Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,443

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Hannibal Lecter:
Quid pro quo. I tell you things, you tell me things. Not about this case, though, about yourself. Quid pro quo. Yes or no? Yes or no, Clarice? Poor little Catherine is waiting.

Clarice Starling:
Go, Doctor.

Hannibal Lecter:
What is your worst memory of childhood?

Clarice Starling:
The death of my father.

Hannibal Lecter:
Tell me about it and don't lie, or I'll know.

Clarice Starling:
He was a town marshal, and... one night, he surprised two burglars coming out the back of a drugstore. They shot him.

Hannibal Lecter:
Was he killed outright?

Clarice Starling:
No, he was very strong, he lasted more than a month. My mother died when I was very young, so... my father had become the whole world to me, and, when he left me, I had nothing. I was ten years old.

Hannibal Lector:
You're very frank, Clarice. I think it would be quite something to know you in private life.

Clarice Starling:
Quid pro quo, Doctor.

Hannibal Lector:
So tell me about Miss West Virginia. Was she a large girl?

Clarice Starling:

Hannibal Lector:
Big through the hips? Roomy?

Clarice Starling:
They all were.

Hannibal Lector:
What else?

Clarice Starling:
She had an object deliberately inserted into her throat. Now, that hasn't been made public yet. We don't know what it means.

Hannibal Lector:
Was it a butterfly?

Clarice Starling:
Yes. A moth. Just like the one we found in Benjamin Raspail's head an hour ago. Why does he place them there, Doctor?

Hannibal Lecter:
The significance of the moth is change. Caterpillar into chrysalis, or pupa, and from thence into beauty. Our Billy wants to change, too.

The Silence of the Lambs  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Arnie Westrum: [drunkenly singing] My beer is Rheingold, the dry beer. Think of Rheingold whenever you buy beer. It's not bitter, not sweet, it's a real frosty treat. Won't you buy, won't you buy Rheingold Beer? Won't you try, won't you buy? [hears the rustle of leaves] Jesus, Arnie. What're you, are you afraid of the Boogeyman? Heh-heh. God. Come on out of there, buster, and give me a hand. All right, what is it that you want, Arnie? I want some Rheingold... As soon as I get that dirt out of there.

[he is decapitated by the werewolf]

Older Jane:
[narrating] The killing had begun, but at first, no one knew it. You see, Arnie Westrum was a chronic drunk. And what happened seemed like an accident. The county coroner concluded Arnie had passed out on the tracks. There wasn't enough evidence to conclude anything else.

Silver Bullet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Uncle Red:
I mean, uh, what the heck you gonna shoot a .44 bullet at anyway... made out of silver?

Marty Coslaw:
How about a werewolf?

Silver Bullet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Uncle Red:
Holy jumped-up baldheaded Jesus palomino!

Jane Coslaw:
Uncle Red...

Uncle Red:
From him I'd expect it. Sometimes I think your common sense got paralyzed along with your legs. But from you, Jane - you're Miss Polly Practical!

Jane Coslaw:
You don't understand.

Uncle Red:
I understand that my niece and my nephew are sending little love notes to the local minister suggesting he gargle with broken glass or eat a rat-poison omelette!

Silver Bullet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sheriff Joe Haller:
[to the mob, lead by Andy Fairton] The law has a name for what you people are planning. It's called "private justice". And private justice is about a step and a half away from lynch mobs and hang ropes. Now I may be no J. Edgar Hoover, but I am the law in Tarker's Mills. I want all you people to go home.

Andy Fairton:
Don't let this guy scare you! What's he done since this whole thing started but hang his face out? He ain't got so much as a fingerprint!

Owen Knopfler:
Shut up, Andy.

Andy Fairton:
No, don't tell me to shut up.

Herb Kincaid:
Yes... Shut up. I just came from my boy's funeral.

Sheriff Joe Haller:
Herb. Herb, I know how upset... how grief-stricken you must be.

Herb Kincaid:
He was torn apart.

Sheriff Joe Haller:
I know that. I...

Herb Kincaid:
Upset? Grief-stricken? You don't know what those words mean. My son was torn to pieces. Pieces! [shouts] MY SON WAS TORN TO PIECES! You come in here and talk to these men about private justice? You dare to do that? Why do you go out to Harmony Hill, Sheriff Haller, and dig up what's left of my boy Brady... and explain to him about private justice. Would you want to do that? As for me, I'm gonna go out and hunt up a little private justice.

[walks out of the bar]

Andy Fairton:
[to the mob] You heard him. Let's go!

Silver Bullet  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Officer Keogh:
Hey, is he messing with you?

No, no, no, this was just a joke. This is a joke I started.

Officer Keogh:
There's a restraining order on this guy.

I know! I have a stupid sense of humor.

Officer Keogh:
That's not a good thing to do.

Well, I'm fucked up. What can I tell you? I'm sorry.

Officer Keogh:
You're Tommy's widow right?

Yes, I'm Tommy's crazy, whore widow, minus the whore thing for the most part.

Officer Keogh:
You're a funny girl. You wanna get a drink sometime?

[Tiffany just walks away]

Officer Keogh:
[to Pat] What'd I say?

She doesn't, she doesn't do that anymore.

Silver Linings Playbook  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What do you publish?

Oh, mostly nonfiction. Gardening, cook books, how-to-do-it books.

Like sex manuals?

I've edited a few.

An authority, huh?

I know what goes where...and why.

That's very interesting. Are you married?


How come?

My friends all told me that my wife was too good for me...and after a couple of years I decided they were right.

Silver Streak  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I can't get over the size of this room without the partition. They are small rooms by themselves.

They're perfect for juggling.

For what?

For juggling. When you practice...the balls would always bounce off the walls.

Do you juggle a lot?

I know what goes where and why.

I like that song. If I ever hear it'll be difficult not to think of you.

You put that very nicely.

Thanks. To traveling by train. Trains that pass in the night.

Silver Streak  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

What do you think?

I think you better make a right up here and then a sharp left. I'm coming over.

[climbs over the seat. George suddenly swerves the car, causing Grover to lunge forward]

Jesus Christ, man! That's how you murdered your victims? Put 'em in a car and bounced 'em to death?


Sorry, my ass! You dangerous. Proves one thing, though: you don't do this for no living.

No I don't.

[George slows down for a semi-trailer in front]

What are you slowing down for?

There's a truck up ahead.

So....there is a truck up ahead. Be a man! Let's turn on the siren. [George begins to accelerate and overtake the truck] Let's get them hippies off the road. Put some foot in it!!

[a car is coming the other way, causing George to swerve and lose control, and the car skids off the road]

Would you like to drive for a while?

Silver Streak  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You thinking about her?

Yeah. Crazy thing is I just met her two nights ago.

That's the way love is. I always lose my memory when I fall in love.

Silver Streak  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[to himself, in the mirror] Come on, man, get some jive goin'. Be cool. Shake it, but don't break it. Yeah! Hey man, how do I look? You look sharp, brother. I feel sharp! You hear? I feel like the sun around midnight. You dig? Outta sight! Get down! Get down! Feelin' good! Feelin' fine! Feelin' real fine! That's it. Just loosen up those hips, sugar. All you whiteys got a tight ass. Yeah, get that ass movin' there. Outta sight! I'm a macaroni! Get down! I'm the king! Number one, baby! [Shoe Shiner enters] Um, um, I'm not...

Shoe Shiner Hey, you must be in pretty big trouble, fella. But for God's sake, learn to keep time.

Silver Streak  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Give me the gun. [George hands him the gun] Now, give me your wallet.

What the...

I gotta buy a disguise...a porter's uniform.

You know, these disguises are getting expensive.

What can I say, man? Crime costs.

Silver Streak  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Silver Streak does have its drawbacks, but please try the marmalade. They do provide an excellent cuisine.

Oh, thank you, sir. I'll tell the boys in the kitchen. We aims to please. Coffee, miss?

No, thanks.

He ain't bullshittin' about the cuisine.


Is that your lady, man? She's somethin' else.


Stand up, mama. Let me get a look at you.


Mm, mm, mm! Have mercy!

Steward, you may go.

Just a little more coffee?

No, thank you.

Half a cup? [pours coffee in Devereau's lap] Oh, sorry, sir. Look what I've done.

You... Get out of...

See what I've done...

You ignorant nigger!

[pulling a gun] Who you callin' nigger, huh? You don't know me well enough to call me no nigger! I'll slap the taste out your mouth! You don't even know my name! I'll whoop your ass! Beat the white off your ass!

Who are you?

I'm a thief.

It's all right, Hilly. He's a friend of mine.

Silver Streak  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Joe Wenteworth:
Come on. We're late.

Simon Birch:
No, you're late. I'm just riding with you.

Simon Birch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Simon Birch:
Not so fast. Slow down. I'm a miracle, you know.

Joe Wenteworth:
Yeah, yeah.

Simon Birch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Joe and Simon travel past two old men sitting down.]

Old Man #1:
[laughing] Here they come - the Wenteworth bastard and his granite mouse.

Old Man #2:
Hey, Birch, nice sidecar. What'd you use, a matchbox?

Simon Birch:
[gives them the finger] Have a nice day.

Old Man #1:
Goddam kids got no respect these days.

Simon Birch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Simon Birch:
I was just thinking.

Joe Wenteworth:

Simon Birch:
Last year we played in the Squirt League, right?

Joe Wenteworth:

Simon Birch:
And this year we're in the Peewees.

Joe Wenteworth:

Simon Birch:
Do they want us to play baseball or urinate? [silence] Anyway, I was just thinking.

Simon Birch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Simon Birch:
Your mother has the best breasts of all the mothers.

Joe Wenteworth:
[trying to ignore] Yeah.

Simon Birch:
And she smells the best too.

Joe Wenteworh:
I know.

Simon Birch:
She's so sexy that sometimes I forget she's someone's mother.

Joe Wenteworth:
Okay. Okay.

Simon Birch:
I was just being honest.

Joe Wenteworth:
Well, what if I said the same thing about your mother?

Simon Birch:
I'd have you committed.

Simon Birch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Swimming at the quarry.]

Joe Wenteworth:
Oh! Oh, man. That's cold.

Simon Birch:
It's freezing!

Joe Wenteworth:
My bones just turned into marbles.

Simon Birch:
My bones just turned into BBs!

Simon Birch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Joe and Simon are sitting on deck at the quarry.]

Simon Birch:
Marjorie's getting breasts.

Joe Wenteworth:

Simon Birch:
And soon they'll be boobs.

Joe Wenteworth:
I know.

Simon Birch:
Maybe she'll let us touch 'em some time if we paid her.

Joe Wenteworth:
Why don't you ask her? [calling out to Marjorie] Oh, uh, Marjorie.

Simon Birch:
[embarrassed] Stop it! Stop it!

Joe Wenteworth:
Uh, Simon has a question for you.

What is it, Simon?

Simon Birch:
Nothing. Goodbye.

Joe Wenteworth:
He wants to know, uh maybe if he paid you, could he touch your br-- [Simon stops Joe by grabbing his mouth to avoid further embarrassment]

Simon Birch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Making their way home from the quarry.]

Simon Birch:
Your problem is that you have no faith.

Joe Wenteworth:
I got faith. I just need proof to back it up.

Simon Birch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Joe and Simon arrive at their grandmother's home for dinner.]

Grandmother Wenteworth:
That child is positively unnatural.

Most peculiar.

Grandmother Wenteworth:
And his voice, like--

A mouse.

Grandmother Wenteworth:
More than one. Like mice.

Strangled mice.

Grandmother Wenteworth:
[laughing] Strangled mice. Very good, Hilde.

Simon Birch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[At the church, Simon expresses himself in front of everyone.]

Simon Birch:
I said, "What does coffee and doughnuts have to do with God?"

Rev. Russell:
They're merely refreshments so people can socialize and, uh, and discuss the upcoming activities.

Simon Birch:
Who ever said the church needs a continental breakfast?

Rev. Russell:

Simon Birch:
I doubt that God is interested in our church activities.

Rev. Russell:

Simon Birch:
-If God has made the church bake sale a priority, then I'd say we're all in a lot of trouble.

Simon Birch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Rev. Russell:
Simon, what do you think you're doing sitting in a corner?

Simon Birch:
Thinking about God.

Rev. Russell:
In a corner?

Simon Birch:
Faith is not in a floor plan.

Simon Birch  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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