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Yee yee! We've found 19 show titles and 1,207 TV shows quotes for the term spongebob:

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 1

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 1

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season one

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Two

[Meanwhile, a group of octopuses are angrily chasing after a happy-go-lucky Squidward. He sucks the noses off of three houses whilst running by. SpongeBob and Patrick are walking by when they see Squidward run past them.]

Hey! That looked like Squidward! [the mob runs past them] That looked like Squidward also, in angry mob form! [Squidward has approached a dead end]

Hold it right there, Mr. Tentacles!

Stand back! I've got gardening tools! [the policeman hands him an envelope]

Here! Just read this! [Squidward looks at it]

What is it?

A well thought out and organized list of complaints! [the mob shouts out in agreement. SpongeBob and Patrick walk by]

Patrick, look! It's Squidward! [he runs up to the octopus and hugs him, but he's a different octopus with eyebrows and mustache, and a shirt like Squidward's] Squidward! We finally found you! [the octopus pushes SpongeBob off him]

Male Octopus:
Get off me, and I'm not Squidward! [pause]

Are you Squidward now?

Grievances?! This town is a grievance! There should be a law against so many stuck-up tightwads living in one place! This city needs to be destroyed! [pause] Or at least painted a different color.

F.Y.I., you don't have to live here, you know. [Squidward, and the crowd, smile]

Hey, you're right! [the crowd members' smiles fade] And I'm leaving A.S.A.P.! [meanwhile, SpongeBob and Patrick are trying to find Squidward]

Are you Squidward?

Male Octopus:
No. [he walks up to the croquet woman]

Are you Squidward?

No. [Patrick talks to a fire hydrant]

Are you Squidward? [pause] That's okay, take your time. [SpongeBob walks up to him]

Any one of these Squidwards can be the real Squidward, Patrick! [the town rumbles as Squidward rockets the leaf blower out of Tentacle Acres and laughs maniacally. The octopuses smile]

Freedom! Woo-hoo! [SpongeBob and Patrick watch him fly over the horizon]

Well, we know one thing: it sure isn't that guy. [the episode ends]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 2

[Meanwhile, cut to SpongeBob putting mayonnaise in a box, then taping it up, then cut to Mr. Krabs putting down a clock as a bulldozer arrives.]

Mr. Krabs:
[sad] It's time. [goes outside on the street and waits for the truck to stop in front of him]

State officer:
[puts one of the bulldozer's windows down] So, who's getting bulldozed today?

[with the clipboard] Oh, not me, your bureaucraticness. I completed my petition. [Mr. Krabs is worried]

State officer:
The people have spoken. Step aside, Mr. Krabs. [Part of the bulldozer smokes fire out.]

Mr. Krabs:
But... but... [as he backs up, the bulldozer follows him, towards the Krusty Krab.; angry] No! I'm not going anywhere!

State officer:
Please comply, Mr. Krabs. It'll be quick and painless.

Mr. Krabs:
If you wanna bulldoze me restaurant, [locks himself up] it's gonna be long and painful!

[is seen at the top of the restaurant, also locked up; angry] Stand your ground, Mr. Krabs! We are right behind you, right, Squidward? [the lock is empty] Squidward?

[Squidward is outside his home, with an umbrella on top of him, sitting on a chair, and drinking a cup of tea, happily.]

State officer:
[moves his bulldozer closer to the restaurant] Okay, now this is really your last chance.

Mr. Krabs:
[still angry] I'm never leaving the Krusty Krab!

State officer:
Fine. Have it your way. [pushes a lever]

[chuckles evilly, while setting up himself a movie theater seat, then sits on it] Bring it on! Bring the destruction! [munches on popcorn]

Mr. Krabs:
[part of the bulldozer smokes more fire out, and the bulldozer starts to move even closer to the restaurant.; sad] Goodbye, Krusty Krab! [As he closes his eyes, the bulldozer begins to move the restaurant, but only moves 1 foot.; confused] Eh?

State officer:
Thank you for your cooperation.

[spits the popcorn out, angry] What?! Excuse me, sir, but, uh... [stands on the seat] you forgot to level the place!

Mr. Krabs:
[confused] Uhh... yeah.

State officer:
Demolition is outside of my purview. I simply ensure that restaurants comply with the 100 foot ordinance. [measures the distance with a tape measure and says the 1 foot on it] That's 1 more foot. Perfect! [walks away from the restaurant]

[jumping on the seat, still angry] But that's not fair! [slips inside and the seat closes on him]

So you're not gonna destroy the Krusty Krab?

State officer:
No, I--

[jumps inside the bulldozer, hugging the state officer] Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! [as the state officer accidentally pulls the lever, the truck goes backwards. He and SpongeBob look out the window and are in shock as they are heading towards the Chum Bucket] Oh, dear. [the bulldozer crashes through the Chum Bucket, destroying it]

[Meanwhile, he's free from the seat after struggling to.; still angry] Come on! Let's do this! I wanna see some destruction! [as he gasps, he finally sees the destroyed Chum Bucket] I think I've seen enough. [goes back inside the seat as the episode ends]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 8

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 10

[Meanwhile, the line keeps getting longer and longer and Squidward continues to serve his Chum Fricassee to his customers and fans]

Here you go, folks. Enjoy my world famous Fricassee. [All of a sudden, someone bursts through the front door which turns out to be Squidward's grandmother and she's not very happy] Grandma!?

Grandma Tentacles:
[enters the restaurant and corners her grandson by the kitchen doors] Someone's been cooking my recipe, [sniffs] and they're doing it wrong!

What are you doing here?

Grandma Tentacles:
Saving my recipe from my bumbling grandson. [crushes Squidward's foot with her walker]

Ow! I didn't do it! Uh, uh, it was him! [points to Plankton]

[Plankton is seen exiting the kitchen with the plate of chum and hears what Squidward said about him, becomes furious. He throws the plate of chums in rage and pins the blame back on Squidward.]

What?! Oh, you're not pinning this on me! You said you didn't care if it was ready or not!

[fearfully] Ok, I admit it! I admit it! But—but—but what's the big deal? [Grandma Tentacles crushes his foot with her walker for second time] Ow!

Grandma Tentacles:
The big deal is when the chum is not cooked for exactly 24 hours, it causes severe tummy trouble.

[Listening to Grandma Tentacles, customers form a mob. The customers are enraged by what they're hearing to Grandma Tentacles.]

Male Fish:
You fed us undercooked chum?!

Grandma Tentacles:
Tear him apart, people! [The fancy customers form a mob and start to attack Squidward and Plankton. They do an uproar, following what his grandmother says.]

I've had it, and I'm not gonna take it anymore! [Fred picks up a trash can, then throws it on a table. Other customers throw their chum meals on the ground and on the wall of the Chum Bucket. Another customer rips apart of an awning. Frank grabs a napkin holder, throwing napkins on the floor. Plankton pops up near the napkins.]

Not the napkins! [Frank doesn't listen to Plankton.]

Angry Mob:
[An axe chops Squidward's picture in half.] He got what he deserves, that's what I say! [Else where in the exterior of Le Chum Bucket, it bursts into flames caused by the mob. As the restaurant is on fire, the customers run out of the bucket building.] It's on fire! It's all burning! Run! [the fire incinerates the restaurant, leaving only Plankton and Squidward standing with charred faces]

My restaurant! [begins crying]

My fan base! [Squidward also starts sobbing]

Grandma Tentacles:
I hope you learned your lesson, genius. [crushes Squidward's foot with her walker for third time as a punishment for his selfishness and wrongful acts]

Ow! [cries along with Plankton in despair]

[cuts to the Krusty Krab] Gee, Mr. Krabs. It sure was nice of you to hire Squidward back. Especially since he tried to destroy your business and all.

Mr. Krabs:
I figure it's the least I can do for him. After causing all that mayhem over at the Chum Bucket, in fact, I promoted him. He's our new doormat!

No! [laying on the floor like a doormat as punishment for their humiliation] Living the dream! [Moaning and groaning, some customers who destroyed the Chum Bucket wipe their feet on Squidward and the episode ends.]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 8

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Three

[Mr. Krabs and Mrs. Puff fight each other again. However, now that Neptune's Moon is gone, they both revert themselves back into their regular forms. But unfortunately, the effects of Neptune's Moon also caused their respective clothing to dissolve into nothingness, thus leaving them naked]

Mr. Krabs and Mrs. Puff:
Oops. [cover themselves in embarrassment and run off laughing]

[Larry reverts back to his regular form as well. But he is also naked. He picks up a flower and uses it as a loincloth. Then he walks away. Pearl and Squidward continue fighting above Sandy's treedome. They both revert back to their regular forms. However, they're also naked as well. Pearl spits Squidward out from her mouth]

What is going on here? [gasps] MY CLOTHES! [screams and runs away]

[screams and runs away as she is naked] NO!

[SpongeBob and Patrick revert back to the regular forms, but they're also naked as well]


[SpongeBob pulls himself off of Sandy's suit. Patrick giggles and falls off of Sandy's helmet. SpongeBob looks around and sees Sandy's treedome destroyed]

Um, Sandy, how come your treedome is broken and everyone's naked?

Well, SpongeBob, let's just say this has been the most interesting birthday I ever had.

French Narrator:
And, of course, Neptune's Moon is always followed by Neptune's Sun.

[The ground shakes. Neptune's Sun comes out of a volcano and shines its light on Sandy. The light then transforms Sandy into a realistic land squirrel. It appears that Neptune's Sun only effects land creatures while Neptune's Moon only effects sea creatures. Sandy chitters and crawls around inside her suit]

SpongeBob and Patrick:
You don't see that everyday. Jinx! Buy me a patty!

[They both laugh as Sandy chitters]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 10

[Mr. Krabs is bathing in a tub of money in the restaurant. SpongeBob and Sandy enter the restaurant and sulk over to Mr. Krabs.]

Oh, Mr. Krabs! [Mr. Krabs gasps and hides in the tub] I got all the secret ingredients on your list, but Plankton stole them all! I made the apocalypse!

[SpongeBob cries a fountain of tears and spray them all over the restaurant, which hits Mr. Krabs. Sandy gets drenched on by the tears and activates the windshield wipers on her helmet.]

Mr. Krabs:
[plugs SpongeBob's mouth with a cork] Now, now, son. You didn't make the apocalypse. I couldn't afford to have Plankton following me while I was getting the real ingredients at the Barg'N-Mart, could I?

[Mr. Krabs pushes the button on the table Fred is eating on and it flips over showing a shopping cart containing the real Krabby Patty ingredients.]

[screams] MY LEG!

So, my list was a fake? So, no apocalypse?

Mr. Krabs:
No apocalypse.

I saved the world! [laughs and dances around the restaurant while Sandy glares angrily at Mr. Krabs] No apocalypse! No apocalypse! No apocalypse! No apocalypse!

Mr. Krabs:
Let's not go too far.

[rolls up her sleeves] You mean you sent my best friend on a dangerous wild goose chase just so you could go shopping?! [backs Mr. Krabs into his office] Excuse us, SpongeBob. [closes the door while wearing her karate glove] This is for my tail!

Mr. Krabs:
Wait, Sandy, I was—

Hi-yah! [karate chops Mr. Krabs really hard. Mr. Krabs ends up crashing into the door, buttocks first] This is for almost getting us killed!

Mr. Krabs:
Wait, Sandy!

Hi-yah! [karate chops Mr. Krabs really hard again. This time, head first at the door, and comes out with a bag of money as compensation for Sandy's submarine] And this is for my submarine, Matilda!

[Mr. Krabs comes out and is completely beaten up.]

[kicks the plank Mr. Krabs is standing on] Hi-yah! Hi-yah! [karate chops Mr. Krabs and sends him flying through the roof]

Mr. Krabs:
Well, I guess I had that coming.

[Meanwhile, at the Chum Bucket, Plankton is fixing up a batch of Krabby Patties with the fake ingredients.]

Can you believe it, Karen? After all these years, the secret ingredients are finally here! And the final ingredient: [pulls out a bucket of ghost dandruff from the bag] ghost dandruff!

[backs away] I wouldn't add that last one...

[adds ghost dandruff to the batch] Ha, ha! I can't wait to see the look on Krabs' face!

[Plankton stirs the fake ingredients all together. Then all of a sudden, the Chum Bucket explodes and sends Plankton flying in the sky.]

[screams until he sees Mr. Krabs] Krabs?

Mr. Krabs:

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 11

[Mr. Krabs knocks on the front door to SpongeBob's house.]

Mr. Krabs:
SpongeBob! SpongeBob? SpongeBob? Are you okay in there? You catch the flu or something? Ugh. Are you at death's door? Because you know darn well they ain't valid excuses to miss work! [peeks through the window and finds to his shocking surprise that SpongeBob is slithering on the floor with his tongue like a snail; SpongeBob eats some food from Gary's food bowl] Ah! SpongeBob has gone full raving loony. [hears something] Uh-oh! [hides underground as Gary appears]

♪Meow—meow—meow—meow—meow—meow—meow. Meow—meow—meow—meow—meow—meow.♪ [enters the house]

[Mr. Krabs peeks through the window again. He sees SpongeBob rubbing his head against the chair while Gary's reading the paper. Gary pets SpongeBob and holds out a snail toy for him to play. SpongeBob plays the toy with his eye. Mr. Krabs gasps and drills himself inside through the floor.]


Mr. Krabs:
What in the name of Neptune's nostrils is going on in here?! SpongeBob, you're acting like you're the pet and that darn snail is the owner!

[hits Mr. Krabs with the toy] Meow! Meow—meow—meow.

Mr. Krabs:
[grabs the toy] Bad snail! Down boy! [gets attacked by SpongeBob] SpongeBob, what are you— [gets licked and pummeled by SpongeBob until he pushes him off and shakes him violently] Oh, snap out of it, SpongeBob!

[SpongeBob doesn't respond. Mr. Krabs pulls out a Krabby Patty, breaks it in half and puts it under SpongeBob's nose. SpongeBob smells the patty's scent and shakes himself back to normal, snapping himself out of the strange trance.]

[dazed] Mr. Krabs?

Mr. Krabs:
Have you completely lost your mind, boy-o? Snails ain't supposed to have arms and legs.

Aww, but Gary is so happy with his new limbs.

[Gary files his new arms.]

Mr. Krabs:
Oh, is he? Well, it's time to cut this nonsense! [growls and goes to fight Gary] Ay! [growls at Gary viciously] Huh-hah! [leaps over to Gary and cuts the arms and legs, returning Gary back to his normal self]

[sniffs the severed limbs] Meow. [slithers over to his food bowl, removes SpongeBob's name and goes to eat his food]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 12

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Three

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Three

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Three

[Mr. Krabs turns on Karen's monitor. Then Karen's screen shows Loading]

Mr. Krabs:
She's loading up. Now let's see how this dial up thingy works. [places the telephone receiver on top of Karen and her screen shows an hourglass turning.] This thing does text mails right?

Yeah, I think so.

[Karen's screen shows the words Karen Classic with her picture on it]

Mr. Krabs:
Oh, that sounds promising.

[Karen starts crying on her screen and scaring Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob]

Mr. Krabs:
Are computers supposed to emote!? No need to cry, little lady.

Don't tell me not to cry! [continues crying and scaring Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob again.]

Mr. Krabs:
She's malfunctioning!

Must be the dial-up thingy!

Mr. Krabs:
You're right, must be interfering with her circuitry! [grabs the telephone and throws it against the wall destroying it in the process]

Oh, it's not the dial-up thingy. It's Plankton, he dumped me for a newer piece of hardware. [continues crying]

Mr. Krabs:
Help me out here, buddy. [pushes SpongeBob next to Karen]

Hey, there. Dry those computer tears. I'm sure you two will get back together. Plankton just need some time to realize how much he needs you. I mean, you guys were made for each other. Well, you were made more for him and more specifically by him, and now, he's built someone with more modern features who's better in every way. There's no- what was my point again?

[sobs] You men are all alike! [hops off Mr. Krabs' desk and onto her mobile body. She hops out of the box and then rolls out of the office.]

Mr. Krabs:
Wait! Where ya goin’? Smooth, SpongeBob, real smooth.

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 8

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Two

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season one

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 6

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 1

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season one

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 1

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 11

[Patchy reappears]

[realizes that there is no water left] This is the end of Patchy. No water, no food, and still no Encino. And here come the vultures to pick me bones! [Potty flies up] Shiver me timbers! It's Potty! I wonder what parrot tastes like... Come back here! Uh-oh. Here come the hallucinations.

[laughs] Patchy, it's me. SpongeBob SquarePants. [Patchy is excited and laughs weakly] Don't lose hope. Everything will be all right when you get to Encino.

But, Encino is gone.

It's not gone, if you believe.

Believe, believe. [falls asleep. Wakes up and reads the sign] Welcome to Encino! It's back! [hugs the sign] SpongeBob was right! All I had to do was believe! [laughs cheerfully]

♪You got to believe. It was out of sight. You got to believe. I'm back in Encino. You got to believe. Everything's all right. The sky above, and the ground below. Bring me back into Encino. It was lost, some time ago, I'm just glad to be back home. You got to believe. I'm back in Encino. You got to believe. Everything's all right. You got to believe. I'm back in Encino. You got to believe. Everything's all right.♪

[Patchy is shown playing an instrumental by a man and woman at a bench, annoying them and making the latter's baby cry. They walk away as the chorus joins back in]

♪You got to believe. I'm back in Encino. You got to believe. Everything's all right. You got to believe. I'm back in Encino. You got--♪

[drops his ice-cream scoop and we hear strange sounds. Potty squawks, and then pokes Patchy] Ow! Ow! It was all a hallucination. Encino's still... gone! [Patchy groans] Ooh, a sandwich. Potty, you're a lifesaver. [opens a sandwich] Oh! Oh, Potty, you know I don't like mayo! [sees a vulture] Here, you want some? Go on. Uh... take it. I don't like the mayonnaise, you know. Once it gets up above 130, 135, the mayonnaise gets kind of... grody, you know.

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 5

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