Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,442

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Club Interviewer:
Talking here with Cliff Poncier. Cliff, any comments on the "Seattle Sound" and Citizen Dick's place in it?

Cliff Poncier:
Well, I don't like to reduce us to just being part of the "Seattle Sound." I'd like to think of us as expanding more. Like, we're huge in Europe right now. I mean, we've got records... uh, a big record just broke in Belgium.

Club Interviewer:
Now, a song like "Touch Me, I'm Dick" is about... what?

Cliff Poncier:
Well, I think "Touch Me, I'm Dick," in essence, speaks for itself, you know. I think that, you know, that's basically what the song is, um... about... is about, you know... I-I think a lot of people might think it's actually about, you know,"My name is Dick, and, you know, you can touch me," but, I think, you know, it can be seen either way.

Singles  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Howard Baker:
[to Jake Ryan on the phone] Are you the little beggar that's been calling up here all night and then hanging up?

Would it be possible for you to tell me if there's a Samantha Baker here? And if there is, may I speak with her briefly?

Howard Baker:
Yes, it is, and no, you may not!

Sixteen Candles  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Darling, is something bothering you? You're really acting like... an airhead. And I think I know what it is. I think you're jealous that I'm getting married and that I'm getting all the attention.

You know, everybody in this family has just gone totally Outer Limits.

No, Sam, I think you're just being a little selfish and immature.

Oh, yes, that's it. That's exactly it. [storms out]

[to herself] Unbelievable. You make someone a bridesmaid and they spread all over you.

Sixteen Candles  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Geek:
So, I mean, what's your story? I mean, you got a guy, or...?

Yes, three big ones, and they lust wimp blood, so quit bugging me or I'll sic them all over you.

'The Geek:
You know, I'm getting input here that I'm reading as relatively hostile. I mean, it's...

Go to hell.

The Geek:
VERY hostile!

Sixteen Candles  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You know, just now I really felt how much you like me.

The Geek:
You're probably zoning in on my brain waves or something.

Well, not really. I felt it on my leg.

Sixteen Candles  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Geek:
I know I came on kinda like a poser on the bus tonight and everything. But... that's just so my friends won't think, you know, I'm a jerk.

But they're all pretty much jerks, though, aren't they?

The Geek:
Yeah, but, the thing is, I'm kinda like the leader, you know? Kinda like the king of the dipwads.

Well, that's pretty cool. Hey, but a lot can happen over a year. I mean, you could come back next Fall as a completely normal person.

Sixteen Candles  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Geek:
[about Samantha] She's cranked for you. I told her you asked about her, right? The girl freaked. She had a fit. She thinks you're the cat's meow!

Really? She came up to me in the gym tonight. She looked at me like I was a loner.

The Geek:
Girls will do that, Jake. You know? They know that guys are like in perpetual heat, right? They know we do it, and they enjoy pumping us up. It's pure power politics, I'm telling you.

I thought she hated my guts.

The Geek:
Games, Jake. Silly torturous games. You know how many times I've gone without lunch because some witch borrows my lunch money? Any halfway decent girl can rob me - blind! Because I'm too torqued up to say no. It's heinous, I'm telling you.

You better not be lying to me. It'd be a major downer to try and get together with this girl and find out that she really does think I'm a slime.

The Geek:
Jake, would I lie to you? Let me put it to you this way: what happens to me if I lie to you?

Heh, I'd kick you.

The Geek:
Right! So why would I lie? But I feel compelled to mention to you, Jake, that if all you want of the girl is a piece of her, I mean, I'll either do it myself, or get someone bigger than me to kick you. I mean, not many girls in contemporary American society today would give their underwear to help a geek like me.

I can get a piece of her anytime I want. Shoot, I've got Caroline in the bedroom right now, passed out cold. I could violate her ten different ways if I wanted to.

The Geek:
[almost chokes on a pretzel] What are you waiting for?

Sixteen Candles  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'll make a deal with you. [about Samantha's panties] You let me keep these, I'll let you take Caroline home. But you gotta make sure she gets home, you can't leave her in some parking lot. Okay?

The Geek:
Jake, I'm only a freshman.

So, she's so blitzed she won't know the difference.

The Geek:
Jake, I don't have a car.

You can take mine.

The Geek:
Jake, I don't have a license.

I trust you.

Sixteen Candles  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Geek:
This is your car, Jake?

No, this is my dad's car. You said you can't drive a stick.

The Geek:
This is a...! This is a Rolls Royce, Jake.


The Geek:
So? So? I heard the grill alone costs five grand on this. Five grand! Do you have five grand? I don't have five grand.

Then don't hit anything.

The Geek:
[incredulous] Ha ha! Don't hit anything.

Sixteen Candles  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Geek:
[as Caroline is slapping him awake] Dammit, Mom, I've got my headgear on!

[annoyed] Will you wake up?

The Geek:
[opens eyes] Where the hell am I?

I'll, uh, tell you where you are, if you tell me who you are.

The Geek:
I'm Farmer Ted.

You're in the parking lot across the street from my church.

The Geek:
You own a church?

Sixteen Candles  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Malcolm Crowe:
Wanna play a game? It's a mind-reading game. Here's how it works. I read your mind. If what I say is right, you take one step towards the chair. If what I say is wrong, you take one step back... towards the doorway. If you reach the chair, you sit down. If you reach the door, you can go. Wanna play?

[Cole nods]

Malcolm Crowe:
Okay... When your mother and father were first divorced, your mom went to see a doctor like me, and he didn't help her. So you think I'm not going to be able to help you.

[Cole takes a step forward]

Malcolm Crowe:
You're worried that she said she told him things - things she couldn't tell anyone else... Secrets.

[Cole takes another step forwards]

Malcolm Crowe:
You have a secret, but you don't want to tell me.

[Cole takes another step forwards]

Malcolm Crowe:
[looking at Cole's watch] Your dad gave you that watch as a present just before he went away.

[Cole takes a step back]

Cole Sear:
He forgot it in a drawer. Doesn't work.

Malcolm Crowe:
You keep pretty quiet in school, but... you're a good student, you've never really been in any serious trouble.

[Cole takes another step back]

Cole Sear:
We were supposed to draw a picture. Anything we wanted. I drew a man. He got hurt in the neck by another man with a screwdriver.

Malcolm Crowe:
You saw that on TV, Cole?

[Cole steps back again]

Cole Sear:
Everyone got upset. They had a meeting. Mom started crying. I don't draw like that anymore.

Malcolm Crowe:
How do you draw now?

Cole Sear:
I draw... people smiling, dogs running, rainbows. They don't have meetings about rainbows.

Malcolm Crowe:
No, I guess they don't.

Cole Sear:
What am I thinking now?

Malcolm Crowe:
I don't know what you're thinking now.

[Cole takes his last step back towards the door]

Cole Sear:
I was thinking... you're nice, but you can't help me.

The Sixth Sense  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Malcolm Crowe:
Once upon a time there was this person named Malcolm. He worked with children. He loved it. He loved it more than anything else. And then one night, he found out that he made a mistake with one of them. He couldn't help that one. And he can't stop thinking about it, he can't forget. Ever since then, things have been different. He's not the same person that he used to be. And his wife doesn't like the person that he's become. They barely speak anymore, they're like strangers. And then one day Malcolm meets this wonderful little boy, a really cool little boy. Reminds him a lot of the other one. And Malcolm decides to try and help this new boy. 'Cause he feels that if he can help this new boy, it would be like helping that other one too.

Cole Sear:
How does the story end?

Malcolm Crowe:
I don't know.

The Sixth Sense  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cole Sear:
Are you a good doctor?

Malcolm Crowe:
Well... I used to be. I won an award once. From the Mayor. It had an expensive frame.

Cole Sear:
I'm gonna see you again, right?

Malcolm Crowe:
If that's okay with you.

The Sixth Sense  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cole Sear:
I walk this way to school with Tommy Tammisimo.

Malcolm Crowe:
He your best buddy?

Cole Sear:
He hates me.

Malcolm Crowe:
Do you hate him?

Cole Sear:

Malcolm Crowe:
Did your mom set that up?

Cole Sear:

Malcolm Crowe:
Do you ever talk to your mom about how things are with Tommy?

Cole Sear:
I don't tell her things.

Malcolm Crowe:
Why not?

Cole Sear:
Because she doesn't look at me like everybody else, and I don't want her to. I don't want her to know.

Malcolm Crowe:
Know what?

Cole Sear:
That I'm a freak.

Malcolm Crowe:
Hey... you are not a freak. Okay? Don't you believe anybody that tries to convince you of that. That's bullshit! You don't have to go through your life believing that. Okay?

Cole Sear:
You said the "s" word.

Malcolm Crowe:
Yeah... I know. Sorry.

The Sixth Sense  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cole Sear:
Instead of something I want, can it be something I don't want?

Malcolm Crowe:

Cole Sear:
I don't wanna be scared anymore.

The Sixth Sense  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Malcolm Crowe:
Do you know what free association writing is, Cole?

Cole Sear:

Malcolm Crowe:
Free association writing is when you take a pencil in your hand and you put the pencil to a piece of paper and you start writing. You don't look at or think about what you're writing. And after a while, you keep writing long enough, words and thoughts come out that you didn't even know you had in you. It could be something you heard, something you saw, or feelings you had deep inside of you. Have you done any free association writing, Cole?

Cole Sear:

Malcolm Crowe:
What did you write?

Cole Sear:
Upset words.

Malcolm Crowe:
Did you write any upset words before your father left?

Cole Sear:
I don't remember.

The Sixth Sense  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cole Sear:
You ever feel the prickly things on the back of your neck?

Malcolm Crowe:

Cole Sear:
And the tiny hairs on your arm, you know when they stand up? That's them. When they get mad... it gets cold.

The Sixth Sense  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Malcolm Crowe:
Do you know what "Yo no quiero morir" means? It's Spanish. It means "I don't want to die." What do you think these ghosts want when they talk to you? I want you to think about it, Cole. I want you to think about it really carefully.

Cole Sear:
Just help.

Malcolm Crowe:
That's right. That's what I think too. They just want help, even the scary ones. I think I might know a way to make them go away.

Cole Sear:

Malcolm Crowe:
Listen to them.

Cole Sear:
What if they don't want help? What if they're just angry and they just want to hurt somebody?

Malcolm Crowe:
I don't think that's the way it works.

Cole Sear:
How do you know for sure?

Malcolm Crowe:
I don't.

The Sixth Sense  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Malcolm Crowe:
[to Anna sleeping in a chair] Anna?

Anna Crowe:
[in her sleep] I miss you.

Malcolm Crowe:
I miss you too.

Anna Crowe:
Why, Malcolm?

Malcolm Crowe:
What, what is it?

Anna Crowe:
Why did you leave me?

Malcolm Crowe:
I didn't leave you.

[the ring Anna is holding falls out of her hand to the floor, and Malcolm suddenly remembers everything]

The Sixth Sense  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cole Sear:
You're Stuttering Stanley!

Stanley Cunningham:
Excuse me?!

Cole Sear:
You talked funny all the way to school here. You talked funny all the way to high school.

Stanley Cunningham:
How did you...

Cole Sear:
Stop looking at me!

Stanley Cunningham:
Who have you been speaking to?

Cole Sear:
Stuttering Stanley! Stuttering Stanley!

Stanley Cunningham:
Stop. St-- St-- St-- Stop that.

The Sixth Sense  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Stanley Cunningham:
St... St... Stop.

The Sixth Sense  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Editor Paley:
I don't like this business you're getting yourself into.

Polly Perkins:
I'll be just fine, Mr. Paley. You know what a careful girl I am.

Editor Paley:
I move my mouth, words come out, you don't hear.

Polly Perkins:
I'm late for a movie. [smiles]

Editor Paley:
I don't like it when you smile at me.

Polly Perkins:
You don't like my smile?

Editor Paley:
I don't like what's behind it! Listen, Polly, six scientists are missing, probably dead. Somebody out there means business. I don't want you in the middle of it.

Polly Perkins:
It's only a movie, Mr. Paley. I'll bring you some popcorn.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Editor Paley:
What's going on? They're calling for midtown to evacuate.

Polly Perkins:
Listen, Mr. Paley, I don't have time for this. I need you to dig up anything you can about a Dr. Walter Jennings, and someone named Totenkopf. An address, a phone number, anything you can. It's important.

Editor Paley:
Quick as you can. Polly, listen to me. I want you to get out of there. I want you to put the phone down, close your notepad and get the hell out of there.

Polly Perkins:
[about the robots] Wait a minute. I can see something now coming into sight above the Palisades. They're crossing Sixth Avenue... Fifth Avenue... they're a hundred yards away...

Editor Paley:
Polly, Polly!

Polly Perkins:
Oh, my God.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Joseph Sullivan:
[flies over the sidewalk where Polly is standing] Polly.

Polly Perkins:
[snaps a picture of Sky Captain flying overhead] Joe.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane." ?
A Mission: Impossible
B Shawshank Redemption
C Die Hard
D Blues Brothers