Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,445

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Sherlock Holmes:
Did you call me a selfish bastard?

Dr. John Watson:

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sherlock Holmes:
By the way, who taught you how to dance?

Dr. John Watson:
[smiles] You did.

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh, you aren't going to cry are you?

She's All That  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Simon! Simon, I have got your breakfast! Are you up?

Give me a couple of minutes.

Simon Boggs, there are children in Mexico who have already been up for three hours making clothes for corporate America.

She's All That  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

His dad owns Harrison Ford.

The actor?

No, the car dealership.

She's All That  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Nothing personal, Laney, but this particular... coif, doesn't really go with your face shape.

What do you have in mind?

Well, I have an idea.

What kind of idea?

...You'd really have to trust me.

She's All That  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

He spoke to me!

Girl #2:
He called you Connie!


Girl #2:
Your name is Melissa!

She's All That  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cecil Parkes:
The page! For God's sake, the notes!

Peter Helfgott:
I'm sorry sir, I keep forgetting the notes.

Cecil Parkes:
Will it be asking too much to learn them first?

Shine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Would you marry me?

Well, it wouldn't be very practical, David.

Practical? No, of course not. Of course not. But then neither am I, Gillian. Neither am I. I'm not very practical at all.

You'll miss the plane!

It's sweet of you, David. I don't know what to say.

The stars, Gillian darling! Ask the stars!

Shine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cecil Parkes:
Rachmaninov? Are you sure?

Kind of. I'm not really sure about anything.

Cecil Parkes:
The Rach 3. It's monumental.

It's a mountain. The hardest piece you could ever play.

Cecil Parkes:
No one's ever been mad enough to attempt the Rach Three.

Am I mad enough, professor? Am I?

Shine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How do you feel?

I'm shocked, stunned and amazed.

Shine  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Danny[possessed by Tony]Redrum … Redrum … Redrum …

Danny, stop it.

[Wendy sees it written backwards on the door, and in the mirror it spells "murder". Only then they hear Jack chopping on the door with an ax. Wendy and Danny escapes into the bathroom. Wendy then locks the door and clears out the toiletries on top of the toilet's tank to open the window. Jack manages to break through parts of it.]

Wendy, I'm home.

[He unlocks the door and lets himself in. In the bathroom, Wendy clears out some snow to make room for Danny. She slides him out to safety. When Wendy attempts to escape the same way, she finds herself trapped in the bathroom as the window's opening isn't big enough to let her through.]

[Advancing in the bedroom] Come out. Come out, wherever you are.

[In the bathroom, Wendy opens the bathroom window again and attempts to escape from there, but she is still stuck.]

Danny, I can't get out. Quick, get him out. Run.

[Danny runs out and Wendy grabs the bread knife to defend herself behind the wall and nearby the shower. Inside the bedroom, Jack notices the bathroom door locked and smiles intently knowing his family is there.]

Little pigs. Little Pigs, let me come in. [gets no answer] Not by the hair on your chinny chin-chin. Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!

[He uses the ax to chop open the bathroom door open and Wendy screams in terror as she begs him to stop. After breaking down parts of the door, he peers in to see her]

Here's Johnny!

[As he attempts to reach in the bathroom to open the door, Wendy slices his hand]

The Shining  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Do you know why a gun is better than a wife?

Man Who Rides Shotgun:

Well, you can put a silencer on a gun.

Shoot 'Em Up  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(Smith has just killed everyone in the hotel room while simultaneously having sex with DQ)

Talk about shooting your load.

Shoot 'Em Up  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tell me where the woman and the child are. (grabs Smith's ring finger) Tell me, or I will be forced to cause you...considerable agony.

Believe me... nothing could be more agonizing than to listen to you jabberin' on and on.

Shoot 'Em Up  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

"Unable. Malfunction".

How can it refuse to turn itself off?

Maybe it's pissed off.

It's a machine, Skroeder. It doesn't get pissed off. It doesn't get happy, it doesn't get sad, it doesn't laugh at your jokes.

Ben and Crosby:
It just runs programs.

It usually runs programs.

Short Circuit  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after Number 5 refuses to return to base] Oh, my God. It's not coming back. We've gotta destroy it.

No. Howard, you're overreacting. You can't.

Look, let us at least try to catch it first.

Yeah. We'll panic later. Okay?

What if you don't catch it? What if it goes out and melts down a busload of nuns?! How would you like to write the headline on that one?!

"Nun Soup"?

BEN! [covers Ben's mouth]

Short Circuit  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey! Who told you you could take Number 1?!

Howard, logically, if we need protection from Number 5, this is the best weapon we could have.

Great. Great! So, instead of $11,000,000 on the loose, we're gonna have 22.

And plus, we are needing gas money.

Short Circuit  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I got a phone call from that loony in the lunch wagon. She wants to see you. Only you.

She does?

Oh, her pants are blazing for you, Newton Crosby!

Will you grow up?!

Short Circuit  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[answers phone] Commissioner Dreyfus... Ah, yes, my darling... I was just about to call you. I'm on my way. I've got the cheese and the beaujolais... What? [laughs] ... My love. Kiss the children for me, hmm?

[intercom buzzes]

Hold on. [covers phone mouthpiece; answers intercom] Yes?

Your wife is on the other line.

Tell her I'm out of town.

A Shot in the Dark  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I made a terrible mistake.

Who did you assign to the case?


Oh, my God.

A Shot in the Dark  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[chuckles and whimpers] He released her again, and he's taking her out to dinner to dinner. Every paper in Paris has the story, including the Christian Science Monitor, and he gave them the story! You see, he claims she's protecting her lover, and the best way to force him into the open is to make him jealous. Jealous! That nincompoop! That megalomaniac! He's setting the science of criminal investigation back a thousand years, and I can't do anything about it!

Why not?

Why not? What if he's right?

A Shot in the Dark  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Maria Gambrelli:
You should get out of these clothes immediately! You'll catch your death of pneumonia, you will.

Yes, I suppose I probably will. But it's all part of life's rich pageant, you know.

A Shot in the Dark  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Listen to me, Hercule, and you will learn something. Now then, the facts in this case are: the body of the chauffeur was found in the bedroom of the second maid. Fact! Cause of death: Four bullets in the chest. Fact! The bullets were fired at close range from a .25 caliber Beretta automatic. Fact! Maria Gambrelli was discovered with the murder weapon in her hand. Fact! The murder weapon was registered in the name of the deceased, Miguel Ostos, and was kept, mind you, in the glove compartment of the Ballon Rolls-Royce. Fact! Now then, members of the household staff have testified that Miguel Ostos beat... [snaps his pointing stick] You fool! You have broken my pointing stick! I have nothing to point with now!... have testified that Miguel Ostos beat Maria Gambrelli frequently. And now, finally comes the sworn statement of Monsieur and Madame Ballon, as well as all the members of the staff, each of them with perfect alibis. Now then, Hercule, What is the inescapable conclusion?

Hercule LaJoy:
Maria Gambrelli killed the chauffeur.

What? You idiot! It's impossible. She's protecting someone.

Hercule LaJoy:
How do you know that?


Hercule LaJoy:
But the facts...

You are forgetting the most important fact - motive.

Hercule LaJoy:
He beat her.

He was Spanish!

Hercule LaJoy:
He tore her dress off.

Oh, don't be ridiculous. Would you kill someone who tore your dress off?

Hercule LaJoy:
No, I suppose not.

No, of course not! No, no. No, there is no doubt in my mind, whatsoever, Hercule. Maria Gambrelli is most definitely protecting somebody. Find that somebody, and you have found the murderer. And I shall find the murderer before the day is out. Maria Gambrelli will tell me who he is. Oh, yes.

A Shot in the Dark  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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