[Chiefs fashion show]
Jim Ahern:
I look like some cock-sucking faggot in this thing.
Joe McGrath:
Have you seen Reg or Braden?
Jim Ahern:
Joe, I don't care man. Enough is enough. Nowhere in my contract does it say I gotta make a fool out of myself. Am I right?
[McGrath walks toward Upton]
Joe McGrath:
Have you seen Dunlop or Braden–
Johnny Upton:
I'm gonna flash 'em, Joe!
Joe McGrath:
Aw, now, son...
Johnny Upton:
I'm gonna walk down that stinkin' aisle, I'm gonna open up this faggot bathrobe and wiggle my dick at 'em!
Joe McGrath:
You will not.
Johhny Upton:
Yes I am, Joe, and you know why? Because I want you to have a heart attack and die so that we never have to do this shit again. You and your fucking fashion shows.
Joe McGrath:
It's good publicity! You boys just haven't been bringing in the crowds like you used to.
Johnny Upton:
I'm gonna wiggle it at 'em, you cheap bastard. I'm telling you, ya better be prepared, because when I yank it out, everybody in that audience with the exception of my wife is gonna be runnin' for the exits!
[Upton storms out]
Ensemble #8, as we watch Chiefs defenseman, Johnny Upton, modelling #8...
Joe McGrath:
[on the phone] Joe McGrath, just checking on Dunlop–
[The audience can be heard screaming at Upton, who apparently flashed the crowd; McGrath slowly hangs the phone up]