Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #60

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,861 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Where's everyone going?

Special Father #1:
I don't know. I--

Special Sister:
There's a monster that's been attacking the city.

[surprised] A MONSTER WHERE?

Special Father #1:
You don't --

Special Sister:

The Golden Gate Bridge? LET'S GO! Richie!

[driving the car] Yes?

Let's go!

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Special Father #2:
Hey, Eminence, do you want to bless some people?

Yeah, okay, I'll bless some peoples. [to the citizens] Bless you my children.

[none of the citizens responded]

[bleep] heathens.

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[the Special Fathers and Sister joins Pope's visit to experience fun events while being protected in a bulletproof glass cube car whenever the big monster arrives]

Special Father #1:
Did you, uh, get a good picture of that with you, Eminence?

Yeah, I'm not into this.

Special Sister:
Hey, I have an idea. Let's go get some dim sum.

Ehm, no, I-I had chinese two days ago.

Special Sister:
It's delicious here. You've never had it like here.

No, I'll pass.

Special Sister:

I pass! I don't want it!

Special Father #1:
I win.

Special Sister:

Special Father #1:
Give me your money.

Special Sister:

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

DJ Jesus:
We're gonna make a DVD of me using music to stop the monster. Maybe because it's *human* beatboxing --

Senator Whitehead:

DJ Jesus:
Maybe that's what the monster hates so much.

Senator Whitehead:
Oh, no Mr. DJ. You no-a save-a the city.

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

DJ Jesus:
Senator, we need a giant sound system and a giant microphone. I know how to stop the monster. It's human beatboxing.

[to Whitehead] Dude! You're naked!

Senator Whitehead:
Yes, I woke up naked on the docks, and I decided to come straight to work.

Nice dick!

Senator Whitehead:
Thank you.

What I'd give for half of that! DJ J, spit some beats for that politicans' dick.

DJ Jesus:
[beatboxes] Sweet dick. [beatboxes] Sweet dick.

Senator Whitehead:
AAAAOOOOOW AAAH! [bleep] I hate that human beatboxing.

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Senator Whitehead:
[on phone] Hello, Lucy! It's Bob Whitehead. I'm gonna be on CNN in two minutes. Put it on. I'll wink at you.

Stop calling. Stop calling me. If I see you anywhere near me, I'm gonna mace you.

Senator Whitehead:
Wait, wait, wait --

If I could mace you over the phone, I would.

[Lucy bottle sprayed her phone making a static sound to annoy The Senator]

Can you feel this? Can you feel it?

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Special Father and Sister sees the exact same news that's happening about a big monster terrorizing the Golden Gate Bridge]

Special Father #1:
Oh, great. The Pope is coming tomorrow, and a monster is attacking San Francisco. That's just perfect.

Special Sister:
That's fine. He loves that kind of stuff. Remember when he made us go see the beached whale?

Special Father #1:
But we're responsible for his safety while he's here.

Special Sister:
We'll take him to go see some cable cars. He'll be fine. We'll get him some Dim Sum and some wine.

Special Father #1:
I don't think the Pope is going to want Dim Sum.

Special Sister:
I think the Pope IS gonna want Dim Sum.

Special Father #1:
Alright, we'll agree to disagree.

Special Sister:
NO, we're gonna place a $10 bet.

Special Father #1:

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[on phone] Bob. Satan. Listen, do not kill the monster. I want it.

Senator Whitehead:
You want it?


Senator Whitehead:
Huh. I'm gonna kill it with a huge gun on national television.

I command you not to kill the mons--

Senator Whitehead:
Listen, I have to go. I'm doing interviews all day. [hangs up]

Ugh, what a prick.

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Senator Whitehead:
We're going straight to the White House, my man. You kill a big monster, I don't think you have to worry too much about the nomination. Primaries? Heh, forget about it.

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Satan watches the news and sees a big monster wrecking havoc on the Golden Gate Bridge on TV]

What the hell is that?

I was gonna ask you.

I want one.

What do you mean, you want one?

I really want one.

What would you do with it?

I'd put it in, like, a huge cage or, like, a diorama.

No, no, you --

And we'd give it its own habitat and then we'd throw people in it. It would eat them, and we'd laugh. I'm getting it.

You're not getting it.

I'm getting it.

You're not.



Come on.

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[after DJ Jesus got saved when the Catholic Girls' Boarding School got blown up]

DJ Jesus:
Oh, my god. There was $90,000 worth of equipment in there!

Special Sister:
It was haunted.

Special Father #1:
That will be $500, please.

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[as Special Sister heard the song from the pool room, she finally sees DJ Jesus being possessed by two pool girls]

Special Sister:
[to DJ Jesus] You! DJ!

Creepy Pool Girls:
Kill her. Kill her.

Special Sister:
Get out of the pool, buddy!

Creepy Pool Girls:
Kill Hairy Mary. Kill them all.

Special Sister:
[to the creepy pool girls] SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!

DJ Jesus:
[possessed] Hi, Hairy...Mary.

Special Sister:

[then Special Sister punches DJ Jesus' right in the gut to save him, while she put dynamite to blow the whole school up to smithereens]

Special Sister:
[to Special Fathers and Lucy's friends] Bomb.

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Special Father #1:
As trained and certified exorcists, we are able to cast out demons if demons are present.

Oh, man, they're here. They're totally here.

Special Sister:
This place is evil! [to Lucy] That girl's the ANTICHRIST!

Special Father #1:
Sister! Enough.

Special Sister:
[growls] Evil.

Special Father #1:
She [chuckles nervously] she has some problems today.

Special Sister:
[to SF1] This place is evil.

Special Father #1:
Sister, please.

Special Sister:

Special Father #2:
Perdoni Mi. I really got to go.

Special Father #1:
Oh, yes. Father, uh, Benetti would like to use your restroom, if possible.

Special Sister:
[to SF2] No, don't do it.

Yeah, yeah, sure. It's down the hall to the left.

Special Sister:
[to SF2] DON'T DO IT!

Special Father #1:

Special Father #2:
[to Judas] Thank you very much.

Yeah, but be careful, man. You might see this rotting girl in a bathing suit spurting blood out her eyes. Not cool.

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Special Fathers and Sister head to Catholic Girls' Boarding School who called for help]

Special Sister:
What are we doing here?! Holy crap, no! No, no! This is all wrong!

Special Father #2:
No, uh, t-this is the right place.

Special Sister:
Ok, leaving now. [starts to get cross-eyed again]

Special Father #1:
What? No. No, no, no. We drove for three hours to get here. We're not leaving.

Special Father #2:
I have to do a number due.

Special Father #1:
See, Father Benetti has to poo. Plus, this was your idea, Sister. "Let's make a little extra money", you said. "Put an ad on the internet", you said.

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Young Satan:
Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

Young Special Sister:
Yeah? [looks at him while being cross-eyed]

Young Satan:
Look at me.

Young Special Sister:
I am.

Young Satan:

Young Special Sister:

Young Satan:

Young Special Sister:

Young Satan:
What's wrong with your eye?

Young Special Sister:
Nothing. Let me tilt my head. I can create the illusion that I'm looking right at you.

Young Satan:
That's weird.

Young Special Sister:
I guess.

Young Satan:
Your eyes is weird.

Young Special Sister:
Okay. I know. I'm hairy, my eye is weird, my mustache -- But you know what? LOOK INSIDE!

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Young Satan:
Hey, what are you doing way over here?

Young Special Sister:

[Young Satan look at the two bratty girls who bullied her]

Young Satan:
[scoffs] Oh, them? Hey, you can't let anyone get one over on you. You got to get 'em back.

Young Special Sister:
Pour shampoo on them?

Young Satan:
No, no, no. Worse.

Young Special Sister:
In their eyes?

Young Satan:
Worse than shampoo in their eyes.

Young Special Sister:
You mean conditioner?

Young Satan:
No, not conditioner. Worse.

Young Special Sister:
Worse than conditioner?

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

I think we should leave.

[after seeing a dead ghostly girl] [bleep] "A" MAN.

Good. It's settled. I'll go pack my bag.

DJ Jesus:
[possessed] We can't leave. This re-remix is being paid for by my label. I signed a contract -- A legal document. Do you have any idea what that means?

I do. It's just --

DJ Jesus:
It's ju-- What, Lucy? What? You just want to INTERFERE with my career?

No. I think all of us feel that--

DJ Jesus:
No. I think all of us don't understand that I was totally blocked and this place unblocked me until YOU came in here and interrupted me. So BACK OFF and let me work so I can make music that will PAY for more trips like this.

Well, I don't think anyone wants more trips like this.

DJ Jesus:
WELL, I DO! I WANT THEM. Now get out. [goes back to his et]

[to Lucy] We could leave him here.

We can't leave him here.

Well, then, I'm gonna call an exorcist or something.

A what?

An exorcist.

What is that gonna do?

Like the Ghostbusters, you know? It's someone who can, like, fix everything here.

I don't even think those exist. And even if they did, how would you find one?

I got the internet on my phone. Boom. I already got one.

That was quick.

Yeah. Sidney's Exorcism. Armonk, New York. That's a long way away, right?


Let me try another one.

How many choices do you have for an exorcist?


I guess try the next one.

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[meanwhile with Judas]

Oh, man. Luce, your dog pooped on the rug! I'm not cleaning it up!

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Creepy Girl Voice:
You're cute.

DJ Jesus:
Who's there?

Creepy Girl Voice:
You've got skills. I like your beard.

DJ Jesus:
Uh, thank you.

Creepy Girl Voice:
Your girlfriend doesn't like your beard.

DJ Jesus:
Yes, she does. I think she does.

Creepy Girl Voice:
She doesn't want you to be happy.

DJ Jesus:
Of course she does.

Creepy Girl Voice:
She wants to interfere.

DJ Jesus:
She does.

Creepy Girl Voice:
Yeah. She does.

DJ Jesus:

Creepy Girl Voice:
She's an interferer.

DJ Jesus:
Wait a minute...

Creepy Girl Voice:
But I still like your beard.

DJ Jesus:
[chuckles] You...

Creepy Girl Voice:

DJ Jesus:
You're funny whispering voice.

Creepy Girl Voice:
You're funny.

DJ Jesus:
You're funny.

Creepy Girl Voice:
I like your eyes, too.

DJ Jesus:
[sexually] Alright.

Creepy Girl Voice:
So deep.

DJ Jesus:
Mm-hmm. Keep talking.

Creepy Girl Voice:

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Special Father #1:
As a young girl, Sister Mary found herself face-to-face with the devil. He came not as a serpent in the grass, but as a lifeguard in a banana hammock.

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[as DJ Jesus tries to make a perfect remix for his music, he then starts to hear "Pound My Tom-Tom" on his record player that randomly changes out of nowhere]

DJ Jesus:
Judas, Lucy, come check this out!

Wow. What's happening?

DJ Jesus:
All my records turned into this record, and it's perfect. The perfect beat to go with my re-remix. Then the tiles started moving.

I think it's spooky.

DJ Jesus:
Um, it's awesome.

There's something weird going on in this place.

Yeah, man, she's right.

DJ Jesus:
Look, will you two relax? I'm really excited about this song. Okay, maybe you guys could stop being so negative and start being a little supportive of me. How does that sound?


Are they saying "Pound my tom-tom"?

DJ Jesus:

I'm sorry. "Supportive". I'm being supportive.

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Young Special Sister:
It's called "Pound My Tom-Tom". It's about vaginas.

School Girl:
[chuckling] Oh, Mary.

Young Special Sister:
Tony said. He loaned it to me.

School Girl:
Tony the lifeguard?

Young Special Sister:
Yeah! He's gonna show me the dance that goes to it. He's gonna show me the dance that goes to it.

[suddenly two bratty girls arrived]

Bratty Girl #1:
Ha. Tony's gonna do the Tom-Tom with Hairy Mary. That'll be funny.

School Girl:
Bye, Mary.

Young Special Sister:
Stop calling me Hairy Mary!

Bratty Girl #1:
Oh, I'll stop calling you Hairy Mary when you shave your arms and wax your back and pluck your face.

Young Special Sister:
Leave me alone!

Bratty Girl #2:
Um, not supposed to have disco records. It's a sin. [takes away the disc]

Young Special Sister:
Give it back!

Bratty Girl #1:
Honestly, Mary, do you think Tony would ever like a girl who has a bigger mustache than he does?

Young Special Sister:

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[as Lucy tries to find outlets in old school for DJ Jesus' recording materials, she heard an ominous voice]

Creepy Girl Voice:


Creepy Girl Voice:

Hello? Who said that?

Creepy Girl Voice:
You have a fatass.

I do not!

[Lucy then sees a mirror of her butt that she do have a fatass and runs for her life]

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Lucy and her friends head to an old Catholic Girls' Boarding School]

DJ Jesus:
Isn't this place amazing? It was a Catholic Girls' Boarding School or something.

I think it's kind of creepy.

Yeah, man, it's, uh, it is a little creepy.

DJ Jesus:
Come on, guys. I got to get this re-remix done, and this just the place to do it -- No one else around for miles; No e-mail; No phones; Big, empty pool with weird tiles. It's great. Come on. [farts] Oh, hey, excuse me, guys.

[laughs] You fart-echoed.

DJ Jesus:

Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

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