Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,348

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Film Executive:
The new Superman is... Jonah Hill!


Ted 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You know... I really love that Neil Diamond. Especially that song they sing at the, uh, the Red Sox games. It's just so infectious. You just can't help but sing along. [starts singing] Hands, touching hands, reaching out. Touching me, touching you. Sweet Caroline...

[suddenly sings out due to temptation] Bah bah bah! --FUCK! [Donny jumps to grab Ted and starts punching him] Crazy son of a bitch!

Hey! What are you doin' to that bear?!

I'm sorry, I, uh...

You better be planning on buying that!

He just reminds me of when I was a kid.

Yeah, that's great. 40 dollars. [Donny goes to grab some cash]

Ted 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[last lines]

[off screen, disgusted] Oh! Fuck me!

What's the matter?

That can't be normal! He's gotta be sick!

He's not sick; it's just baby doodie.

Yeah, that's what babies do, Teddy.

Oh, you don't think this diaper's gross?


All right, here. Catch. [throws diaper at John, offscreen, and a squish is heard]

[disgusted] OH, TEDDY! WHAT THE FUCK?! [everyone screams in disgust; Ted laughs] HOLY SHIT! OH, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!

[takes photo of John, offscreen] [typing] #shithappens.

Ted 2  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Commander Krill (wearing women's clothing, makeup, fake breasts, and a wig):
Listen to the shit I have to put up with: "In the past few weeks, Commander Krill has become increasingly hostile to the crew, possibly due to anger over reviews of his performance. I recommend that he'll be given a psychological evaluation before taking over his next assignment!" Do I look like I need a psychological evaluation?

William Stranix:
(deadpan) Not at all.

Commander Krill:
(yanks off the wig) I got to change.

Under Siege  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

William Stranix:
The disk, Mr. Pitt. Guard it with your life.

Mr. Pitt:
Of course.

Under Siege  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

William Stranix:
Anything else you forgot to tell us about? Any other little memory losses or oversights, perhaps?

Commander Krill:
No other little memory losses or oversights perhaps. There's two men, one of them's locked up. And I'll take care of him...

William Stranix:
No, no, no. We'll handle it. Secure the galley. Send Cates, send Ziggs.

You got it.

Commander Krill:
This Marine's armed, Bill. I think we should send more, I'll go...

William Stranix:
Don't worry about it. These guys are professionals. They can handle twenty Marines, and a hundred cooks.

Under Siege  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

William Stranix:
Hear this, gentlemen: if any ships or aircraft approach within 100 miles, we will kill the crew and retaliate with everything in the ship's arsenal.

Tom Breaker:
Bill, this is Tom. What's going on?

William Stranix:
Hi, Tom! You know what's going on. I have 32 Tomahawks under my thumb, and the only think you can do about it is alert the media.

Tom Breaker:
You don't have the launch codes.

William Stranix:
Oh, uh, let me take a wild guess... (Pitt points to a monitor) Uh, 5-6-6-0-4-9, uh... 9-7-8-0?

(An aide hands a printout to Admiral Bates, confirming the codes.)

Tom Breaker:
This is insane.

William Stranix:
Oh, be careful with that word, Tom, please!

Under Siege  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

William Stranix:
(Checking Cates' corpse) The man that did this is a professional. Who is he, and what's he doing running around on my battleship, Mr. Krill?

Commander Krill:
Your battleship? You wouldn't be on this battleship if it wasn't for me. He's a cook, plain and simple...

William Stranix:
This is not the work of a cook.

Commander Krill:
He came on board with the captain. I know his routine, front and back. He's good with cooking knives...

(Stranix rips the throwing knife out of Cates's jugular and holds it up to Krill's face)

William Stranix:
Cooking knives? (angrily slams the throwing knife on the counter)

Commander Krill:
He got lucky. In my professional opinion, he is a military reject in command of a GALLEY...!

(hearing a beep, they turn and see Ryback's homemade bomb in the microwave)


(Ryback's bomb explodes. One of Stranix's men is killed in the bast)

Commander Krill:
What was that?

William Stranix:
That was a bomb, jackass. He used the microwave as a detonator.

Under Siege  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Krill found Ryback's personnel file]

Commander Krill:
Ryback's file wasn't in Personnel. It was in the Captain's private cabinet. Ryback is an ex-SEAL.

The Goddamn cook's a SEAL?

Commander Krill:
Shut up and listen. "Expert in Martial Arts, Explosives, Weapons and Tactics. Silver Star, Navy Cross, Purple Heart with Cluster, and Security Clearance revoked after Panama." That means he couldn't hold any rating except that of a yeoman...or a cook. How little did I know?

We just lost two more men in the Engine Room!

William Strannix:
You were told to review the personnel file on every individual on this ship.

Commander Krill:
I know what I was told, but I didn't have access to the Captain's files at that TIME!

Under Siege  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(Jordan answers the SEAL satellite phone in the middle of Ryback's gunfight)

Jordan Tate:

Admiral Bates:
Who in the hell is this?

Jordan Tate:
Who in the hell is this?

Admiral Bates:
This is Admiral Bates speaking. I'm trying to get a hold of Chief Ryback, is he about?

Jordan Tate:
He's in a gunfight right now, I'll have to take a message.

Secretary of Defense Trenton:
What the hell's going on over there?!

Under Siege  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(Jordan jumps up and runs after Ryback)

Jordan Tate:
Bullshit, I'm not staying here!

Where're you going?!

Tackman, what'd you say to her?!

Case, she's coming up behind you!

What are you doing?

Jordan Tate:
The safest place on this ship is right behind you!

Under Siege  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Pitt:
Whatever they did, they're smarter than I am. Everything's dead. It's hopeless.

William Stranix:
Nothing is hopeless. (puts his gun into Pitt's eye socket) Take heart.

Mr. Pitt:
Just give me a little more time, I'll figure it out.

William Stranix:
I like your attitude. Excellent.

Under Siege  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

William Stranix:
All of my life. Saturday morning cartoons. The best. For example, remember those two little shrimps coming in, riding seahorses, little chaps, little pistols? Bang! Bang! Bang! Shooting over their shoulders. Rescue that lobster from the Swedish cook. Funniest thing I ever saw in my life! Splendid work, by the way.


William Stranix:
Splendid work. My, my, my, how hell doth quicken the spirit. Tomahawks!

Mr. Pitt:
They're up and ready.

William Stranix:

Mr. Pitt:
The fire control.

William Stranix:
Of course, the fire control. Chips and dips on the weather deck. Don't be late. Motor launch is waiting! All hands! Clear out of here!

Let's go. Stranix, four minutes.

Mr. Pitt:
Meet us at the motor launch.

Under Siege  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

William Stranix:
I'll take that weapon. Quietly. Now!

(William Stranix grabs Casey Ryback's gun and tosses it.)

Casey Ryback:
You look familiar. I know you, don't I?

William Stranix:
I think you do. Been a long time.

Casey Ryback:
Yes, sir. It has.

William Stranix:
Turn around. We'll have a tour. Step forward. Here we have our Tomahawks speeding their way to the sunny Aloha State. Turn around. As you can see, there will be no return. I got the key. The lock is broken. Step forward. Have a sit over there. You'll watch the end of the world on TV, my man. Put your feet up. Relax. You know, you're good. You are really good. It's a shame to kill you. Behold my finest work.

Casey Ryback:
Do me a favor. Tell me something. You really think blowing up a bunch of innocent people will change anything? What made you flip like this?

William Stranix:
I got tired of coming up with last-minute desperate solutions to impossible problems created by other fucking people.

Casey Ryback:
All your ridiculous, pitiful antics won't change a thing. You and I, we're puppets in the same sick play. We serve the same master and he's an ungrateful lunatic. There's nothing we can do about it. You and I are the same.

William Stranix:
Oh, no. No. No. No. There's a difference, my man. You have faith. I don't!

Under Siege  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tom Breaker:
Look, Bill, I know things are a little chaotic for you right now.

William Stranix:
Chaotic? Wake up, Tom! You know, and I know, that chaos and bedlam are consuming the entire world! UV light waves are only the beginning, Tom. We have an inch of topsoil left.

Tom Breaker:

William Stranix:
Sexually transmitted diseases, deforestation, irreversibly progressive depletion of the global gene pool. It all adds up to oblivion, pal. Governments will fall, anarchies will reign. It's a brave new world.

Under Siege  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

There's something strange about these trees. It's like they know.

And they know that we know that they know.

They're creepy. Creepy Italian trees. Of course, the baby's going to like them cause it's going to be a creepy Italian baby who goes around saying things like 'Ciao mama' and doing that weird backward hand wave thing. Life is strange.

Under the Tuscan Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What if this is it? The real thing?

What you speak of is only in fairy tales.

No, it's not!

And how do you know? From personal experience?

No. I looked, and I didn't find it. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Under the Tuscan Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What are you thinking?

What do I think?

Tell me.

I think you got your wish.

My wish?

On that day we looked for the snake, you said there wanted there to be a wedding here. And you said... you wanted there to be a family here.

You're right... I got my wish. I got everything I asked for.

Under the Tuscan Sun  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sistah Girl:
What the hell?

The Chief:
What the hell?

Conspiracy Brother:
What the f...

Undercover Brother  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Undercover Brother:
Damn it woman, will you just back off?

[over PA speaker] Attention, angry black man in khakis.

Undercover Brother  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Chief:
If I wanted to hear something stupid, I'd have asked his skinny black ass!

Conspiracy Brother:
HA! IN YOUR FACE! Ha-ha, skinny black... Hey!

Undercover Brother  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[There is an unexpected knock at Mr Feather's office door.]

Mr. Feather:
Who's there?

Undercover Brother:

Mr Feather:
Kung Who?

Undercover Brother:
Kung FU!!

Undercover Brother  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Chief:
Son, you talk a lot of shit.

Yes, I do.

The Chief:
But you down.

Undercover Brother  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Smart Brother:
[On General Warren Boutwell running for president] I wonder if he'll run as a Democrat or an Independent.

The Chief':
Never know. Might be a Republican.

Conspiracy Brother:
Please. What kind of self-respecting black man would run as a Republican? Name one thing the Republican party has done for black people. One!

Smart Brother:
Well, they were the party of Lincoln. They stood against the tyranny of oppression by leading the call for the Civil War and forced passage of the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the slaves.

Conspiracy Brother:
All right, name two things lately.

Undercover Brother  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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What TV series is this quote from: "I lost my shoe."?
A The Office
B Arrow
C Supernatural
D Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.