Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,491

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Oh no. A bad machine doesn't know when he's a bad machine.

Billy Hayes:
Oh, I know who I am. And I know who you are. I know that you are a bad machine. And do you know how I know that? [Ahmet shakes his head] Because I come from the factory. I MAKE the machines!

Midnight Express  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Walsh:
I know my rights. You owe me phone calls.

Alonzo Mosely:
What should be of paramount importance to you right now is not the phone calls. It's the fact that you're gonna spend ten years for impersonating a federal agent.

Jack Walsh:
Ten years for impersonating a fed, huh?

Alonzo Mosely:
Ten years.

Jack Walsh:
How comes no one's after you?

Midnight Run  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jonathan Mardukas:
Come on, cigarettes are killers.

Jack Walsh:
So are women.

Midnight Run  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Walsh:
[In a payphone talking to Eddie Moscone] We are driving now, and I only have enough cash to get to Amarillo. We had to scrap the bus.

Eddie Moscone:
Fuck the bus! I wanna know what happened to the goddamn plane!

Jack Walsh:
He doesn't like to fly.

Eddie Moscone:
He doesn't like to fly?! What the fuck does that mean?! Listen to me, Jack! You gotta be back here in less than two and a half fuckin' days! A half million dollars of my money, what the fuck is goin' on there?!!

Jack Walsh:
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, I swear to God, don't start with me now or I will shoot him and I will dump him in a fuckin' swamp! [vigorously shakes his head at Mardukas]

Midnight Run  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The Duke:
How much are you getting for me?

Jack Walsh:
I don't think that's any of your concern, but I'll tell you, just... to tell you. $100,000.

The Duke:
$100,000? Does that mean you'll take $100,000 to let me go?

Jack Walsh:
Not by a long shot.

The Duke:

Jack Walsh:
I never took a payoff in my life, and I'm not gonna start with someone like you.

The Duke:
Why not?

Jack Walsh:
Because you're a fucking criminal, and you deserve to go where you're going. I'm gonna take you there. And if I hear any more shit outta you, I'm gonna fucking bust your head, and I'm gonna put you back in that fucking hole, and I'm gonna stick your head in that fucking toilet bowl and I'm gonna make it stay there.

Midnight Run  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Walsh:
Jimmy. There's something I've been wanting to say to you for ten years.

Jimmy Serrano:
Yeah, and what's that!?

Jack Walsh:
[smiling] You're under arrest!

Midnight Run  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jimmy Serrano:
I thought you said this guy was gonna be on the plane.

Tony Darvo:
That's the information we got.

Jimmy Serrano:
"That's the information we got." I'm gonna tell you something. I want this guy taken out, and I want him taken out fast. You and that other dummy better start getting more personally involved in your work, or I'm gonna stab you through the heart with a fucking pencil. You get the message?

Midnight Run  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Jack arrives at Los Angeles before the deadline with Mardukas in custody, and calls Eddie on a pay phone]

Jack Walsh:
Guess who I'm with? I'm with the Duke.

Eddie Moscone:
Where the hell are you?

Jack Walsh:
Where am I? I'm at the airport. And guess who I'm with? I'm with the Duke!

Eddie Moscone:
You got him! [thumps the desk with a fist] You got him, Jack! I love you!

Jack Walsh:
Yeah. You wanna say hello?

Eddie Moscone:
Yeah, put him on!

Jack Walsh:
Say hello.

The Duke:
[distraught] Hello.

Eddie Moscone:
Hello, you son of a bitch! We got you, you son of a bitch!

Jack Walsh:
Now say good-bye, ya lying little piece of shit, because I'm lettin' him go! [hangs up]

Midnight Run  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Walsh:
Fear of flying, you son of a bitch?! Get back here, you son of a bitch! Get over here. Stop! Fear of flying, my ass! You son of a bitch, get out! You're a goddamn pilot, you son of a bitch?!!

Jonathan Mardukas:
I didn't feel it was appropriate to share that with you.

Midnight Run  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Walsh:
[to a cab driver] You wouldn't have change for a thousand, would ya?

Cab Driver:
Whatta ya, a comedian? Get outta here, you bum!

[Cab driver drives away]

Jack Walsh:
[Zips up coat and turns up collar] Looks like I'm walkin'.

Midnight Run  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve: Lovers, to bed; 'tis almost fairy time.

Oberon: Now, until the break of day. Through this house each fairy stray. To the best bride-bed will we, Which by us shall blessed be; So shall all the couples three. Ever true in loving be; And the owner of it blest. Ever shall in safety rest. Trip away; make no stay; Meet me all by break of day.

A Midsummer Night's Dream  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tom Snout:
[Puck has turned Bottom into a Donkey] Bottom, thou art changed. What do I see on thee?

Nick Bottom:
What do you see? What; do you see an ass' head of your own, do you?

Peter Quince:
[backing away] Bless me. Thou art translated.

[all run off, leaving Bottom alone on the stage]

Nick Bottom:
Why do they run away? I see their knavery. This is to make an ass of me.

A Midsummer Night's Dream  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[speaking in a very southern drawl] Ah shouldn't be doin' this.

You're just standing in the hallway, Mrs Bransford, I think that's still legal in this state.

Maverick  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You tend to breathe hard when you get excited.

How did you - oh.

Maverick  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Keeble! Caught your act in the assembly! Looks like you could use some help with managing your portfolio.

Max Keeble:
Hey, that's my lunch money!

And you have it all in cash. Kid, let me hold this for a while and I'll set you up with a nice mutual fund.

Max Keeble's Big Move  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after Max just escaped the evil ice cream man, he arrives at Jenna's. Jenna is on her swing and walks up to Max]


What took you so long?

I, uh, stopped to get an ice cream.

Max Keeble's Big Move  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Principal Jindrake:
What is the meaning of this?

Max Keeble:
Hey, I didn't do that.

Principal Jindrake:
So you want to save the filthy little beasts, eh? Perhaps you want me to give the animals my car. Do you want me to give my car to the smelly goat?

Max Keeble:
Goats don't drive, sir.

Principal Jindrake:
I don't care what you want me to do. The smelly goat will never get my car. Ever.

Max Keeble:
The animals have nowhere to go. Some creep's closing down the shelter.

Principal Jindrake:
I'm closing down the shelter, silly boy.

Max Keeble:

Principal Jindrake:
All I need now is the right bulldozer. I'm thinking big and yellow. Where did you think I was going to build Knebworth stadium? In your house? [sarcastically] Ha, ha. Your house. That's rich. There wouldn't be room.

Max Keeble:

Max Keeble's Big Move  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Principal Jindrake:
So the second teacher says, "I agree. That's why they call it a lounge." Ha. Well, here we are in the Curtis Junior High library.

Superintendent Knebworth:
Hmm. Smallish.

Principal Jindrake:
Yes, but we're biggish on books...especially sports books. In fact, the one we're waiting for is Crazy Legs: The Bobby Knebworth Story.

Max Keeble's Big Move  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Max is distracted seeing his crush, Jenna, when he gets hit by the door and falls to the ground. Jenna walks up to him]

Are you okay?

[straining] Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. [picks himself up]

You look kind of familiar.

I deliver your paper. Um, I'm Max, Jenna.

Oh, yeah. So you go to school here now?

You play the clarinet.

[show her clarinet case] First chair.

I'm in band, too. I play the bassoon.

Hmm. Well, I'll see you later.

I'll see you, uh, bassoon. [Jenna turns and gives him a sweet smile] [annoyed] "See you bassoon"? Ugh. Stupid.

Max Keeble's Big Move  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[leaves class after insulting his teacher he passes Jenna and her friend the hallway] Well, hello, sweetheart. [Jenna and her friend turn and Jenna smiles at Max]

Max Keeble's Big Move  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Max is on his way to Megan's house when he sees Jenna leaving her house]

Hey, Max.

Hi, Jenna.

Do you want to hang out? I'm meeting some friends at Buddies.

You know what? I actually gotta kinda be somewhere.

Oh, come on. Stay for one milk shake. It'll be fun.


[Jenna bends down to him and smiles sweetly]

One milkshake.

You know what? Okay. All right. One...milkshake.

[As Max and Jenna head to Buddies, Jenna wraps her arm around Max]

Max Keeble's Big Move  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I'm sorry I was mean to you.

It's okay.

No, it's not. I'm really sorry.

Thanks, Violet. Come on, we've got a race to finish.

You're on.

Maya the Bee: The Honey Games  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey meadow bugs! Come on, let's dance!

Sure thing! Willy?

I'll just stay here and...

Violet and Maya:
Come on, Willy.

Bee best friends forever. Buzz.


Maya, Willy, and Violet:

Maya the Bee: The Honey Games  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

My name is Alby. Can you tell me anything about yourself, who you are, where you came from? Anything at all. [Thomas is visibly confused and distressed; he looks around distractedly, rubbing his hands together and giving no response] Can you tell me your name?

[Visibly frightened] I... I can't remember anything. Why can't I remember anything?

Hey, relax. Relax. It's normal. Happens to us all. You get your name back in a day or two. It's the one thing they let us keep.

What is this place?

[Holding his hand out] Let me show you.

The Maze Runner  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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