Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #97

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,915 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Shadowy Figure arrives in Sirus' base]

Shadowy Figure:
[warbling voice]

And good morning to you. Nice to hear to you...noises.

Shadowy Figure:
[warbling voice]

[chuckles] I was gonna go, "wa-na-na-na-na".

Shadow Figure:
[warbling voice]

Well, he's out of Cardboard City.

Shadow Figure:
[warbling voice]

'Cause the man with the hook gave him a doorknob.

Shadow Figure:
[warbling voice]

And also because the exterminator double crossed us.

Shadow Figure:
[warbling voice]

Most of his friends found a way out as well, but I assure you..

[several dramatic zooms intensifies]

...no one will get out...


[dramatic zoom intensifies]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[after Aria got wet from the fight]

And where were you when the field shut down?

Professor Wilx:
I was out doing something extremely important and obviously highly intelligent. Uh, I was reprogramming the outer layer.

The outer layer is autonomous.

Professor Wilx:
Well, seems like it unautonomonized for a blip.

It doesn't unauto-- Whatever you said. That's not even a word.

Professor Wilx:
...Yeah. That happens. It's happened before. R-Regular occurrence.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Fitz saves Eye from falling when Eye saved Aria]

Whew. Good t-eye-ming.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Yeah. It's always a good time. [pulls up beer for them] For this kind of time.

[Eye drops the harpoon gun for the beer that saved Aria from falling]

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
You're a pretty good shot.

No one knew that I'm an exett bowm-eye-n.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
N-n-nope. No one knew.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[as Eye saves Aria from falling off the cliff with his harpoon gun]

I did it. I'm a hero. I'm...sl-eye-ding.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Fitz heads to the weapons armory when the tie bots arrived]

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Wow. I'll take, uh, every one of them.

You'll take what I give you.

[explosion outside from the base]


12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
That's weird. That's a lot to take into my brain.

I know. Especially when your memory's been rather, mm, reformatted.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Why did, uh, we -- They -- Create this "thing"?

Because they could. This is the ultimate form and living example of technology causing harm to society.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Well, we got to shut it down.

And only you know how.

[after Eye got done taking a shower]

Oh, m-eye. I sorr-eye. [covers his naked body]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Homey don't just kick me out of no club 'cause I can't gotta don't roll with the mac slugs and lasers. Gotta ditch these spin whiskers and find me myself 'fore weight gain sets in and I get all pudgy. I don't think so!

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Golden Joe and Peanut Cop manage to escape jail when riding on new jet skis]

Golden Joe:
We flyin', boy! Check this out, man! Check it out! Watch this kid burn a water road right straight to freedom, man!

Peanut Cop:
I told -- [laughs] I told you, bro!

Golden Joe:
What's the plan, peanut head? Which way we go, man?

Peanut Cop:
Every way! [laughs]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[while Golden Joe and Peanut Cop are still stuck on jet skis]

Peanut Cop:
Oh, man. These things aren't working. Did I make these? Because if I did, it should explain why they're not working.

Golden Joe:
Where's my switchblade at, man? I'm about to stick it up there and break it off your ass, brother!

Peanut Cop:
Halt! [laughs] Schwitch. Shh, shh. Check it out.

[zoom out the scene where there's two more jet skis]

Peanut Cop:
Duplicates. They're the same. Replicas. Clones. Copies. Twins. Transmutual mirror images. Brick house. [chuckles]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Roostre finally got out of the caves]

Hell yeah. Prime-time nursery rhyme, y'all.

[Kid shows up with bug kabob]

Whoa, now, partner! Let's not have thanksgiving all at once.

Who are you?

Well, I'm the, uh-- Well, hang on. You can't be more than 10 years old. What are you doing out here all by your lonesome?

I ask the questions. What are you doing in my camp?

Uh, come on, uh, dude -- Kid -- Uh, Kid dude...listen man. Uh, I've been through a lot of crap -- Giant spiders, tentacles, underwater fightin' and -- And all kinds of nonsense.

Did you find an exit? Where did you come from?

Man, I came from, uh -- Hey, uh, you want to put down that weenie roaster? Listen. I ain't no threat.

Weren't you with that squirrel?

You mean that chinchilla clip-art thing?

You, uh, you might want to duck. [holds a monstrous gun blaster]

[as Roostre ducks, Kid shoots a swamp monster]

Okay. Uh, there we go. That was -- That was interesting. Um, are there any more of them things around, man? You just tell me to duck at any time and I'll do it, okay?

Hey. Look, Kid. Um, you look like you could use some candy. Uh, can I get you some candy or soda or somethin' to lick on?

Shut...up. Sit down over there -- Away from me. Thank you.

Yeah, man. I-I'm sittin' down, bro. Listen. I-I'm cool. I'm cool. You can put that thing away now, man.

Don't tell me what to do. I know what I'm doin'.

I'm just trying to help you here, man. I'm just throwing out some options. I love flexibility. You know, I knew a gymnast once that could ben into a pretzel. She was so flexible. Man, that was some kind of flexible fun.

Here's on important question right now. Where did you get ze hook?

From the store?

Uh, right. What store we talkin' about?

Um, you know, the Hook Store. is that -- Is that -- Is that a good answer?

You're part of them, aren't you?

You know, the only thing I'm part of right now is I could use 20 hours' sleep.

Then sleep. I'll keep us safe. But sleep lightly.

Now, by "us". you mean me and you or what?

Shut up. You'll wake up ze tie bots.

Uh, okay, man. That's cool. I'm not talkin' no more.

I love the nights. It never ends here.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Aria shows the multiverse of many worlds]

This place is one of many places. The places surrounding it and each place is its own world.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
That's heavy.

The worlds are all connected by one doorway, each one linked to a different environment.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
So...we're here, in this one. Who's out there in the other ones?

I don't know. Maybe everyone. We've been here for who knows how long. Time is odd. Doesn't make sense here. Nothing makes sense here.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Why do I need to know all of this?

Because I need you to remember the way out.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
To where?

To home.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
And why would I know anything about that?

Because this -- All of this -- And all of that out there...was your idea.


12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[while Golden Joe and Peanut Cop still trying to start their jet skis]

Golden Joe:
Yo, this ain't happenin', bruh!

Peanut Cop:
[sighs] Hang on.

Golden Joe:
This ain't happenin' 'cause it was never gonna happen! This ain't happenin' no matter what, man!

Peanut Cop:
Wait, wait, wait, wait. [laughing] Oh. Oh. Try the other foot. [laughs]

Golden Joe:
Man. Bruh!

Peanut Cop:
Can I try your foot?

Golden Joe:
I tried 5,000 times, Blue Blood! This sh* is certifiably busted! This sh*t is tore up, boy!

Peanut Cop:
[sighs] You're right. I knew it wouldn't work. [laughs]

Golden Joe:
You knew it wouldn't work? YOU KNEW IT WOULDN'T WORK?!

Peanut Cop:
[laughing] Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Golden Joe:
That's right, you're stupid.

Peanut Cop:
Shh, shh.

Golden Joe:
I told you, man! I should pop you in your dumb peanut-ass head.

Peanut Cop:
Calm down, man.

Golden Joe:
Bruh, what's wrong with you?

Peanut Cop:
Check it out. I sent them umbrella drinks.

[cuts to the next scene where the pineapples are still watching them as always]

Pineapple 1:
Look at these freaks. Heh. So dumb and stupid and more dumb. They're still trying to start those jet skis.

Pineapple 2:
Impossible. Jet skis are not permitted to be started in the building, yo. I know the rules.

[suddenly the pineapples got free drinks coming out of the floor[

Pineapple 1:
Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Oh, whoa! Check this out! Drinks all around! It's happy day for us!

Pineapple 2:
Ah! Yes! Here's to happy for us! These are drinks that we so especially deserve in these days of so much to do! Cheers! Here's to happy day for us! I wonder why it's sizzling.

[the pineapples got exploded from the umbrella drinks]

Golden Joe:
BYE-YAH! That's what I'm talkin' about right there! Bitch!

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Peanut Cop (human form):
Can I see the picture?

My neighbor is missing. He was a good neighbor. He worked for someone, and now he's gone.

Peanut Cop (human form):
Which someone did he work for?

The Someone. THE Someone.

Peanut Cop (human form):
Which one of the some?

The one he worked for.

Peanut Cop (human form):
So...where did he go?

Peanut Cop (human form):
Your neighbor.

Over there. A man came in here and put this there.

[suddenly a box appears at her table]

Peanut Cop (human form):
What's in it?

I'm not allowed to tell.

Peanut Cop (human form):
[serious] Can I...see the picture?

Where are you right now? You're not really here. You're somewhere else. You don't belong here.

[as the backgrounds darkens, Peanut Cop (human form) disappear and Man/Woman is alone with the box]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[after Man/Woman got done doing whatever weird stuff they had to do in the other room, they came back]

Peanut Cop (human form):
Uh, what were you doing out there?

I was doing something you weren't doing in here.

Peanut Cop (human form):
Are y-- Wait. Are you a builder?

I've built many things that you know nothing about. A roller coaster, perhaps? If I did, it would be the fastest, with lots of loops. It would be called the Loop de Fast.

Peanut Cop (human form):
Building without knowledge is why I went to many schools. How long does it take for you...

[phone ringing]

Peanut Cop (human form):
...to answer a phone call?

[ringing continues]

Peanut Cop (human form):
Is your phone ringing?

Not yet.

[ringing continues]

Peanut Cop (human form):
Is it ringing now?

I don't know.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Eye hand puppeted a scene of where he was at after Invictus, and how he came to their base]

Wow. That's amazing. How'd you do that?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
I can do that. Check it out.

[as Fitz shines his flashlight, he start to hand puppet of his own regular hand]

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
It's not working 'cause...it's not working 'cause you're looking at it.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Peanut Cop (human form):
Uh...so...you live here?

All day and all night and then the next day and some more.

Peanut Cop (human form):
How long have you lived here?

For very much. For very, very, very much.

Peanut Cop (human form):
That could mean anything.

It means all things that I mean.

Peanut Cop (human form):
I know. Of course.

Of course. Off course. Set a course. What's your course?

Peanut Cop (human form):
And you have a picture...that you wanted to show me?

How are you here?

Peanut Cop (human form):
[serious] You have a picture that you wanted to show me.

You come here drunk looking to see a picture?

Peanut Cop (human form):
You called me.

Yes, I do.

Peanut Cop (human form):
Yes, you do what?

Have a picture. Have said photo. Have said photo.

Peanut Cop (human form):
Can I see it?

In a minute. Excuse me. I have something to do at this very moment.

[as Man/Woman gone to the next room they did machinery whirring, metal scraping, jackhammer rattling, guitar chord plays, vaccum whirs, hammer taps, fart, machinery whirring]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
[to Eye] Eye...know you.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
[to Aria] What, um...what are y'all talking about? With your mouth.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

I've been sail-eye-ing the oce-eye-an for a long ti-eye-me -- Ver-eye long.

How did you find us?

I followed...the waves.

Professor Wilx:
He made it through. We can't trust him.

He didn't make it through. He made it out.

Professor Wilx:
But was he supposed to make it out?

Why shouldn't he? Why is what we built something that determines life?

Professor Wilx:
[sighs] Forces are strange. Because lawyers.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

I don't know where it was. I-It's like these buildings move around on their own and keep changing places. I mean, who ever heard of a building moving around to change places? Have you? Because I have not, my friend.


I know, I know, I know! Please! I'm right there with ya. But I can't understand any of it. I'm sure it's real important.

[roar echoing]

[to Skillet] Shh. Shh! Hey! What in the living hell of a living-hellish nightmare world was that? [quietly] Okay. Okay. Shh! Keep going, but super quietly.

[toenail clicking]

Shh! Your damn nails clicking on them, whatever this stuff is we're walking on.

[up-tempo jazz plays]

Oh, god! Not -- Not again! [dances while not able to control himself] Why do I dance?! THIS IS AGAINST MY WILL!

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Eye arrives]

Oh, my god. you made it out!


12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[someone rings on the doorbell]

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
I think, uh, someone's here.

No shi-- [cuts to the end credits]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
So what's, uh, this TOPAZ thing?

An outdated zed 38 prototype. An extremely unfit for duty.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Uh, and, uh, what's it do?

We shall see.

[as TOPAZ rises out of the ocean, the machine has a minigun, rocket launchers, gun telescope, flamethrower, knight sword, buzzsaw, heavy metal fist, machete, grenade, nunchucks, guillotine, spraying hose, needles, catapult, knife, and a failed report card, until TOPAZ explodes at the end]

All surveillance offline!

Professor Wilx:
Thermal imaging?


Professor Wilx:


Professor Wilx:
Endoplasmic reticulum?


Professor Wilx:
Frrvrnrever godossenen sensors!

Every defense we have is gone. All of it. We are sitting ducks.

Professor Wilx:
Mmm. Okay, then. Sh*t happens. We'll figure this out.

[giving him the cold look]

Professor Wilx:
I'm serious, we'll figure this out, it's not like it's the end of the...this world.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Aria and Professor Wilx sees a ship that pass through their base]

How did it pass through the field?

Professor Wilx:
Transmolecular sonic phase inversion.

No! That's not possible!

Professor Wilx:
Then something else. Deploy TOPAZ. He will see an end to this.

TOPAZ is a relic. He's not been fully tested, you know that!

Professor Wilx:
It's all we have!

There's no guarantee. It's not going to work.

Professor Wilx:
There's never guarantee, Aria. Nothing's guaranteed. How do you think we ended up here?


Professor Wilx:
Let TOPAZ out. We're good.

Professor Wilx:
This is fine.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

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