Where's Splinter?
Ah, the rat. So it has a name. It had a name.
[angrily] YOU LIE!
[evilly smiles] Do I?
[Leo angrily charges toward Shredder, but Shredder flips Leo, and points his yari to Leo's neck]
[To Raph, Donnie and Mikey] He [Leo] dies. Weapons! [Gestures with his head] NOW!! [Raph, Donnie and Mikey discard their weapons to save Leo.] Fools! [chortles] The three of you may have overpowered me with the loss of but one. Now your fate... WILL BE HIS!! [Brings back his yari and prepares to stab Leo.]
Raph, Mikey, and Donnie:
[Suddenly, Splinter appears startling Shredder]
[Leonardo seeing Shredder in shock rolls away back to the other Turtles]
Yes, Oroku Saki, I know who you are. We met many years ago, in the home of my master... Hamato Yoshi!
[Shredder removes his mask, revealing the scars underneath from their last encounter, revealing him to be Oroku Saki.]
It's him [Oroku Saki].
Oroku Saki:
[angrily] You. Now I will finish what I began with YOUR EAR! [attempts to joust Splinter, but his yari is caught in a nunchaku chain and he is hanging over the edge of a building]
Death comes for us all, Oroku Saki, but something much worse comes for you, for when you die, it will be... [Oroku Saki reaches for the back of his belt, takes out a knife and throws it at Splinter, who dodges and grabs it and, at the same time, releases Shredder, who falls, screaming, into the dustcart] ...without honor.
Oops! [Activates the trash compactor with Shredder inside]