Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,441

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Hello, princess. It's wonderful to see ya...alive. That's the first touch after so long apart. Have you been thinking of it too?

[from outside] Sara? Are you there?


I'll kill him.

Can you hear me?

Just a second.

[through the screened door] Hi.


It's tomorrow. 12:01. I couldn't wait.

Ben, I'm just so tired.

Still spooked by ghosts, huh?

They're all around me.

How about I come in?

It's really not a good time, OK?

Sleeping with the Enemy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

He doesn't matter. He's nothing, Laura. Nothing.

Fuck you.

What's his name?

Ben. Martin, he...

He doesn't have anything to do with us, does he, princess? Does he?


Remember our honeymoon. The night I taught you to dance. Of course you haven't forgotten. You said those were the happiest days of your whole life. [holds up her wedding ring] Remember this? This is yours, Laura. We are one. We will always be one. Nothing can keep us apart.

Sleeping with the Enemy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

It's easier to be killed by a terrorist than it is to find a husband over the age of 40!

That statistic is not true!

That's right it's not true, but it feels true.

Sleepless in Seattle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I was in Atlantic City with my family. Cliff was a waiter. He wasn't even supposed to work that night, and suppose he hadn't? He asked me to take a midnight walk on the Steel Pier. I've probably told you this a million times, but I don't care. And then he held my hand. At one point I looked down and I couldn't tell which fingers were his and which were mine. And I knew.

Annie Reed:

You know.

Annie Reed:

Magic. It was magic.

Annie Reed:

I knew we would be together forever, and that everything would be wonderful, just the way you feel about Walter. Walter. It's quite a formal name, isn't it?

Sleepless in Seattle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sam Baldwin:
I'd much rather just see somebody I like, and get a feeling about them, and ask them if they want to have a drink.

Jonah Baldwin:
Or a slice of pizza --

Sam Baldwin:
Not dinner. Not necessarily on the first date because halfway through dinner you could be really sorry you asked them to dinner. Whereas if it's just a drink, if you like them you can always ask them for dinner but if not, you can just say, "Well, that was great," and then you go home. If you see what I mean. [beat] I wonder if it still works this way.

Jonah Baldwin:
It doesn't. They ask you.

Sam Baldwin:
I'm starting to notice that.

Sleepless in Seattle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jonah Baldwin:
If you get a new wife, I guess you'll get to have sex with her, huh?

Sam Baldwin:
I certainly hope so.

Jonah Baldwin:
Will she scratch up your back?

Sam Baldwin:
[shocked] What?

Jonah Baldwin:
In the movies, women are always scratching up the men's back and screaming and stuff when they're having sex.

Sam Baldwin:
How do you know all this?

Jonah Baldwin:
Jessica's got cable.

Sam Baldwin:

Sleepless in Seattle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sam Baldwin:
[about Annie] She wants to meet me at the top of the Empire State Building. On Valentine's Day.

It's like that movie.

Sam Baldwin:
What movie?

An Affair To Remember. Did you ever see it? Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. She's gonna meet him at the top of the Empire State Building... only she got hit by a taxi. And he waited and waited. And it was raining, I think. And then... she's too proud to tell him... that she's, uh... [starts to cry] crippled. And he's too proud to find out why she doesn't come. But he comes to see her anyway. I forget why, but, oh... Oh, it's so amazing when he comes to see her because... [crying more] he doesn't even notice that she doesn't get up to say hello. And he's very bitter. And you think that he's just gonna walk out the door... and never know why she's just lying there, you know, on the couch... with this blanket over her shriveled little legs. [sobbing]

Jonah Baldwin:
Are you all right?

She's fine.

Suddenly he goes, "I already sold the painting." And he like goes to the bedroom... and he looks and he comes out and he looks at her and he kind of just... They know and then they hug. And it's so... [trails off crying]

Sam Baldwin:
Well I'm not looking for a mail-order bride! I just want somebody I can have a decent conversation with over dinner. Without it falling down into weepy tears over some movie!

She's, as you just saw, very emotional.

Sam Baldwin:
Although I cried at the end of The Dirty Dozen.

Who didn't?

Sam Baldwin:
Jim Brown was throwing these hand grenades down these airshafts. And Richard Jaeckel and Lee Marvin [Begins to cry] were sitting on top of this armored personnel carrier, dressed up like Nazis...

[Crying too] Stop, stop!

Sam Baldwin:
And Trini Lopez...

Yes, Trini Lopez!

Sam Baldwin:
He busted his neck while they were parachuting down behind the Nazi lines...


Sam Baldwin:
And Richard Jaeckel - at the beginning he had on this shiny helmet...

[Crying harder] Please no more. Oh God! I loved that movie.

Sleepless in Seattle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sam Baldwin:
I'll tell you what I'm doing this weekend, I'm getting laid. It's the 1990's and nobody's getting laid. I'm the only man in America who's getting laid this weekend and I haven't been laid that much. Six girls in college, maybe seven. [sees Jonah standing in the doorway] How long have you been standing there?

Jonah Baldwin:

Sam Baldwin:
What did you just hear me say?

Jonah Baldwin:
Six girls in college, maybe seven.

Sam Baldwin:
Seven... EIGHT! Mary Kelly.

Jonah Baldwin:
[holds Annie's letter] This is the one I like!

Sleepless in Seattle  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You will take your experimentations to Sleepy Hollow, and there you will detect the murderer. Bring him here to face our good justice. Will you do this?

I shall.

Remember, it is you, Ichabod Crane, who is now put to the test.

Sleepy Hollow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So... three persons murdered. First, Peter Van Garrett and his son, Dirk Van Garrett. Both of them strong, capable men, found together... decapitated. One week later, the widow Winship. Also decapitated. Now, I will need to ask you many questions. But first, let me ask: Is anyone suspected?

Van Tassell:
How much have your superiors explained to you, constable?

Only that the three were slain in open ground. Their heads found severed from their bodies.

Reverend Steenwyck:
Their heads were not found severed. Their heads were not found at all.

The heads are... Gone?

Notary Hardenbrook:
Taken. Taken by the Headless Horseman. Taken back to hell.

[confused] Pardon, I...I don't...

Van Tassell:
Perhaps you had best sit down? [Crane does so] The Horseman was a Hessian mercenary, sent to these shores by German princes to keep Americans under the yoke of England. But unlike his compatriots, who came for money, the Horseman came for love of carnage. When battle was joined, there you'd find him; he rode a giant black steed named Daredevil, and was infamous for riding his horse hard into battle, chopping off heads at full gallop. He'd filed his teeth down to sharp points, to add to the ferocity of his appearance. This butcher didn't finally meet his end until the winter of '79, not far from here in our western woods. They chopped off his head with his own sword; even today the western woods is a haunted place, where brave men will not venture...for what was planted in the ground that day was a seed of evil. And so it's been for 20 years...but now the Hessian wakes. He's on the rampage, cutting off heads where he finds them.

Are you saying...? Is that what you believe?

Notary Hardenbrook:
Seeing is believing.

Sleepy Hollow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

We take the Indian Trail to the Tree of the Dead.

Young Masbath:
How will we recognize it?

Without difficulty, I rather fear.

Sleepy Hollow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[After the windmill explodes with the Horseman inside]

Young Masbath:
Is he... dead?

That's the problem; he was dead to begin with.

Sleepy Hollow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Frank Childers:
I told you I ain't got no boy, now why don't you get on outta here and let me be. You ain't no kin to me.

[after a pause] I learned to read some. I read the Bible quite a bit. I can't understand all of it, but I reckon I understand a good deal of it. Them stories you and Mama told me ain't in there. You ought not done that to your boy. I studied on killing you. Studied on it quite a bit. But I reckon there ain't no need for it if all you're gonna do is sit there in that chair. You'll be dead soon enough and the world 'll be shut of ya. You ought not killed my little brother, he should've had a chance to grow up. He woulda had fun some time.

Sling Blade  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Frosty Cream Boy:
Can I help you, sir? Can I help you, sir?!

I was kinda wantin' something to eat, mmm-hmm.

Frosty Cream Boy:
Well, um, what would you like?

You got any biscuits for sale in there?

Frosty Cream Boy:
No, this is a Frosty Cream. We don't serve biscuits. But we got a lot of other stuff, though.

What you got in there that's good to eat?

Frosty Cream Boy:
Well, we got Big Chief burgers, Bongo burgers, foot longs, corny dogs, Frosty shakes, creamy bars. Uh, did you want me to go through the whole list?

Reckon what do you like to eat in there?

Frosty Cream Boy:
Well, the french fries are pretty good.

French fried potaters?

Frosty Cream Boy:
Yup, the french fries.

How much you want for 'em?

Frosty Cream Boy:
They're .60 for the medium and .75 for the large.

I reckon I'll have me some of the big uns.

Frosty Cream Boy:
So one large french fries?

Sling Blade  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Gil Mars:
Y'know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of commercials that show us 4x4 trucks popping up to the top of Mt. Rushmore and parking on top of Abraham Lincoln's head, okay? I'm sick of shampoo commercials that try to convince women that they can look like Claudia Schiffer after one cycle of rinse and repeat. What if these toys could actually talk? What if they could walk? What if they could actually kick ass? I'm talking about toys that are so smart, when kids play with them, they play back. Toys, in short, gentlemen, that actually do what they do in the commercials.

Irwin Wayfair:
Well... that's an interesting idea.

Gil Mars:
Forget about this "batteries not included" crap. We're gonna stick in a lifetime Globotech lithium cell, keep these things running forever! That'll piss off the guys at Eveready.

Larry Benson:
Yeah! [chuckles] Hey, how's this for a slogan? "The Commando Elite - anything else is just a toy."

Gil Mars:
"Everything else is just a toy."

Larry Benson:
Th-That's good too! Sure.

Irwin Wayfair:
Uh, sir? Uh, you know, that kind of, uh, computing power doesn't really seem feasible right now, and--

Larry Benson:
Irwin, Irwin. We're members of the GloboTech family. Surely, we can hunt down that technology.

Gil Mars:
We can make missiles that can hunt down one unlucky bastard 7,000 miles away and stick a nuclear warhead right up his ass. I don't think we're gonna have a problem with this.

Small Soldiers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ms. Kegel:
[after being told the product will be ready in three months] Alright, then. Now, these are your security cards. These will give you unlimited access to all top-secret GloboTechnology. And these are your individual secret passwords. Please take a moments memorize them now.

Irwin Wayfair:
[sees his password and chuckles] Mine's Gizmo.

Ms. Kegel:
[snatches Irwin's password; annoyed] I said "secret".

Small Soldiers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Greetings. I am Archer, emissary of the Gorgonites. What is your name?

I'm Alan, now shut up. I gotta do my homework.

Greetings Alan-Now-Shut-Up.

[Alan does a double take at Archer's remark]

Small Soldiers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Nick Nitro:
Falling in, sir. [falls to the ground, and the Commando Elite walk towards Nick Nitro]

Brick Bazooka:
Outta the way.

Nick Nitro:
[weakly] It's...only a flesh wound, sir.

Chip Hazard:
Rest easy. You've done your job.

Nick Nitro:
Did we win?

Chip Hazard:
[solemnly] We will. [sniffles] Nick Nitro's battery has run out, but his memory will keep going. His death will be avenged! [Brick Bazooka sniffles and cries] Commandos, secure the perimeter, tap all communications, let's roll armor, we got us our war to win. If it launches, lacerates or detonates, I want it mobile and I want it lethile!

Commando Elite:
Sir, yes, sir!

Small Soldiers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Alan, friend of Archer, defender of Gorgonites, Keeper of Encarta.

"Keeper of Encarta"? You were using my computer? If I find a virus in there, you're headed for the microwave.

Beware: There will be no mercy.

[incensed] Are you threatening me?

The Gorgonites must be free. There will be no mercy.

[scene switches to Stuart Abernathy's toy store where Chip Hazard stands in front of a US Flag made from puzzle pieces.]

Chip Hazard:
Soldiers, no poor sap ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by being all that he can be. Damn the torpedoes, or give us death. Eternal vigilance is the price of duty and, to the victors go the spoils. So remember: you are the best of the best of the few and the proud. So ask not what our country can do, only regret that we have but one life to live. The war against the Gorgonites will be won.

[activates and notices] Uh-oh.

Chip Hazard:
Commando Elite, let the first shot be fired! Search out the Gorgonites, and frag 'em all!

Small Soldiers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ralph Quist:
The X1000 is a masterpiece. Imagine a microchip sophisticated enough to control the guidance systems of ballistic missiles. Imagine it can be used to instantly upgrade any system that it's plugged into, like a smart drug for machines. Then imagine it can learn.

Irwin Wayfair:
[nervously] Wh-What are you talking about, artificial intelligence?

Ralph Quist:
No. Actual intelligence. It's no wonder those philistines at the Pentagon didn't appreciate it. One little flaw, and they scrap the whole project.

Irwin Wayfair:
Ah-ha. So, there is a flaw in the chips.

Ralph Quist:
Well... they're a little sensitive to EMP.

Irwin Wayfair:
EMP? Electromagnetic pulse?

Ralph Quist:
Yeah, the kind generated by the detonation of a nuclear device? I doubt even the toy industry has become quite that competitive. They said adequate shielding wasn't cost-effective. [scoffs] Did the Medicis ever tell Michelangelo "Sorry, Mike, but marble's not really cost-effective. Here's a bag of cement."? I think not! [sneezes]

Irwin Wayfair:

Ralph Quist:
Thank you.

Larry Benson:
Look, there really shouldn't be any problem, right? Just because the chips can learn.

Ralph Quist:
Am I not being clear? They learn within the boundaries of their primary programming. Whatever the core programming, the X1000 enhances it from within. So if you've got a problem, it's in your software.

Small Soldiers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Fimple residence. Chip Hazard stumbles upon a bunch of Gwendy Dolls, causing the Commando Elite to see them]

Brick Bazooka:
Bombshells, sir.

Kip Killigan:
Fully posable. [he and Brick Bazooka laugh]

Brick Bazooka:
Hello, dolly.

[wolf whistle]

Butch Meathook:
Mmm-mmm. Sweet stuff. Hubba, hubba.

Link Static:
R&R, sir?

Brick Bazooka:
Request a three day pass, sir.

Chip Hazard:
Denied! [Brick Bazooka groans] Fellow soldiers, this is a new army. Those are reinforcements. Bring me the head of Nick Nitro, move. [Nick Nitro's body is brought to him] Soldier, your memory will live on. [pulls Nick Nitro's head off and begins cannibalizing it, to the Commando Elite discomforting]

Butch Meathook:

Link Static:
Ooh! Criminy.

Butch Meathook:
I think I'm gonna hurl.

Chip Hazard:
[reaching Nick Nitro's microprocessor chip] A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

[In a scene akin to Frankenstein, the chip is used to electrify and animate the Gwendy Dolls]

Brick Bazooka:
[laughing] It's alive! It's alive!

Gwendy Doll:
[walks to Chip Hazard] Hi there! Cannon Fodder Gwendy reporting for duty, sir! [salutes]

Chip Hazard:
[salutes] Carry on, soldier.

Small Soldiers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Larry Benson:
Great! All we need now is a nuclear warhead.

Stuart Abernathy:
I'll check, but I don't think I have one in the junk drawer.

Phil Fimple:
"Nuclear warhead"? What are you talking about?

Larry Benson:
It's the chips; They're not shielded against an electromagnetic pulse. A nuclear blast would wipe them out.

Irwin Wayfair:
That's why the military never used them.

Stuart Abernathy:
Well, what kind of moron would put military technology in toys?

Irwin Wayfair:
[pointing at Larry] Oh, that would be "Gizmo" over here.

Small Soldiers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[the Commando Elite begin playing The Spice Girls' Wannabe]

Alan Abernathy:
What are they doing?

Irene Abernathy:
Psychological warfare.

Christy Fimple:
The Marines did this against Noriega.

Marion Fimple:
Phil! Phil!

Phil Fimple:

Marion Fimple:
I love this song!

Small Soldiers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Gargamel looks for a laboratory in New York City and spots a port-a-potty/]

[impressed] Oh. Yes. It's a bit small, but it should do nicely! [climbs into the port-a-potty with Azrael] Oh, it's even got its own cauldron!

[A gurgling sound can be heard]

What died in here? [the port-a-poty shakes and thumping sounds can be heard] OPEN, OPEN, OPEN, OPEN, OPEN, OPPEEENNNN!

[Gargamel and Azrael finally fall out, dizzy and confused]

[choking] Somebody's been working a dark and terrible magic in there! [coughs in disgust]

The Smurfs  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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Who said, "When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully."?
A Roy Rogers
B Samuel Johnson
C John Wayne in "The Searchers"
D Queen Elizabeth II