Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,492

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Agent J:
You helped Boris the Animal time jump. [cocks his weapon]

Jeffrey Price:
Whoa, whoa! Look, I had to! That dude's a freak!

Agent J:
He killed my partner! I want to know where and when you sent him.

Jeffrey Price:
What, you think I keep, like, a log book?

[He glances down at his log book and winces. Jay flips it open.]

Agent J:
[reading] "Target vector: July 16, 1969."

Jeffrey Price:
All right, all right. That's a real bummer about your buddy. I'm sure he was, like, a real great guy, but in terms of the whole space-time continuum, your friend was a little blip on the historical radar!

[J spins him around to a wall of televisions, seeing a news report on the Boglodites invading Earth.]

Jeffrey Price:
Oh... that's a big blip.

Men in Black 3  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Agent J:
K! [O notices Agent J trying to call for his partner] Alright. You got me. I give it to you, it's funny, very elaborate. [to everyone looking at him] Oh, and all of you. Fantastic performances. Can't believe you waited 14 years to develop a sense of humor, but, this is a good one. But, K, I need you to come out here now, 'cause I'm really starting to get a little bit pissed off!

Agent J, would you mind keeping your voice down, and telling me who it is you're looking for?

Agent J:
I'm looking for K!

Who is K?

Agent J:
[grunts] You, too? You, too?

I mean, who is he to you?

Agent J:
My partner! Older gentlemen! 110, maybe 111 years old. Sort of this surly-Elvis thing happened with him. He smiles, like this: [J makes a poker face] Seen him around?!

[appearing a bit saddened] I'll take you to K.

Agent J:
Thank you!

Men in Black 3  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Agent J:
[having just arrived in 1969] My man, what's today?

Man in Chrysler Building elevator:

Agent J:
The date?

Man in Chrysler Building elevator:
The 15th.

Agent J:

Man in Chrysler Building elevator:

Agent J:
Dog, the year!

Man in Chrysler Building elevator:

Agent J:
Thank you! You look at me like I'm crazy.

Men in Black 3  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Agent J:
[after knocking out the four-armed alien] Still keep the key under the ashtray.

Young Agent K:
Lucky guess. Now, where were we?

Bowling Ball Head:
I was just about to tell you to screw off.

Young Agent K:
[to Agent J] Hey, slick, you bowl in the future?

Agent J:
Absolutely, MIB league champ, three years running.

Young Agent K:
Well, let's see it. [walks up to the alien and pulls his head off; Agent J is slightly horrified by this as Young Agent K hands the head to him]

Bowling Ball Head:
Unh! You did not just walk into my establishment and rip my head off!

Agent J:
My man, look. We don't have a lot of time for this. You really need to tell him something.

Bowling Ball Head:
I'll tell him this! [gestures rudely and glares at Young Agent K]

Agent J:
Alright, your head. [Bowling Ball Head's face fills with fear as Agent J carries him to a lane; Young Agent K inhales with exasperation]

Bowling Ball Head:
Wait... Hey, if you do this, I am gonna hunt you down, and I will make sure that you walk funny for the– [J rolls him down the aisle, knocking over 8 pins, leaving pins 7 and 10 still standing] rest of your miserable last days on Earth! Unh!

Young Agent K:
Tough spare, slick. [Agent J groans; the Bowling Ball Head rolls into the ball return]

Bowling Ball Head:
You messed with the wrong head!

Agent J:
His head is a little... [walks up to the ball return and humorously peers inside]

Young Agent K:
You gonna tell us where Dom is?

Bowling Ball Head:
[angrily speaking unintelligibly] I'll kill you both. I swear I'll kill both of youse!

Agent J:
[as he prepares to roll the alien's head down the aisle again, he accidentally drops it, and it hits the floor] Ooh!

Bowling Ball Head:
Ow! Jesus! [Young Agent K grabs a bag for cleaning bowling balls]

Young Agent K:
Your hook's a little off. You want me to clean her?

Agent J:
[figuring it might make him talk] Oh, yeah, sure thing. [throws the head to Young Agent K, who immediately starts rubbing him with the bag]

Bowling Ball Head:
Oh, no, no, no! Aw, come on! I just cleaned the bathroom with this thing! Please, no cleaning! No cleaning! Stop cleaning! Okay! Okay, alright! [Young Agent K stops and removes the head from the bag] Alright, he's in the back. But he's not gonna talk to any Men in Black scum like you! [while talking, the headless body points at Young Agent K] Now give me back my head! [Young Agent K ignores his demand and throws the head back to Agent J]

Agent J:
K, I call this one...

Bowling Ball Head:
[as Agent J puts his fingers in his nose] Oh!

Agent J:

Bowling Ball Head:
That ain't a finger hole, you sick bastard! [Agent J turns and approaches the aisle and rolls the head between his legs; it bounces slightly towards the pins] Ow! How about I pop your head off and see how you like it?! [Agent J humorously makes it look like he's directing the ball; the Bowling Ball Head rolls right into Pin 7, knocking it into Pin 10] Ow! [the Bowling Ball Head, upside down, seethes with anger at the agents]

Agent J:
[satisfied] Ooh! Mmm! [gestures to Young Agent K to go to the back room]

Bowling Ball Head:
I'm gonna kill both of you! I'm gonna kill the both of youse! I'll kill you both!

Men in Black 3  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[through Griffin's eyes, J and K see the last game of the 1969 World Series.]

Agent J:
Wait, this game doesn't happen until October.

Oh, it's always October, November, March... so many possible futures, and they're all real, you just don't know which one will coalesce. Until then, they're all happening. Like this one here, it's my favorite moment in human history.

Men in Black 3  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Boris the Animal:
The Arc Net! Give it to me!

I don't think this is the one where you get it!

Men in Black 3  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Young Agent K:
[chasing Boris on motorcycles, who has captured Griffin]: You all right there, Chief?

Agent J:
Hell, yeah. It’d be better with four wheels! Two is, like, my minimum.

Young Agent K:
What happens if Boris gets the ArcNet?

Agent J:
Boglodite invasion, total destruction of Earth!

Young Agent K:
We gotta stop this guy!

Agent J:
I've been trying! You haven't been trying?

Young Agent K:
Hey, slick. In the future, do we ever do the Texas two-step?

Agent J:
Yes, sir!

[they proceed with the ”Texas two-step” to rescue Griffin]

Men in Black 3  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Carl Brashear:
Permission to relieve the man below, Master Chief.

Billy Sunday:
What are you, cookie, some kind of goddamn hero ? I got no room in my class for heroes or stutterin' swim champs with a wife and kids to worry about, do you read me?

Carl Brashear:
If you wanna flunk me, flunk me, but don't punish him for being decent to me.

Billy Sunday:
I don't have to flunk you. You're gonna do that all on your own.

Men of Honor  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Billy Sunday:
Think you deserve to be here, don't ya? Fraternizing among navy men? Think you're as good as they are? How 'bout me, cookie? You better than me?

Carl Brashear:
You're damn right I am!

Men of Honor  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Don't you see? I'm not like you. The things I want... The things I want are smaller. If I just work hard and keep my head down...

Carl Brashear:
Your whole life will pass you by.

Men of Honor  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Pappy:
Did you know that ordinary house dust is composed primarily of human skin?

Billy Sunday:
No sir, I didn't know that.

Mr. Pappy:
Makes you think twice about who you invite into your home.

Men of Honor  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Carl Brashear:
All I ever wanted to do was to make Master Diver.

Billy Sunday:
All I ever wanted to do was stay one.

Men of Honor  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Diving Student:
(Standing in his underwear banging a pot with a spoon) I Stole a Pie! I stole a Pie! I stole a Pie!

Men of Honor  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Your magnificent city, Father - and you the brain of this city - and all of us in the city's light...And where are the people, Father, whose hands built your city--?

Joh Fredersen:
Where they belong...

In the depths...? What if one day, those in the depths rise up against you?

Metropolis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Charlie Black:
Fourierism was tried in the late nineteenth century... and it failed. Wasn't Brook Farm Fourierist? It failed.

Tom Townsend:
That's debatable.

Charlie Black:
Whether Brook Farm failed?

Tom Townsend:
That it ceased to exist, I'll grant you, but whether or not it failed cannot be definitively said.

Charlie Black:
Well, for me, ceasing to exist is — is failure. I mean, that's pretty definitive.

Tom Townsend:
Well, everyone ceases to exist. Doesn't mean everyone's a failure.

Metropolitan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Nick Smith:
The titled aristocracy are the scum of the earth.

Sally Fowler:
You always say "titled" aristocrats. What about "untitled" aristocrats?

Nick Smith:
Well, I could hardly despise them, could I? That would be self-hatred.

Metropolitan  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[in "Mickey's Mechanical House"] The furniture folds right into the wall.

It makes a great shortcut into the hall.

Mickey's House of Villains  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cruella De Vil, Ursula, Captain Hook:
Oh, Halloween at the House of Mouse, all treats and no tricks. If this were my house, I'd run things differently.

Add a splash of evil?

Captain Hook:
Pillage and plunger?

Blah, blah, blah. Every year it's the same thing. All talk and no play. What a bunch of dull villains.

Well this year will be different.

[Jafar holds a small hourglass]

I've got a trick for Mickey Mouse. But you'll have to wait till midnight.

Say, isn't it time for your Halloween trick?

Patients, Iago,

[Jafar gets the hourglass again]

Midnight nears.

Mickey's House of Villains  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Minnie storms on-stage to confront the villains]

Gosh. I've never seen her so mad.

I have.

Mickey's House of Villains  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Cruella De Vil:
Get those puppies!

Captain Hook:
Game over, Mickey!

Mickey's House of Villains  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[in "Lonesome Ghosts"] Oh, I'm brave. Hyuck, but I'm careful.

[Ghost bangs to distract Goofy]

Mickey's House of Villains  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Here, use the lamp.

[Aladdin gives Daisy the lamp then passes it to Goofy, then Donald, then Minnie and then Mickey]

Mickey's House of Villains  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[First lines]

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house... oh, wait, Different story, but we'll still see a mouse. [The movie's title appears] Put those old Christmas classics back up on the shelves; we've got new tales of giving, and loving, and elves.

Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Introducing "Belles on Ice"] In our first yuletide story, two stars are on ice. They've been best friends forever, so cordial and nice...but can both share the stage with the lights shining bright? Or will egos get bruised in a double-lutz fight?

Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "Long live the King" ?
A Four Kings
B Arthur the King
C The King and Four Queens
D The Lion King