Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #57

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,862 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Victor Frankenstein:

Really, Victor, you do realize that if you only made love to Elizabeth once in a while instead of surgically removing the semen from your body without anesthetic, she wouldn't be cavorting with that euro-trash vampire.

Victor Frankenstein:
And, professor, [grunts] if I wasn't so desperately bored by any form of sexual [grunts] stimulation, I wouldn't have to dream up newer, more [grunts] interesting ways to empty my scrotum! [grunts] There! Torch.

[Polidori gives the torch to Victor so he can torch his ballsack]

Victor Frankenstein:

[laughing] You got it!


Victor Frankenstein:

Elizabeth Frankenstein:

Victor Frankenstein:
Moment's up!

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Death arrives to takes Victor's children with him]

Come. Bid farewell to existence!

Heinrich & Gustav:

[Elizabeth comes by]

Geez. [hides away]

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Boys, I've had just about enough of this.

But Death, Mom!

Yeah -- Death!

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Aren't you a little too old for this?

No, just right.

Yeah, perfect age to worry about death, actually.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Enough. One more outburst, and you're really in trouble. [leaves]

[Death shows up again]

Heinrich & Gustav:

Oh, come on! [hides away again]

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Oh, come on!

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Heinrich & Gustav:
Oh, no! The Mummy!

Scary and from another culture.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Mommy, we don't like the cemetery.

It's hitting a little too close to home right now.

Heinrich & Gustav:
Aah! Nosferatu!

The silent vampire!

He's balder than Dracula!

I never thought of that. That's scarier.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Settle down. I'll handle it.

[Elizabeth puts a cork up Nosferatu's vampire teeth]

Henrich & Gustav:
[singsong voice] Ha ha! You can't kill our Mom! She is immortal!

[title card intensifies] Curses!

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Victor Frankenstein:
Yes, what's so dramatically urgent now, Death?

Oh, no, it's not dramatic. It's...GRAAAVE.

Victor & Polidori:

The time has come!

Victor Frankenstein:
[chuckles] Time, sir? I drank an immortality serum, remember? So when you say "The time has come" to me, you may as well be speaking backwards japanese in pig latin.

Mm. With a stutter.

Yes, but your children, they did not drink the serum. They must move on the great beyond!

Victor Frankenstein:
Oh, of course they must. They're as old as the hills. Now, look, I am very busy man, s--

I don't think you understand. The next chance I get, your offspring will be going away with me, FOREVER.

Victor Frankenstein:

...Why do you hate me?

Victor Frankenstein:
Don't take it personally. I don't like anyone.

So you do hate me?

Victor Frankenstein:
I don't like anyone!

You don't give me the respect I deserve.

Victor Frankenstein:
Alright, look -- You're not a bad guy. You're just a goof, okay?

A goof?

Victor Frankenstein:
Yes, an irritating goof.

No one else thinks I'm a goof.

Victor Frankenstein:
Yes, because they are blinded with fear. Time has stopped for me. I get to see the real you, and...you're goofy.

Ha. Okay. That's fantastic. Yeah. Perfect! We'll see how goofy I am when you realize your children are gone for all eternity! I guarantee that THAT will leave a morbid impression upon your soul!

Victor Frankenstein:
Do you know what would really impress me? Get rid of that dracula guy. That dirty polack's B.O. is getting all over my bedsheets.

NO! Dracula stays. But your children come with me. [laughs evilly as he disappears]

In one ear and out the other with him.

Count Dracula:
[laughs maniacally] So, you thought you could get rid of me using that dastardly villain, Death! But you are once again foiled, Frankenstein! [laughs manically while turning into a bat and leaves]

Victor Frankenstein:
I am surrounded by dorks.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Death arrives at Victor's castle]

Oh, good -- The doorbell works.

[Death tries to give Polidori the death touch]

Still immortal, eh, Polidori?



Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[after Adolf Hitler got rejected by Creation's Left Leg for telling the truth, he then goes back to hating jews again]

Adolf Hitler:

Creation's Left Leg:
Uh, what did he say?

I think he said he's a "doughnut".

Victor Frankenstein:
He sure is!

Count Dracula:
No, you are a doughnut, Frankenstein, for I have date to take your wife on romantic hayride sometimes in next few weeks, when hayride people have an opening for us. You doughnut!

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[while Adolf Hitler and Creation's Left Leg are enjoying the time of their lives]

Creation's Left Leg:
Let's play "Truth or Dare". You first.

Adolf Hitler:
Um...dare. No, no! Truth, truth! No, no! Dare, dare! No, truth! Dare. Dare. No, no, no. Truth, truth, truth, truth, truth.

Creation's Left Leg:
Okay. What's the worst thing you've ever planned on doing?

Adolf Hitler:

[cuts to the next scene]

Adolf Hitler:
Look, can't you just forget about all that?

Creation's Left Leg:
Forget? Never! I have to draw the line somewhere!

Adolf Hitler:
That was the old me! It was just a plan!

Creation's Left Leg:
I reject you -- You and that fakakta mustahce!

Adolf Hitler:
CHAPLIN HAD THIS FIRST! Ooh, his little tramp...

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Frankenstein's Creation:
Victor claims that to be truly immortal, one must affect mankind in some positive way.

Adolf Hitler:
Oh, I don't know if being positive is all that mandatory. Is your leg okay? Has it got enough room?

Frankenstein's Creation:
Yes. Sufficient. ALAS! I fall --

Adolf Hitler:
Are you sure there's enough room for the leg? It seems a bit squashed over there.

Frankenstein's Creation:
No. Worry not. I-It's fine. And even --

Adolf Hitler:
So, how is your left leg in general?

Frankenstein's Creation:
What? Oh, it still --

Adolf Hitler:
Come on. Lift up your pant. Let's see the little fella.

Frankenstein's Creation:
No. It shames me.

Adolf Hitler:
Shames? Why? You're the ugly one. Come! Up with it!

[Frankenstein's Creation lifts his pant to show his whole left leg]

Adolf Hitler:
Oh! Look at him! He's adorable! Hi, you! You want a drink? Sure you do! A wine for my semitic little friend here -- Something that follows the ancient hebrew laws, you swine!

Adolf Hitler:
[puts the wine into Creation's leg] L'chaim! Ah, I love drinking during the day, don't you?

Frankenstein's Creation:
[tired] What else is there?

Adolf Hitler:
[singsong voice] Not talking to you.

Frankenstein's Creation:
Yes, of course.

Adolf Hitler:
Are you getting tired.

Frankenstein's Creation:
I'm getting a bit fatigued.

Adolf Hitler:
[to Creation] Who asked you?!

Frankenstein's Creation:
I just am.

Adolf Hitler:
Well, then, why don't you just leave? Quite frankly, you're nothing but a big, worthless third wheel.

[Frankenstein's Creation tears his left leg apart]

Frankenstein's Creation:
THERE! Don't let me spoil thy fun!

[then Creation's Left Leg suddenly comes to life]

Creation's Left Leg:
[to Adolf Hitler] Let's kibitz!

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[after Adolf Hitler's brain surgery of not hating jews was a success]

Adolf Hitler:
Hey, so, the jews...not so bad!

Victor & Polidori:

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Adolf Hitler:
So, how's the little brainy-heads doing?

Victor Frankenstein:
Great. The answer's very simple. See here -- Not enough blood is entering the tolerance part of your brain. So all we need to do re-route this artery and it should send oxygen to that part of the lobe, feeding the area that's been suffocating.

Adolf Hitler:
And this will stop me from hating the jews?

Victor Frankenstein:
Oh, yes. You'll be not-hating the CRAP out of those jews.

[clears throat]

Victor Frankenstein:
Um, but there may be one possible side ffect.

Adolf Hitler:
What, like diarrhea? That's fine. I can live with that.

It's...a little different than diarrhea.

Victor Frankenstein:
I'm afraid so, Mr. Hitler. This process may leave you...loving the jews.

Adolf Hitler:
L-L-L-L-L-L-L-Loving? Not just tol-l-lerating?

Victor Frankenstein:
That's right.

Adolf Hitler:
Like, "going out of my way" loving?

Victor Frankenstein:

Adolf Hitler:
[singsong voice] Well, that is a little different than diarrhea-a-a. Okay. I'll risk it.

Victor Frankenstein:
Adolf Hitler, GET ON THAT SLAB!

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Frankenstein's Creation:
My left leg was chosen from the chosen.

Adolf Hitler:
Another drink?

Frankenstein's Creation:

Adolf Hitler:
Think nothing of it. I am made of money. I control many of your leg's people's banks.

Frankenstein's Creation:
Once, I controlled him. My presence filled Frankenstein with CHILLS!

Adolf Hitler:
Control is overrated. It doesn't make you happy. It doesn't keep me from being frightened.

Frankenstein's Creation:
Of what art thou frightened?

Adolf Hitler:
Being called a monster.

Frankenstein's Creation:
Aah! I hate that word!

Adolf Hitler:
[voice breaking] It probably applies to me, though.

Frankenstein's Creation:
If you're so aware of thine own heart, why struggle against its leanings?

Adolf Hitler:
I'm not always this aware. I had a dream.

[Adolf Hitler starts to remember when he was a little baby, he then starts to bite one of the Jewish Man's breasts using his vampire teeth]

Adolf Hitler:

Frankenstein's Creation:

Adolf Hitler:
I'm sorry! Sorry! I'm very insecure.

Frankenstein's Creation:
You have no need to be.

Adolf Hitler:
Really? Oh, you're nice, Pally.

Frankenstein's Creation:

Adolf Hitler:
L-Let's do some shots. [giggling] I feel all tingly!

Frankenstein's Creation:
I'm your Pally?

Adolf Hitler:
I think I'm getting spaghetti legs.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Frankenstein's Creation:
Although I am indestructible, a sense of dread constantly pervades my consciousness -- An ennui that sends me into fits of trembling unrest that I can find no solace from.

Adolf Hitler:
You're a jew, aren't you?

Frankenstein's Creation:
My only heritage... [sniffs] ...is death. Death is my legacy. Death, my birthright. Death...my inheritance.

Adolf Hitler:
Yes. Definitely a jew.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Oh, hello, herr worky-job. Taking a break from your jobby-work?

Count Dracula:
[laughs] Nice one.

[Victor checks Elizabeth's neck that she's been bitten]

Victor Frankenstein:
You keep trying, eh, Count?

Count Dracula:
I think those holes mean more than trying. I think I did it. I put my teeth in there.

Victor Frankenstein:
Yes, but you'll never make her a vampire. It gets your goat, doesn't it?

Count Dracula:
I assure you, my goat is quite safe. Since Elizabeth here already immortal, what I care she got fangs, she can flap around like flappy bat? I don't care. She does whatever I want.

Victor Frankenstein:
You mean, *you* do whatever she wants.

Count Dracula:
No, I do what I want, and she does -- She...do what I want.

Victor Frankenstein:
She does not.

Count Dracula:
Oh-ho, yes, she does.

Victor Frankenstein:
No way.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Hello! I'm right here!

Count Dracula:
Yes way.

Victor Frankenstein:
No way!

Count Dracula:
Yes way. But this is childish!

Victor Frankenstein:
[leaves without giving a damn]

Count Dracula:
Walking away doesn't make you right! [hisses]

[Count Dracula then starts to pull Elizabeth's hair]

Elizabeth Frankenstein:

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Adolf Hitler:
I... [sadly] I hate the jews.

Historically, you are in good company.

Adolf Hitler:
Yeah, but I'm just sick of it. It's controlling my whole life! Herr Frankenstein...I want to quit hating the jews.

Victor Frankenstein:
Then why don't you just start liking them?

Adolf Hitler:
I CAN'T! I want to, but my hands are tied! I hate them!

Have you tried *not* hating them?

Adolf Hitler:
What do you think? I'm stupid? Yeah, I tried! Look. [grunts] There! Tried again! Still hate 'em. Satisfied?

Victor Frankenstein:
Well, if I were you, Mr. Hitler --

Adolf Hitler:
You would do exactly as I do...if you were me.

Victor Frankenstein:

Adolf Hitler:
You think I want to be like this? You think I picked the shape of this dumb brain of mine? Did I choose the environment I grew up in during my formative years? And was I my own parents who raised myself in a cold, emotionless germanic childhood? No!

Adolf Hitler:
Despising and fearing jews is more than just a fun pastime for me. It is a controlling handicap that gets in the way of being WHO. I. REALLY. AM...a tolerator of jews.

Victor Frankenstein:
I'm sure we can help you.

Adolf Hitler:
Oh, Herr Frankenstein, Herr Polidori, if you can rid me of this burdensome character flaw, I would give you anything. Even the gift of me not having you executed by the Gestapo. I know people.

Victor Frankenstein:
Give us an afternoon to research this dilemma. There's a quaint little pub in the village where you can occupy yourself. My creation will show you there. He's an alcoholic.

Frankenstein's Creation:
What unreciprocated favor may I carry out in your honor today, master genius?

Adolf Hitler:
Funny. I always -- I always pictured you as being green.

Frankenstein's Creation:
[sighs] Shall we not, tarry?

Victor Frankenstein:
Well, I'll need a smoke before we start.

Yes, and I could use a swift wanking.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Look, mother! [singsong voice] I lost another tooth!

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Oh, how sweet. Put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy.

Yay! [coughs]

Victor Frankenstein:
Are you all nuts? You're having him put his dead tooth under a nice, soft pillow?

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
We are celebrating the change in Heinrich's body.

Victor Frankenstein:
Heinrich, you know that that's your last top-left bicuspid, right? You don't get a new one.

I know.

Me too.

Victor Frankenstein:
And there is now such thing as a tooth fairy. Next thing you'll tell me is that Santy Claus brings Dracula a huge bundle of baby throats every christmas.

Ooh. Speak of the devil-cula.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Oh! Hello! I'll be right out, Count!

Victor Frankenstein:
What does the prince of horny want with you now?

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
He's taking me to the opera, as if you care.

Victor Frankenstein:
I'm going to the lab.

Who are you helping...

...that not us?

Victor Frankenstein:
Someone who actually deserves my help. [enunciating] Adolf...Hitler?

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Breakfast for dinner again? Why must you begin at midnight?

Victor Frankenstein:
Because it is SPOOKY, that's why!

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Mother Teresa:
Mr. Victor, the poor, they need so much my help back in Calcuttaaaaaaaa...

Victor Frankenstein:
[starts to beg]

Mother Teresa:
...aaaaAAH! Don't give me those puppy dog eysies.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Frankenstein's Creation tries to do the puppy dog eyes on Mother Teresa]

Frankenstein's Creation:
You scour away blood stain, incredibly.

Mother Teresa:
What? You. Those look puppy dog eyesies, those wrapping head eyesies. I no like 'em, get out!

Frankenstein's Creation:

Mother Teresa:
Go on, scram! Out. Out.

[Frankenstein's Creation sadly leaves]

Mother Teresa:
Are you there, Mr. Not Even Here?

[Mother Teresa had to make sure if Griffin is actually in this room while invisible, but certainly not]

Mother Teresa:

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Frankenstein's Creation:
Hath thy day been, paris?

The Invisible Man:
Look at me, I'm invisible and naked. And I still have a hard time getting laid.

Frankenstein's Creation:
A symbol in the cue behind me.

The Invisible Man:
Plus, there's a sure thing at the castle, Mother Teresa, she'll do anything to anyone who gives her puppy dog eyes except for me, of course I'm invisible.

Frankenstein's Creation:
Oh. Tell me more.

The Invisible Man:
Well, she's kind of a butter-faced. And I'm not sure what or who does look like but I'm gonna get a better look if you know what I mean.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Mother Teresa:
Alright, bath ready now, Ms. Wifenstein.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:

[Elizabeth starts to wait for Mother Teresa to take off her robe]

Mother Teresa:
[sighs] Okay, cloth off now.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Thank you, Mother Teresa. You're so kind.

Mother Teresa:
Okay, I go have abortion, then.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
[holds Teresa's hand] Pleeease stay. Someone simply must help me do my bath.

[Mother Teresa do Elizabeth's bath]

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Hey, Griffin.

The Invisible Man:
GEEZ! I didn't even know I be here. How could you?

Mother Teresa:

The Invisible Man:
No, I'm not the devil, Mother Teresa, I'm just The Invisible Man.

Mother Teresa:
But how your clothes invisible?

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Because the pervert is naked.

Mother Teresa:
NOOOO! Can't look at the naked!

The Invisible Man:
Mother Teresa, I am Jack Griffin, and I'm a very lonely man.

The Invisible Man:

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Griffin, what are you doing?

The Invisible Man:
I'm giving Mother Teresa, my puppy dog eyes of this lady.

Mother Teresa:
Oh, no, the pu-- But I see nothing.

The Invisible Man:
Oh! It's like I'm not even here.

Mother Teresa:
Not here? No face to haunt me? No GUILT?

The Invisible Man:
I'm leaving.

Mother Teresa:

[Griffin leaves]

Mother Teresa:
Don't g-- Where'd he g-- Puppy? Invisible puppy?

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Mother Teresa:
Alright, cobbed-web all cleaned up.

Ooh, shiny.

Mother Teresa:
So, now maybe I have a little abort--

Victor Frankenstein:
Yeah, thanks. Um, now if you could, my wife, Elizabeth needs a little help in the bathroom.

Mother Teresa:
But the pool, I must go to them.

Victor Frankenstein:

Mother Teresa:
[stressed] Ooh, the puppy dog eyesey, I can't--

Victor Frankenstein:
Pleeeeeease? [shoves Polidori to get on with it]

Yes. Pleeeease, help his...wife?

Mother Teresa:
Oh, alright, alright! I'll go help Ms. Lady, but then with you hoo-hoo -- [points to her stomach]

Victor Frankenstein:
Yes, yes, yes, thank you, Mother Teresa, thank you.

Mother Teresa:
Okay, I hold you to this one. [leaves angrily]

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

The Invisible Man:
Hello, little peasant girl.

Who's there?

The Invisible Man:
Me. Chad Griffin. The Invisible Man!

Are you a monster?

The Invisible Man:
Oh, ho, ho ho, heavens no. I'm a brilliant mad scientist who has created a serum for invisibility. Unfortunately, I've yet to create a serum for...visibility.

You don't need a serum for that.

The Invisible Man:
Not most people, no. But I do.

Marina's Cat:

The Invisible Man:
And yet I still enjoy life, and though I'm invisible it's better than most have it around here. I mean, I'm invisible, yes, but at least I'm not an ugly monster.

Were you ugly when you weren't invisible?

The Invisible Man:
Eeeeh...I...nooo. I did alright, uh, dated a little. Went steady with a cute-enough bird, you know. She was fine. I, uh [laughs] I think she broke up with me because I was obsessed with work.


Marina's Cat:

The Invisible Man:
I said I THINK.

Marina's Cat:


So...how do you make your clothes invisible?

Meow? [same question that Marina said]

The Invisible Man:
How's that?

Well, a serum not a potion. When you drink it, it goes into your body. Not your clothes.

Marina's Cat:
Meow. [agrees]

The Invisible Man:
Yeah, that's true. I, uh, suppose.


Marina's Cat:

The Invisible Man:
Well, my clothes *aren't* invisible, per se.

Marina's Cat:

The Invisible Man:
I...take them off.

Wai-- You're telling me that you're talking to a poor little peasant girl while you're...naked.

Marina's Cat:
Meow? [same question that Marina said]

The Invisible Man:

Marina and Marina' Cat:

The Invisible Man:
ALRIGHT, I'M LEAVING! DON'T SCREAM! [gets hit by more eyecrows and bugs] OW! OUCH! OH, BUGS IN MY TEETH! [spits] ACK!

Scientists! They're worst even than monsters!

Marina's Cat:
Meow. [agrees]

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Griffin gets hit by an eyecrow]

The Invisible Man:
Ow! Damn it! Kick you in water.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

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