna use chips. What you're gonna do is --

Dr. Steve Brule:
Like Tortilla chips.

Ronald Barker:
No, no tortilla chips. We us gambling chips.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Oh, or sour-cream-and-onion chips for your health.

Ronald Barker:
I tell ya, if they were scented that way, more people would probably play.

Dr. Steve Brule:
I know.

Ronald Barker:
When you're counting cards, you're basically watching the hands come out.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Well, all this talk about chips is making me hungry. Denny, give me some chips.

[Denny gives Dr. Brule some chips]

Ronald Barker:
And so when we're playing blackjack, if the dealer has a face card up, we assume that the card down is a face card, but we'll show one hand. So, we got an 8, and we got am 18. So, basically, on 18 -- Very close to 21 -- You might want to stay.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Hit me. [quickly eats a chip]

Ronald Barker:
28. We just lost.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Want some chips?

Ronald Barker:
No, I think I'm gonna pass right now.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Ronald Barker:
Alright. We'll run another one.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Who cares? I have a whole bowl.

Ronald Barker:
Now you have a 13 against a 9.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Hit me.

Ronald Barker:
Hit you?

Dr. Steve Brule:
[gurgles] Okay.

Ronald Barker:
So, basically, do you want to play another hand?

Dr. Steve Brule:
That's enough of this dribble-drabble. I think I got the brasics down. Let's go to the crasino and, uh, make some big bucks. See you later, doctor.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 13 days ago

Dr. Steve Brule:
Getting a job is one way to make money, but there's a lot of other ways. My next guest, Dr. Rongald Branger (Ronald Barker), is gonna teach us all about how to play tricks on s-- The people in a crasino.

Dr. Steve Brule:

Ronald Barker:
Like the show.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Welcome to be here.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 13 days ago

Doug Prishpreed:
Hi, sports fans. I'm Doug Prishpreed. Left-hander Spruce Mouthman has announced that he'll be competing in the Annual Deuces Dairy Outdoor Decathlon. There will be seven other dopes involved, so make sure you stretch your muscles. It's gonna be one heck of a dairy race.

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 13 days ago

This is a test to see if you can see differences.

Dr. Steve Brule:
This one's easy.

[Dr. Brule sees the picture of one guy wearing a mustache and another guy without wearing a mustache]


Dr. Steve Brule:
They're both hunks. Check, plea-- [cue interrupts]

Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule  Movie Quote

added 13 days ago

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What movie is this sentence taken from? "You're gonna need a bigger boat."
A Dead Calm
B Jaws
C All is Lost
D Titanic