Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,439

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Polly Perkins:
It's been three years, Joe. You're not still mad at me, are you? Can't even remember what we were fighting about.

Joseph Sullivan:
You sabotaged my plane.

Polly Perkins:

Joseph Sullivan:
I spent six months in a Manchurian slave camp because of you. They were gonna cut off my fingers.

Polly Perkins:
Joe, for the last time, I didn't sabotage your damn airplane!

Joseph Sullivan:
All so you could get a photograph of Tojo Hideki in his bathrobe, remember?

Polly Perkins:
You know, I'm starting to think that you've invented this whole sabotage nonsense to cover the fact that you were running around on me with your little mystery girl the whole time we were in Nanjing.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Polly's faulty directions nearly crashed them into a building]

Joseph Sullivan:
It's a dead end.

Polly Perkins:
That's not supposed to be there.

Joseph Sullivan:
[shouts] It's a dead end!

Polly Perkins:
There's no way out!

Joseph Sullivan:
Oh, bugger.

Polly Perkins:
There's the lead ship!

Joseph Sullivan:
Shortcut, heh!

Polly Perkins:
I got us here, didn't I?

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Polly Perkins:
We went underwater.

Joseph Sullivan:
Dex rigged it up. Got the idea from one of his comic books.

Polly Perkins:
You mean, you knew this the whole time, and you let me think we were gonna crash? I thought you were gonna die! You should have said something!

Joseph Sullivan:
Look, Polly, it was your idea to tag along, not mine. If you can't take it, that's not my fault.

Polly Perkins:
Oh, I can't take it. I can take anything you dish out

Joseph Sullivan:
Good, because that was nothing.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Sky Captain would not let Polly go back to get her case of film in the cave that was about to explode]

Polly Perkins:
You should've let me go back for my film.

Joseph Sullivan:
You're right, I should've.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Joe has marked Totenkopf's location on the map]

Polly Perkins:
There's nothing there. Are you sure you did it right?

Joseph Sullivan:
I'm sure. If the old man was right, that's where Totenkopf is now. Dead center in the middle of nowhere. [marks another spot on the map, just short of making it to the first spot]

Polly Perkins:
What's that point there?

Joseph Sullivan:
That's where we run out of fuel.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Francesca Cook:
Reconnaissance located an island three kilometers northeast of our current position. It is not, however, on any of our charts.

Polly Perkins:
That has to be him.

Captain Francesca Cook:
That has to be who? What have you gotten me into this time, Joseph?

Joseph Sullivan:
Nothing you can't handle, Franky.

[Polly trips and slams her hand into some controls, causing sirens to go off]

Joseph Sullivan:
Polly, try not to touch anything.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

British Officer:
Commander, we've lost power to the forward rotors. We're losing altitude.

Captain Francesca Cook:
All engines, reverse full. Get us out of here.

Joseph Sullivan:
Francesca, you've got to get me on that island.

Captain Francesca Cook:
I'm not about to risk the lives of my men for one of your silly antics.

Joseph Sullivan:
He's got Dex.

[Franky is shocked]

Captain Francesca Cook:
Rescind order! You´ll never make it from the air. We have to find you another way.

Joseph Sullivan:
There's a tidal flow on the eastern face of the island.

Captain Francesca Cook:
It's too deep. We're not rated past 100 meters. But... this area here, there's an undersea inlet at the southern tip and it runs beneath the entire length of the island. That is your only way in. Everything else is sheer rock to the edge of the water.

Polly Perkins:
What about those machines? How do we get past them?

Captain Francesca Cook:
Leave that to me. Alert the amphibious squadron!

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Sky Captain and Polly are preparing to take off along with Franky; Polly looks annoyed with Sky Captain]

Joseph Sullivan:

Polly Perkins:

Joseph Sullivan:
[shouts] I can't hear you, Polly! You'll have to speak up! [They took off]

Captain Francesca Cook:
[over the radio] Keep your nose up, Joseph. You always were bad at the short takeoff.

Joseph Sullivan:
Keep up, Franky. I don't wanna have to come back for you.

Polly Perkins:
I thought you takeoff was just fine.

Joseph Sullivan:
Thank you, Polly.

Polly Perkins:
So you heard that, did you?

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Francesca Cook:
You're all clear. Good luck, Joe.

Joseph Sullivan:
Thank you, Franky. We'll take it from here.

Polly Perkins:
She's some kind of girl.

Joseph Sullivan:
Yes, I know. I'm taking us up.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Joseph Sullivan:
It's a mobile airstrip. Dex has a hand in designing it. You can keep a secret, can't you, Polly?

Polly Perkins:
[raising her camera to photograph it] Yeah, I can keep a secret. [looks at her camera] Two shots. [doesn't take a picture]

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[last lines]

[Polly turns and uses her last picture to snap a shot of Sky Captain instead of the pods falling to Earth]

Joseph Sullivan:
Polly... you...

Polly Perkins:
You don't have to say anything.

Joseph Sullivan:
Lens cap.

[Polly stares in shock as the screen fades to black for ending credits]

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Based on Authoritative Sources:
Why in the hell is he throwing it in? It's a perfectly good typewriter.

Guy Who Tosses Typewriter:
Because! The typewriter isn't the point. The point is it symbolizes the bitch that just fucked him over. It symbolizes the bitch that fucked me over six months ago. And it symbolizes the bitch that's GONNA fuck you over!

Slacker  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Reggie Dunlop:
How's it going, Nick?

Nick Brophy:
I'm drunk.

Reggie Dunlop:

Nick Brophy:
I'm not bullshittin' ya. Got stinkin' shit-faced on the bus, Louise left me, and that son of a bitch over there keeps playin' me, when he knows I'm shit-faced.

Reggie Dunlop:
Geez, I'm really sorry.

Nick Brophy:
Anybody throws me against the boards, I'm gonna piss all over myself.

Slap Shot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Reggie Dunlop:
What are you guys doing?

Steve Hanson:
Puttin' on the foil!

Jeff Hanson:
Every game!

Jack Hanson:
Yeah, you want some?

Slap Shot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Chiefs fashion show]

Jim Ahern:
I look like some cock-sucking faggot in this thing.

Joe McGrath:
Have you seen Reg or Braden?

Jim Ahern:
Joe, I don't care man. Enough is enough. Nowhere in my contract does it say I gotta make a fool out of myself. Am I right?

[McGrath walks toward Upton]

Joe McGrath:
Have you seen Dunlop or Braden–

Johnny Upton:
I'm gonna flash 'em, Joe!

Joe McGrath:
Aw, now, son...

Johnny Upton:
I'm gonna walk down that stinkin' aisle, I'm gonna open up this faggot bathrobe and wiggle my dick at 'em!

Joe McGrath:
You will not.

Johhny Upton:
Yes I am, Joe, and you know why? Because I want you to have a heart attack and die so that we never have to do this shit again. You and your fucking fashion shows.

Joe McGrath:
It's good publicity! You boys just haven't been bringing in the crowds like you used to.

Johnny Upton:
I'm gonna wiggle it at 'em, you cheap bastard. I'm telling you, ya better be prepared, because when I yank it out, everybody in that audience with the exception of my wife is gonna be runnin' for the exits!

[Upton storms out]

Ensemble #8, as we watch Chiefs defenseman, Johnny Upton, modelling #8...

Joe McGrath:
[on the phone] Joe McGrath, just checking on Dunlop–

[The audience can be heard screaming at Upton, who apparently flashed the crowd; McGrath slowly hangs the phone up]

Slap Shot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Reggie Dunlop:
You guys triplets or something?

Jack Hanson:
Nah, I am in the middle... Steve's 20 and Jeff's 18.

Reggie Dunlop:
Where ya from?

Jack Hanson:
Iron League.

Reggie Dunlop:
The Iron League, huh? Lotta fights?

Jack Hanson:
Nah... Hey I want a a soda.

Reggie Dunlop:
We paid for you here for a week then you gotta find a room of your own.

Jack Hanson:
Okay, coach. Gimme a grape or an orange and none of that stinkin' root beer.

Slap Shot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after meeting the Hansons]

Reggie Dunlop:
You cheap son of a bitch. Are you crazy? Those guys are retards!

I got a good deal on those boys. Scout said they showed a lot of promise.

Reggie Dunlop:
They brought their fuckin' toys with 'em!

I'd rather have them playing with their toys than playing with themselves.

Reggie Dunlop:
They're too dumb to play with themselves! Boy, every piece of garbage that comes into the league, you gotta buy it.

Reg... Reg, that reminds me, I was coaching in Omaha in 1948 and Eddie Shore sends me this guy who's a terrible masturbator. Couldn't control himself. He would get deliberate penalities so he could get all by himself in the penalty box, and damned if he wouldn't, you know... [pantomimes masturbation]

Reggie Dunlop:
[disgusted] Aw, Jesus, Joe...

Now what was that again...? [continues masturbating gestures]

Slap Shot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Reggie Dunlop:
You know, your son looks like a fag to me. You better get married again, 'cause he's gonna wind up with somebody's cock in his mouth before you can say "Jack Robinson".

Anita McCambridge:
How dare you. How DARE you!

Slap Shot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Johnny Upton:
They're horrible looking.

Reggie Dunlop:
Don't look at me; it was McGrath's doing, not mine.

Johnny Upton:
What the old man trade for these assholes, a used puck bag? Watch Braden, he's gonna do something.

Ned Braden:
Hi. Are you guys brothers?

Johnny Upton:
Are you guys brothers... [laughs] What a life!

Slap Shot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Joe McGrath:
You can't put a bounty on a man's head.

Reggie Dunlop:
I just did.

Slap Shot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Reggie Dunlop:
Let 'em know you're there! Get that stick in their side, let 'em know you're there! Put some lumber in their teeth, let 'em know you're there!

Ned Braden:
[sarcastically] Bleed all over 'em, let 'em know you're there.

Slap Shot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Reggie Dunlop:
Lard ass Barkley Donaldson. You all saw what happened. Stick down, gloves off, he challenged the Chiefs. Called us names, CALLED US NAMES! But Dave was there.

The Hansons:
[in unison] Dave's a killer!

Johnny Upton:
Dave's a mess...

Reggie Dunlop:
But Dave's out. Who's gonna take his place?

Ned Braden:
Is the answer Jesus?

Reggie Dunlop:
[glares at Braden] Okay, guys. [looks directly to the Hansons] Show us what you got!

Slap Shot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[The Chiefs play normal, less raucous hockey in the championship game, only to get hammered in the first period ]

Joe McGrath:
They've come tonight.. to scout the Chiefs, the toughest team in the Federal League. Not this... bunch of... pussies. [stomps out of locker room]

Reggie Dunlop:

[The Chiefs immediately return to their violent style of play]

Slap Shot  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[A storm blows up and a gust of wind blows open the castle doors. Maleficent magically appears from the green flames]

Why, it's Maleficent!

What does she want here?


Well, quite a glittering assemblage, King Stefan. Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and-- [chuckles and looks at the Good Fairies] How quaint! Even the Rabble. [Merryweather charges at her but is held back by Flora] I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation.

You weren't wanted.

Not wa--Oh, dear, what an awkward situation. I had hoped it was merely due to some oversight. Well, in that event, I'd best be on my way.

And you're not offended, Your Excellency?

Why, no, Your Majesty. And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift on the child. Listen well, all of you! The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her. But… before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel...and DIE!

[grabs Aurora] Oh, no!

[Maleficent maniacally chuckles]

Seize that creature!

Stand back, you fools! [disappears in green flames while manically cackling when her crow flies away into the distance]

Sleeping Beauty  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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B Bladerunner
C All Quiet on the Western Front
D The Big Blue