Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #98

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,915 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Hey! Are you okay?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Oh! Yes. I must've been sleeping with my eyes open.

Oh, good. Do you remember where you were before you arrived?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Mmm. Not yet. 'Cause I'm a rock star now. I can feel it. I can totally feel it.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Professor Wilx sees Spider on one of the TV screens]

Professor Wilx:
Your skills are beyond useless. It's a wonder he ever hired you. What's he doing in there?

[leg movements]

Professor Wilx:
A ship? Approaching, you say? No one on the outside knows. Unless...I'll handle this.

[as Professor Wilx leaves, Spider gave him the middle finger]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Peanut Cop:
Ahh. Seriously, there is a better way out of here than those useless doors. [chuckles] I should ha-- [chuckles] I should have told you that before. But I didn't. Didn't I? About the doors?

Golden Joe:
Man, trust in you I do not your jiffy ass. How much work does it take to be as dumb as you?

Peanut Cop:
[chuckles] Come here. Look at these jet skis. Jet skis, man! Ain't those totally bitchin'?

Golden Joe:
This is my dream come true, Peanut! LET'S BOUNCE THIS DOG HOUSE!

[as they motor revs their jet skis, the jet skis sputtered which take for a long time to progress]

Golden Joe:
Peanut! We ain't got no gas!

Peanut Cop:
You think? I never met a jet ski that didn't have gas. [laughs] Watch me trying. [laughs then serious] Keep trying.

[cuts to the next scene where the two pineapples are watching them trying to rev jet skis on their way out of here]

Pineapple 1:
What are they doing?

Pineapple 2:
I don't got eyes, so I don't frickin' know.

Pineapple 1:
Sounds like motors. Sounds like jet ski motors. Sounds like you left your jet skis in the room.

Pineapple 2:
Impossible! I lent my jet skis to Margaret and Nathaniel for their divorce. So they -- They are definitely not in the room. Ahh, they must have -- [realized] THEY REPLACED THEM WITH REPLICA JET SKIS! I WILL GO OFF ON THEM LIKE A BAKERSFIELD MONKEY!

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[a long time ago]

This quadrant turned out rather interesting, wouldn't you agree, Professor Wilx?

Professor Wilx:
It's quite perfect. I admire your work, Aria.

I didn't imagine it to render as so...simple. The logarithms were insanely complicated.

Professor Wilx:
Simplicity is merely what lies beneath complication. It serves great purpose.

But why so many? Why do we need 222?

Professor Wilx:
Because that's what they required.

And who are they?

Professor Wilx:
You know I can't.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[while Shark and Square Guy got resurrected as a monster]

[tired] What have you done? What have you done?

Rectangular Businessman:
Embarrassing. Your gills are breathing on my face. [sighs]

Rectangular Businessman:
This is going to cost someone plenty.

Oh, god. Stop talking to me.

Rectangular Businessman:
Maybe I should be heard. The most.

Anyone's you. Seriously.

Rectangular Businessman:
Your voice is so [chainsaw whirs] irritating. West tide. Grant denied.

I will find you when you are alone.

Rectangular Businessman:
My network of donors is worldwide. Do not commit. I will be doing all the talking from here on out.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[New Guy gets a job interview for Shyd Industries]

Industry Man:
So I see you're from the place, this says. And you have no references, family, or friends.

Industry Man:
That's terrific.

Industry Man:
Ooh! Says here you're open to travel. Oh, but I see there's one exception to travel...distance. I'm afraid that's not gonna work out for us. We really need someone who can -- [sees New Guy leaving] Wait. Wait. Wait, wait. Got a job for ya. What with your not references and no family. You are going to be so incredibly not missed. You're hired.

Industry Man:

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[while Roostre journey his way out while still being covered in black squid blood]

Gawd, this stuff stinks. What the hell is this crap? [sees a skeleton with a backpack gear] Wait a minute, what the hell? What -- Is that a -- A flashlight? Dang, man, there's some ju ju bees and a -- Oh wait, some bottled water and a face wipe. Everything a man needs when he's in need. Man, if only there was some jerky in here.

[sees a random red door in front of him]

Okay. We'll play it their way. One second I'm in Cardboard City, and now, uh...

[suddenly Spider jumpscares him and spit Roostre's body into a cocoon stuck in the caves again]

[tired] Here I am.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Fitz plays a random guitar solo]

Professor Wilx:
I have no doubt.

[surprised] How did...how the hell did I do that? I don't know anything about --

Yes, you do.

I don't remember knowing anything about this.

You know... [strums guitar] ...a lot more than you know.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[after the light beam gone out from the rock]

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
What was that? Whatever the was, I wanna know what it was.

That was a ruse. Something to keep us safe.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Ahh...save from what?


Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
How long are we safe?

We're safe until you know more.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
And when will I know more?

You have more questions than I'd imagined.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
You said I need to know more. So, give it to me. Straight. The more.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Peanut Cop:
Ahh. Man. You remember all that smart stuff I said earlier? About where we are? And where we could go?

Golden Joe:
No, man. You know what I wanna say to you? HEEEELP! HELP MEEE! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME! HAHAHAH, NO!

[cuts to the next scene in a secret security base where Green Sweatered Woman sees Golden Joe crying for help]

Green Sweatered Woman:
That one. Pinpoint that one on 18 hertz. Wait for the call. [sighs] Bitch has a loud mouth.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[as Roostre tries to get out, one of the tentacles play a note when Roostre's arms struggles]

Okay. How 'bout this? [singing] I don't know where I been, cotton mouth full of gin, strings on my fate, better look again.

[as Roostre reaches for the scissors to cut the tentacles, he then got covered with black squid blood]

Oh, ma. Look at this. Somebody better get a mop. Is there a somebody here? Man, where the hell am I?

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
So where you from?

I'm from where you are.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Oh, yeah. And, uh, where's that?

How did you know about the frequency?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
And...who's the...guy?

Professor Wilx. He was part of them.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Part of, uh...who? Them.

The ones who locked us in here. Hold your ears.

[suddenly a big light beam lasered from a rock]

Green Sweatered Woman:
The signal's crunched, they found the frequency. We can't lose this -- Infect the stream. Alert the Castellica.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Fitz finally wakes up]

You awake.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Awake I do.

How do you feel?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Feel, um...green.

Ah! Of course! Hang on, I'm re-routing the signal.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Um...what are -- That's not -- Stop.


Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
You need to stop.

No, it's almost complete.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
But the frequency.

What about the frequency?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
You're using 108. It should be 109.

How would you know?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
I know because I knew Muff.

No, we're good. I worked this forward and backwards.

Professor Wilx:
Aria, use 109. Trust him.

We don't know if it's him!

Professor Wilx:
But we don't know he's not. Use 109. It'll be cool.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[while Golden Joe and Peanut Cop chooses the same door with human lobster with the number 2's]

Golden Joe:
That one. That's the one. That's the one right there. And you better be right.

Peanut Cop:
I am, uh -- [laughs] You're right I better be right.

[as Peanut Cop opens the door, the door vomits out blood]

Peanut Cop:
And after you. [chuckles]

Golden Joe:
Why would I go first, man? You picked it. Be my guest.

Peanut Cop:
Hmm. You're right. Then, let's roll... [chuckles]

Golden Joe:
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Hold up, hold up, man. Let's make sure you know what you think you know.

Peanut Cop:
With my hat? Right on. [chuckles]

[as Golden Joe throws Peanut's new hat inside the door, the hat explodes then turns into a pile of burnt up dust]

Peanut Cop:
Let's pick another one.

Golden Joe:
Man, what the hell?

Peanut Cop:
Mm. There are so many things to see here. So many, I can't even count. Heh. It's countless.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Skillet saves Buzby and tackles him]

Alright, it's cool, it's cool, man!

[angry squeals]

[slaps Skillet] Calm down, take a breath!

[Buzby grabs Skillet]

Look, I'm not even trying to fight you back. See, I'm just -- I'm just -- I'm just FRICKIN' DANCIN'! I CAN'T STOP DOING THIS FRICKIN' JIG! Oh, what's wrong with me!?

[Skillet turns Buzby's switch back off to "not jig"]

Hah, okay. Okay, I'm all cool now. Look, I saw you about to smash those glass coffins and I had to stop you. But if you drag me, over there, I'll explain to you --

[Skillet grabs Buzby on the floor while going to the glass chambers]

Ow! OW! Not by the wing!

[Skillet and Buzby head to the glass chambers]

Those tubes feed the core -- And the core needs to stay nourished, so we can live. And that's all I know. I mean, I don't even know what the core is!

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

It's 7:00 A.M. on the coast I'm the host with the most -- Muff here from Q-109. It's time to get your productive ass out of bed and earn some taxes. Hey, I gotta tell you about this bizarre dream I had last night. I'm in bed and all of a sudden, this shark bursts through my door. And I'm like, "Hey, man, what's a shark doing bursting through my door"?

[Clock gets close to Muff]

No, no, no, o! What -- What do you think doing? You don't change it. That's Muff from Q-109! Come on, Muff's my man!

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Industry Man:
Here at Shyd Industries, we're making your today tomorrow's future. Applicants need not apply. Only candidates void of family and friends are eligible.

Industry Man:
No one is eligible.

Industry Man:
Call now.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[to Fitz] She's found us. We need a new place or a bunch of guns.

Professor Wilx:
Your weapons will be useless. They eat bullets for breakfast. You know better, Aria.

Then what in the world do you purpose, Professor Wilx?

Professor Wilx:
Re-route the signal. That will buy us the time.

The time for what?

Professor Wilx:
To find the Architect.

We've been looking for the architect for generations.

Professor Wilx:
Generations to some, a passing thought to others.

[sighs] I'm tired of living like this -- Always hiding. We're smart than that.

Professor Wilx:
At the least, you're living. Somewhere beyond the core, our real selves exists.

Will he ever know? [referring to Fitz]

Professor Wilx:
I don't know if he should ever know.

But if he ends up knowing, do we pretend to know that we don't know he knows?

Professor Wilx:
No one knows. [hides in the darkness]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Golden Joe and Peanut Cop choose which door they'll pick to get out]

Golden Joe:
Okay, okay, okay, okay, th-- That one right there.

Peanut Cop:
No, no, no, no, no. Not that one.

Golden Joe:
Hell, man! You asked me to pick, Peanut!

Peanut Cop:
Now, listen, I'm gonna say a bunch of cool stuff that neither of us are gonna understand... [wheezes] and you're gonna nod and listen.

Golden Joe:

Peanut Cop:
Pick that one. [shows the door that looks like human lobster with number 2s on it]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Peanut Cop:
[singing] Come here to me [chuckles] [to Golden Joe] Come here to me.

[Peanut Cop sniffs his arm]

Peanut Cop:
Smell that? Do I reek of, um, you know, plant residue when it's... [inhales deeply] lit on fire?

Golden Joe:
Man, you better throw some u-d toilet on that mug, bruh!

Peanut Cop:
Shh, sh-sh-shut up. Shh, shh, shh. Criminal, where were you on the last night of the last time it was night, hmm?

[cuts to the next scene where two pineapples are watching them]

Pineapple #1:
Hey, buddy, you hear this guy? What's he saying, dude?

Pineapple #2:
For the 1,000,034th time, I don't know. I don't have ears.

Peanut Cop:
[to Golden Joe] Look, man, I'm so out of my mind, but look at me. There...is...a...way.

Golden Joe:
A way of what?

Peanut Cop:
A way of getting away. Sh*t, I'm so broken right now, but if I were straight, you would totally know. Look at me. You are not who you think you are. Hell, I'm not even anyone I know, you know?

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Man/Woman sees a bulldozer, bulldozing Fitz's old house]

Hey, what are you doing? Is that bio-diesel? 'Cause it better be. Hey! What are you doing? Is that bio-diesel? 'Cause it better be.

[more ago]

Secret Agent 1:
Is this where he lived? [referring to Fitz's place]

Secret Agent 2:
This is where he lived.

Secret Agent 1:
So...this is where he lived.

Secret Agent 2:
This is where he lived, alright.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[as Roostre wakes up getting stuck in one of them hard vine tentacles, he gets help from an old friend that simulated out from a mushroom]

Producer Man:
OHHH! Rooster, my man! [laughs] The code. Your work. [gibberish] Becomes life.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Golden Joe:
No, no, no, man! This ain't happenin'! I'm living the dream! I got the gigs! I'm on top! I'm a big boy now!

Peanut Cop:
Look at me. Look...at...me. Harder. Look at me harder. Choose. [laughs]

[as the light inside the room get more bright, a bunch of doors is right in front of them]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Hey, hey, hey, flavor awaits. Departing daily. Hey, flavor awaits. Departing daily. Get your tickets. Flavor awaits. Get your tickets. You don't --

[Peanut shoots Pineapple]

Peanut Cop:
Do I look hungry to you? [chuckles]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

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